AudioCodes Voice.AI Gateway Integration Guide

Integration Guide
AudioCodes Intuitive Human Communications for Chatbot Services
Voice.AI Gateway
Version 1.8
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, AudioCodes cannot guarantee accuracy of printed material after the Date Published nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Updates to this document can be downloaded from
This document is subject to change without notice.
Date Published: August-20-2020
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Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide

Notes and Warnings

OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE. Portions of the software may be open source software and may be governed by and distributed under open source licenses, such as the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL), the terms of the Lesser General Public License (LGPL), BSD and LDAP, which terms are located at and all are incorporated
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Related Documentation

Document Name
Voice.AI Gateway API Reference Guide
Voice.AI Gateway Product Description
Voice.AI Gateway with One-Click Dialogflow Integration Guide
AudioCodes Phone Number Connector

Document Revision Record

LTRT Description
30920 Initial document release.
30921 Parameters added- sttContextId, , sttContextPhrases, sttContextBoost.
30922 "Amazon Lex" and "Google Dialogflow" terms added; AudioCodes API syntax
example for initial sent message; hangupReason updated (CDR); handover changed to transfer; event type (e.g., string) added; sttEndpointID (description updated)' miscellaneous.
30923 Updated to Ver. 1.4. VOICE_AI_WELCOME event replaced by WELCOME.
30924 Dialogflow text length limitation; typo (Product Notice replaced by Product
30926 Updated to Ver. 1.6; Nuance add for STT/TTS; transferSipHeaders (typo);
transferReferredByURL (added); sttContextId (updated)
30927 Bot-controlled parameters added.
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Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
LTRT Description
30928 Updated to Ver. 1.8. startRecognition and stopRecognition (added to activities);
participant (added to initial message); participant, from, and participantUriUser (added to text message); sendMetaData (added to activities)
30929 No User Input Event section added; DTMF Event corrected re "value"
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Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide

Table of Contents

1 Introduction 1
Purpose 1 Targeted Audience 1
2 Required Information 2
Required Information of Bot Framework Provider 2 Required Information of STT Provider 3 Required Information of TTS Provider 4
3 Messages Sent by Voice.AI Gateway 7
Initial Message 7 End of Conversation Message 10 Text Message 10 DTMF Event 12 No User Input Event 13
4 Messages Sent by Bot 15
Basic Activity Syntax 15 message Activity 15 event Activities 16
hangup 17
transfer 17
Adding SIP Headers on Call Transfer 18
playUrl 19
config 20
startRecognition and stopRecognition 20
sendMetaData 21
Bot Framework Specific Details 21
AudioCodes Bot API 21
Microsoft Azure 21
Google Dialogflow 22
Parameters Controlled Also by Bot 24
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CHAPTER1 Introduction

1 Introduction

AudioCodes Voice.AI Gateway enhances chatbot functionality by allowing human communication with chatbots through voice (voicebot), offering an audio- centric user experience. Integrating the Voice.AI Gateway into your chatbot environment provides you with a single-vendor solution, assisting you in migrating your text-based chatbot experience into a voice-based chatbot.
Prior to reading this document, it is recommended that you read the Voice.AI
Gateway Product Description to familiarize yourself with AudioCodes Voice.AI
Gateway architecture and solution.
Most of the information provided in this document is relevant to all bot frameworks.
Where a specific bot framework uses different syntax, a note will indicate this.


Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
This guide provides the following:
Information that you need to supply AudioCodes for connecting the Voice.AI Gateway to
the third-party cognitive services used in your chatbot environment - bot framework(s), speech-to-text (STT) engine(s), and text-to-speech (TTS) engine(s).
Description of the messages sent by the Voice.AI Gateway to the bot, and messages sent
by the bot to the Voice.AI Gateway to achieve the desired functionality. These descriptions allow the bot developer to adapt the bot's behavior to the voice and telephony engagement channels.

