Audiovox AA-9347 Installation Manual & Owner's Manual

Model AA-9347
Your new AA -9347 Automotive Security System has been designed with many advancedfeaturesthatwillhelptoensurethesafetyofyourvehicleandit’scontents. Taking a few moments to read this manual will provide you with important information required to take advantage of the system’s full potential. Performing the installation procedure in the order that the steps are outlined in this manualshould provide you with a quick and trouble freeinstallation, and remember, if you havequestions at any time during the installation, call 1 - 800- 225 - 6074 for the AUDIOVOX INSTALLATION HOT LINE.
Mounting Components
-Mounting the Hood and Trunk Pin Switches
Mounting the Dash L.E.D. Indicator ..................................................2
-Mounting the Valet Toggle Switch
-Mounting the Relay
Wiring the System
Routing the Wiring Harness .............................................................3
-Connecting the RED wire
-Connecting the BLACK wire
Connecting the WHITE wire ..............................................................4
-Connecting the BROWN wire
-Connecting the L.E.D.
-Connecting the Valet Switch
-Connecting the Dark Green wire
Connecting the relay-Starter Cut Feature .........................................5
-Connecting the relay-Parking Light Flasher Feature
-2 Pin Door Lock Interface Connector
Programming the Keychain Transmitters
-Thin BLACK wire
-BLACK Loop wire
-BLUE Loop wire
-WHITE Loop wire
-GREEN Loop wire
-Final Touches
Adjusting the Sensitivity of the Shock Sensor
OperatingtheSystem .......................................................................7
-Arming the System
-Protection While the System is Armed
-Disarming the System
-Disarming After an Intrusion
-Decreasing the Sensitivity of the Shock Sensor
-Remote Panic Operation
-Valet Switch Operation
Backing Up Alert ...............................................................................8
-Replacing the Transmitter Battery
Schematic ........................................................................................9
Votrenouveau Système de sécurité pour véhicule, Modèle AA-9347, aété conçu avec de nombreuses fonctions incorporant une technique pointue qui vous aideront à assurer la sécurité de votre véhicule et de son contenu. Les quelques momentsque vous consacrerez à la lecture du présentmanuel vous apporteront une quantité importante de renseignements nécessaires pour tirer le meilleur parti de toutes les possibilités du système.Si vous effectuez l’installation en suivant l’ordre des opérations indiquées dans le manuel, vous ne devriez rencontreraucun problème et procéder rapidement. Souvenez-vous quesi vous avez la moindre question à poser aucours de l’installation, vouspouvez appeler
Montage des composants
Montage du module de commande de la sirène ........................10
- Montage des commutateurs à fiche du capot et du coffre
Montage de l’indicateur D.E.L. du tableau de bord ....................11
- Montage de l’interrupteur à bascule de secours
- Montage du relais
Câblage du système
Acheminement du faisceau de conducteurs ..............................12
- Connexion du fil ROUGE
- Connexion du fil NOIR
Connexion du fil BLANC ........................................................13
- Connexion du fil BRUN
- Connexion de la D.E.L.
- Connexion de l’interrupteur de secours
- Connexion du fil Vert Foncé
Connexion du système de relais pour coupure de démarreur ....14
Connexion du système de relais pour clignotement des feux deposition
- Connecteur d’interface à 2 fiches pour verrouillage des portes
Programmation des transmetteurs de porte-clés
Achèvement de l’installation ................................................15
- Fil NOIR fin
- Fil en boucle NOIR
- Fil en boucle BLEU
- Fil en boucle BLANC
- Fil en boucle VERT
- Détails de finition
Réglage de sensibilité du détecteur de vibrations
Fonctionnement du système ................................................16
- Armement du système
- Protection pendant que le système est armé
- Désarmement du système
- Désarmement après effraction
- Diminution de la sensibilité du détecteur de vibrations par le
transmetteur du porte-clés
- Télécommande du système anti-panique
- Fonctionnement de l’interrupteur de secours ....................17
-Avertisseur de marche arrière
- Remplacement des piles de transmetteurs
Schémas ..............................................................................18
Su nuevo Sistema de Seguridad para Automóviles AA-9347 està diseñado con muchas funciones de avanzada que le ayudarán a garantizar la seguridad del vehículo y su contenido. Dedique un tiempo a leer est manual a fin de obtener ínformación importante que le servirá para aprovechar al máximo la capacidad potencial del sistema. Si sigua el procedimiento de instalación enel orden que se describen los pasosen elpresentemanual,podrárealizarlainstalaciónrápidamenteysindificultadalguna, y recurede que en casode tener alguna pregunta oduda en cualquíer momentode la instalación, puede llamar al 1-800-225-6074 que es el teléfono sin cargo de información sobre instalación de Audiovox.
