Autodesk AUTOCAD LT 2010 Brochure

Built for drafting.
Take Full Command
AutoCAD LT® 2D drafting and detailing software is the professional choice because it boosts your productivity.
A comprehensive set of tools allows you to accurately and eciently create, document, and
share your drawings. Using the genuine DWG™ file
format ensures stability and compatibility when you communicate with clients and colleagues. And you can optimize the software for the way you work
with menu and user interface options. Packed with
powerful features, AutoCAD LT is built for drafting.
Use a complete set of 2D drafting and detailing
tools to accurately and eciently create precise
technical drawings.
Create and Annotate
Create simple or complex drawings from standard
shapes such as lines, arcs, and circles. Modify
existing geometry with commands like stretch, copy,
rotate, and scale. Add annotations such as text,
dimensions, and tables to your drawings to help
convey your ideas.
Create in the genuine DWG file format to share your work seamlessly with anyone in the world.
Attach Image Files and DWF & PDF Underlays
Publish to DWF or PDF Format
Electronically publish and distribute drawing sets in a single DWF or PDF file for fast, secure collaboration with team members.
Excel® spreadsheets,
Make AutoCAD LT work the way you work with a selection of menu and user interface options.
Organize Content
Organize content within your drawing and your digital library. Separate objects onto layers to control screen displays and plotted outputs. Save time and standardize drawings by using blocks. Add dynamic properties to blocks to accommodate multiple sizes or views in a single block. Use Tool Palettes to quickly access frequently used content, such as blocks, hatches, and commands.
On-Screen Shortcuts
Quickly find your way around the screen with tools to locate commands, view all open drawings, and navigate between dierent areas in an open drawing. Optimize your work environment by tailoring the location and appearance of commands to meet your needs and company standards.
Learn More or Purchase
To learn more about AutoCAD LT Locate a reseller at
Autodesk Learning and Education
From instructor-led or self-paced classes to online
training or education resources, Autodesk oers
learning solutions to fit your needs. Learn more at
software, visit
Autodesk Services and Support
Accelerate return on investment and optimize productivity with innovative purchase methods, companion products, consulting services, and support from Autodesk and Autodesk authorized partners. Learn more at servicesandsupport.
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Autodesk , AutoCAD, AutoC AD LT, DWF, and D WG are registered trade marks or trademar ks of Autodesk, Inc ., and/or its subsidiar ies and/or aliates in the USA and /or oth er countries. All other brand name s, product names, or trademarks belo ng to their respective holders . Autodesk reserv es the right to alter pr oduct oerings an d specifications at any tim e without notice, and is n ot responsible for typ ographical or grap hical errors that may appear in this d ocument. © 200 9 Autodesk, Inc . All rights reserve d. BR0A1-0 0000 0-MZ71
Autodesk Subscription
Get any upgrades of AutoCAD LT released during your Subscription term. Receive web support direct from Autodesk technical experts, exclusive license terms, self-paced training, and e-Learning to help extend your skills and make Autodesk Subscription the best way to optimize your investment. Learn more at