Autec ARSND022 User Manual

Dynamic series
user manual
Description, warnings and instructions
Conformity and frequencies (915MHz)
The attached documentation is an integral part of the radio remote control and it aims at provid­ing the instructions needed for using and maintaining the system, with an eye on its safety func­tions. Always remember that:
- if necessary, contact Autec if any of the instructions and/or warnings are not clear
No part of the documentation may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without written permission of Autec (including recording and photocopying). If documentation is lost or damaged, ask Autec for a copy. Please specify the serial number of the related radio remote control. The documentation must be kept for the whole life of the radio remote control: after reading it, keep it on hand for future reference.
Information contained in the documentation adds to and completes the information provided by the manufacturer of the remote controlled and/or by those who install the radio remote control on the machine. All installation, usage and maintenance operations must be carried out by qualified technicians who are suitably trained with respect to the relevant norms and laws. Therefore, this documentation must be read and understood in all its parts by the user and by:
- the radio remote control owner and/or installer
- the person responsible for and in charge of maintenance and/or safety in the workplace where the radio remote control is used.
As for instructions and warnings regarding the machine where the radio remote control is installed, follow the instructions given in the machine's manual.
Three symbols are employed throughout documentation, which are used to highlight specific safety-related issues. They are classified according to the hazardous situation that may arise and on the possible consequences:
If the highlighted instructions are not respected, this leads to hazardous
situations with the following characteristics:
gravity of consequences
for people
gravity of consequences
for property
…highly probable.
… probable.
… probable.
This symbol is also used, and it identifies texts to be read carefully.
… critical (death or physical damage).
… critical (death or physical damage).
… moderate (non-severe
physical damage).
… critical.
… critical.
… moderate.
Part A: Description, warnings and instructions
1 Dynamic Series description ............................................................................... A - 1
1.1 Technical data ................................................................................................. A - 1
1.2 Applications ..................................................................................................... A - 2
1.3 Radio link ........................................................................................................ A - 2
1.4 Classification of commands ............................................................................ A - 3
1.5 Safety functions .............................................................................................. A - 3
1.6 Identifying the radio remote control ................................................................. A - 4
2 Risk assessment ................................................................................................. A - 5
2.1 Risk assessment for radio remote controlled machines ................................. A - 5
2.2 Working conditions .......................................................................................... A - 6
3 Warnings .............................................................................................................. A - 7
3.1 Before starting to work .................................................................................... A - 7
3.2 During normal operation ................................................................................. A - 7
3.3 After using the radio remote control ................................................................ A - 8
4 Radio remote control lifecycle ........................................................................... A - 9
4.1 Transportation and storage ............................................................................. A - 9
4.2 Installation ....................................................................................................... A - 9
4.3 Use .................................................................................................................. A - 9
4.4 Radio remote control maintenance ............................................................... A - 10
4.5 Machine maintenance ................................................................................... A - 14
4.6 Disposal ........................................................................................................ A - 14
5 General operating instructions ........................................................................ A - 15
5.1 Starting up the radio remote control .............................................................. A - 15
5.2 Command activation ..................................................................................... A - 15
5.3 Data Feedback Function ............................................................................... A - 15
5.4 Radio link interruption ................................................................................... A - 16
5.5 Transmitting unit automatic switch off ........................................................... A - 16
5.6 Switching off the transmitting unit ................................................................. A - 17
5.7 Switching off the receiving unit ..................................................................... A - 17
6 Working .............................................................................................................. A - 18
6.1 BATTERY ..................................................................................................... A - 18
6.2 S-KEY ........................................................................................................... A - 18
6.3 START pushbutton ....................................................................................... A - 19
6.4 STOP ............................................................................................................ A - 19
6.5 Command meaning ....................................................................................... A - 20
6.6 Low Power function ....................................................................................... A - 21
6.7 Cable control ................................................................................................. A - 22
7 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ A - 23
7.1 Radio remote controls with Data Feedback function .................................... A - 23
7.2 Radio remote controls with wire control ........................................................ A - 23
7.3 Solutions in case of malfunction ................................................................... A - 23
Part B: Conformity and frequencies
1 Conformity ........................................................................................................... B - 1
2 Frequencies ......................................................................................................... B - 1
3 Market ................................................................................................................... B - 2
Part A: Description, warnings and instructions