Instalación del los componentes
Instalación del módulo de control de lasirena ..................................19
-Instalación de los interruptores de clavija del capó y el baúl
Instalación del indicador L.E.D. en el tablero de instrumentos ..........20
-Instalación del interruptor de palanca del modo valet
-Instalación del relé
Cableado del sistema
Colocacióndelarnés de cables .........................................................21
-Conexión del cable ROJO
-Conexión del cable NEGRO
ConexióndelcableBLANCO .............................................................22
-Conexión del cable MARRON
-Conexión del L.E.D.
-Conexión del interruptor del modo valet
-Conexión del cable verde oscuro
Conexión del relé-functiónde corte del arrancador ...........................23
-Conexión del relé-funciónde destello de las luces de estacionamiento
Conector de 2 clavijas para interconexión con la cerradura de la puerta
Programación de los transmisores de llavero
-Cable fino NEGRO
-Cable en bucle NEGRO
-Cable en bucle AZUL
-Cable en bucle BLANCO
-Cable en bucle VERDE
-Toques finales
Ajuste de la sensibilidad del detector de choque
-Activación del sistema
-Protección mintras el sistema está activado
-Desactivación del sistema
-Desactivación después de una intrusión
-Reducción de la sensibilidad del detector de choque por medio del transmisor de llavero
-Operación a la distancia en caso de emergencia
-Operación del interruptor del modo valet
Alertadereserva ...............................................................................26
-Cambio de la pila del transmisor
Resolución de problemas
1. Mounting The Siren Control Module
Select a flat, metal surface within the engine compartment, but not on the engine, for mountingthe siren controlmodule. Keep inmind that the horn end must be facing down to prevent water from entering the module. Alocationon the firewall, which is noteasily accessiblefrom underneath the vehicle, ispreferred, This locationwill provide optimum operation of theshock sensor, andpreventthe potential thieffrom disconnecting the alarm from below the vehicle. You should also locate the control module away from hot or moving components within the engine compartment, and avoid areas where water will run off or collect during heavy rainstorms.
To mount the siren control module; A. Secure the module mounting bracket to the selected location using
the (2) 3/4" long screws provided.Carefully drill a 1/8" diameter pilot hole for starting the screws.
B. In most cases, if the bracket has been secured to a solid metal
surface, you can connect theBLACK wire from the wiring harness to the siren mountingbolt. Using a10 mm wrench or socket, secure the siren module ( and eyelet terminal on the end of the BLACK wire) to the bracket using the (2) 3/8" long hex head bolts and (2) split lock washers provided.
2. Mounting the Hood and Trunk Pin Switches
Two pin switches are provided to protect the hood and trunk lids of the vehicle, and should be used on any hood or trunk lid that does not turn a courtesy light on. The switches must always be mounted into a grounded metal part of the vehicle,as they simplywill not operatewhen mounted into plastic or fiberglass. The mounting surface must be at a height that will cause the plunger to depress 1/4 “ when the hood or trunk lid is closed.
IMPORTANT ! Since the pin switch is designed to be depressed when the hood / trunk lid is closed onto it, a dimple can occur on the exterior paint surface if the switch ismounted where itwill contact asingle metal thicknessarea of the hood /trunk lid.Alwaysmount the pin switch where it will contact a double wall area of the hood / trunk lid.
