AudioCodes Mediant 800 Reference Guide

Reference Guide
AudioCodes Gateway & Session Border Controller Series
Simple Network Management Protocol
Mediant 800 Gateway & E-SBC
Version 7.2


Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of printing. However, due to ongoing product improvements and revisions, AudioCodes cannot guarantee accuracy of printed material after the Date Published nor can it accept responsibility for errors or omissions. Updates to this document can be downloaded from
This document is subject to change without notice.
Date Published: November-09-2020

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Related Documentation

Document Name
SBC-Gateway Series Release Notes for Latest Release Versions
SBC-Gateway Series Release Notes for Long Term Support Versions
Mediant 800 Gateway & E-SBC User's Manual
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Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide

Document Revision Record

LTRT Description
52374 Initial document release for Ver. 7.2.
52378 Typos.
52380 MP-1288 added; number of trap varbinds (13);
acBoardTrapGlobalsSystemSerialNumber (new); acLicensePoolInfraAlarm (updated); acLicensePoolApplicationAlarm (updated); acLicensePoolOverAllocationAlarm (updated); acTrackIdStateChangeAlarm (new); acModuleServiceAlarm; acClusterBandwidthAlarm (new); acSBAServicesStatusAlarm (updated); acKeepAlive (updated); acProxyConnectivity (updated)
52381 SBA-related SNMP removed (added to SBA documents).
52383 Typos; varbinds increased to 16 (new - acBoardTrapGlobalsDeviceName,
acBoardTrapGlobalsDeviceInfo, acBoardTrapGlobalsDeviceDescription); acLicensePoolInfraAlarm (description updated); acLicensePoolApplicationAlarm (description updated); acLicenseKeyHitlessUpgradeAlarm (new)
52384 Source names added for PM MIB names; event source added to
acPerformanceMonitoringThresholdCrossing; description updated for entConfigChange
52385 Source name for acPMSBCIPGroupInCallEstablishedDurationTable; Media
Transcoding Cluster removed
52386 Updated descriptions: acPowerSupplyAlarm; acHwFailureAlarm;
acHASystemFaultAlarm; acHASystemSwitchOverAlarm
New alarm -acHANetworkMonitorAlarm
52389 Updated to Ver. 7.20A.200.019
New traps: acHAEthernetGroupAlarm; acHANetworkMismatchAlarm; acNGINXConfigurationIsInvalidAlarm; acNGINXPprocessIsNotRunningAlarm
Updated traps: acHwFailureAlarm; acHASystemFaultAlarm; acHANetworkMonitorAlarm (OID); acHTTPProxyServiceAlarm
52391 Updated to Ver. 7.20A.202.112
Updated traps: AcPowerSupplyAlarm; acBoardTemperatureAlarm; acCertificateExpiryNotification changed to acCertificateExpiryAlarm; acLicensePoolApplicationAlarm; acIpGroupNoRouteAlarm; acIDSPolicyAlarm; acKeepAlive
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Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
LTRT Description
New traps: acCloudLicenseManagerAlarm; acFloatingLicenseAlarm
Performance Monitoring - updated
52392 Updated to Ver. 7.20A.204.115
52393 acDataInterfaceStatus removed; acNATTraversalAlarm removed
52394 OIDs of performance monitoring MIBs; acProxyConnectionLost updated
(severity); SNMPSysName updated
52395 Updated for Ver. 7.20A.252
Configuring performance monitoring thresholds; coder enums for acPMChannelsPerCoderTable; new acAnalogLineLeftOffhookAlarm; acIpGroupNoRouteAlarm (description updated); new PM MIBs (acPMActiveContextCountTable, acPMSBCInAttemptedCallsTable, acPMSBCOutAttemptedCallsTable, acPMSBCInEstablishedCallsTable, acPMSBCOutEstablishedCallsTable, acPMSBCMediaBrokenConnectionCallsTable, acPMSBCInShortCallsTable, acPMSBCOutShortCallsTable, acPMSBCInAttemptedRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCOutAttemptedRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCInSuccessfulRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCOutSuccessfulRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCIPGroupMediaBrokenConnectionCallsTable, acPMSBCIPGroupInShortCallsTable, acPMSBCIPGroupOutShortCallsTable, acPMSBCIPGroupInAttemptedRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCIPGroupOutAttemptedRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCIPGroupInSuccessfulRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCIPGroupOutSuccessfulRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCSRDInAttemptedCallsTable, acPMSBCSRDOutAttemptedCallsTable, acPMSBCSRDInEstablishedCallsTable, acPMSBCSRDOutEstablishedCallsTable, acPMSBCSRDMediaBrokenConnectionCallsTable, acPMSBCSRDInShortCallsTable, acPMSBCSRDOutShortCallsTable, acPMSBCSRDInAttemptedRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCSRDOutAttemptedRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCSRDInSuccessfulRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCSRDOutSuccessfulRegistrationsTable, acPMSBCInUserDefinedFailures<1-26>Table, acPMSBCOutUserDefinedFailures<1­26>Table, cPMSBCSRDInUserDefinedFailures<1-26>Table, acPMSBCSRDOutUserDefinedFailures<1-26>Table, acPMSBCIPGroupInUserDefinedFailures<1-26>Table, acPMSBCIPGroupOutUserDefinedFailures<1-26>Table, acPMSBCInCapsTable, acPMSBCOutCapsTable, acPMSBCSrdInCapsTable, acPMSBCSrdOutCapsTable
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Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
LTRT Description
52396 acCDRServerAlarm alarm added
52397 Updated to Ver. 7.20A.254
AcFanTrayAlarm and acBoardTemperatureAlarm updated for Mediant 90xx; CLI command added to acBoardOverloadAlarm
52398 Typo fixed for acPMSIPSBCEstablishedCallsTable
52399 Updated to Ver. 7.20A.256.024
New PM MIB - acPMChannelsPerCoderG711Table; AcDSPFarmsMismatchAlarm (new); acRemoteMonitoringAlarm (new); acBoardEvResettingBoard (text updated); acMtcmClusterHaAlarm (updated); acMtceNetworkFailureAlarm (updated); acMtceSwUpgradeFailureAlarm (updated); acMediaClusterAlarm (new).
52403 Miscellaneous typos; acBoardEthernetLinkAlarm (description);
acEthernetGroupAlarm (description); acFeatureKeyError (not supported note removed).
52412 acFlexLicenseManagerAlarm (new); acMeteringAlarm (new); alarm descriptions
52422 acLicenseKeyHitlessUpgradeAlarm (only Local license); acEthernetGroupAlarm
(description); acPMSBCInUserDefinedFailures (removed).
52435 ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable (disabled and description); AcDChannelStatus (moved
from event to alarm and updated); acPMSIPSBCAttemptedCallsTable (description)
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Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Table of Contents
1 Introduction 1
2 SNMP Overview 2
SNMP Standardsand Objects 2
SNMP MessageStandard 2 SNMP MIB Objects 3 SNMP Extensibility Feature 4
Supported MIBs 4 SNMP Interface Details 8
SNMP Community Names 8
ConfiguringCommunity Strings via the Web 9 ConfiguringCommunity Strings via the ini File 9 ConfiguringCommunity Strings via SNMP 9
SNMPv3 USM Users 10
ConfiguringSNMPv3 Users via ini File 11 ConfiguringSNMPv3 Users via SNMP 13
Trusted Managers 14
ConfiguringTrusted Managers via ini File 14
ConfiguringTrusted Managers via SNMP 14 SNMP Ports 16 Multiple SNMP TrapDestinations 16
ConfiguringTrapManagers via Host Name 16
ConfiguringTrapManagers via ini File 16
ConfiguringSNMP Engine ID 18
ConfiguringTrapManagers via SNMP 18
3 Carrier-Grade Alarm System 20
Active Alarm Table 20 Alarm History 20
4 Topology MIB Objects 21
Physical Entity(RFC 2737) 21 IF-MIB (RFC 2863) 21
Ethernet Interface 21 DS1 Interface 23
5 File Management 25
Downloading a File to the Device 25 Uploadingand Deleting a File 25
6 Performance Monitoring 27
SNMP Performance Monitoring MIBs 32
Performance MonitoringMIBs for IP Network Interfaces 33 Performance MonitoringMIBs for Media Realms 35 Performance MonitoringMIBs for VoIP Calls 39
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Performance MonitoringMIBs for SIP Messages 44 Performance MonitoringMIBs for Calls per IP Group 45 Performance MonitoringMIBs for Gateway Application 50
