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Document Revision Record
LTRT Description
28931 Initial document release for Version 7.4.
Version 7.4 7 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
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User's Manual 8 Document #: LTRT-28931
User's Manual 1. Introduction
1 Introduction
Stack Manager is used for managing 'software stacks' deployed in virtual environments. It
implements the complete stack lifecycle, including:
Automatic stack size adjustment – using automatic scaling
Stack configuration update
Current implementation supports Mediant CE (Cloud Edition) and Mediant VE (Virtual
Edition) SBC in the following environments:
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud
Stack Manager implements VNFM (Virtual Network Function Manager) functionality as
defined in the NFV Management and Organization (MANO) architectural framework.
The following management interfaces are provided:
Web interface
Command line interface (CLI)
Version 7.4 9 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
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User's Manual 10 Document #: LTRT-28931
User's Manual 2. Deployment
Stack Manager
Stack #1Stack #2
Virtual Infrastructure Management API
Management & Automation API
2 Deployment
2.1 Operational Environment
Stack Manager is mostly written in Python and may be installed on one of the following
operating systems:
Ubuntu Linux versions 16.04, 18.04, or 20.04
Amazon Linux versions 1 and 2
Red Hat Linux versions 7 and 8
CentOS Linux versions 7 and 8
Debian Linux Version 9
2.2 Network Topology
Stack Manager needs to have access to the following APIs for correct operation:
Virtual Infrastructure Management API (e.g., AWS API) for deploying stack
components and managing their lifecycle.
Management API of the deployed stack (e.g., REST API of Mediant CE) for assessing
operational status of deployed stack instances and managing their configuration and
Figure 2-1: Stack Manager Deployment Topology
Version 7.4 11 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
2.3 Installation Prerequisites
2.3.1 Installation Prerequisites for Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Prior to installing Stack Manager in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment, make
sure that you meet the following prerequisites:
You have an AWS account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for one on
Amazon's website at
You have created IAM Role that enables Stack Manager to access all needed AW S
APIs. For more information, see Section
Security groups of the "Main Subnet", where Stack Manager will be deployed, allow
Stack Manager to communicate with both the AWS APIs and the deployed Mediant
VE/CE stack instances, using the HTTPS protocol (Port 443). IAM Role for Stack Manager
The following IAM role ensures that Stack Manager can access all needed AWS APIs for
successful stack deployment and management. This role must be attached to the Stack
Manager’s virtual instances, as described in Section 2.4.
1. Open the AWS IAM console (
2. Navigate to the Policies screen:
a. Click Create.
b. Select the JSON tab, copy-and-paste the IAM policy rules listed above, and then
click Review policy.
c. Enter the IAM policy name (e.g., "STACK_MGR"), and then click Create policy.
3. Navigate to the Roles screen:
a. Click Create role.
b. Choose EC2 use case, and then click Next: permissions.
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User's Manual 2. Deployment
c. Search for the IAM policy created in the previous step, select it, and then click
Next: tags.
d. Click Next: review.
e. Enter the IAM role name (e.g., "STACK_MGR"), and then click Create role.
The IAM role specified above grants access to all EC2 and CloudFormation APIs. Stack
Manager currently uses the following specific services from these APIs:
Note: The above list may change as Stack Manager implementation is updated and new
functionality is added. Subnet and Elastic IP Addresses
Stack Manager uses the following IP addresses when communicating with Mediant VE/CE
stack instances that it deploys:
If the stack instance has a public IP address (Elastic IP) assigned to its management
interface, Stack Manager uses this public IP address to access the stack instance’s
management REST API.
Otherwise, Stack Manager uses the private IP address of the stack instance’s
management interface.
To enable Stack Manager’s access to the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack’s management
APIs, it is recommended to deploy Stack Manager to the same "Main Subnet" that is used
for carrying management traffic of the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack(s).
Stack Manager also needs to communicate with AWS APIs, which are accessible via public
IP addresses. Therefore, it should either be assigned with an Elastic IP address or placed
behind a NAT Gateway.
2.3.2 Installation Prerequisites for Microsoft Azure Environment
Prior to installing Stack Manager in the Microsoft Azure environment, make sure that you
meet the following prerequisites:
You have an Azure account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for one on
Microsoft's website at
Security groups of the "Main Subnet", where Stack Manager will be deployed, allow
Stack Manager to communicate with both the Azure API and the deployed Mediant
VE/CE stack instances, using the HTTPS protocol (Port 443). Subnet and Public IP Addresses
Stack Manager uses the following IP addresses when communicating with Mediant VE/CE
stack instances that it deploys:
If the stack instance has a public IP address assigned to its management interface,
Stack Manager uses this public IP address to access the stack instance’s
management REST API.