When choosing the pin switch mounting location, it is important to position the switch and/or bracket where water cannot collect or flow. Avoid all drip “ gutters “ on hood / trunk fenders. Look for locations that are sealed with rubber gaskets when the hood / trunk lid is closed. Excessive water on these parts will cause corrosion, resulting in a loss of protection to the hood / trunk lids. Also,any holesmade to mount the switches will rust when water is allowed to penetrate. There are three different mounting methods available. They are;
1. Direct mounting into a trunk lip, radiator cross brace, etc. A. Drill a 1/4 “ diameter hole into the selected mounting surface. Be
sure there is adequate clearance behind the surface for the pin switch.
B. Thread the pin switch into the hole using a 7/16 “ wrench or deep
well socket.
2. Mounting using the right angled bracket.
A. Secure the bracket to the desired mounting surface using(2)
sheet metal screws.
B. Screw the pin switch into the bracket.
NOTE : The height of the pin switch can be adjusted by loosening the
screws and sliding the bracket up or down.
3. Mounting using the flat bracket.
A. Secure the bracket to themounting surface using( 2 )sheet metal
B. Screw the pin switch into the bracket.
NOTE : This bracket can be bent to accommodate specific mounting
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3. Mounting The Dash L.E.D. Indicator
Select an area on the dashboard or center console that will provide the most visibility from all angles outside the vehicle ( driver’s window, passenger’s window, rear window, etc. ).
IMPORTANT ! Make sure there is adequate room for the body of the L.E.D.behindthepanel in the selected location. You should alsobe sure thatthedrill will not pierce any wires,or damageother components after passing through the panel. It is always best to remove the panel from the vehicle before drilling the hole.
To mount the L.E.D.;
A. Drill a 1/4" diameter hole at the selected mounting location.
B. Pass the L.E.D. wires through the hole fromthe front of the panel,
and press the body of the L.E.D. into the hole until fully seated.
4. Mounting the Valet Toggle Switch
Select a flat area on the lower dash lip, where the switch is readily accessible to the driver, but will not be accidentally bumped. Other alternate locations are on the driver’s side kick panel, or the side of the lower steering column cover.
Since this is a “ protected “ ( will only operate when the key is in the ignition ) bypass switch, it does not have to be concealed, however concealingtheswitch is always recommended, asthis providesan even higher level of security to the vehicle.
IMPORTANT ! Make sure there is adequate room behind the panel for the body of the switch in the selected location. Youshould alsobe sure thatthe drill will notpierce any wires, ordamage other components after passingthrough the panel. It isalways bestto removethepanel from the vehicle before drilling the hole.
To mount the valet bypass switch;
A. Drill a 9/32 “ diameter hole in the selected switch location.
B. Pass theswitch through thehole from behindthe panel, andsecure
from the front using the split lockwasher and hex nut provided.
5. Mounting the Relay
The relay can be mounted in the engine compartment, but it is best to mount it in the passenger’s compartment, where it will not be exposed to the environment. If the relay will be used to disable the vehicle’s starter, mount the relay close to the wires fromthe ignitionswitch. If the relay will be used to flash the vehicle’s parking lamps, mount the relay near the front parking light cluster.
To mount the relay;
A.Screwthe relay to the mounting surface,using a sheetmetal screw
through the hole in the relay mounting tab.
B. Secure the relay to an existing wire harness or other component
using cable ties.
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Making the connections to the vehicle, as described in this wiring section,may be beyond thetechnical abilities of theaverageconsumer. If you have any questions with the wiring procedures, please call a qualified automotive technician, or call the AUDIOVOX HOT LINE at 1
-800 - 225 - 6074.Priorto making any connections, a12Volt logic probe should be used to confirm the proper connection point.
IMPORTANT!The 9 pin white connector onthe end ofthe mainharness that plugs into the siren control module should remain disconnected duringthewiringportion of the installation. Leaving this disconnected will ensure that the keychain transmittersare properly programmed later in the installation.
