Autodesk, Inc.reserves the right to make changes in specification at any time and without notice. The information furnished by
Autodesk, Inc. in this publication is believed to be accurate; however, no responsibility is assumed for its use, nor for any
infringement of patents or other rights of third parties resulting from its use.
Autodesk, NavisWorks, AutoCAD, Revit, Inventor, and 3ds Max are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. All other
brand names, product names or trademarks belong to their respective holders. All rights reserved.
LightWorks, the LightWorks logo, LWA and LWA-Enabled are registered trademarks of LightWork Design Ltd. The LWA-Enabled
logo, Interactive Image Regeneration, IIR, A-Cubed, Feature-Following Anti-Aliasing and FFAA are all trademarks of LightWork
Design Ltd. All other trademarks, images and logos remain the property of their respective owners. Copyright of LightWork Design
Ltd. 1990-2006, 2007.
This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
Contains a modified version of Open CASCADE libraries. See the license file "OpenCascadeLicense.txt" in the NavisWorks
installation directory. Source code is available from
Part 1. Welcome to Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 .............................................................. 1
Chapter1.New Features .....................................................................................................2
Index ..........................................................................................................................................112
Part 1.Welcome to Autodesk
NavisWorks Freedom 2009
Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 is a free 3D viewer for NavisWorks NWD and Autodesk DWF files.
It offers an unrestricted interface for real-time navigation of even the largest 3D models complete with
textures and materials, as well as animation playback, hyperlinks and saved viewpoints.
In this documentation set you can find information on:
•Working with Freedom
Chapter 1.New Features
Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 contains a number of key enhancements for this release.
Interface Enhancements
•.NET GUI Modernization
Up-to-date look and feel including new icons, improved control bar docking and tabbed control bars.
•The Selection Tree Control Bar
Shows the internal structure of the loaded NWD, allowing direct navigation through the tree list to
required elements in the project.
•The Properties Control Bar
Shows all properties of a selected geometry item.
•TimeLiner Playback
Abitlity to play back a TimeLiner sequence.
•Animation Playback
Ability to play back viewpoint and object animation.
•New Editor for Global Options.
A change from complex tabs to a logical tree structure, making finding options much simpler. Also
making global options sharable across multiple PCs through import and export.
•Viewable Comments
Ability to view comments recorded in NWD files.
Display Enhancements
•3D Text Support
The visualization of 3D text brought into other NavisWorks products from AutoCAD and MicroStation,
and exported in the NWD.
•Parametric Support
Any parametric data brought into other NavisWorks products and exported in the NWD will be
displayed in Freedom. This data increases cylinder accuracy, and dramatically reduces the memory
footprint to load and display them.
Operating System Support
New Features
•Microsoft Vista Support
Full support for Microsoft's latest operating system.
•64-bit Support
Support for 64-bit versions of both XP and Vista.
File Formats
•Autodesk DWF support
Freedom is now capable of reading and displaying Autodesk’s DWF Design Review format.
Part 2. Installation
This section provides step-by-step installation instructions for Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009. In
particular, you will learn how to:
•Prepare for installation
•Install and run NavisWorks Freedom
•Troubleshoot your installation
Chapter 2.Quick Start to Stand-Alone
This section provides step-by-step instructions about how to install Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009
on your system.
How to Prepare for Installation
Before you install Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009, you must review the system requirements,
understand administrative permission requirements, and close all running applications. After you
complete these tasks, you can install Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009.
Before you can install Freedom, you need to download the redistributable Freedom installer package to
your computer's drive.
System Requirements
Before you install your product on a stand-alone computer, make sure that your computer meets the
minimum system requirements. See the following table for hardware and software requirements.
512 MB (minimum)
2 GB or greater (recommended)
128 meg, 1024 x 768 VGA, True Color (minimum)
256 meg or greater - 1280 x 1024 32-bit color video
Modem or access to an Internet connection
Network interface card
How to Understand Administrative Permission Requirements
To install Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009, you must have administrator permissions. You do not
need to have domain administrative permissions. See your system administrator for information about
administrative permissions.
To run Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009, you do not need administrator permissions. You can run the
program as a limited user.
How to Install and Run NavisWorks Freedom
This section contains information for installing NavisWorks Freedom on a stand-alone computer. You
must have administrative permissions to install NavisWorks.
