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AutoCAD® Electrical software provides tools that extend
the capabilities of AutoCAD
build and manage an electrical controls drawing set.
This manual provides conceptual information to help
get you started and exercises that introduce you to the
capabilities of AutoCAD Electrical.
allowing you to quickly
■ About AutoCAD Electrical
■ Learning AutoCAD Electrical
■ Using Help
■ Selecting a Project
About AutoCAD Electrical
All of the AutoCAD commands and features are available while working on
AutoCAD Electrical drawings. All intelligence is carried directly on the
drawing using AutoCAD blocks with attributes and XDATA. AutoCAD
Electrical does not require any underlying database.
Learning AutoCAD Electrical
It is assumed that you have a working knowledge of the AutoCAD interface
and tools. If you do not, use the integrated Design Support System (DSS) to
access the online documentation.
It is also recommended that you have a working knowledge of Microsoft®
Windows NT® 4.0, Windows 2000, or Windows XP, and a working
knowledge of electrical design and schematic ladder wiring diagrams.
Using Help
As you work, you may need additional information on the task you are
performing. The AutoCAD Electrical Help system provides detailed concepts,
procedures, and reference information about every product feature. To access
the Help system:
■ Select Help ➤ Electrical Help Topics from the standard toolbar.
■ Click the Help button or press F1 within a dialog box.
2 | Introduction
Selecting Projects
For your convenience, you can select a project file for the exercises in this
NOTE You must install the JIC drawing standards for these exercises to
function properly.
To select an AutoCAD Electrical project
1 Click the Project New/Existingtool.
MenuProjects ➤ Project ➤ Project New/Existing
2 In the Project dialog box, click the Pick Project button.
3 In the Recent Projects dialog box, click the Other Projects button.
4 In the Select Project file, select AEGS.wdp from the AeData/Proj/Aegs directory,
and then click Open.
Add Existing Drawings
Add existing drawings to the active project.
Selecting Projects | 3
To add drawings to the project file
1 In the Project aegs dialog box, click the Add button.
2 In the ADD drawing(s) dialog box, click Multiple to add multiple drawings to
the current project.
3 In the Browse for Folder dialog box, choose the Aegs folder, and then click
4 In the ADD Drawings(s) to Current Project dialog box, select drawings
DEMO01.dwg to DEMO09.dwg, and then click OK.
The Project aegs dialog box is displayed with the files listed in the Project
Drawing List section.
5 Click OK Project in the Project aegs dialog box.
6 In the No Project Database File Found dialog box, click OK.
You now have convenient access to the needed files when you start using the
exercises in this book.
View drawings using the Project aegs dialog box.
4 | Introduction
To quickly view drawings in a project
1 Click the Project New/Existingtool.
MenuProjects ➤ Project ➤ Project New/Existing
2 Highlight demo04.dwg.
3 In the Project aegs dialog box, Project Drawing List section, click the View
4 In the Project aegs dialog box, continue to click the drawing name you want
to preview.
5 When you have finished viewing the drawings, click the Close button in the
Drawing Preview dialog box.
After you open a drawing, you can still quickly view drawings using the Next
and Previous Project Drawing tool.
To view project drawings once a drawing is open
1 In the Project aegs dialog box, double-click demo04.dwg to open.
2 Use the navigation tools Previous Project Drawing and Next Project Drawing
to view the drawings.
This is the end of this tutorial chapter.
Selecting Projects | 5
In This Chapter
AutoCAD® Electrical treats AutoCAD line entities as
wires when the lines are placed on an AutoCAD
Electrical defined wire layer. These lines get tagged with
wire numbers and show up in various wire connection
reports. Two wire segments connect if the end of one
wire segment touches or falls with a small trap distance
of any part of the other wire segment. This connection
can be at the end of the other wire or anywhere along
the length of the other wire. AutoCAD Electrical
considers a wire connected to a component if the wire
end falls within a trap distance from the wire
connection-point attribute of a component.
■ About wires
■ Inserting wires
■ Trimming wires
About Wires
An AutoCAD Electrical wire is an AutoCAD line entity on an AutoCAD
Electrical wire layer. The wire layer for a new wire segment is determined by:
■ Wires that begin or end in space or begin and end at a component
connection point, are put on the current layer (if it's a wire layer) or on
the first wire layer AutoCAD Electrical finds in a layer name search.
■ Wires that begin at an existing wire take on the same layer as the
beginning wire.
■ Wires that begin in space or at a component and end at an existing wire
take on the layer of the ending wire.
Inserting Wires
You can start or end a wire segment in empty space, from an existing wire
segment, or from an existing component. If you start from a component, the
wire segment snaps to the wire connection terminal closest to your pick
point on that symbol. If the wire segment ends at another wire segment, a
DOT (block name wddot.dwg) is applied if appropriate. If it ends at another
component, the segment connects to the wire connection terminal closest to
your pick point on that symbol.