Otherwise, Stack Manager uses the private IP address of the stack instance’s
management interface.
To enable Stack Manager’s access to the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack’s management
APIs, it is recommended to deploy Stack Manager to the same "Main Subnet" that is used
for carrying management traffic of the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack(s).
User's Manual 14 Document #: LTRT-28931
User's Manual 2. Deployment
Stack Manager also needs to communicate with Azure APIs, which are accessible via public
IP addresses. Therefore, it should either be assigned with a public IP address or placed
behind a NAT Gateway.
2.3.3 Installation Prerequisites for Google Cloud Environment
Prior to installing Stack Manager in the Google Cloud environment, make sure that you meet
the following prerequisites:
You have a Google Cloud account. If you don't have one, you can sign up for one on
Google’s website at
Firewall Rules of the "Main Subnet", where Stack Manager will be deployed, allow
Stack Manager to communicate with both the Google Cloud API and the deployed
Mediant VE/CE stack instances, using the HTTPS protocol (Port 443). Subnet and External IP Addresses
Stack Manager uses External IP addresses when communicating with Mediant VE/CE stack
instances that it deploys. Therefore, it may be deployed in any subnet as long as it’s assigned
with an External IP and is allowed to communicate with Mediant VE/CE instances.
Nevertheless, to simplify network topology, it is recommended to deploy Stack Manager to
the same "Main Subnet" that is used for carrying management traffic of the deployed Mediant
VE/CE stack(s).
Stack Manager also needs to communicate with Google Cloud APIs, which are accessible
via public IP addresses. Therefore, it should either be assigned with an External IP address
or placed behind a NAT Gateway.
2.3.4 Installation Prerequisites for OpenStack Environment
Prior to installing Stack Manager in the OpenStack environment, make sure that you meet
the following prerequisites:
The OpenStack environment contains the following components:
• Nova
• Neutron
• Cinder
• Glance
• Heat
Security groups of the "Main Subnet", where Stack Manager will be deployed, allow
Stack Manager to communicate with both the OpenStack API and the deployed
Mediant CE stack instances, using the HTTPS protocol (Port 443). Provider Versus Self-Service Networks
Stack Manager supports deployment both in provider (flat) and self-service networks.
Version 7.4 15 Mediant CE
Stack Manager Subnet and Floating IP Addresses
Stack Manager uses the following IP addresses when communicating with Mediant VE/CE
stack instances that it deploys:
If the stack instance has a Floating IP address assigned to its management interface,
Stack Manager uses this Floating IP address to access the stack instance’s
management REST API.
Otherwise, Stack Manager uses the private IP address of the stack instance’s
management interface.
To enable Stack Manager’s access to the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack’s management
APIs, it is recommended to deploy Stack Manager to the same "Main Subnet" that is used
for carrying management traffic of the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack(s).
Stack Manager also needs to communicate with OpenStack automation APIs. Make sure
that your network topology enables such communication.
User's Manual 16 Document #: LTRT-28931
User's Manual 2. Deployment
2.4 Installation
2.4.1 Overview
For Microsoft Azure, Stack Manager is available in the Azure Marketplace. Therefore, its
deployment consists of a single step, as described in Section 2.4.3, Deploying Stack
Manager on Microsoft Azure.
For other cloud environments, Stack Manager installation consists of two steps:
1. Creating the Instance / Virtual Machine: This step differs, depending on the virtual
environment. For detailed instructions, see the following sections:
• Section 2.4.2, Creating Amazon Web Services (AW S) Instance
• Section 2.4.4, Creating Google Cloud Virtual Machine
• Section 2.4.5, Creating OpenStack Instance
2. Installing the Stack Manager application: For detailed instructions, see Section 2.4.6,
Installing Stack Manager Application
2.4.2 Creating Amazon Web Services (AWS) Instance
The following procedure describes how to create a new AWS instance for running the Stack
Manager application.