1 Dynamic Series description

Autec Dynamic series industrial radio remote controls are used to control machines from a dis­tance, without physical connec­tions (i.e. wires or connecting cables) between the user and the machine. Each of these industrial radio re­mote controls consists of a porta­ble transmitting unit, from which the user can remotely control the machine, and a receiving unit in­stalled on board the machine it­self.
Dynamic Series description
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1.1 Technical data

Command response time ................................................................................. 80 - 130 ms
Active stop cut-in time (typical) ............................................................................. < 130 ms
Active stop cut-in time (maximum)........................................................................... 200 ms
Passive stop cut-in time
Hamming distance ........................................................................................................ 15
Probability of undetected error.................................................................................. < 10
Typical working range ................................................................................... 100 m (330 ft)
Working range with Low Power function.......................................................... 30 m (100 ft)
Performance Level of safety functions according to EN ISO 13849-1 / EN IEC 62061:
STOP protection ....................................................................... PL e / SIL 3 (4-wire wiring)
STOP protection ....................................................................... PL d / SIL 2 (2-wire wiring)
Protection against unintended movements from the standstill position (UMFS) ....... PL d /
1. Passive stop cut-in time is set by the machine manufacturer (see technical data sheet)
AUTEC Dynamic Series Part A: Description, warnings and instructions
............................................................................... 0.5 / 1.2 / 2 s
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Dynamic Series description

1.2 Applications

In compliance with the risk assessment (see chapter 2), this radio remote control can be installed on hoisting and material handling machines and on machines for moving, raising and transporting people (i.e. hydraulic cranes, aerial work plat­forms, telehandlers, concrete pumps).
This radio remote control cannot be installed:
- on machines installed in places where equipment with explosion-proof characteristics is required
- on machines where the receiving unit power supply does not come from a battery or from a power supply unit with safety isolating transformer
- to control loads that are not isolated from AC power supply (if that is the case)
- on machines that may generate dangerous situations if they stop due to the loss of radio link
- on machines for which a risk assessment (see chapter 2) is not possible or gave negative results.
Autec cannot be held responsible if the radio remote control is installed on forbid­den applications.

1.3 Radio link

The two units constantly communicate with one another through a radio link. This is an essential requirement to ensure safety for the radio remote controlled ma­chine.
Messages from the units are coded through an address stored in the S-KEY (see paragraph 6.2). This address is unique (Autec produces it only once), univocal (specific for each radio remote control) and not reproducible. Each unit can only decode the messages coming from the unit with the same address. This prevents messages from other radio equipment from activating any system function. The units send coded messages to one another:
- messages sent by the transmitting unit contain operational commands to be carried out by the machine
- messages sent by the receiving unit contain information useful for the auto­matic management of the working frequency and information about measure­ments collected from the machine (Data Feedback function).
Dynamic Series
Part A: Description, warnings and instructions
Dynamic Series description

1.4 Classification of commands

Commands sent by the transmitting unit are classified according to their type.
1.4.1 Command type: analogue, digital or direction command
Commands sent by the transmitting unit can either be analogue or digital. Analogue commands generate proportional outputs as a function of the position of the corresponding actuator. Digital commands switch the status of their corresponding output, according to the position of the related actuator. This status can either be on or off. Direction commands are digital commands paired with analogue commands, and are used to specify the movement direction.
1.4.2 Name of commands
All commands sent by the transmitting unit are identified by abbreviations, which are also written in the technical data sheet to highlight the match between com­mands sent and machine functions. The names of outputs in the receiving unit are not the names of commands. Check the technical data sheet to know which name they were given.