IP-to-Tel and Tel-to-IP Calls 50
Trunks 55
Trunk Groups 58 Performance MonitoringMIBs for SBC Application 62
SBC Sessions 62
SBC Calls per IP Group 66
SBC Calls per SRD 75
SBC Call Admission Control 78
SBC Call Quality of Service 84
SBC Calls Per Second 86 Performance MonitoringMIBs for High Availability 88 Performance MonitoringMIB for DSP Resource Utilization 89
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
7 SNMP Traps 91
Standard Traps 91 Proprietary Traps 91
Trap Varbinds 92 Customizing Trap's Enterprise OID 97 SNMP Alarms in Syslog 97
SNMP Alarms 98
Trunk Alarms 98
Trunk Near-End LOS Alarm 98
Trunk Near-End LOF Alarm 99
Trunk AIS Alarm 100
Trunk Far-End LOF Alarm 100
DS1 Line Status Alarm 101
B-Channel Alarm 102
D-Channel Status Alarm 103
NFAS GroupAlarm 104 High-Availability Alarms 105
HA System Fault Alarm 105
HA System Configuration Mismatch Alarm 111
HA System Switch Over Alarm 112
HA Network Monitor Alarm 113
HA Ethernet GroupAlarm 114 Board Alarms 114
Fatal Error Alarm 115
ConfigurationError Alarm 115
Software Reset Alarm 116
Software Upgrade Alarm 117
Call Resources Alarm 117
All SIP Proxies Connection Lost per Proxy Set Alarm 118
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Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Controller FailureAlarm 121
Board Overload Alarm 123
Administration Status ChangeAlarm 124
Operational Status Change Alarm 125
Remote Monitoring Alarm 126 TLS Certificate Expiry Alarm 127 License Key Alarms 128
Feature Key Error Alarm 128
License Key Hitless UpgradeAlarm 129
License Pool ApplicationAlarm 129
License Pool Over-Allocation Alarm 132
License Pool Infrastructure Alarm 133
Flex License Manager Alarm 135
Cloud License Manager Alarm 136
Floating License Alarm 139 Network Alarms 140
NTP Server Status Alarm 140
Ethernet Link Alarm 141
Ethernet Group Alarm 143
LDAP Lost Connection Alarm 144
OCSP Server Status Alarm 144
IPv6 Error Alarm 145
HTTP Proxy NGINX Alarms 145 Active Alarm Table Alarm 148 Analog Port Alarms 149
Analog Port SPI Out-of-Service Alarm 149
Analog Port High Temperature Alarm 150
Analog Port Ground Fault Out-of-Service Alarm 151
Analog Line Left Off-hook Alarm 152 Media Alarms 152
Media Realm Bandwidth Threshold Alarm 152 Call Quality Alarms 153
Answer-Seizure Ratio Threshold Alarm 153
Average Call Duration Threshold Alarm 154
Network Effectiveness Ratio Threshold Alarm 155 No Route to IP GroupAlarm 156 Intrusion Detection Alarms 157
IDS Policy Alarm 157
SNMP Event Traps (Notifications) 158
Intrusion Detection System (IDS) 159
IDS Threshold Cross Notification Trap 159
IDS Blacklist Notification Trap 159 Web User Access Denied due to Inactivity Trap 160 Web User Activity LogTrap 161 Keep-Alive Trap 162
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Performance MonitoringThreshold-Crossing Trap 162 HTTP Download Result Trap 163 Dial Plan File Replaced Trap 164 High-Availability (HA) 165
Redundant Board Trap 165
Hitless Software UpgradeStatus Trap 166 SecureShell (SSH) Connection Status Trap 167 SIP Proxy Connection Lost per Proxy Set Trap 168 Cold Start Trap 169 Authentication Failure Trap 169 Board Initialization Completed Trap 170 ConfigurationChange Trap 170 Link Up Trap 171 Link Down Trap 171 Enhanced BIT Status Trap 171
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
8 Advanced SNMP Features 173
SNMP NAT Traversal 173 Systems 173 High-Availability Systems 174 SNMP Administrative State Control 174
9 Getting Started with SNMP 176
Basic SNMP Configuration Setup 176
ConfiguringSNMP Port 176 ConfiguringTrapManagers (Trap Destination) 176 ConfiguringTrapDestination Port 178 ConfiguringTrusted Managers 178
Getting Acquainted with AudioCodes MIBs 180 Traps and Alarms 182
Device Configuration 182 Carrier Grade Alarm (CGA) 183
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CHAPTER1 Introduction