To install Freedom:
1.Double-click the downloaded Freedom installer package.
2.Choose the folder in which Freedom will be installed. The default location is displayed in the
Destination Folder field. You can change the location by clicking the Browse button, and selecting
a new location in the Browse for Folder dialog.
3.Click the Install button.
When all necessary files have been extracted, the Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Installation
wizard automatically launches in the language that best matches the settings on your computer.
4.In the Installation wizard, click Install Products.
5.Select the product you want to install and click Next.
6.Review the Autodesk software license agreement for your country or region. You must accept this
agreement to proceed with the installation. Choose your country or region, click I Accept, and then
click Next.
If you do not agree to the terms of the license and want to terminate the installation, click Cancel.
7.On the Product and User Information page, enter the required information and click Next.
The information you enter here is permanent and is displayed in the Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom
2009 window (accessed by Help > About) on your computer. Because you can't change this
information later without uninstalling the product, make sure you enter the correct information now.
Quick Start to Stand-Alone Installation
8.On the Begin Installation page, click Install to begin installation.
9.On the Installation Complete page, select View the Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Readme if
you want to launch the Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Help system.
10. Click Finish.
Running Freedom
Assuming that you've followed the steps in the previous procedure, you can launch NavisWorks and start
taking advantage of its new and updated features.
You can start NavisWorks in the following ways:
•Desktop shortcut icon. When you install NavisWorks Freedom, a Freedom shortcut icon is placed on
your desktop. Double-click the Freedom icon to start Freedom.
•Start menu. On the Start menu, click Programs (Windows XP) or All Programs (Windows Vista)
Autodesk > Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 > Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009.
How to Launch NavisWorks in Another Language
To run NavisWorks in another of the supported languages, you need to add one of the language selector
arguments to the desktop shortcut.
1.Right-click the NavisWorks desktop shortcut, and click Properties on the shortcut menu to open the
NavisWorks Properties dialog box.
2.On the Shortcut tab, enter a space in the Target field after ..\roamer.exe", and then enter one of the
following arguments:
-lang enuEnter this for English localization
-lang deuEnter this for German localization
-lang jpnEnter this for Japanese localization
-lang rusEnter this for Russian localization
-lang chsEnter this for Chinese (PRC) localization
3.Click OK to save the changes.
Reinstall or Repair Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009
If you accidentally delete or alter files that are required by NavisWorks Freedom, Freedom might not
perform correctly, and you might receive error messages when you try to execute a command or find a
Quick Start to Stand-Alone Installation
file. You can attempt to fix this problem by reinstalling or repairing NavisWorks Freedom. The
reinstallation or repair uses the features that were part of the installation type you chose when you initially
installed the program.
To reinstall or repair NavisWorks Freedom:
1.In the Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs.
2.In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, click Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009, and then
click Change/Remove in Windows XP or Uninstall/Change in Vista.
The Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Installation wizard re-opens in Maintenance Mode.
3.Click Repair Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009.
4.On the Select Repair or Reinstall page, click one of the following, and then click Next:
•Repair My Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Installation. This option replaces all registry
entries that NavisWorks initially installed and restores Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 to its
default state.
•Reinstall My Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Installation. This option repairs the registry
and reinstalls all files from the original installation. Use this option if the Repair My Autodesk
NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Installation option does not solve the problem.
5.On the Repair Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 page, click Next to start the process.
6.On the Repair Complete page, you are informed when the repairs have been performed. Click Finish.
Uninstall Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009
When you uninstall Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009, all components are removed. This means that
even if you've previously added or removed components, or if you've reinstalled or repaired Autodesk
NavisWorks Freedom 2009, the uninstall removes all NavisWorks installation files from your system.
To uninstall Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009:
1.In the Control Panel, double-click Add or Remove Programs.
2.In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, click Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009, and then
click Change/Remove in Windows XP or Uninstall/Change in Vista.
The Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 Installation wizard re-opens in Maintenance Mode.
3.Click Uninstall.
4.On the Uninstall Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 page, click Next to remove NavisWorks from
the system.
Quick Start to Stand-Alone Installation
5.When informed that the product has been successfully uninstalled, click Finish.
Chapter 3.Installation Troubleshooting
This section outlines common issues and their solutions that may arise while performing a general
installation of your product.