Targeted Audience

This guide is intended for IT Administrators and Bot Developers who want to integrate AudioCodes Voice.AI Gateway into their bot solution.
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CHAPTER2 Required Information

2 Required Information

This section lists the information that you need to supply AudioCodes for integrating and connecting the Voice.AI Gateway to the cognitive services of your chatbot environment. This includes information of the bot framework, Speech-to-Text (STT) provider, and Text-to-Speech (TTS) provider used in your environment.

Required Information of Bot Framework Provider

To connect the Voice.AI Gateway to bot frameworks, you need to provide AudioCodes with the bot framework provider's details, as listed in the following table.
Table 2-1: Required Information per Bot Framework
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
Microsoft Azure
Required Information
To connect to Microsoft Azure Bot Framework, you need to provide AudioCodes with the bot's secret key. To obtain this key, refer to Azure's documentation at
Note: Microsoft Azure Bot Framework Direct Line Version 3.0 must be used.
To connect to Amazon Lex, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:
AWS account keys:
Access key
Secret access key
To obtain these keys, refer to the AWS documentation at­access-keys.html.
Note: The same keys are used for all Amazon services (STT, TTS and
bot framework).
Name of the specific bot
AWS Region (e.g., "us-west-2")
To connect to Google Dialogflow, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:
Private key of the Google service account. For information on how to
create the account key, refer to Google's documentation at
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CHAPTER2 Required Information
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
Required Information
account-keys. From the JSON object representing the key, you need to
extract the private key (including the "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----" prefix) and the service account email.
Client email
Project ID (of the bot)
AudioCodes Bot API
To create the channel between the Voice.AI Gateway's Cognitive Service component and the bot provider, refer to the document Voice.AI Gateway
API Reference Guide.

Required Information of STT Provider

To connect the Voice.AI Gateway to third-party, speech-to-text (STT) engines, you need to provide AudioCodes with the STT provider's details, as listed in the following table.
Table 2-2: Required Information per Supported STT Provider
Microsoft Azure Speech Services
Required Information from STT Provider
Connectivity Language Definition
To connect to Azure's Speech Service, you need to provide AudioCodes with your subscription key for the service.
To obtain the key, see Azure's documentation at­us/azure/cognitive­services/speech-service/get­started.
Note: The key is only valid for a
specific region.
To connect to Azure Speech Services, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:
Relevant value in the 'Locale' column
in Azure's Text-to-Speech table (see below).
For example, for Italian (Italy), the 'Locale' column value is "it-IT".
For languages supported by Azure's Speech Services, see the Speech-to-text table in Azure's documentation at­us/azure/cognitive-services/speech­service/language-support.
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The Voice.AI Gateway can also use Azure's Custom Speech service. For more information, see Azure's documentation at
CHAPTER2 Required Information
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
Google Cloud Speech­to-Text
Required Information from STT Provider
To connect to Google Cloud Speech-to-Text service, see
Required Information of Bot Framework Provider on page2
for required information.
us/azure/cognitive-services/speech­service/how-to-custom-speech-deploy­model . If you do use this service, you
need to provide AudioCodes with the custom endpoint details.
To connect to Google Cloud Speech-to­Text, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:
Relevant value in the 'languageCode'
column in Google's Cloud Speech-to­Text table (see below).
For example, for English (South Africa), the 'Language code' column value is "en­ZA".
For languages supported by Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, see Google's documentation at­text/docs/languages.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.