To insert single phase wiring
1 Click the Project tool to open the aegs project.
MenuProjects ➤ Project ➤ Project New/Existing
2 In the Project dialog box, Project Drawing List section, double-click
demo04.dwg to open the drawing.
3 Zoom in on the upper left corner of the drawing.
4 Click the Add Rung tool.
MenuWires ➤ Add Rung
8 | Chapter 1 Wires
5 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Add rung passing through this location:
Select a location between the two vertical bus wires beside line reference 403 (1)
Add rung passing through this location: Select a location between the two vertical
bus wires beside line reference 404, underneath the newly created rung (2)
Two horizontal wires are created.
Next, create two vertical wires between the two horizontal wires.
6 Click the Insert Wire tool.
MenuWires ➤ Insert Wire
7 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Select component or branch for WIRE (S=show connections):
Select the top wire at line reference 403(1)
Select component or branch for WIRE (S=show connections): to: (V=start
Vertical;H=start Horizontal): Select the lower wire at line reference 404 (2)
8 Insert another wire to the right of the new wire.
The inserted wires resemble the following:
Inserting Wires | 9
Trimming Wires
After you insert wires, you may need to trim them. The Trim Wire tool
removes wire segments. You can trim single or multiple wires.
To trim a wire
1 Click the Trim Wire tool.
MenuWires ➤ Trim Wire
2 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Fence/Zext/<Select wire to TRIM>:
Specify the wire segment at line reference 404 between the two vertical wires (1)
Wire segments are trimmed back to a connecting dot, a component, or
completely if neither is encountered along the segment. Any connection
dots that are no longer needed are removed.
The trimmed wire resembles the following image:
This is the end of this tutorial chapter.
10 | Chapter 1 Wires
In This Chapter
An AutoCAD® Electrical schematic component is an
AutoCAD block with certain expected attributes. When
inserting components, you can use AutoCAD Electrical
tools to automatically break wires, assign unique
component tags, cross reference related components,
and enter values for catalog information, component
descriptions, and location codes.
■ About schematic components
■ Inserting parent components
■ Inserting child components
■ Generating component reports
About Schematic Symbols
AutoCAD Electrical supplies a schematic symbol dialog box for inserting
schematic components. Besides making it easy to find and insert the desired
symbol, it also triggers a number of additional features such as automatic
wire breaks, component tagging, real-time cross-referencing, and component
Inserting Components
AutoCAD Electrical employs a parent/child relationship for schematic
components. A relay coil with a certain number of contacts is represented by
the parent coil symbol and the child contact symbols. When the parent coil
symbol is inserted, it is assigned a unique component tag. When the child
contact symbols are inserted, the child is related to the parent and the parent
tag is assigned to the child symbol.
Use the Insert Component dialog box to insert components into demo04.dwg.
Inserting Parent Components
Start by inserting the parent component.
To insert a parent component
1 Click the Insert Componenttool.
MenuComponents ➤ Insert Component
2 In the Insert Component: JIC Schematic Symbols dialog box, click the Relays
and Contacts button.
3 In the JIC: Relays and Contacts dialog box, click the Relay Coil.
4 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Specify insertion point: Position the component on the wire at line reference 403
near the neutral wire and click (1)
12 | Chapter 2 Schematic Components
5 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, verify the Component Tag is set to
CR403, and then click the Lookup button in the Catalog Data section of the
dialog box.
6 In the Parts catalog list dialog box, select:
Catalog Number: 700-P200A1
7 Click the Catalog Check button to display the BOM information associated
with the selected part number.
8 In the Bill Of Materials Check dialog box, click the Close button.
9 In the Parts catalog dialog box, click OK.
10 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, Description section, specify:
Line 2: RELAY
11 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, Location code section, click the
Drawing button.
Inserting Components | 13
12 In the All Locations - Drawing dialog box, select MCAB5, and then click OK.
13 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, Pins section, notice that the
following pin values have been inserted based on the selected part:
Pins: 1: K1
2: K2
Click OK.
Any values entered here are saved as attribute values on the symbol itself.
14 | Chapter 2 Schematic Components
Scooting Components
You may need to scoot the component if it was not inserted in the correct
To scoot a component
1 Click the Scoot tool.
MenuComponents ➤ Scoot
2 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Select component, wire, or wire number for SCOOT:
Select the component that was just inserted at line reference 403
The cursor changes to a box and you are prompted to:
Select component, wire, or wire number for SCOOT: to:
Move the cursor to the right and click
The component is now in its new location.
You can use the Scoot tool to grab a component or a wire number and slide
it back and forth along a wire. You can grab a wire or a whole rung of circuitry
and scoot it to a new position, while keeping everything connected.