What are the minimum system requirements?
Before you install your product on a stand-alone computer, make sure that your computer meets the
minimum system requirements.
512 MB (minimum)
2 GB or greater (recommended)
128 meg, 1024 x 768 VGA, True Color (minimum)
256 meg or greater - 1280 x 1024 32-bit color video
How can I check my graphics card driver to see if it needs
to be updated?
It is recommended that you verify and update your graphics card driver to optimize your program. Use the
following procedure to identify your current graphics card driver.
Installation Troubleshooting
To identify your graphics card driver:
1.Start Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009.
2.Click Help > System Info.
The Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 information dialog box opens.
3.Review the information about your system including the graphics card driver and driver version, and
click OK to close the dialog.
Where are my product manuals?
All documentation created for Autodesk products are built in two different formats: PDF and CHM.
CHM files are made available during installation; click the Documentation link in the Installation wizard. To
access CHM files after the product is installed, use the Help system in the product.
PDF files are available after the product is installed; they are located in the \Autodesk NavisWorks
Freedom 2009\Manuals folder.
CHM files are installed to the \Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 folder.
Maintenance Issues
This section outlines common issues and their solutions with regards to adding and removing features,
reinstalling or repairing your installation, and uninstalling products.
Is it possible to change the installation folder when adding or
removing features?
Once your product is installed, you cannot change the installation path from the Add/Remove Features
page. Changing the path while adding features results in program corruption, so it is not an option.
When should I reinstall the product instead of a repair?
You should reinstall your product if you accidentally delete or alter files that are required by the program.
Missing or altered files adversely affect the performance of your product and cause error messages when
you try to execute a command or find a file.
If an attempt to repair an installation fails, reinstalling is the next best option.
Do I need my original disk to reinstall my software?
When performing a reinstall of the product, you do not need to have the original DVD on hand. Installation
data is cached locally on your drive and that data is reused when reinstalling.
When I uninstall my software, what files are left on my system?
Installation Troubleshooting
If you uninstall the product, some files remain on your system such as files you created or edited.
Your license file also stays on your workstation when you uninstall your product. If you reinstall on the
same workstation, the license information remains valid and you do not have to reactivate the product.
Part 3.Working with Freedom
Freedom enables you to explore project models without specialist design software or specialist skills. In
this section, you will learn how to:
•Manage files
•Use Freedom tools
•Use TimeLiner playback tools
Chapter 4.Overview
The basis of Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 is its ability to walk through any size model in real
time. NavisWorks guarantees a user-defined frame rate using a unique algorithm which automatically
calculates which items to render first during navigation, based on the size of items and distance from the
viewpoint. Items which NavisWorks does not have time to render are, therefore, sacrificed or "dropped
out" in the name of interactivity. These items are, of course, rendered when navigation ceases. The
amount of drop-out depends on several factors including: hardware (in particular graphics card and driver
performance), as well as the size of the NavisWorks navigation window and the size of the model. If you
wish to reduce drop-out during navigation, you have the option to reduce frame rate and, therefore, trade
it off against drop-out.
When working with truely large "supermodels" in NavisWorks, you will require a sufficient amount of RAM
to load and review the data. NavisWorks employs JetStream technology which optimizes the usage of the
available RAM. Before running out of memory, NavisWorks will page unnecesary data to the hard disk,
freeing up space for loading to continue. JetStream technology also enables the user to commence
navigating the supermodel, before it has completely loaded into memory.
NavisWorks is large address aware, utilizing any additional memory assignment following the 3GB switch
available on Windows XP systems.
To start NavisWorks, double-click the NavisWorks icon on the desktop, or go to Start > Programs >Autodesk > Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 > Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009. The
following sections will describe the interface in more detail.
NavisWorks contains full context-sensitive Help. Click, and click the toolbar button or menu option
to display the appropriate Help topic. Or, alternatively, go to the Help menu.
Chapter 5.File Management
To manage files, you can use both the File menu and the Standard toolbar.
File Menu
The File menu includes the following items:
•Open URL
•Print Preview
•Print Setup
•Recent Files
New Files
This option resets NavisWorks and closes existing files.
To create a new file:
•On the File menu, click New
•Click Newon the Standard toolbar.