1 Introduction

This document provides you with supplementary information on Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) based management for your AudioCodes device. This information complements the information provided by the device's User's Manual , and includes SNMP configuration, SNMP traps (events and alarms), and SNMP performance monitoring MIBs.
The SNMP MIB manual is supplied in the SoftwareRelease Package delivered
with the device.
For large deployments (for example, multiple devices in globally distributed
enterprise offices) that need to be managed by central personnel, it is recommendedto use AudioCodes One Voice Operations Center (OVOC). OVOC is not includedinthe device's supplied package. Contact AudioCodes for more information on its OVOC solutionfor large VoIP deployments.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview

2 SNMP Overview

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is a standards-based network control protocol for managing elements in a network. The SNMP Manager, usually implemented by a third­party Network Management System (NMS) or AudioCodes One Voice Operations Center (OVOC), connects to an SNMP Agent (embedded on a remote Network Element (NE) to perform network element Operation, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning (OAMP).
Both the SNMP Manager and the NE refer to the same database to retrieve information or configure parameters. This database is referred to as the Management Information Base (MIB), and is a set of statistical and control values. Apart from the standard MIBs documented in IETF RFCs, SNMP additionally enables the use of proprietary MIBs, containing non-standard information set (specific functionality provided by the Network Element).
Directives, issued by the SNMP Manager to an SNMP Agent, consist of the identifiers of SNMP variables (referred to as MIB object identifiers or MIB variables) along with instructions to either get the value for that identifier, or set the identifier to a new value (configuration). The SNMP Agent can also send unsolicited events towards an EMS, called SNMP traps.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
The definitions of MIB variables supported by a particular agent are incorporated in descriptor files, written in Abstract Syntax Notation (ASN.1) format, made available to EMS client programs so that they can become aware of MIB variables and their usage.
The device contains an embedded SNMP Agent supporting both general network MIBs (such as the IP MIB), VoP-specific MIBs (such as RTP) and proprietary MIBs (acGateway, acAlarm, acMedia, acControl, and acAnalog MIBs) enabling a deeper probe into the interworking of the device. All supported MIB files are supplied to customers as part of the release.

SNMP Standards and Objects

This section discusses the SNMP standards and SNMP objects.