1. Routing The Wiring Harness
The DARK BLUE, GRAY, ORANGE, BROWN, and WHITE wires must be routed through the firewall, and into the passenger compartment of the vehicle. In most cases, the RED wire will also be routed into the passenger compartment,to the courtesy light fuse.Before proceedingwith thewire routing, verify the location of the courtesy light fuse, as a small percentage of vehicles locate thisfuse inthe engine compartment, and inthese cases, it willnotbe necessary to routethe RED wire through the firewall. Ifyouhave installed a pin switchinto thetrunk, youwill alsoneed toroute the DARK GREEN extension wire through the firewall, and to the previously installed trunk pin switch. After confirming these component locations, route the DARK BLUE, WHITE,GREY and RED wires towardstheirconnection points. Caution should be used when routing wires. Keep wires away from all hot surfaces,andany moving parts of the vehicle( radiatorfans, accelerator or brake pedal linkage, etc. ). When routing wires through the firewall, be sure to pass the wires through an existing rubber grommet. Failure to do this can result in damage to wiresfrom sharp metal edges, andan eventual failure of the security system.
2. Connecting the RED Wire
Locate the courtesy lamp fuse. Both sides of the fuse will indicate + 12 Volts on the logic probe while the fuse is plugged in. Remove the fuse, and test the contacts that the fuse plugs into. One of the contacts will not indicate + 12 Volts. This is where the RED wire will be connected.
Connection Method A;
A. Locate the wire coming from this fuse terminal at the back of the
B.Splicethe RED wire from theharness tothis wire,andinsulate with
electrical tape.
Connection Method B;
A. “ Fuse clip “ terminals, which will plug in with the contacts of the
fuse, are available at most electronics stores. This method of connection may be easier in some vehicles.
B. Refer to the specific instructions included with the fuse clip
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3. Connecting the BLACK Wire
The larger BLACK wire ( not the thin black antenna wire ), should have beenconnectedto ground during the siren module mountingprocedure. If you were unsureof the groundreliability of thesiren module mounting bracket,you can connect theeyeleton the end oftheBLACK wire to any non painted bolton thefirewall or fender, which isthreaded directly into a metal surface of the vehicle.
4. Connecting the WHITE wire
Locate a fuse in thevehicle’s fusebox that shows + 12 volts on the logic probe when theignition key is switched tothe “ ON “ or “ RUN “position, andshows 0 volts whenthe key is switchedtothe “ OFF“ position( radio or wiper fuse ).
After you have located a suitable fuse, switch the ignition key to the “ ON “ position, remove thefuse, and probethe contacts wherethe fuse plugs into. One of thecontacts will not show 12 volts onthe logic probe; this is where the WHITE wire will be connected.
Connection Method A;
A. Locate the wire coming from this fuse terminal at the back of the
B. Splice the WHITE wire from the harness to this wire, and insulate
with electrical tape.
Connection Method B;
A. “ Fuse clip “ terminals, which will plug in with the contacts of the
fuse, are available at most electronics stores. This method of connection may be easier in some vehicles.
B. Refer to the specific instructions included with the fuse clip
5. Connecting the BROWN wire
Continue to routethe BROWN wire( along with the DARK GREEN wire for connection to the trunk pin switch ) to the back of the vehicle, and remove the panels to gain exposure to the reverse lights.
Switch the ignition key to the “ ON “ position ( DO NOT START THE VEHICLE ), set the parking brake, and move the gear shift selector to reverse.Movetothe back of the vehicle, andverify that theback up lights are on.
Probe the wires going to theback up light bulb, and locate the wire that shows + 12 volts on the logic probe. Move the gear shift selector back to the park position, and verify that this same wire now shows 0 volts. This is where the BROWN wire will be connected.
Splice the BROWN wire to this wire, and insulate with electrical tape.
6. Connecting the L.E.D.
6a. Connecting the DARK BLUE wire
ConnecttheDARK BLUE wire from the main harnessto theBLUE wire from the dash mounted L.E.D. Be sure to insulate this connection with electrical tape.
6b. Connecting the RED wire from the L.E.D.
Splice the Red wire from the dash mounted L.E.D. to the larger RED wire from the main harness. Be sure to insulate this splice with electrical tape.
