Autocue WinCueLT User Manual

WinCue LT
User Guide
06902 USA
(203) 406-1400
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WinCue System Version- WinCue LT
06902 USA
(203) 406-1400
User Guide WinCueLT Content ii
This user-guide was written and last updated by
About this guide
Helen Masson of Autocue Ltd.
QTV version:
WinCue LT is an easy to use, fully featured, multi-lingual prompting application utilizing unique software scroll technology. QTV's WinCue LT prompting software is Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT compatible and comes complete with a scroll control hand set. The only other hardware requirement is a VGA to composite video converter. WinCue LT uses custom routines to provide an extremely smooth software scroll, with no external hardware required.
This guide has been produced to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of WinCue LT, what it can do and how to do it.
This guide is for all users of WinCue LT. From WinCue LT novices to experts, this guide should be useful to all, providing a quick reference for experts and step-by­step help for novices. The only pre-requisite to using this guide is that you should be familiar with the Microsoft Windows environment.
Structure of the guide
Below you will find a general overview of what each chapter of this guide contains. Use the overviews to quickly find out which chapter to read to find out about a particular aspect of WinCue LT.
Chapter 1
WinCue LT Installation
Chapter 2
WinCue LT Configuration
Chapter 3
Getting Started
Chapter 4
The Script Editor
Chapter 5 This chapter explains everything you
This chapter explains what you need before and how to install WinCue LT.
This chapter explains how to configure Windows and WinCue LT for first time usage.
This chapter explains how to get started in WinCue LT.
This chapter explains everything you need to know about the Script Editor.
User Guide WinCueLT Content iii
Working with Runorders
Chapter 6
Prompting Mode
Appendix A
Toolbar buttons and shortcuts
Appendix B
Scroll Controls
Appendix C
Technical Support
need to know about WinCue LT Runorders
This chapter explains how to prompt a Rundown or an individual script and how to use the scroll controls for WinCue LT
This appendix contains helpful shortcuts to help you use WinCue LT quickly and easily This appendix contains additional information on the WinCue LT scroll controls
This appendix contains the contact details of the Autocue Ltd Technical Support department
User Guide WinCueLT Content iv
About this guide ......................................................................................... iii
Audience.................................................................................................... iii
Structure of the guide ................................................................................ iii
Contents v
WinCue LT Installation 1
1 WinCue LT Installation...................................................................2
WinCue LT Configuration 5
2 WinCue LT Configuration................................................................6
1.1 Hardware requirements....................................................................2
1.2 Pre-Installation.................................................................................. 2
1.3 Installation ........................................................................................2
1.4 Installing the Lexicon files ................................................................3
1.5 Un-Installing WinCue LT ..................................................................4
2.1 Configuring WinCue LT for Windows ............................................... 6
2.2 Running WinCue LT ......................................................................... 6
2.3 Starting WinCue LT for the first time ................................................ 7
2.4 Configuring the Scroll Control ..........................................................8
2.5 Configuring the Prompt Engine ...................................................... 10
2.6 Multilingual Support........................................................................11
2.6.1 Adding additional keyboards in Windows............................................. 12
2.7 Setting the Spell check Languages................................................13
2.8 Single Column Editor Preferences ................................................. 14
2.9 Startup Settings..............................................................................15
2.10 Single Column Defaults................................................................16
2.11 Filter Options ................................................................................ 17
2.11.1 Plain Text Files/ Plain Text Paste ...................................................... 18
2.11.2 Rich Text Files/Rich Text Paste ......................................................... 18
2.11.3 Rich Text Files Export........................................................................19
2.11.4 Microsoft Word Files ....................................................................... 19
Getting Started 20
3 Getting Started..............................................................................21
3.1 Creating a new Runorder ............................................................... 21
3.2 Adding Scripts to the Runorder ...................................................... 22
The Script Editor 24
4 The Script Editor ...........................................................................25
User Guide WinCueLT Content v
4.1 Opening Scripts..............................................................................25
4.2 The Script Editor Header................................................................26
4.2.1 Change Layout..................................................................................... 26
4.3 Adding Text ....................................................................................27
4.4 Importing files ................................................................................. 27
4.5 Inserting Presenters .......................................................................28
4.6 Inserting Markers............................................................................ 30
4.7 Inserting Block Markers..................................................................31
4.8 Formatting Text ..............................................................................31
4.8.1 Formatting All Text...............................................................................32
4.8.2 Not Captioned ...................................................................................... 33
4.8.3 Not Prompted.......................................................................................34
4.9 Spell Checking................................................................................ 35
4.10 Saving Scripts............................................................................... 36
4.10 Printing Scripts .............................................................................36
4.11 Closing Scripts.............................................................................. 37
Working with Runorders 39
5 Working with Runorders................................................................40
5.1 WinCue LT Runorder .....................................................................40