SNMP Message Standard

Four types of SNMP messages are defined:
Get: A request that returns the value of a named object.
Get-Next: A request that returns the next name (and value) of the "next" object supported
by a network device given a valid SNMP name.
Set: A request that sets a named object to a specific value.
Trap: A message generated asynchronously by network devices. It notifies the network
manager of a problem apart from the polling of the device.
Each of these message types fulfills a particular requirement of network managers:
Get Request: Specific values can be fetched via the "get" request to determine the
performance and state of the device. Typically, many different values and parameters can
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
be determined via SNMP without the overhead associated with logging into the device, or establishing a TCP connection with the device.
Get Next Request: Enables the SNMP standard network managers to "walk" through all
SNMP values of a device (via the "get-next" request) to determine all names and values that a device supports.
Get-Bulk: Extends the functionality of GETNEXT by allowing multiple values to be returned
for selected items in the request. This is accomplished by beginning with the first SNMP object to be fetched, fetching the next name with a "get-next", and repeating this operation.
Set Request: The SNMP standard provides a action method for a device (via the "set"
request) to accomplish activities such as disabling interfaces, disconnecting users, clearing registers, etc. This provides a way of configuring and controlling network devices via SNMP.
Trap Message: The SNMP standard furnishes a mechanism for a device to "reach out" to a
network manager on their own (via the “trap" message) to notify or alert the manager of a problem with the device. This typically requires each device on the network to be configured to issue SNMP traps to one or more network devices that are awaiting these traps.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
The above message types are all encoded into messages referred to as "Protocol Data Units" (PDUs) that are interchanged between SNMP devices.

SNMP MIB Objects

The SNMP MIB is arranged in a tree-structure, similar to a disk directory structure of files. The top-level SNMP branch begins with the ISO "internet" directory, which contains four main SNMP branches:
"mgmt": Contains the standard SNMP objects usually supported (at least in part) by all
network devices.
“private": Contains those "extended" SNMP objects defined by network equipment
"experimental" and "directory": Also defined within the "internet" root directory, are
usually devoid of any meaningful data or objects.
The "tree" structure described above is an integral part of the SNMP standard, though the most pertinent parts of the tree are the "leaf" objects of the tree that provide actual management data regarding the device. Generally, SNMP leaf objects can be partitioned into two similar but slightly different types that reflect the organization of the tree structure:
Discrete MIB Objects: Contain one precise piece of management data. These objects are
often distinguished from "Table" items (below) by adding a “.0" (dot-zero) extension to their names. The operator must merely know the name of the object and no other information.
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
Table MIB Objects: Contain multiple pieces of management data. These objects are
distinguished from "Discrete" items (above) by requiring a "." (dot) extension to their names that uniquely distinguishes the particular value being referenced. The "." (dot) extension is the "instance" number of an SNMP object. For "Discrete" objects, this instance number is zero. For "Table" objects, this instance number is the index into the SNMP table. SNMP tables are special types of SNMP objects, which allow parallel arrays of information to be supported. Tables are distinguished from scalar objects, such that tables can grow without bounds. For example, SNMP defines the "ifDescr" object (as a standard SNMP object) that indicates the text description of each interface supported by a particular device. Since network devices can be configured with more than one interface, this object can only be represented as an array.
By convention, SNMP objects are always grouped in an "Entry" directory, within an object with a "Table" suffix. (The "ifDescr" object described above resides in the "ifEntry" directory contained in the "ifTable" directory).

SNMP Extensibility Feature

Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
One of the principal components of an SNMP manager is a MIB Compiler, which allows new MIB objects to be added to the management system. When a MIB is compiled into an SNMP manager, the manager is made "aware" of new objects that are supported by agents on the network. The concept is similar to adding a new schema to a database.
Typically, when a MIB is compiled into the system, the manager creates new folders or directories that correspond to the objects. These folders or directories can typically be viewed with a "MIB Browser", which is a traditional SNMP management tool incorporated into virtually all network management systems.
The act of compiling the MIB allows the manager to know about the special objects supported by the agent and access these objects as part of the standard object set.