7. Connecting the Valet Switch
7a. Connecting the GRAY wire
Connect the GRAY wire from the main harness to the GRAY wire from the Valet Switch. Be sure to insulate this connection with electrical tape.
7b. Connecting the BLACK wire from the Valet Switch
Connect the BLACK wire from the Valet Switch to a solid, grounded, metal part of the vehicle. It can be connected to any metal,non- painted bolt that screws into theinner framein the kick panel.
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8. Connecting the DARK GREEN wire
Trim the DARK GREEN wire to the proper length, strip 1/4 “ of the insulation, and crimp one of the male bullet terminalsprovided ontothe endofthe wire. Plug thebullet terminalonto thereceptacle atthe bottom of the hood pin switch.
If you have installed a trunk switch, you should have already routed the DARKGREEN extension wire tothe rearofthe vehicle. Crimp the bullet terminal onto the end of the extension,and plug itonto the bottomof the trunk pin switch. You will also need to splice theother endof the DARK GREEN extension wire to the DARK GREEN wire from the main harness, and insulate the splice with electrical tape.
9. Connecting the relay - STARTER CUT FEATURE
IMPORTANT! The relayhas been shippedwith(1)BLACK wire loose.
Whenusing the relay todisablethe starter, load theBLACKwire into the relay connector in the location shown in the diagram.
9a. Connect theORANGE wire fromthe relay harnessto the ORANGE
wire from the main harness. Be sure to insulate this splice with electrical tape.
9b. Gain access to the wires coming from the ignition switch. Connect
the RED wire from the relay harness to the wire from the ignition switch that shows + 12 volts on the logic probe when the key is switched to the “ ON or RUN “ and “ START “ positions, and shows 0 volts when the key is switched to the “ OFF “ position. Be sure to insulate this connection with electrical tape.
9c. Locatethe wire coming from theignition switchthatshows + 12 volts
on the logic probe when the starter motor is cranking, andshows 0 volts when the keyis switched tothe “ OFF“, “ ACCESSORY“, and “ ON or RUN “ positions. Cut this wire and try to start the vehicle to
verify that the starter motor will not engage. Connectthe WHITE w/BLACKstripe wire fromthe relay harness toone sideof the cut starterwire, andconnectthe BLACK wire tothe otherside of the cut wire. CAUTION ! Be sure these wires are securely connected, and properly insulated. If this connection separates, the vehicle will not start, even when using the ignition key.
10. Connecting the relay - PARKING LIGHT FLASH FEATURE
IMPORTANT! The relayhas been shipped with(1)BLACKwire loose.
When using the relay to flash the vehicle’s parking lights, load the BLACK wire into the relay connector in the location shown in the diagram.
10a.Connect the ORANGE wirefrom therelay harnessto the YELLOW
wire from the main harness. Be sure to insulate this splice with electrical tape.
10b. Gain access to the wires coming from the back of one of the front
parking lamp sockets. Switch the parking lights on, and locate the wire that shows + 12 volts on the logic probe. Switch the parking lights off, and verify that this wire now shows 0 volts. Connect the BLACK wire from the relay socket to this wire, and insulate the connection with electrical tape.
10c. Connect both the RED wire from the relay socket and the WHITE
w/ BLACK stripe wire from the relay socket toa+12volt battery fusedwire ( minimum15 Amp fuse)in the vehicle.These wires can be connected to the positive battery terminal, however when connecting them to the positive battery terminal, you must add an in line fuse of at least 15 Amps. Connect one sideof thefuse tothe positive battery terminal, and the other side of the fuse to the RED and WHITE w/ BLACK stripe wires from the relay connector.
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11. 2 Pin Door Lock Interface Connector
There is an additional 2 pin connector coming out of the siren control module, with a RED and a BLACK wire. This connector is used for the optional door lock interface, which will remotely lock and unlock your vehicle’sexistingpowerdoor locks when arming and disarming. Only the AA 9158 door lock interface should be used with this alarm. If you are not installing the door lock interface, do not make any connections to these two wires.
