AudioCodes OVOC Integration Guide

Integration Guide

AudioCodes One Voice Operation Center (OVOC)
Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Version 8.0
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
This document is subject to change without notice.
Date Published: March-11-2021

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Document Name
OVOC Documents
Migration from EMS and SEM Ver. 7.2 to One Voice Operations Center
One Voice Operations Center IOM Manual
One Voice Operations Center Product Description
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OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Document Name
One Voice Operations Center User’s Manual
Device Manager Pro Administrator's Manual
One Voice Operations Center Alarms Monitoring Guide
One Voice Operations Center Performance Monitoring Guide
One Voice Operations Center Security Guidelines
One Voice Operations Center Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Device Manager for Third-Party Vendor Products Administrator's Manual
Device Manager Agent Installation and Configuration Guide
ARM User’s Manual
Documents for Managed Devices
Mediant 500 MSBR User's Manual
Mediant 500L MSBR User's Manual
Mediant 500Li MSBR User's Manual
Mediant 500L Gateway and E-SBC User's Manual
Mediant 800B Gateway and E-SBC User’s Manual
Mediant 800 MSBR User’s Manual
Mediant 1000B Gateway and E-SBC User’s Manual
Mediant 1000B MSBR User’s Manual
Mediant 2600 E-SBC User's Manual
Mediant 3000 User’s Manual
Mediant 4000 SBC User's Manual
Mediant 9000 SBC User's Manual
Mediant Software SBC User's Manual
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OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces

Document Revision Record

LTRT Description
19226 Update to Section:MGs Topology List; Alarm Forwarding Data Formats; OVOC
Server Backup and Restore; Data Analytics API
Section:Step 6 Configuring AudioCodes Azure Active Directory (Operator Authentication) moved to IOM
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OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces

Table of Contents

1 Overview 1
2 OVOC Integration 2
OVOC Integration Elements 2
OVOC Topology File 2
Alarms 2
Gateway Status 3
Security 3
Configuration and Maintenance 3
MIB Folder 3
NBIF Folder 3
3 Topology Files 6
MGs Topology List 6 Topology.xml File 7
4 Managing PM Files 9
Saving PM Filter Queries 9 Creating PM Data File 10
5 Fault Management 11
Alarms and Events Forwarding to the NMS 11
Forwarding Alarms from OVOC Server to the NMS 12
Forwarding Alarms Directly from Devices to NMS 20
Alarm Aggregation 20
Examples of Aggregated Alarms 20
Alarm Forwarding Data Formats 22
OVOC Server Alarm Settings 28
Alarms Automatic Clearing (on Startup) 28
Alarms Automatic Clearing Period (Days) 29
Events Clearing Mechanism 29
Alarm Suppression Mechanism 29
Alarms Sequence Numbering 29
SNMP Alarms Synchronization 32
Resynchronization (Resync) Mechanism 32
OVOC Keep-alive 34
Status / State Management via Devices SNMP Interface 37
6 Voice Quality Reports 38
7 OVOC Server Backup and Restore 41
8 Data Analytics API 44
9 Security 47
Network Communication Protocols 47 OVOC User Identity Management 48
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Authentication and Authorization using a Radius Server 48
Configuring Radius Server Client 49
Configuring RADIUS Server 50
Authentication and Authorization using an LDAP Server 51
Authentication and Authorization using Microsoft Azure 52
Step 6 Configuring AudioCodes Azure Active Directory (Operator Authentication) 53
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HTTPS Connection 60
10 Data Analytics API Database Tables 61
Main Table Views 61 Type Views 75
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CHAPTER1 Overview