1.5 Safety functions

Autec radio remote controls are equipped with some functions that provide high safety levels, in order to safeguard the safety of people and property.
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1.5.1 Stop function
The stop function brings the machine to a safe state every time it is necessary to stop it due to a potentially hazardous situation. This function is either voluntarily enabled by the user (active stop), as appropriate, or it cuts in automatically and autonomously (passive stop).
Active stop
Active stop is a function enabled by the STOP pushbutton (see paragraph 6.4). The transmitting unit sends to the receiving unit a command that immediately stops the machine. When the STOP pushbutton is pressed, the machine stops in shorter time than when passive stop cuts in.
Passive stop
Passive stop is a function that cuts in when a fault occurs during operation. When the radio link is incorrect or interrupted, the receiving unit autonomously stops the radio remote control. The cut-in time of this function (passive stop cut-in time) is set by the machine manufacturer (see technical data sheet).
AUTEC Dynamic Series Part A: Description, warnings and instructions
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Dynamic Series description
1.5.2 Protection against unintended movements from the standstill posi-
This safety function protects the system “machine+radio remote control” from un­intended movements, namely machine movements not activated intentionally by the user, but resulting from possible electrical and mechanical failure of the radio remote control. Such safety function checks the neutral (rest) position of the actuators that control the machine's movements. Each time one of those actuators is operated, the transmitting unit sends both the movement command and the “SAFETY” com­mand. Depending on the specific application, outputs related to these commands are wired in series; alternatively the SAFETY command's outputs drive the safety device provided on the machine.

1.6 Identifying the radio remote control

The serial number (S/N) is the only reference to be used to uniquely identify the radio remote control, both if maintenance is needed and when providing state­ments to competent bodies. The serial number (S/N) and other information regarding the radio remote control are provided in some plates both on the transmitting and on the receiving unit.
These plates must not be:
- removed from their position (removal will invalidate the guarantee)
- altered or damaged (contact Autec for replacement).
tion (UMFS)
Dynamic Series
Part A: Description, warnings and instructions
Risk assessment

2 Risk assessment

As required standards ISO 12100 and ISO 14212, all machines must undergo risk assessment. It is therefore necessary to evaluate, within the limits of this as­sessment, if the machine can be radio remote controlled. The radio remote control can only be used if this assessment gives positive re­sults.

2.1 Risk assessment for radio remote controlled machines

All warnings listed in this manual must also be taken into account during risk as­sessment and when setting out protection measures for the controlled machine. When carrying out risk assessment for the machine or for the system where the radio remote control is installed, the following must be considered:
- some machines cannot be radio remote controlled by Dynamic series radio re­mote controls (see paragraph 1.1)
- the radio link between the two units may be interrupted due to persistent dis­turbance or interference.
Whenever the radio link is interrupted (i.e. due to active stop, passive stop, low battery, automatic switch off, receiving unit not powered):
- all outputs in the receiving unit are disabled (if this generates a hazardous sit­uation, it is necessary that the corresponding commands on the machine are kept active)
- it is not possible to enable or disable the machine commands until the radio remote control is started up again.
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Due to the characteristics of radio propagation (i.e.: EM interference, near out-of­range condition), a delay up to the "Passive stop time" (see paragraph 1.1) may occasionally occur from the moment a command in the transmitting unit is re­leased to the moment its corresponding output in the receiving unit is deactivated. Those who decide upon the installation of the radio remote control must make sure that this delay never leads to a dangerous situation in the specific uses.
The transmitting unit housing is manufactured so that it protects the actuators from unintentional activation, while meeting at the same time the operating needs, the comfort requirements and law limits. Assessment shall be made to establish possible additional protection measures for the actuators (i.e. commands requiring two-hand operation, “dead-man” func­tion) if particular environments, equipment and working modes could cause acci­dental bumps to the actuators.
AUTEC Dynamic Series Part A: Description, warnings and instructions
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Risk assessment
The machine manufacturer and/or the person who decides upon radio remote control use and installation is responsible for this risk assessment. Autec cannot be held responsible if this assessment is not carried out correctly.
If required by the risk assessment, draw up protection measures to prevent, re­duce and report potential hazard situations.

2.2 Working conditions

To guarantee correct radio remote control operation, all current regulations re­garding safety at work and accident prevention should be respected. All applica­ble standards and regulations valid in the user country regarding the use of both the machine and the radio remote control must always be respected. Autec cannot be held responsible if the radio remote control is used in unlawful working conditions.
Dynamic Series
Part A: Description, warnings and instructions
+ 22 hidden pages