Opening Files
With Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 you can open .nwd (published NavisWorks Data) and .dwf
To open a model file:
•On the File menu, click Open
•Click Openon the Standard toolbar.
The standard Open dialog use of Shift and Control keys allows multiple files to be selected and
appended to the current set of models.
Opening Files via URL
With Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 you can open NavisWorks published .nwd files via the
Internet. Having uploaded your .nwd file to a web server, this file can then be opened directly from within
NavisWorks. Utilizing JetStream technology, it will not be necessary for the entire file to be downloaded
before navigation can commence - between 10% and 50% will be sufficient for this, depending on the file
structure. (The greater the hierarchical structure of the model, the closer to 50% will be required for
navigation to commence. Similarly, the lesser the hierarchical structure of the model, the closer to 10%
will be required).
File Management
To open a file via a URL:
•On the File menu, click Open URL.
You can print a hard copy of the current viewpoint to any printer or plotter.
Printing the Current Viewpoint
When the print option is selected, it prints the current viewpoint scaled to fit and centered on the page.
Printing the current viewpoint:
1.On the File menu, click Print
Click Printon the Standard toolbar.
2.Check the printer settings are as required, and click OK to print the viewpoint or Cancel to return to
NavisWorks without printing anything.
The maximum image size is 2048x2048 pixels.
The Properties button controls printer-specific ink and paper settings.
Previewing Printouts
Before you print out a copy of the model you are working on, you may wish to see how it will appear.
Previewing a model before printing:
1.On the File menu, click Print Preview.
2.Use Zoom In and Zoom Out to do just that with the preview image.
3.Click Print, OK to confirm and print the image, or click Close to return to NavisWorks.
Setting up printouts
File Management
This option enables the setting up of paper size and orientation options.
Changing the print setup:
1.On the File menu, click Print Setup.
The Print Setup dialog box is displayed.
2.Make changes as required to the paper, orientation, and click the Properties button to change
printer-specific settings.
3.Click OK to print the image, or click Cancel to return to NavisWorks.
Quitting NavisWorks
Quitting NavisWorks:
•On the File menu, click Exit
Chapter 6.Converting Files
With Autodesk NavisWorks Freedom 2009 you can open .nwd (published NavisWorks Data) and .dwf
File Readers
NWD Files
.nwd files are files published by NavisWorks Publisher and are snapshots of the model at a certain time.
DWF Files
Autodesk's DWF (Design Web Format) was specifically developed by Autodesk as a file format for
architects, engineers, and GIS professionals to share design data. The NavisWorks file reader reads all
3D geometry, as well as textures and properties. A full list is given below.
Supported Entities
•All 3D geometry
•Texture coordinates
•Colors (per-vertex, per-face)
•Property fields
Unsupported Entities
•2D lines/plot sections
•Marked-up sketches
•More than one 3D section per file (any others are ignored)
•NURBS Surfaces
DWF File Reader Options
Converting Files
Setting the .dwf file reader options:
1.On the Tools menu, click Global Options.
2.Expand the File Readers node in the Options Editor dialog box, and click the DWF option.
The DWF page is displayed.
3.Enter the Faceting Factor (the value must be greater than 0). The higher the value, the more
NavisWorks will facet rounded entities and therefore the smoother they will appear. See Faceting
Factor for more information.
4.Enter the Max Facet Deviation. This will facet entities to within the specified tolerance. See Max
Facet Deviation for more information.
5.Click OK to set these options or Cancel to exit the dialog without setting them.
Chapter 7.Navigating
NavisWorks enables intuitive and interactive navigation around your 3D models at a guaranteed frame
rate. The nine navigation modes give you complete flexibility to navigate around the model in real time. In
addition to these navigation modes, there are selection and measuring tools that further facilitate the
interrogation of model data.
The navigation tools allow you to do things such as focus on objects and change the view parameters.
There are also options to look from predefined views, set the world up vector to a direction different than
the one brought through from the CAD model.
Navigation Modes
There are nine navigation modes to control how you move around the main navigation view - six
camera-centric modes and three model-centric modes. In a camera-centric mode, the camera moves
within the scene, whereas in a model-centric mode, model moves inside the scene. For example, the
Orbit and Examine modes essentially do the same thing, except that Orbit moves the camera around
the focal point and Examine moves the model around the focal point. Movement in each mode is based
on the cursor keys, the Shift and Control keys and mouse drags. The mouse wheel is also supported,
allowing quick and easy zooming or tilting, depending on the current navigation mode.