Inserting Child Components
The steps to insert a parent component and a child component are the same.
The difference between them is when you annotate the symbol.
Inserting Components | 15
To insert a child component
1 Click the Insert Componenttool.
MenuComponents ➤ Insert Component
2 In the Insert Component: JIC Schematic Symbols dialog box, click the Relays
and Contacts button.
3 In the JIC: Relays and Contacts dialog box, click the Relay N.O. Contact
4 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Specify insertion point:
Position the cursor on the wire at line reference 404 near the hot wire and click (2)
5 In the Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box, Component Tag section,
click the Drawing button.
6 In the Current Drawing list for FAMILY=”CR” dialog box, select:
Click OK.
16 | Chapter 2 Schematic Components
7 In the Insert/Edit Child Component dialog box, verify that the following
options are specified:
Component Tag: Tag: CR403
Description: Line 1: MASTER CONTROL
Line 2: RELAY
Cross-ref: 403
Location code: MCAB5
Pins: Pin 1: A1X
Pin 2: A1Y
Click OK.
The child component is inserted:
If necessary, use Edit Component to modify changes.
Inserting Components |17
Aligning Components
Align the normally open relay with an existing component. After inserting a
component, you can align or edit it as necessary.
To align a component.
1 Click the drop-down arrow on the Scoot tool to access the Align Components
MenuComponents ➤ Align
2 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Pick component to align with (Horizontal/<Vertical>): Select the normally open limit switch component near the hot wire at line reference 406 (1)
A dashed line appears.
Select objects: Select the previously inserted child contact component near the hot
wire at line reference 404 (2)
3 Right-click the selection.
The aligned component is placed.
Continue inserting your components.
Inserting Push Buttons
Insert a button for emergency stops.
18 | Chapter 2 Schematic Components
To insert a push button
1 Click the Insert Componenttool.
MenuComponents ➤ Insert Component
2 In the Insert Component: JIC Schematic Symbols dialog box, click the Push
Buttons button.
3 In the JIC: Push Buttons dialog box, click the Mushroom Head N.C. push
4 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Specify insertion point: Position the push button on the wire at line reference 403
near the hot wire and click (3)
5 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, verify the following value:
Component Tag: PB403
In the Description section, specify:
In the Location code section, click the Drawing button.
6 In the All Locations - Drawing dialog box, select OPSTA3, and then click OK.
7 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.
Inserting Components | 19
Inserting Pilot Lights
Use the JIC: Pilot Lights dialog box to insert a pilot light.
To insert a pilot light
1 Click the Insert Componenttool.
MenuComponents ➤ Insert Component
2 In the Insert Component: JIC Schematic Symbols dialog box, click the Pilot
Lights button.
3 In the JIC: Pilot Lights dialog box, click the Green Press to Test Button.
4 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Specify insertion point: Position the push button on the wire at line reference 404
near the neutral wire and click (4)
5 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, verify the following value:
Component Tag: LT404
In the Description section, specify:
Line 2: ON
In the Location code section, click the Drawing button.
20 | Chapter 2 Schematic Components
6 In the All Locations - Drawing dialog box, select OPSTA3, and then click OK.
7 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.
Inserting System Reset Buttons
The last component you insert is the system reset button.
To insert a system reset button
1 Click the Insert Componenttool.
MenuComponents ➤ Insert Component
2 In the Insert Component: JIC Schematic Symbols dialog box, click the Push
Buttons button.
3 In the JIC: Push Buttons dialog box, click the Push Button N.O.
4 Respond to the prompts as follows:
Specify insertion point:
Position the push button on the middle of the wire at line reference 403 (5)
Inserting Components | 21
5 In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, specify the following value:
Component Tag: PB403A
In the Description section, specify:
Line 1: SYSTEM
Line 2: RESET
In the Location code section, click the Drawing button.
6 In the All Locations - Drawing dialog box, select OPSTA3, and then click OK.
7 Click OK on the Insert/Edit Component dialog box.
Your finished schematic should resemble the following:
22 | Chapter 2 Schematic Components
Generating Component Reports
AutoCAD Electrical can perform a project-wide extract of all components
found on your wiring diagram set, including component tags, location
codes, location references, description text, catalog information, and block
names. This data can be formatted into various report configurations that
can be output to a report file, exported to a spreadsheet or database program,
or inserted on to an AutoCAD drawing.
To generate a schematic component report
1 Click the Schematic Reports tool.
MenuProjects ➤ Reports ➤ Schematic Reports
2 In the Schematic Reports dialog box, select:
Report Name: Component
Component: Current drawing
Verify that the following options have been specified:
Options: Include Components, Include Cable Markers, Include Connectors
Installation Codes to extract: All
Location Codes to extract: All
Click OK.
Generating Component Reports | 23
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