August International Ltd
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 845 250 0586
Highlight Wireless Presenter
User Manual
User Manual
Tha nk you fo r purch asing t he Augus t LP200 H ighli ght
Wir eless P resen ter. Thi s user manu al is des igned t o
fam iliar ise you w ith all t he feat ures of t his dev ice. Pl ease
tak e the tim e to read t his use r manua l caref ully, ev en if
you a re alre ady fam iliar w ith a sim ilar pr oduct .
Saf ety
To ensu re the sa fety of y ou and ot hers, p lease r ead the
Saf ety Ins truct ions be fore us ing thi s devic e. Plea se do not
dis assem ble the p roduc t, it can b e unsaf e and wil l
inv alida te the ma nufac turer 's warr anty.
Dis posal
Ple ase ens ure the p roduc t and acc essor ies are d ispos ed
of in c ompli ance wi th the WE EE (Waste Ele ctric al and
Ele ctron ic Equi pment ) Direc tive an d any oth er regu latio ns
app licab le to you r count ry.
Alw ays che ck with t he envi ronme ntal ag ency an d any
oth er rele vant au thori ties fo r curre nt disp osal re gulat ions.
Dec larat ion of Co nform ity
The D eclar ation o f Confo rmity c an be fou nd on our
web site at h ttp:/ /augu stint .com/ en/de clara tion/
Cus tomer S ervic e
You can cont act us by p hone on : +44 (0) 845 250 0 586 or
by em ail at: s ervic e@aug ustin s hould y ou requ ire
fur ther te chnic al supp ort or cu stome r servi ce.
- 1 - - 2 -
1. Safe ty Inst ructi ons
Sto rage an d Use
Mai ntena nce
Please unplug all connection wi res before cl eaning thi s
Keep this
machine away
from hot or
cold places.
temperature of
this device is
0゚C ~ 50゚C,
temperature is
-10゚C ~ 60゚C.
Never expose
the receiver to
oil or smoke.
Never put this
machine in
containers that
are unstable as
this may cause
Please wipe this
and buttons with
a softcloth. Only
clean the screen
with professional
LCD TV screen
Keep the
from water or
dropping or
exposing to
Never extrude
or chafe this
machine with
sharp objects.
Never wipe this
machine with an
abrasive cloth,
powder, alcohol
and benzene etc.
propellants or
cleaning products.