Assembly and Installation
Autocue and QTV have been serving the broadcast industry since the mid-1950s
when QTV in New York and Autocue in London supplied the very first prompters
via their rental divisions.
Creating broadcast history. The two companies merged in 1984
under Autocue Group and, with the introduction of the QSeries family of software,
became the only company to offer the television industry a single solution for all
transmission, newsroom, scripting and prompting requirements. QTV forms the
Americas division of Autocue Group’s prompting sales and rental services.
Prompter of choice around the globe. Autocue Group is known
worldwide for its service and dependability, serving such prestigious clients as the
BBC, Bloomberg, NBC and CNN. The Group’s prompting solutions are compatible
with all newsroom systems on the market and are in use worldwide by broadcasters, production professionals, government facilities and corporate producers
requiring excellence in prompting and newsroom automation solutions.
For further information, please visit either web site shown at the bottom of this
Issue #: 081017 ©2003-2008 Autocue Group Ltd
Assembly and Installation
Introduction 1
TFM09 1
About this guide 1
Copyright information 2
Disclaimer 2
TFM09 Components 3
Supplied equipment 3
Optional equipment 4
TFM09 Technical Specifications 5
TFM09 Connections 6
Physical characteristics 6
Video and power inputs 6
Assembly Procedures 7
Mounting a TFM09 on an Autocue “Magic Arm” 7
Attach “Magic Arm” to the mounting bracket. 7
Attach monitor to the “Magic Arm” 8
Position monitor below OCU 8
TFM09 Operation 9
Connections 9
Operating your TFM09 9
Troubleshooting and Maintenance 10
Common problems 10
Maintenance 11
Cleaning the monitor 11
Care and handling advice 11
Sales and Support Information 13
Sales information 13
Technical support 14
Issue #: 081017 ©2003-2008 Autocue Group Ltd
TFM09 Assembly and Installation Guide
For the broadcaster, production facility or event organiser requiring greate r viewing
distances and larger display areas, Autocue prompter display and on-camera units
satisfy all your needs.
Designed for the most demanding of broadcast environments, Autocue on -camera
units and feedback monitors have crisp, ultra-bright picture quality, precision
controls, and rugged construction.
Autocue on-camera units comprise prompter display, hood, mounting bracket,
tripod plate and accessories.
Autocue on-camera units and feedback monitors are available in a range of configurations to match most camera, lens and mounting combinations.
1.1: TFM09
Autocue’s Talent Feedback Monitors (TFMs) provide on-camera talent with
precise, live broadcast output. Conveniently mounted below the prompter unit with
a fully adjustable mounting arm, complete range of motion is achieved for
maximum visibility.
A variety of counterbalances and adjustable weights are available to ensure safe
and stable operation and movement of mounted equipment.
Where appropriate, Autocue can also provide a range of accessories, such as cue
lights and remote controls, to complement your chosen system.
1.2: About this guide
This document describes how to assemble and mount your chosen Autocue
prompter display or on-camera unit. It is suitable for any broadcaster or news
Issue #: 081017 ©2003-2008 Autocue Group Ltd
Assembly and Installation
production crew. This guide is suitable for novices as well as expert users of the
product line from Autocue.
Reference material is also provided that explains how to adjust the various settings
and troubleshoot the prompters to ensure optimum performance.
1.3: Copyright information
©2004-2008 Autocue Group Ltd. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans-
mitted in any recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Autocue Group
All third-party software or hardware, including logos, referenced within this guide is
copyright of the respective owners.
Section 1: Introduction
Copyright information
1.4: Disclaimer
Autocue Group Ltd reserves the right to revise this publication and to make
changes in its content without obligation of Autocue Group Ltd to notify any person
or persons of such revision.
Issue #: 081017 ©2003-2008 Autocue Group Ltd
TFM09 Assembly and Installation Guide
TFM09 Components
The following tables list the supplied and recommended components for your
TFM09 on-camera unit.
2.1: Supplied equipment
Item Name Illustration
Power and video cable
Issue #: 081017 ©2003-2008 Autocue Group Ltd