Supported MIBs

The device contains an embedded SNMP agent supporting the MIBs listed below. A description in HTML format for all supported MIBs can be found in the MIBs directory in the release package.
Standard MIB (MIB-2): The various SNMP values in the standard MIB are defined in RFC
1213. The standard MIB includes various objects to measure and monitor IP activity, TCP activity, UDP activity, IP routes, TCP connections, interfaces, and general system description.
The standard icmpStatsTable and icmpMsgStatsTable under MIB-2 support ICMP
statistics for both IPv4 and IPv6.
The inetCidrRouteTable (from the standard IP-FORWARD-MIB) supports both IPv4 and
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
System MIB (under MIB-2): Standard system group: sysDescr, sysObjectID, sysUpTime,
sysContact, sysName, sysLocation, and sysServices. You can replace the value of sysObjectID.0 with a variable value using the ini file parameter SNMPSysOid. This parameter is polled during startup and overwrites the standard sysObjectID. SNMPSysName is an administratively assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node's fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). If the name is unknown, the value is the zero-length string. If the [HostName] ini file parameter is configured, its' value overwrites the value of SNMPSysName.
RTP MIB: The MIB is supported according to RFC 2959. It contains objects relevant to the
RTP streams generated and terminated by the device and to the RTCP information related to these streams.
The inverse tables are not supported.
Notification Log MIB: Standard MIB (RFC 3014 -
supported for implementation of Carrier Grade Alarms.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Alarm MIB: IETF MIB (RFC 3877) Supported as part of the implementation of Carrier Grade
SNMP Target MIB: (RFC 2273) Allows for configuration of trap destinations and trusted
SNMP MIB: (RFC 3418) Allows support for the coldStart and authenticationFailure traps.
SNMP Framework MIB: (RFC 3411).
SNMP Usm MIB: (RFC 3414) Implements the user-based Security Model.
SNMP Vacm MIB: (RFC 3415) Implements the view-based Access Control Model.
SNMP Community MIB: (RFC 3584) Implements community string management.
ipForward MIB: (RFC 2096) Fully supported.
RTCP-XR: (RFC) implements the following partial support:
The rtcpXrCallQualityTable is fully supported.
In the rtcpXrHistoryTable, support of the RCQ objects is provided only with no more
than 3 intervals, 15 minutes long each.
Supports the rtcpXrVoipThresholdViolation trap.
ds1 MIB: supports the following:
dsx1ConfigTable: partially supports the following objects with SET and GET applied:
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
All other objects in this table support GET only.
dsx1LineStatusChange trap
acSonetSDHTable: currently has one entry (acSonetSDHFbrGrpMappingType) for
selecting a low path mapping type. Relevant only for PSTN applications. (Refer to the MIB for more details.)
In addition to the standard MIBs, the complete product series contains proprietary MIBs:
AC-TYPES MIB: lists the known types defined by the complete product series. This is
referred to by the sysObjectID object in the MIB-II.
AcBoard MIB: includes the acTrap group.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Each proprietary MIB contains a Configuration subtree for configuring the related parameters. In some, there also are Status and Action subtrees.
AcAnalog MIB
acControl MIB
acMedia MIB
acSystem MIB
acSysInterfaceStatusTable: supports the networking multiple interfaces feature status.
This table reflects all the device's active interfaces. The lines indices consist of both the Entry Index and the Type Index. The table contains the following columns:
Entry Index - related Interface index in the interface configuration table (if the table is
empty,i.e., there is only single IP address, the index appears with 0)
Type Index - 1 for IP Address and 2 for IPv6 Link-Local Address
Application Types - type assigned to the interface
Status Mode - interface configuration mode
IP Address - IP address (either IPv4 or IPv6) for this interface
Prefix Length - number of ‘1’ bits in this interface’s net mask
Gateway - default gateway
Vlan ID - VLAN ID of this interface
Name - interface’s name
Primary DNS Server IP Address - IP address of primary DNS server for this interface
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
Secondary DNS Server IP Address - IP address of secondary DNS server for this
acGateway MIB: This proprietary MIB contains objects related to configuration of the SIP
device. This MIB complements the other proprietary MIBs. The acGateway MIB includes the following groups:
Common: parameters common to both SIP and H.323.
SIP: SIP only parameters.
AcAlarm: This is a proprietary carrier-grade alarm MIB. It is a simpler implementation of
the notificationLogMIB and the IETF suggested alarmMIB (both supported).
The acAlarm MIB has the following groups:
ActiveAlarm: straight forward (single indexed) table listing all currently active Alarms
together with their bindings (the Alarm bindings are defined in acAlarm. acAlarmVarbinds and also in acBoard.acTrap. acBoardTrapDefinitions. oid_1_3_6_1_ 4_1_5003_9_10_1_21_2_0).
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
acAlarmHistory: straight forward (single indexed) table listing all recently sent Alarms
together with their bindings (the Alarm bindings are defined in acAlarm. acAlarmVarbinds and also in acBoard.acTrap. acBoardTrapDefinitions. oid_1_3_6_1_ 4_1_5003_9_10_1_21_2_0).
The table size can be altered by one of the following:
The table size (i.e., number of contained alarms) can be any value between 10 and 1,000 (default is 500)
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
A detailedexplanation of each parametercan be viewed in theMIB Description
A detaileddescription in HTML format of all MIBs can be found in the MIBs
Not all groups in the MIB are implemented.
MIB Objects that aremarked as 'obsolete' are not implemented.
When a parameter is Set to a new value via SNMP, the changemay affect device
The current (updated) device configuration parameters areconfigured on the device