1 Overview

AudioCodes One Voice Operations Center OVOC delivers a comprehensive management tools suite comprising of base platform and add-on modular applications for the management, monitoring and operation of converged VoIP and data networks implemented in large-scale cloud or premise-based unified communications deployments using AudioCodes devices. The products that are managed by the OC include the Session Border Controllers (SBC), Media Gateways, Microsoft Survivable Branch Appliances (SBA), Multi Service Business Router (MSBR), residential gateways and devices .OVOC also integrates with the Microsoft Skype for Business environment platforms.
The Network Operations Center's core product, the Operations Center OC manages these products in a centralized device inventory via a Web client, enabling integrative network operations. The following describes the key products in the OC suite:
The One Voice Operations Center: The OVOC is an advanced solution for remote
standards-based management of AudioCodes products within VoP networks, covering all areas vital for their efficient operation, administration, management and security. A single user interface provides real time information including network and device component status, activity logs and alarms. Complete End-to-End network control includes data on all devices, all locations, all sizes, all network functions and services and full control over the network, including services, updates, upgrades, and operations. The OVOC is in AudioCodes’ assessment, the best tool to manage AudioCodes devices. However, it does not replace the NMS and OSS management systems, which displays to operators a comprehensive view of the network, including other vendors’ equipment. After defining and initially provisioning a device via the device's embedded Web server tool, operators will usually work with an NMS / OSS for day-to-day maintenance. Only in the event of problems with a device or when significant maintenance tasks must be performed, will operators open the OVOC and work directly with it. Consequently, the OVOC provides APIs for faults monitoring (alarms) and security integration with a higher level management system.
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Voice Quality Management: Voice Quality Management involves the analyze of real-time
Voice Quality statistics, which enables the rapid identification of the metrics responsible for degradation in the quality of any VoIP call made over the network nodes including AudioCodes devices and links. It provides an accurate diagnostic and troubleshooting tool for analyzing quality problems in response to VoIP user criticism. It proactively prevents VoIP quality degradation and optimizes quality of experience for VoIP users. In addition, it integrates with Microsoft Skype for Business monitoring server to provide end-to-end VoIP quality monitoring on Microsoft Skype for Business deployments. In addition, Voice Quality integrates and monitors with endpoints reporting RFC 6035 SIP PUBLISH packets.
The Device Manager Pro: Enables enterprise network administrators to effortlessly and
effectively set up, configure and update up to 30000 400HD Series IP phones in globally distributed corporations. These phones can upload configuration files from the OVOC server and send status updates over the REST protocol.
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CHAPTER2 OVOC Integration

2 OVOC Integration

This document describes how to integrate the network elements of AudioCodes One Voice Operation Center (OVOC) with northbound interfaces. This includes the integration of alarms and events that are generated by the managed elements, the XML files polling and the Topology file. The figure below illustrates this integration.
Figure 2-1: OVOC Integration Overview
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces

OVOC Integration Elements

This section describes the integration elements.

OVOC Topology File

The OVOC Topology file includes a snapshot of all the devices that are defined in the OVOC application. This file is located on the OVOC server and is available for the higher level management system (see Topology Files).


Alarms are forwarded to the NMS as SNMP notifications (traps). These alarms can be forwarded using one of the following methods:
Forwarded by the OVOC application to the NMS server (for all the network elements and
the OVOC itself).
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CHAPTER2 OVOC Integration
Sent directly by each one of the network elements directly to the NMS server. In this case,
there is the possibility to enable OVOC alarms. For example, when a connection between the OVOC server and device is established or lost, traps are forwarded to the NMS server.
For detailed information, see Fault Management.

Gateway Status

The status of a device can be determined based on the set of supported IETF Management Information Base (MIB-II) tables (described in the SNMP Reference Guide).


Security integration covers two main areas: Users Management and Network Communication protocols.
OVOC Users Management (Authentication and Authorization) locally in the OVOC
database or via a centralized RADIUS server or LDAP server.
Network Communication Protocols:
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
NBIF Client- OVOC server connection is secured by default over HTTPS port 443
using AudioCodes default certificates or custom certificates
File transfer
SNMPv2 and SNMPv3: For Maintenance actions and Faults
SSH/SFTP/SCP: used for File transfer
For detailed information, see OVOC Server Backup and Restore

Configuration and Maintenance

A REST API will be available in a future release for performing configuration and maintenance actions from the NMS and running automation scripts using REST API URLs. For more information, contact your AudioCodes representative.