Required Information of TTS Provider

To connect the Voice.AI Gateway to third-party, text-to-speech (TTS) engines, you need to provide AudioCodes with the TTS provider's details, as listed in the following table.
Table 2-3: Required Information per Supported TTS Provider
Micros oft
Connectivity Language Definition
To connect to Azure's Speech Service, you need
Required Information from TTS Provider
To connect to Azure Speech Services, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:
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CHAPTER2 Required Information
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
Required Information from TTS Provider
Azure Speech Service s
Google Cloud Text­to­Speech
to provide AudioCodes with your subscription key for the service.
To obtain the key, see Azure's documentation at om/en­us/azure/cognitive­services/speech­service/get-started.
Note: The key is valid
only for a specific region.
To connect to Google Cloud Text-to- Speech service, see Required
Information of Bot Framework Provider on
page2 for required
Relevant value in the 'Locale' column in
Azure's Text-to-Speech table (see below link).
Relevant value in the 'Short voice name'
column in Azure's Text-to-Speech table (see below link).
For example, for Italian (Italy), the 'Locale' column value is "it-IT" and the 'Short voice name' column value is "it-IT-ElsaNeural".
For languages supported by Azure's Speech Services, see the Text-to-Speech table in Azure's documentation at­us/azure/cognitive-services/speech­service/language-support.
To connect to Google Cloud Text-to-Speech, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:
Relevant value in the 'Language code' column
in Google's table (see below link).
Relevant value in the 'Voice name' column in
Google's table (see below link).
AWS Amazo n Polly
To connect to Amazon Polly Text-to-Speech service, see Required
Information of Bot Framework Provider on
page2 for required
For example, for English (US), the 'Language code' column value is "en-US" and the 'Voice name' column value is "en-US-Wavenet-A".
For languages supported by Google Cloud Text­to-Speech, see Google's documentation at­speech/docs/voices.
To connect to Amazon Polly TTS service, you need to provide AudioCodes with the following:
Relevant value in the 'Language' column in
Amazon Polly TTS table (see below link).
Relevant value in the 'Name/ID' column in
Amazon Polly TTS table (see below link).
For example, for English (US), the 'Language' column value is "English, US (en-US)" and the
- 5 -
CHAPTER2 Required Information
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
Required Information from TTS Provider
'Name/ID' column is "Matthew".
For languages supported by Amazon Polly TTS service, see the table in oicelist.html.
Almag u
Nuanc e
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
Contact AudioCodes for more information.
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CHAPTER3 Messages Sent by Voice.AI Gateway

3 Messages Sent by Voice.AI Gateway

This section describes the messages that are sent by the Voice.AI Gateway.

Initial Message

When the conversation starts, a message is sent with the details of the call. These details include (when available) the following:
Table 3-1: Description of Initial Message Sent by Voice.AI Gateway
Property Type Description
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
String Dialed phone number. This is typically obtained
from the SIP To header.
String Host part of the destination of the call. This is
typically obtained from the SIP To header.
String Caller's phone number. This is typically obtained
from the SIP From header.
String Host part of the source of the call. This is typically
obtained from the SIP From header.
String Caller's display name. This is typically obtained from
the SIP From header.
- Defines additional attributes such as values from various SIP headers. These can be added by customization. The Voice.AI Gateway can be configured to extract values from the SIP INVITE message and then send them as additional attributes in the initial message to the bot.
Array of Object s
Participants of the conversation when the Voice.AI Gateway is used with the SBC's SIPRec feature (e.g., for the Agent Assist solution). This parameter includes the following sub-parameters:
participant: (String) Role of the participant,
which can be one of the following values:
user defined
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CHAPTER3 Messages Sent by Voice.AI Gateway
Property Type Description
Voice.AI Gateway | Integration Guide
The value is obtained from the 'ac:role' element in the SIPRec XML body. The values should be set in the SIPRec XML using the SBC's Message Manipulation functionality, under the <par­ticipant> element, as shown in the following example:
<participant id="+123456789" session="0000-0000-0000-0000­b44497aaf9597f7f"> <nameID aor=""></ nameID> <ac:role>caller</ac:role> </participant>
The values must be unique.
uriUser: (String) User-part of the URI of the
participant. The value is obtained from the user­part of the 'aor' property of the 'nameID' element in the SIPRec XML body.
uriHost: (String) Host-part of the URI of the
participant. The value is obtained from the host­part of the 'aor' property of the 'nameID' element in the SIPRec XML body.
displayName: (String) Display name of the
participant. The value is obtained from the 'name' sub-element of the 'nameID' element in the SIPRec XML body.
The syntax of the initial message depends on the specific bot framework:
Table 3-2: Syntax of Initial Message Sent by Voice.AI Gateway
Message Syntax
AudioCodes Bot API
The message is sent as a start event, with the details inside the
parameters property.
"type": "event",
"name": "start",
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