The two keychain transmitters that are included with this system are a “code learning “ type RadioFrequency transmitter,whichsimply means thatthesirencontrol module will learn and rememberthe individual code number of each transmitter. The siren control module will learn the individual codes of (2) transmitters only. An attempt to program a third transmitter will erase the code number of the first transmitter pro­grammed. IMPORTANT ! Save these programming instructions in a place where you can easily find themin the future. Whenever the vehicle’s batteryis disconnected for servicing, the transmitters will need to be repro­grammed.
To Program the Transmitters;
A. The main harness connector should be disconnected from the
siren control module at this step of the installation procedure. If it is not, unplug the connector.
B. Be sure to have both keychain transmitters in hand, then plugthe
mainharnessconnector into the siren control module. Youshould hear a short “chirp” from the siren.
C. Press and hold the larger arming button on transmitter number 1
until the siren sounds one long “ chirp “.
D. Immediatelypress andhold the larger armingbutton on transmitter
number 2 until the siren sounds one long “ chirp “.
E. Both transmitters should now be programmed. You can test this
by pressing the arming button on each transmitter, which will result in the appropriate “ ARMED “ or “ DISARMED “ indication from the siren module.
IMPORTANT ! If only one transmitter isoperating, repeat the program­ming procedure. Once the harness connector is plugged in, you have only 15 seconds in which to program both transmitters. This short time
window is required in order to provide a high level of security.
Youwill notice (5) additionalwires,which come directly outof the rubber wire exit boot fromthe siren controlmodule, and arenot part of the main harness. These wires are used to customize the installation, and are required in some vehicles.
1. Thin BLACK Wire
This is theantenna wire forthe receiver that is built into the sirencontrol module. Fully extend this wire, and route it as high in the engine compartment as possible, for maximum transmitter range.
2. BLACK Loop Wire
This pair of wires exits the rubber boot, and are terminated with 1/8 “ mating male and female spade connectors. Thissystem can be programmed toarmactively or passively. Insurance discounts are usually larger for passive arming security systems. Active arming means that the security system will only arm when the transmitterbuttonis pressed. To select the active armingfeature, simply plug the two terminals on the BLACK wire loop together. Passive arming means that the security system will automatically arm 60 seconds after the ignition key has been switched off. You still have theoption of armingthesystem immediately bypressing the transmitter button, but ifyou forget to do this,the system will automatically arm and provide full protection to the vehicle. To select the passive arming feature, be sure the two terminals on the BLACK wire loop are disconnected, and individually insulate each end with electrical tape.
3. BLUE Loop Wire
This wire exits the rubber boot, and immediately loops back into the rubber boot. The siren control module is programmed at the factory for voice activation. If you wish to eliminate the voice response of the system ( replace theword “ ARMED “ with one single “chirp “- replace theword “ DISARMED “with two “chirps “ -replace the word“ INTRUSION “ with four “ chirps “ - and replace the words “ ATTENTION, BACKING UP “ with “ threechirps..pause..three chirps..etc. “ ), simply cut thisblue wire loop, and individually insulate both sides with electrical tape.
NOTE : The “ ATTENTION INTRUSION “voice message during the 60 second alarm cycle will always be active. There is no way to eliminate this voice message.
4. WHITE Loop Wire
This wire exits the rubber boot, and immediately loops back into the rubber boot. Three minutes after the alarm has been armed, the voltage sensing circuitrybecomesactive.This voltage sensing monitors the voltagelevel of the vehicle, and when it sees a change ( i.e. a door opens, and the interior light turns on ), the alarm is triggered. Manyvehiclesincorporatean electronic cooling fan, which willautomati­cally switch on after the vehicle has been turned off.If thisfan switches onshortlyafter the alarm has been armed, thesystem willnot trigger due to the three minute delay. If your vehicle does not have an electronic cooling fan which turns on after the vehiclehas been turned off, youmay elect to by passthe three minute arming delay of the voltage sense circuit. The system can be modified so that six seconds after arming, the voltage sensing circuitry becomes active. The three minute time delay can be eliminated by cutting the WHITE wire loop. After cutting the WHITE wire loop, individually insulate both ends of the wire with electrical tape. Do not cut this loop ifyour vehicle isequipped with anelectronic cooling fan, as you will experience false alarms.