MIB Folder

AudioCodes MIB files are located under the following folder:

NBIF Folder

All OVOC and device information available for the NMS and other Northbound interfaces including Topology and Backup data is located in the OVOC server machine under the folder /NBIF. This folder can be accessed using HTTPS browsing by entering the URL https://<OVOC server IP>/NBIF in your Web browser.
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CHAPTER2 OVOC Integration
The customer’s Web browser must have installed the appropriate X.509
certificates signed by the same Certificate Authority (CA) as the OVOC server web browser certificates. Choose the appropriate certificate, and then click OK.
For more information on the implementation of X.509 certificates, refer to the
OVOC Security Guidelines.
HTTP/S access to the NBIF folder requires a user name and password. This is
required for multi-tenancy support where only authorized tenants should be able to access the NBIF folder. The Default user name is “nbif” and the default password “pass_1234”. This password can be changed using the OVOC server Manager, for more information, refer to Section Change HTTP/S Authentication Password for NBIF Directory in the OVOC Server IOM.
The 'NBIF' folder content opens; double-click each one of the folders to list its contents. Double-click each file to open its contents.
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Figure 2-2: NBIF Parent Directory
Figure 2-3: NBIF Topology Directory
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CHAPTER2 OVOC Integration
The 'NBIF' folder contains the following sub-folders:
SEM: this folder contains Scheduled Reports. For more information, see Voice Quality
alarms: this folder contains a file saved by the OVOC user (Actions > Save Alarms To File'
which is available in the Active Alarms/History Alarms and Journal pages) where the action result displays no less than 1500 records. This file is created for local user requests and must not be collected by higher level Management or Backup systems.
emsBackup: this folder contains the daily and weekly backup of the OVOC server. For
more information, see OVOC Server Backup and Restore.
ippmanager (Device Manager): this folder contains the following folders:
generate: contains the device firmware files
regioncache: contains the device global cfg files
sess: contains system folder for sessions management
templates: contains the device cfg template files
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
tmp: contains system folder for temporary files
mgBackup: this folder contains the backed up device INI and CLI configuration files.
mgDebug: this folder contains Syslog and Packets debug information.
Mgmt_ca: this folder contains the default certificate files for the OVOCManaged devices
and the OVOC Root CA file.
pmFiles:this folder contains the output XMLfile for Performance Monitoring data that is
collected per polling interval according to the PMProfile and output to XMLfile according to the filter settings.
topology: A Summary file of all the devices and their basic properties defined in the OVOC
application. The summary file is located under the 'topology' folder and is always named MGsTopologyList.csv. For more information, see Topology Files.
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CHAPTER3 Topology Files

3 Topology Files

Topology files are created and maintained by the OVOC application. These file includes updated information on the OVOC topology. The following files are generated by the OVOC server:
MGsTopologyList.csv (see below)
Topology.xml file (see Topology.xml File)
Both the 'MGsTopologyList.csv' and the Topology.xml file can be retrieved using one of the following methods:
Using the ‘Collect Logs’ option in the EMS Server Manager
By FTP or SFTP protocol
Via Telnet or SSH using 'nbif' user with user nbif, pass_1234
The Topology.xml must be generated manually using the Topology Export procedure (described below in Topology.xml File).
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces

MGs Topology List

The MGsTopologyList.csv file is used by the NMS system to synchronize the list of devices that are currently managed by the OVOC for the purposes of Alarms Forwarding integration. For example, if a specific device has not been receiving alarms, you can verify in the topology file, whether the relevant device is displayed in the list of connected gateways.
The Topology file is automatically updated upon the addition /removal of a device or upon updates to the device's properties, such as name, IP address or region modification. The OVOC sends 'acEMSTopologyUpdateEvent' (Topology Update) for changes in the definition or update of a device and sends 'acEMSTopologyFileEvent (Topology File Generated) for a topology file update. These events are displayed in the OVOC Alarm Browser and in the NMS Alarm Browser when the 'OVOC Events Forwarding' check box is selected in the Trap Configuration 'Destination Rule Configuration' dialog.
When multiple devices are added, the Topology file is updated approximately once per minute as the entire operation may take more than a few minutes. For detailed information on the exact event fields, refer to the OVOC Alarms Guide.
The file header is composed of two lines commencing with “;” file format version, and column names. Each row in the file represents a device in the OVOC tree and includes the following information:
Device Serial Number (displays either 32-bit and 64-bit serial numbers for SBC devices)
according to the device firmware version and configuration settings in the extern­als/configurationProperties/generalConfig file for the include_serial_string.
IP Address
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CHAPTER3 Topology Files
Node Name
Region Name
Product Type
Software Version
Connection Status – Connected / Not Connected – represent the ability of OVOC
application to communicate with the device
Administrative State – Locked / Unlocked / Shutting Down
Operational State – Enabled / Disabled
Mismatch State – No Mismatch / Software Version Unsupported / Software Mismatch /
Hardware Mismatch.
Last Change Time
Protocol Type –SIP
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Reset Needed
SBA IP Address
SNMP Version – options are SNMPv2/SNMPv3
SNMP Read – encrypted SNMP read community
SNMP Write – encrypted SNMP write community
SNMP User Profile - SNMP v3 user credentials in format: (EnginID;Se-
Gateway User – user name for MG web access
Gateway Password– user password for device web access
HTTPS Enabled – 0-disabled/1-enabled HTTPS access to the device
Tenant Name
See an example Excel file view in the figure below.
Figure 3-1: Topology File-Excel View