To create a new AWS instance for running Stack Manager application:
1. Open the AWS EC2 Console at
2. In the Instances screen, click Launch Instance.
3. Choose one of the supported operating systems (e.g., "Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS
4. In the Choose an Instance Type screen, choose the "t2.small" instance type, and then
click Next; the Configure Instance Details screen appears.
Figure 2-3: Choose an Instance Type – Step 2
5. In the Configure Instance Details screen, configure the following:
•'Subnet': Choose the "Main Subnet" that is used for connecting to the
management interface of the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack(s).
• 'Auto-assign Public IP': Choose Enable.
• 'IAM Role': Choose the IAM role that you created for Stack Manager in Section, IAM Role for Stack Manager.
Figure 2-4: Configure Instance Details – Step 3
User's Manual 18 Document #: LTRT-28931
User's Manual 2. Deployment
6. Click Next; the Add Storage screen appears.
7. Click Next; the Add Tags screen appears.
8. Add a Name tag to the instance, and then click Next; the Configure Security Group page
9. Create a new or choose an existing security group that enables the following ports and
protocols to communicate with the Stack Manager instance:
Port Protocol Purpose
22 TCP SSH connection to Stack Manager’s CLI interface.
80 TCP HTTP connection to Stack Manager’s Web interface.
443 TCP HTTPS connection to Stack Manager’s Web interface.
Figure 2-5: Configure Security Group Step
10. Click Review and Launch; the Review Instance Launch screen appears.
11. Click Launch; the Select an existing key pair … screen appears.
12. Choose an existing key pair or create a new one. Make sure that you have private key
that matches the selected pair because you will need it to connect the deployed instance
through the SSH protocol.
Figure 2-6: Select a Key Pair
13. Click Launch Instances.
Version 7.4 19 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
14. Wait until the instance is successfully launched.
15. Connect to the instance through SSH using the default username and configured SSH
key. The default username depends on the image:
Image Default username
Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04 ubuntu
Amazon Linux, Amazon Linux 2, RHEL 7 and 8 ec2-user
CentOS 7 and 8 centos
16. By default, new AWS instances are assigned with a Public IP address that changes
when the instance is stopped or started. If you want Stack Manager’s Public IP address
to remain unchanged, create an Elastic IP and attach it to the instance.
17. Continue with Stack Manager installation, as described in Section 2.4.6, Installing Stack
Manager Application.
User's Manual 20 Document #: LTRT-28931
User's Manual 2. Deployment
2.4.3 Deploying Stack Manager on Microsoft Azure
Stack Manager is available in Microsoft Azure Marketplace. Therefore, it is recommended
that you deploy it from there, instead of manually creating a Virtual Machine and installing
Stack Manager application on it.
To deploy Stack Manager on Microsoft Azure:
1. Open the Azure portal at
2. Navigate to Azure Marketplace (All services > Marketplace).
3. Search for the product "Mediant CE Session Border Controller (SBC)" published by
Figure 2-7: Azure Marketplace
4. Click the "Mediant CE Session Border Controller (SBC)" product; the Mediant CE
Product overview screen appears.
Figure 2-8: Mediant CE SBC Product Offer
5. Click Create; a configuration wizard starts with the Basics page (Step 1).
Version 7.4 21 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
6. In the Basics step, do the following:
Figure 2-9: Basics – Step 1
a. In the 'Virtual Machine name' field, enter a unique name for the new virtual
b. In the 'Username' field, enter a username.
In the 'Authentication type' field, choose an appropriate authentication type, and
then enter the ‘Password’ or ‘SSH public key’ accordingly. These credentials are
used to connect to the deployed Stack Manager’s CLI interface through SSH.
Note: Azure imposes some limitations on the username and password. For example, it
prohibits the use of "Admin" for the username and requires the use of strong passwords
that meet the following policy:
• A minimum of 12 characters.
• Use of three out of four of the following: lowercase characters, uppercase characters,
numbers, and symbols.
c. From the 'Subscription' drop-down list, select a proper subscription for your
d. Under 'Resource group', click Create new, and then enter a new Resource
Group name for your deployment.
e. From the 'Location' drop-down list, select a proper location for your deployment.
f. Click OK; the Virtual Machine Settings page (Step 2) appears.