5.2 Adding Break Scripts......................................................................41
5.3 Toggle Hold State........................................................................... 42
5.4 Deleting Items................................................................................. 43
5.5 Moving Items in the Runorder ........................................................ 44
5.6 Renumbering Items ........................................................................ 44
5.7 Importing Scripts............................................................................. 45
5.8 Exporting Scripts ............................................................................46
5.9 Saving Runorders to files ............................................................... 49
5.10 Copying prompt files to floppy disk............................................... 50
5.11 Printing Scripts .............................................................................50
5.12 Printing the Runorder ................................................................... 51
5.13 Opening a saved Runorder file..................................................... 52
5.14 Adding a Presenter to the Presenter table ................................... 53
5.15 Switching between the Script and the Runorder..........................55
Prompting Mode 57
6 Prompting Mode............................................................................58
6.1 To begin Prompting ........................................................................ 58
6.2 Scrolling the text.............................................................................59
6.2.1 Using the Two-button Serial Controller ................................................59
6.2.2 Using the Mouse .................................................................................. 59
6.2.3 Using the Keyboard ............................................................................. 59
6.3 Moving the Cue Marker .................................................................. 59
Additional Settings 61
Toolbar buttons and shortcuts 63
Appendix A- Toolbar buttons and shortcuts..............................................64
A1 General ...........................................................................................64
A2 Runorder ......................................................................................... 64
A3 Script Editor..................................................................................... 64
A4 Prompt Mode................................................................................... 66
Scroll Controls 67
Appendix B - Scroll Controls.....................................................................68
User Guide WinCueLT Content vi
B1 Keyboard Scroll............................................................................... 68
B1.1 Speed Control....................................................................................... 68
B1.2 Function Keys.......................................................................................68
B2 Mouse Scroll ...................................................................................69
B3 Two-button Serial Controller ........................................................... 69
B3.1 Stop Scrolling ....................................................................................... 69
B3.2 Button Actions ...................................................................................... 69
B4 Serial Multibutton, Hybrid Multibutton, Two-button IMT Controller . 70
B5 Scroll Control Wiring ...................................................................... 70
B5.1 9 way d Serial port connections............................................................70
B5.2 IMT Hand control .................................................................................. 70
WinCue LT Quick Start-Up Guide 71
Starting WinCue LT ..................................................................................72
WinCue LT Script Editor ...........................................................................72
WinCue LT Runorder................................................................................72
Prompting with WinCue LT .......................................................................73
Technical Support 74
Technical Support.....................................................................................75
User Guide WinCueLT Content vii
WinCue LT Installation
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Installation 1
1 WinCue LT Installation
1.1 Hardware requirements
WinCue LT runs on Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT Workstation.
The recommended minimum specification is a True Pentium 233MHz chip
with 64MB RAM; the more memory the machine has the better the scroll output will be.
A built-in video converter with dual-scanning video card is required in order for
the text to be prompted on screen and on the VGA output monitor.
A Dongle and a Serial hand scroll control, both supplied by QTV, are
needed to run WinCue LT.
1.2 Pre-Installation
The optimum screen resolution for running WinCue LT is 800 x 600 dpi and 256 colors. If you do not use this screen resolution you may experience a jerky scroll output. You must have the DONGLE plugged into the parallel port before you
start the installation.
1.3 Installation
The software is supplied on CD-ROM. To install WinCue LT use the following steps:
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive
2. Click Start and select Run
3. Type d:install.exe, click OK and the install program will begin
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Installation 2
4. An Install/Uninstall box will appear click on the Install WinCue LT button
5. A license agreement will appear, read through it, click in the checkbox to accept it and click on Install
6. You will be notified when Installation is complete
1.4 Installing the Lexicon files
By default the British and American language dictionaries are installed, if you required other language dictionaries then you will have been provided with the relevant files on the WinCue LT Installation CD-ROM in the \Lexicography directory.
Copy all the files in this directory on the CD-ROM to the following directory on the computer: C:\WinCue\Lexicography
If you require additional Language support please contact QTV, and we will send you the relevant files. See Appendix C for QTV contact details.
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Installation 3
1.5 Un-Installing WinCue LT
To un-install WinCue LT use the following steps, also if you are upgrading WinCue LT you will have to un-install your current version of WinCue LT before upgrading.
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Insert the CD-ROM into the CD drive
2. Click Start and select Run
3. Type d:install.exe, click on OK and the install program will begin
4. An Install/Uninstall box will appear click on the Un-Install WinCue LT button and WinCue LT
5. When the un-install is complete an Uninstall completed message will be displayed
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Installation 4
WinCue LT Configuration
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 5
2 WinCue LT Configuration
2.1 Configuring WinCue LT for Windows
Once installed you need to configure WinCue LT for Windows.