Topology.xml File

The Topology.xml file backs up the following data:
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CHAPTER3 Topology Files
AudioCodes devices
Skype for Business devices
Generic devices
SBAs/CloudBond/CCE Appliances
License Pool configuration for each managed device
To export the OVOC topology xml file:
1. Log in to the OVOC server platform as 'root' user with password root (default password is
su – root
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
2. Change directory to /ACEMS/
cd /ACEMS/
3. Execute script:
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CHAPTER4 Managing PM Files

4 Managing PM Files

Performance Monitoring data can be retrieved as follows:
Data files can be generated for polled data according to PM profile for each polling interval
(see Creating PM Data File)
Filter queries can be saved to an XMLfile which you can save to an external location (see
Saving PM Filter Queries)
Performance Monitoring parameters can be managed using SNMP and REST API.

Saving PM Filter Queries

You can save PMfilter queries to a CSVfile by selecting the option Save Device PM Data.
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
To save PMfilter queries:
1. In the OVOC Web, open the Network Devices page (Network tab >Devices menu).
2. Select the device whose data you wish to extract and click Show.
3. Verify that the device is currently being polled.
4. Click the Statistics tab and add a new filter.
5. Click Save Device PMData.
Filter output is saved to a CSV file; save the file to the desired external location. See example file below.
Figure 4-1: PMData File
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CHAPTER4 Managing PM Files

Creating PM Data File

A PM data file can be automatically generated when the option "Create Data File" is selected in the PM Profile in the OVOC Web. The data file is generated for polled data for each polling interval for all parameters that are defined in the profile. These files can be retrieved from the NBIF directory (see NBIF Folder).
To create a PM data file:
1. In the OVOC Web, open the Add PMProfile screen (Statistics > PM Profiles > Add).
2. Select the 'Create Data File' check box.
See example XML format in XML editor below.
Figure 4-2: Performance Monitoring XMLOutput
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
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CHAPTER5 Fault Management

5 Fault Management

AudioCodes devices report their faults (alarms and events) and state changes (Administrative/Operative state) via SNMP notification traps. Both standard and proprietary traps are supported. AudioCodes proprietary traps have the same variable bindings set. Each alarm includes information required by the ITU- T X.733 standard. Operative and Administrative states are managed according to the ITU-T X.731 standard. See the OVOC Alarms Guide for the exact list of standard, MG proprietary and OVOC proprietary traps that are supported for each device. For each trap description, it’s indicated whether the trap is defined as an alarm or an event.

Alarms and Events Forwarding to the NMS

Alarms can be forwarded to the NMS using one of the following methods:
Alarms and events are forwarded by the OVOC application to the NMS for all network
elements (devices, IP Phones and endpoints (purple-colored path in the figure below) or only Management alarms and events are forwarded (green-colored path in the figure below).
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Each one of the network elements (devices and devices) sends its own alarms directly to
the NMS (blue-colored path in the figure below). The device can send alarms to several destinations (the exact number of destinations depends on the device type). For example, the device can send alarms to the OVOC and NMS. You can configure each destination with a different trap port.
Traps are forwarded to the NMS as SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 Notifications. The SNMPv3 protocol provides more sophisticated security mechanisms than SNMPv2c. It implements a user-based security model (USM), allowing both authentication and encryption of the requests sent between the OVOC Manager and their agents, as well as user-based access control. SNMP can be configured in the OVOC at the global level using an SNMP Connectivity template, at the tenant level (Tenant SNMP Profile). You must configure identical SNMP settings on all managed devices.
Although the OVOC can forward alarms and events in several formats (SNMP Noti­fications, Mail and Syslog), alarms and events are always sent to an NMS as SNMP notifications for purposes of NMS integration.
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OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Figure 5-1: Alarm and Event Forwarding