5. GREEN Loop Wire
This wire exits the rubber boot, and immediately loops back into the rubber boot. Cutting this wire will eliminate the voltage sensing feature of the alarm. When this wire is cut, opening the doors will not trigger the system. This loop wire should be cut only if you want to protect the vehicle from sudden impacts to the glass or body panels, but do not want the alarm to trigger when a door has been opened.
6. Final Touches
If there are any wires from the main harness that you did not connect, simply because you did not wish to activate a particular feature, you shouldeither insulate theends of thesewires with electrical tapeand tie them where they cannot be damaged, or simply remove any unused wires from the main harness connector.
The purpose of a shock detector is to “sense” strong impacts to the vehicle’s glass and body panels, but ignore light bumps to the vehicle. This alarm is programmed to report these impacts in two ways.
A lighter impact will cause the alarm to sound a series of short “chirps”, warning anyone tampering with the vehicle to stop immediately.
Amoreforceful impact will cause the alarm tosound forit’s full 60second cycle, informing you that a serious violation attempt has occurred.
IMPORTANT ! Setting the sensitivity of the shock sensortoo high will cause false alarms. A substantial amount of force is required to actually break automotive glass, and the shock sensor should be set accordingly.
Before proceeding with the adjustment, make sure that all screws securing the siren control module to the bracket, and securing the bracket to the vehicle, are securely tightened.
To adjust the shock sensor; A. Locate and remove the small rubber plug on the back of the siren
control module.
B. Gently turn the adjustment screw fully counter - clockwise, then
clockwise approximately 1/8of a turn.Do not over turn thisscrew, as maximum rotation is approximately 270º. You should stop applying pressure as soon as you feel a slight amount of resistance.
C. Close the hood, arm the alarm ( ARMED or “ 1 CHIRP “ ), and allow
six seconds for the shock sensor to stabilize.
D. Firmly strike the front bumper of the vehicle with the side of a closed
fist, considering the amount of force required to break a window.
CAUTION !Never perform this test on the vehicle’s glass, as you may break a window.
E.If the alarm didnot sound,orif only the warningchirpswere activated,
then the sensitivity will need to be increased. Disarm the alarm, and open the hood to gain access to the siren control module.
F. Gently turn theadjustment screw approximately 1/8 turn clockwise (
increasing sensitivity ), and repeat the test.
G. Repeat this procedure until a firm strike causes the alarm to trigger,
and a less forceful impact causes the alarm to sound the warning chirps.
H. When the adjustment is set, replace the rubber plug on the back of
the siren module.
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In this section, theoperation of thesystem is describedaccording to the voicemessagesthat are programmed into the siren controlmodule. The equivalent chirp tones are shown in parenthesis for those users that have disabled the voice ( see blue wire loop ).
Additionally, if the relay included in the package was used to flash the parking lights, the parking light indications will be shown in brackets
1. Arming the System
A. Exit the vehicle, and close and lock all doors. B.Press and releasethe larger arming buttonon the keychaintransmit-
ter. The system will respond with “ARMED” ( one single chirp). [ one flash ].
C. The red dash mounted L.E.D. will begin to flash, and after approxi-
mately six seconds, the shock sensing feature of the system will be activated. The voltage sensing circuit will begin its countdown, and after approximately threeminutes, opening a light activateddoor will trigger the alarm.
D. If the system has been installed usingthe automatic passive arming
feature,then 60 seconds after switchingthe ignitionkeyoff, the alarm will automatically arm providing the hood and trunk lids are closed. During the 60 second automatic arming cycle, the dash mounted L.E.D. will flash rapidly.
IMPORTANT ! If the WHITE loop wire was cut during the installation procedure, the voltage sensing feature of the alarm will become active sixseconds after arming thesystem (seeCOMPLETING THE INSTAL­LATION, WHITE Loop Wire ). You will not need to wait the three minutes, before opening a door will cause the alarm to trigger.