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Right click on the taskbar and select Properties
2. Make sure Autohide is ticked and make sure Always on Top is not ticked
2.2 Running WinCue LT
What you do Comments/Prompts
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 6
Click on Start, select Programs and then select WinCue LT
Simply double-click on the icon to start WinCue LT
2.3 Starting WinCue LT for the first time
On startup the Script Editor will automatically open, see section 2.7 to change this setting, you can start typing your Script straight away.
You can learn more about creating stories in Chapter 4 The Script Editor.
If you now press the Tab key whilst in the Script Editor a scroll control calibration screen will appear. You must run the calibration if you want to prompt your text.
You can learn more about the Hardware Setup in section 2.4
You can then press Escape to get to the Runorder Window.
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 7
WinCue LT will also make a default Script item (Script1) in the Runorder
You can learn more about Runorders in Chapter 5 Working with Runorders
2.4 Configuring the Scroll Control
Note: To find out more about
configuring each individual scroll control go to Appendix B
There are 6 options for the type of scroll control you can use in WinCue; the ones most relevant to WinCue LT are listed below:
Two-button Serial Controller
To configure WinCue LT so that it is able to use one of these scroll controls use the following steps:
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Click on the Tools menu and select Options
2. A Systems Options dialog box will appear, click on Scroll Controls
3. An option to add Scroll Controls will appear opposite the System Options menu, click on the Add button
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 8
4. A New Device dialog box will appear for you to specify what kind of Scroll Control you want to add. In the Name: box enter what you want to call the Scroll Control, in the Type box click on the arrow and select the type of Scroll Control you want to add from the scroll box, click OK
5. A Configure controller dialog box will then appear with options for setting the Scroll Control, use the arrow buttons to choose the settings for the Scroll Control, click OK
6. The Scroll Control will then appear in the Configured controllers box and you will be able to use the Scroll Control in WinCue LT
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 9
2.5 Configuring the Prompt Engine
You can configure the position, width and height of the cue marker.
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Click on the Tools menu and select Options
2. Click on the Prompt Engine option and select Settings
From the settings displayed, select the required position and specify the number of pixels you want the cue marker to be offset from the top of the screen and its width and height.
Click OK when you are happy with the settings.
3. Calibrations
This is where the performance of your scroll control is set. The first 2 tabs refer to your scroll control mode. The 3rd tab is for the optional foot control.
You should not have to modify these settings.
4. The Calibrations tab contains the information about your screen resolution.
If you have any problems with your prompted text you can remove this file, then when you go into prompt mode WinCue LT will perform a recalibration.
Note we recommend a resolution of 640x480 256 colors.
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 10
2.6 Multilingual Support
This menu is used to setup alternative languages, fonts and keyboard layouts to English
Note: WinCue LT is not supplied with any fonts, the fonts that it uses are the ones installed with Windows or other third party software.
1. Click on the Tools menu and select Options
2. Click on the Multilingual Support option and the settings for this option will appear opposite.
3. Click on the font button to see the list of installed fonts and choose an appropriate font for the language.
If you want to use WinCue LT in Arabic, Hebrew, etc you will have to click on the Enable Bi­directionality box to change the text justification.
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 11
4. Click on the Keyboards tab to change the keyboard layout used by WinCue LT.
The list of keyboards that you can see are all of the internal layouts that are supported by WinCue LT
If you want to use a keyboard layout that is not listed in WinCue LT then you will have to install it from your Microsoft Windows CD (see section 2.6.1).
2.6.1 Adding additional keyboards in Windows
Make sure you have your Windows CD ready before you begin to add an additional keyboard layout.
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 12
1. In Windows, click on the Start button, then select Settings and then Control Panel.
2. From the Control Panel choose Keyboard and a Keyboard properties box will appear.
3. Depending on which operating system you are using click on:
NT4 – Input Locales WIN95/98 – Language
Then click on Add and select the additional languages that you want to install.
4. You will need your Windows CD to complete this task.
2.7 Setting the Spell check Languages
To set the spell check to your language use the following steps:
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Click on the Tools menu, select Options and a System Options dialog box
2. Click on Lexicography Settings, this will open the Default Languages dialog box. Choose, from the spell check languages displayed, the languages you installed the Lexicon files for (see section 1.4 for information on installing Lexicon files). Click OK to save the changes
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 13
If you require additional language support please contact QTV and we will send you the files direct. See Appendix C for QTV contact details.
3. Click on the User Autocorrect Dictionary Tab.
If you want to replace a particular word with another one then you can add your new words here.