Forwarding Alarms from OVOC Server to the NMS

This section describes how to configure alarms forwarding from the OVOC server to the NMS.
To forward alarms from the OVOC to the NMS:
1. Open the Alarms Forwarding page (Alarms > Forwarding).
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Figure 5-2: Alarms – Forwarding – Topology Conditions
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
2. Configure using the table below as a reference:
Table 5-1: Forwarding Alarms – Topology Conditions - Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Description
Rule Name Define an intuitive name, to be displayed in the alarm summary
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Parameter Description
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Forward matching alarms/events -or-
Prevent forwarding matching alarms/events
Allows or prevents forwarding alarms as Emails or Syslog depending on the option you select from the 'Destination Type' dropdown under the Destination tab. If for example you select Prevent forwarding matching alarms/events and then select Minor Alarms from the 'Severities' dropdown under the Rule Conditions tab, then minor alarms are not forwarded.
Enable/Disable Rule Enables or disables the rule if the parameters and conditions
configured under this tab as well as under Rule Conditions and Destinations are met.
Tenant From the dropdown, select System – all tenants; the rule will
then apply to all tenants and to all regions/links/devices/sites under all tenants.
Next to 'Attachments', you'll then view:
all Tenant/s, all Region/s, all Device/s, all Link/s, all Site/s
Click View to view all tenants in a collapsed tree; expand the branches to view and select specific regions/links/devices/sites to apply the rule to.
Alternatively: Select from the dropdown a specific tenant; the rule will be applied only to regions/links/devices/sites under that specified tenant.
Click View to view only that specified tenant displayed in the tree. You can expand the tenant to view and select specific regions/links/devices/sites under it.
Click a button to apply the rule to that entity and the entities under it. The buttons filter the System – all tenants option described above. For example, if you want the rule to be applied to all tenants but only to devices under all tenants, click the Devices button. Next to 'Attachments' you'll then view:
0 Tenant/s, 0 Region/s, all Device/s, 0 Link/s, 0 Site/s
If you click the View link, you'll view all tenants and all devices under them displayed in a collapsed tree. After expanding the tree and selecting specific entities, 'All Devices' will change to n devices as follows:
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Parameter Description
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3. Click OK or optionally click the Rule Conditions tab.
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Figure 5-3: Alarms – Forwarding – Rule Conditions
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
4. Configure using the table below as a reference:
Table 5-2: Forwarding Alarms – Rule Conditions - Parameter Descriptions
Parameter Description
Alarm Origin Select the origin from which alarms will be forwarded:
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Parameter Description
Event Origin Select the origin from which events will be forwarded:
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
VIP Endpoint Users
VIP Endpoint Users
Severities From the 'Severities' dropdown, select the severity level of the alarms you
want to receive:
Default: All Selected.
Alarm Names Allows forwarding alarms according to specific alarm names. For example, if
you select Power Supply Failure then only this alarm will be forwarded.
Default: All Selected.
Alarm Types Allows forwarding alarms according to specific alarm types. For example, if
you select communicationsAlarm then only this alarm type will be forwarded.
Default: All Selected.
5. Click OK or - optionally - click the Destination tab.
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Figure 5-4: Alarms – Forwarding – Destination SNMPv3
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
6. Configure using the tables below as reference:
Table 5-3: Forwarding Alarms – Destination
Parameter Description
Destination Type
Determines the format in which the alarm or event will be forwarded.
From the dropdown, select
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Parameter Description
7. Select SNMP. Configure the parameters that are displayed using the table below as a
Table 5-4: Forwarding Alarms - Destination - SNMP
Parameter Description
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Destination Host IP Address
Enter the destination NMS host IP address to which to forward alarms. Make sure you receive the alarms and events in the specified IP address on the port specified below.
Destination Host Port
Enter the destination host port to which to forward alarms. Make sure you receive the alarms and events on the specified port in the IP address specified above.
In the 'Destination Host port' field, enter the port number of the destination host (the default SNMP port for trap reception is 162).
Select either SNMP v2 or SNMP v3. Default: SNMP v3. Forwards only those alarms that are in the format of the SNMP version you select.
Note: ensure that you configure identical SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 account details on the NMS.
Trap Community [Only available if SNMP v2 is selected above].
Note: OVOC by default sends SNMPv2c traps with the field 'SNMPv2c Trap Community' set to public.
Security Name Enter the name of the operator.
Security Level From the dropdown select either:
No security
Authentication & Privacy
See the table below for OVOC-Syslog mapping.
Authentication Protocol
Only available if you select Authentication or Authentication & Privacy from the list above. Select either:
No Protocol
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Parameter Description
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Authentication Key
Privacy Protocol From the drop-down list, select the SNMP v3 operator's privacy
Only available if you select MD5 or SHA from the list above.
Privacy Key Enter the privacy key. Keys can be entered in the form of a text
password or long hex string. Keys are always persisted as long hex strings and keys are localized.