2. Protection While the System is Armed
A. Opening a door ( or any light activated entry point ), will cause the
alarm to immediatelysound for the complete 60 second alarmcycle. If the relay was installed to flash the parking lamps, then the parking lights will flash on and off during the 60 second alarm cycle.
B. If the relay was installed to disable the vehicle’s starter, then any
unauthorized attempt to start the vehicle will be prevented.
C. While the system is armed, the red dash mounted L.E.D. will
constantly flash, discouraging any would be thieves.
D. Any light impact to the vehicle glass or body panels will cause the
system to immediately sound the warning chirps, discouraging any further attempts to enter the vehicle.
E. Any forceful impact to the vehicle will cause the system to immedi-
atelytrigger for thecomplete60 second alarmcycle. At the endof the cycle,the alarm will re -arm itself,and resumemonitoringthe vehicle.
3. Disarming the System
A. When you return tothe vehicle, press and releasethe larger arming
button on the keychain transmitter. The system will respond with “ DISARMED “ ( two chirps ). [ two flashes ].
B1. If the alarmhasbeen wired for ACTIVEoperation, then the reddash
mounted L.E.D. will turn off, indicating that the system is disarmed, and it is safe to enter the vehicle.
B2. If the alarm has been wired for PASSIVE operation, then the red
dash mounted L.E.D. will begin to flash rapidly, indicating that the system is disarmed, but in the automatic re - arming mode. Within 60secondsof disarming the system,you willneed toturn theignition key to the on position to stop the system from re - arming.
4. Disarming After an Intrusion
When disarming, if the system responds with “ INTRUSION “ ( four chirps ) [ three flashes ], you are being alerted that the alarm was triggered during your absence. Additionally, the red dash mounted L.E.D. will blink 3 times .. pause .. blink 3 times .. etc., to provide an added visual indication that the alarm had been triggered. These intrusion indicators are stored in the system’s memory, and will only be erased when the ignition key is switched on.
5. Decreasing the Sensitivity of the Shock Sensor via the
Keychain Transmitter
There may be some circumstances when you will want to arm the system, but decrease the sensitivity of the shock sensor, or simply turn the shock sensor off. This feature can be useful during extreme thunderstorms, or when parking on or near heavy construction sites.
To arm and decrease shock sensitivity, A. Follow thenormal arming procedureby pressing the largerbutton on
the keychain transmitter.
B.Immediatelyafter arming, press and release the smallerbutton onthe
keychain transmitter.
C. In approximately five seconds, the siren will sound one long chirp,
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indicating that the sensitivity of the shock sensor has been reduced 30 percent.
To arm and turn the shock sensor off, A. Follow the normalarming procedure bypressing the largerbutton on
the keychain transmitter.
B. Immediately afterarming, pressand release thesmaller button onthe
keychain transmitter two times.
C. In approximately five seconds, the siren will sound one short chirp,
followedby one longchirp, indicating thattheshock sensor hasbeen turned off.
IMPORTANT ! Any time the shock sensor has beenadjusted using the keychaintransmitter,disarming then re arming the system willreturn the shock sensor to its normal operating sensitivity.
6. Remote Panic Operation
Thealarmcanbe activated via the keychain transmitterto draw attention to your vehicle during an emergency situation.
To activate the panic feature; A. Press and hold the larger button on the keychain transmitter for 3
B. The alarm will sound, and continue to sound for 60 seconds. C. To silence the alarm before the 60 second shutdown, press and
release the larger button on the keychain transmitter.
WARNING ! In most areas, it is illegal to activate the alarm while the vehicleismoving.For the safety of your passengersand other motorists, do not activate the alarm while your vehicle is in motion.
7. Valet Switch Operation
If you lose or misplace your keychain transmitter, or if the transmitter fails to disarm the system, an emergency bypass switch is included to temporarily disarm the system.
To use the switch; A. Open the driver’s door. The alarm will sound ! B. Insert the key into the ignition switch, and turn it to the “on” position. C.Move the valet switchto the “ON” position.Thealarm will disarm,and
the vehicle can now be started.
D. The dash mounted L.E.D. will turn on solid, and remain on until the
system is switched out of valet mode.
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