When you click on Spell Check in the Editor your replacement word will be one of the options.
4. Click on the User Dictionary Tab.
Here you can add more words to the User Dictionary. Any words you add here will appear in the Spell Checker.
2.8 Single Column Editor Preferences
It is also possible to configure the options for the Script Editor.
What you do Comments/Prompts
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 14
1. Click on Tools and then select Options
2. A System Option box will appear, click on Single Column Editor Prefs and the configurable options for the Script Editor will appear.
a. Typing Deletes Selection
If this is ticked – Any text that you have selected will be deleted when you start typing.
b. Typing in View Mode
If this is ticked – WinCue LT will prompt you to save any changes you have made before you can move onto the next story.
c. Cursor Up/Down
If this is ticked – WinCue LT will allow you to move onto the next item in the Runorder by pressing the Up/Down Arrow Keys.
2.9 Startup Settings
When you first open WinCue LT you will see the Script Editor and the Running order will be hidden behind it. To change the settings for what is shown on Startup use the following steps:
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Click on the Tools menu, select Options and a System Options dialog box will appear
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 15
2. Click on the Startup options and the options for Startup will appear
3. Choose the options you want from the Automatic on startup box and then click on their tick boxes, click OK to save the changes
a. Open New Runorder – This option will create a blank Runorder each
time you start-up WinCue LT
b. Create Script – This will create a new script in the new Runorder. You
can also specify how many scripts that are created when WinCue LT starts up. Note: This option is only available if the Open New Runorder has been selected.
c. Open First Script for Editing – The first Script in the Runorder will be
opened automatically ready for you to type in your text. Note: This option is only available if the Create Script option has been selected.
d. WinCue Documents Path – This is where all the WinCue files (*.wsr) will
be saved. You may specify a different location if you wish.
e. Fixed Print Font Scale Factor – This sets the size of your printed
2.10 Single Column Defaults
This menu is used to set the Font type used in your scripts, the set-up for your prompt out-put Banners and to set-up and configure Presenter settings.
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Click on the Tools menu, select Options and a System Options dialog box will appear.
2. Double-click on File Based Queues and select Single Column Defaults.
3. An option allowing you to set the font type and size used by default for all your typed scripts.
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 16
4. If you click on the Banner tab at the top of the dialog box the available options will change and you will be able to customize the prompt banner.
Padding – Increasing this value will make your banner wider.
Trailing Gap – Increasing this value will put a larger gap between the banner and the first line text.
Fields to Display – Changes the order of the Item Title and the Item Number.
See section …. For information on the Presenter Table and Presenter tabs.
2.11 Filter Options
Later on in this manual you will find out how to import Microsoft Word files and other text files into WinCue LT, this section ,however, will explain to you how to configure the settings used when importing files.
What you do Comments/Prompts
1. Click on the Tools menu, select Options and a System Options dialog box will appear.
2. Double-click on File Options and a list of file types will appear beneath it.
User Guide WinCueLT WinCue LT Configuration 17
2.11.1 Plain Text Files/ Plain Text Paste
These two options both have the following settings available.
Translate Carriage Returns to Spaces: If this setting is selected carriage
returns will be converted into spaces. Without this setting being selected WinCue will convert the single returns into double returns, so it’s a good idea to select this setting.
Combine Multiple Spaces into Singles: If this setting is selected large
spaces within the imported text will be reduced to a single space.
Strip leading Spaces from Lines: If this setting is selected spaces at the
start of lines will be removed.
Dot Space Converts to Carriage Return: If this setting is selected then
any spaces after a dot will be converted into a new line.
Convert String to Marker: By entering a word or character in the box below
this setting, any occurrences of this word or character within the imported text will be converted into a Marker (see section 4.6 for further information
on Markers)
Automatically use these settings: If this setting is selected then whenever
you import one of these file types it will use the settings that have been selected without giving you the opportunity to change them.
2.11.2 Rich Text Files/Rich Text Paste
These two options both have the following settings available.
Translate Carriage Returns to Spaces: Same as section 2.11.1
Combine Multiple Spaces into Singles: Same as section 2.11.1
Strip leading Spaces from Lines: Same as section 2.11.1
Dot Space Converts to Carriage Return: Same as section 2.11.1
Use Imported Fonts: If this setting is selected then when importing an Rich
Text File then WinCue LT the text will use the font from the Rich Text file rather than WinCue LT’s default font.
Convert String to Marker: Same as section 2.11.1
Automatically use these settings: Same as section 2.11.1
Select Default Font: This setting is used when you import a file that
contains fonts that are not available on your computer. By selecting a font from the list and clicking on the tick box, WinCue LT will automatically replace the non-valid font with the one you selected.
Import Overrides: This setting allows you to override your computers
character set and locale.
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