Forwarding Alarms Directly from Devices to NMS

Alarms are forwarded directly from the network element to the NMS over SNMPv2 or SNMPv3. On the managed devices, configure the NMS Trap Destination and identical SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 account settings. On the NMS, also configure identical SNMPv2 or SNMPv3 account settings. If you wish to forward alarms directly from devices to the NMS; however, forward alarms from the other network elements via the OVOC server, then you can configure the alarm forwarding rules accordingly as described in Alarms and Events Forwarding to the NMS.

Alarm Aggregation

An aggregated list of alarm notifications can be forwarded from OVOC in a batch in a single email with the alarm filter settings according to the Forwarding rule. "Max number of alarms to aggregate in single Email" sets the maximum number of alarms to aggregate into a single mail and "Email alarms aggregation time interval (seconds)" sets the time interval between sending the batch of alarms. For example, if the number of alarms to aggregate is set to 10, the time interval is set to 60 seconds and then after 60 seconds there are only 5 alarms raised according to the forwarding rule, then 5 alarms are forwarded.
Examples of Aggregated Alarms
The following shows examples of alarm alerts that are sent from OVOCto an NMS.
Alarms are separated by ***** Info****
Subject: OVOC received 10 new alarms
***** Event Info *****
Alarm Name: OVOC server Started
Date & Time: 1:12:54 PM Aug 8, 2018
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CHAPTER5 Fault Management
Source: OVOC Mgmt
Source Description:
Severity: major
Unique ID: 0
Alarm Type: communicationsAlarm
Alarm Probable Cause : other
Description: Server Startup
Additional Info 1:
Additional Info 2:
Additional Info 3:
***** System Info *****
System Name: OVOC Mgmt
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
System IP Address:
***** Alarm Info *****
Alarm Name: License Pool Infra Alarm
Date & Time: 12:13:03 PM Aug 6, 2018
Source: Board#1
Source Description:
Severity: clear
Unique ID: 12
Alarm Type: communicationsAlarm
Alarm Probable Cause : keyExpired
Description: Alarm cleared: License Pool Alarm. Device was unable to access the License Server.
Additional Info 1:
Additional Info 2:
Additional Info 3:
***** Device Info *****
Device Name:
Device Tenant: Eran
Device Region: Tel Aviv
Device IP Address:
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Device Type: Mediant 500 MSBR
Device Serial: 5856696
Device Description:

Alarm Forwarding Data Formats

The table below describes the data format for the MIBfields that are forwarded to North­bound destinations.
MIB Name Description
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
Table 5-5: Data Fields for Alarm Forwarding
Name (1)
Source (3)
Severity (4)
Integer 0..1000
The Alarm/event number as listed by product (usually
matches the last digit in the trap OID)
Summary of the reported issue that is sent in acEMSTrapG-
lobalsTextualDescription varbind
(Devices + OVOC: currently defined as 0..100)
The entity source of the problem, usually in the following
UniqID (5)
Integer 0..32000
The running number of alarms since the installation of the
OVOC instance.
The value of this number should be managed by the
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MIB Name Description
OVOC | Integration with Northbound Interfaces
system separately for alarms and events.
The OVOC application uses this number to recognize if
alarms were missed and to retrieve them using the Carrier­grade system.
The forwarded information includes OVOC alarms
sequencing for NMS carrier-grade alarms: where the running number events: always -1
Type (6)
ProbableCause (7)
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