Dragging with the left mouse button while holding down the Control key performs the same
actions as dragging with the middle mouse button, which is useful if you only have a two-button
The Shift and Control keys modify the movement, for example holding down Shift in Walk mode speeds
up movement, and holding down Control in this mode, glides the camera left/right and up/down.
Gliding the camera is opposite to panning the model. Gliding is a camera-centric motion and
panning is a model-centric motion.
Below is shown the Navigation Mode toolbar and the navigation modes available:
Look Around
Zoom Box
Walk mode enables you to walk through the model on a horizontal plane ensuring that "up" is always
To walk through a model:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Walk
•Click Walkon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Dragging the left mouse button, or using the cursor keys, spins the camera left and right and moves it
forwards and backwards.
Holding down the Shift key speeds up this movement.
Holding down the Control key glides the camera left and right and up and down. As walk mode is
camera-centric, this mode differs from the normal pan mode in that the camera is moved rather than the
Spinning the mouse wheel tilts the camera up and down.
Looking Around
Look around mode enables you to look around the model from the current camera position and gives the
effect that you are moving your head around.
To look around a model:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Look Around
•Click Look Aroundon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Dragging the left mouse button, or using the cursor keys, looks left, right, up or down.
Holding down the Shift key speeds up this movement.
Holding down the Control key rotates the camera around its viewing axis.
Zoom mode enables you to zoom into and out of the model. Cursor up zooms in and cursor down zooms
To zoom:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Zoom
•Click Zoomon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Dragging the left mouse button up and down, or using the up and down cursor keys, zooms in and out
Zooming to a Box
The zoom-to-a-box mode enables you to drag a box so that the contents of the box fill the view.
To use the zoom box:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Zoom Box
•Click the Zoom Boxon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Dragging a box with the left mouse button over the main navigation view fills the view with the contents of
the box.
Holding down the Shift or Control keys, or spinning the mouse wheel, temporarily puts this mode into
normal Zoom mode.
The pan mode enables you to pan the model rather than the camera.
To pan a model:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Pan
•Click Panon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Dragging the left mouse button pans the model up, down, left and right.
Holding down the Shift or Control keys, or spinning the mouse wheel, temporarily puts this mode into
normal Zoom mode.
The orbit mode enables you to orbit the camera around the model, ensuring that "up" is always "up". The
camera always orbits around the focal point of the model.
To orbit a model:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Orbit
•Click Orbiton the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Dragging the left mouse button, or using the cursor keys, rotates the camera around the model.
Holding down the Shift key or spinning the mouse wheel, temporarily puts this mode into normal Zoom
Holding down the Control key glides the camera left and right and up and down. As orbit mode is
camera-centric, this mode differs from the normal pan mode in that the camera is moved rather than the
The examine mode enables you to rotate the model about.
To examine a model:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Examine
•Click Examineon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Dragging the left mouse button, or using the cursor keys, rotates the model about.
Holding down the Shift key or spinning the mouse wheel, temporarily puts this mode into normal Zoom
Holding down the Control key, temporarily puts this mode into normal Pan mode.
If the mouse is moving when you let go of the button, the model keeps spinning! Click on it to stop.
Holding the Shift key allows you to zoom in and out.
The fly mode enables you to fly around the model like in a flight simulator.
To fly through a model:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Fly
•Click Flyon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
Holding down the left mouse button moves the camera forward. As in a flight simulator, the left mouse
button banks left/right when dragged left or right and tilts up/down when dragged up or down.
The up and down cursor keys will zoom in and out respectively and the left and right cursor keys will spin
the camera left and right respectively.
Holding down the Shift key speeds up this movement.
Holding down the Control key rotates the camera around its viewing axis, while still moving forward.
Spinning on a Turntable
The turntable mode enables you to spin the model around the up vector. This navigation mode behaves
as though the model is sitting on a turntable, ensuring that "up" is always "up".
To use the turntable:
•On the Viewpoint menu, click Navigation Mode > Turntable
•Click Turntableon the Navigation Mode toolbar.
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