Flush-mount Microphone Socket with LED Ring and Touch Switch
Installation and Operation
The AT8657/LED requires 24-48V DC phantom power for operation.
Output is low impedance (Lo-Z) balanced. The signal appears across
Pins 2 and 3; Pin 1 is ground (shield). Output phase is “Pin 2 hot” –
positive acoustic pressure produces positive voltage at Pin 2. Switch
logic output appears between pins 1 and 4. LED logic input appears
between pins 1 and 5.
The microphone socket should be installed on a at, unobstructed
mounting surface.
The AT8657/LED should be mounted to a tabletop using the included
isolators in order to dampen surface vibration. To mount the socket with
the isolators, a 35 mm (13/8") hole is recommended. Place the isolators on
either side of the hole to achieve mechanical isolation from the mounting
Use the retaining ring to hold a gooseneck microphone securely in the
socket. Insert the microphone and plug it into the three-pin XLRF-type
• Flush-mount microphone socket for the ES945/ES947 or any
phantom-powered gooseneck with a 3-pin XLRM-type output and
a base diameter no greater than 21 mm
• Mounts unobtrusively in tabletops
• Switch logic output permits control of remote devices from builtin capacitance switch
• Integral, phantom-powered, Red/Green LED indicator ring
• Operates on 24-48V DC phantom power
• 3-pin XLRF-type connector for microphone, 5-pin XLRM-type
connector for output
• Lock tab in socket case automatically locks microphone in place,
holding it there until tab is manually released by user
• Isolators provide mechanical dampening of mounting-surface
• Low-prole design with low-reectance black nish for minimum
input, then slip the rubber isolator and retaining ring over the microphone
and screw it in place at the microphone’s base using included screws.
Note: The retaining ring and gooseneck isolator are used only with
gooseneck microphones.
The AT8657/LED’s capacitive-type touch-sensitive switch allows the user
to trigger a function on an external device: Switch logic output is High
(+5V DC) when pressed. Low (0V DC) when not pressed.
The LED indicator ring lights red when logic high (+5V DC) and green
when logic low (0V DC).
Avoid leaving the microphone in the open sun or in areas where
temperatures exceed 110° F (43° C) for long periods of time. Extremely
high humidity should also be avoided.
The AT8657/LED ush-mount microphone socket features a capacitivetype touch-sensitive switch, Red/Green LED indicator ring, switch logic
output for controlling remote devices and a lock tab to hold microphone
in place. The socket is equipped with a three-pin XLRF-type in, and a
ve-pin XLRM-type output connector.
The AT8657/LED requires 24-48V DC phantom power for operation.
The electronics in the socket take up to 30 seconds to stabilize
after power is applied; during this start-up period, some sonic
disturbances may be heard upon switching if the system is “live.”
The touch-sensitive switch can be used to trigger an external device.
The lock tab, located in the socket case, automatically engages when
microphone is inserted, securely holding it in place until tab is manually
released by user.
The output of the socket is a 5-pin XLRM-type connector.
Isolators are included with the unit for mechanical isolation from the
mounting surface. A retaining ring is also included for use with
gooseneck microphones. The socket is enclosed in a heavy-duty die-cast
case. The low-prole housing has a low-reectance black nish.

Pin-out Conguration
Pin 1 Ground
Pin 2 Audio +
Pin 3 Audio Pin 4 Switch Logic
Pin 5 LED Input
44.0 mm
10.4 mm
54.0 mm
4.1 mm
30.0 mm
1. 18"
22.8 mm
33.5 mm
Output impedance 360 Ohms
Switch logic High (+5V DC) when pressed;
Low (0V DC) when not pressed
I/O voltage -0.5V to 5.5V
LED input Red when high (+5V DC), Green when
low (0V DC), TTL compatible
Maximum input voltage -0.5V to 5.5V
Phantom power requirements 24-48V DC, 4 mA typical
Switch Touch-sensitive control: momentary
Weight 165 g (5.8 oz)
Dimensions 130.6 mm (5.14") long,
55.0 mm (2.17") maximum width
Input connector 3-pin XLRF-type
Output connector 5-pin XLRM-type
Accessories furnished One pair surface isolators; gooseneck
retaining ring & isolator; mounting nut;
screws (3)
In the interest of standards development, A.T.U.S. offers full
details on its test methods to other industry professionals
Specications are subject to change without notice.
on request.
130.6 mm
19.0 mm
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