User's Manual 22 Document #: LTRT-28931
User's Manual 2. Deployment
7. In the Virtual Machine Settings step, do the following:
Figure 2-10: Virtual Machine Settings – Step 2
a. Choose the Virtual machine size. Standard_B1ms instance is recommended for
most deployments.
b. Choose the virtual network where Stack Manager will be deployed. Specify the
same network where you intend to deploy the Mediant VE/CE stack(s).
c. Configure the subnet that Stack Manager will be connected to. Specify the same
subnet that will be used for carrying management traffic for the deployed Mediant
VE/CE stack(s).
d. Configure a Public IP address to use Standard SKU:
Figure 2-11: Virtual Machine Settings Step – Creating Public IP Address
e. Click OK.; the Summary page (Step 3) appears.
Version 7.4 23 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
8. In the Summary step, review your virtual machine configuration.
Figure 2-12: Summary – Step 3
9. Click OK; the Buy page (Step 4) appears.
10. Review the Mediant CE SBC terms of use.
11. Click Create to start the virtual machine deployment.
12. Wait until the virtual machine deployment is complete, and then open the Virtual
14. In the Overview screen, view the public IP address assigned to it.
Figure 2-14: Determining Public IP Address
15. In the Networking screen, verify that the following ports are open for inbound traffic:
Port Protocol Purpose
22 TCP SSH connection to Stack Manager’s CLI interface.
80 TCP HTTP connection to Stack Manager’s Web interface.
443 TCP HTTPS connection to Stack Manager’s Web interface.
16. If any port is missing, click Add inbound port rule and then add the port.
Figure 2-15: Checking Inbound Port Rules
17. Continue with post-installation configuration, as described in Section 2.8.2, Post-
Installation Configuration on Microsoft Azure.
Version 7.4 25 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
2.4.4 Creating Google Cloud Virtual Machine
The following procedure describes how to create a new Google Cloud virtual machine (VM)
for running the Stack Manager application.
To create a new Google Cloud virtual machine for running Stack Manager
1. Open the Google Cloud Console at
2. On the VM Instances page, click Create Instance.
3. In the 'Name' field, enter a unique name for the new virtual machine.
4. Choose the Region and Zone where Stack Manager will be deployed.
5. Under the ‘Machine Type’ group, choose g1-small (1 shared vCPU, 1.7 GB memory).
6. Under the ‘Boot disk’ group, choose Ubuntu 18.04 LTS or any other supported
operating system.
7. Under the ‘Firewall’ group, select the Allow HTTP traffic and Allow HTTPS traffic
check boxes.
8. Click Management, security, disks, networking, sole tenancy.
9. In the Networking tab for the ‘Network interface’, choose the "Main Network" for
connecting to the management interface of the deployed Mediant VE/CE stack(s).
10. If you want to be able to connect to Stack Manager’s CLI interface through a regular
SSH client (and not through the Google Cloud dashboard), configure the SSH keys
under the Security tab. Note that the username is provided as the last part of the
encoded key. For example, in the following SSH key, "admin" is the username:
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAA…0Sknr admin
11. Click Create.
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User's Manual 2. Deployment
Figure 2-16: Create Google Cloud Instance
12. By default, new Google Cloud virtual machines are assigned with ephemeral External
IP addresses that change when the instance is stopped or started. If you wish Stack
Manager’s External IP address to remain unchanged, allocate an External IP address
and attach it to the virtual machine.
13. Continue with Stack Manager installation, as described in Section 2.4.6, Installing Stack
Manager Application.
Version 7.4 27 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
2.4.5 Creating OpenStack Instance
The following procedure describes how to create a new OpenStack instance for running the
Stack Manager application.
To create an OpenStack instance for running Stack Manager application:
1. Open the OpenStack dashboard.
2. On the Instances page, click Launch Instance; the Launch Instance wizard starts with
the Details page.
3. In the 'Instance Name' field, enter a unique name for the new instance.
10. Click Next; the Network Ports wizard page appears.
11. Click Next; the Security Groups wizard page appears.
12. Select a security group that enables the following ports and protocols to communicate
with the Stack Manager instance:
Port Protocol Purpose
22 TCP SSH connection to Stack Manager’s CLI interface.
80 TCP HTTP connection to Stack Manager’s Web interface.
443 TCP HTTPS connection to Stack Manager’s Web interface.
Version 7.4 29 Mediant CE
Stack Manager
Figure 2-21: Launch Instance Wizard - Security Groups Page
13. Click Next; the Key Pair wizard page appears.
Select an existing key pair or create a new one. Make sure that you have private key
that matches the selected pair because you will need it to connect the deployed instance
through SSH.