SNMP Interface Details

This subsection describes details of the SNMP interface needed when developing an Element Management System (EMS) for any AudioCodes devices, or to manage a device with a MIB browser.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
directory (included in theRelease package).
functionality immediately or may require that the device be soft reset for the change to take effect. This depends on the parameter type.
providedthe user doesn't load an ini file to the device after reset. Loadingan ini file after reset overrides the updated parameters.
There are several alternatives for SNMP security:
SNMPv2c community strings
SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) users
SNMP encoded over IPSec
Various combinations of the above
Currently, both SNMP and ini file commands and downloads are not encrypted. For ini file encoding, refer to the device's User's Manual.

SNMP Community Names

By default, the device uses a single, read-only community string of "public" and a single read­write community string of "private". Up to five read-only community strings and up to five read-write community strings, and a single trap community string can be configured. Each community string must be associated with one of the following predefined groups:
Table 2-1: SNMP Predefined Groups
Group Get Access Set Access Sends Traps
ReadGroup Yes No Yes
ReadWriteGroup Yes Yes Yes
TrapGroup No No Yes
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
Configuring Community Strings via the Web
For detailed information on configuring community strings through the Web interface, refer to the device's User's Manual.
Configuring Community Strings via the ini File
The following ini file parameters are used to configure community strings:
Where <x> is a number from 0 through 4. Note that the '#' character represents any alphanumeric character. The maximum length of the string is 19 characters that can include only the following:
Upper- and lower-case letters (a to z, and A to Z)
Numbers (0 to 9)
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Hyphen (-)
Underline (_)
Configuring Community Strings via SNMP
To configure community strings, the EMS must use the standard snmpCommunityMIB. To configure the trap community string, the EMS must also use the snmpTargetMIB.
To add a read-only v2user community string:
1. Add a new row to the snmpCommunityTable with CommunityName v2user.
2. Add a row to the vacmSecurityToGroupTable for SecurityName v2user, GroupName
ReadGroup and SecurityModel snmpv2c.
To delete the read-only v2user community string:
1. If v2user is being used as the trap community string, follow the procedure for changing
the trap community string. (See below.)
2. Delete the snmpCommunityTable row with CommunityName v2user.
3. Delete the vacmSecurityToGroupTable row for SecurityName v2user, GroupName
ReadGroup and SecurityModel snmpv2c.
To add a read-write v2admin community string:
1. Add a new row to the snmpCommunityTable with CommunityName v2admin.
2. Add a row to the vacmSecurityToGroupTable for SecurityName v2admin, GroupName
ReadWriteGroup and SecurityModel snmpv2c.
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
To delete the read-write v2admin community string:
1. If v2admin is being used as the trap community string, follow the procedure for changing
the trap community string. (See below.)
2. Delete the snmpCommunityTable row with a CommunityName of v2admin and
GroupName of ReadWriteGroup.
To change the only read-write community string from v2admin to v2mgr:
1. Follow the procedure above to add a read-write community string to a row for v2mgr.
2. Set up the EM such that subsequent set requests use the new community string, v2mgr.
3. If v2admin is being used as the trap community string, follow the procedure to change the
trap community string. (See below.)
4. Follow the procedure above to delete a read-write community name in the row for
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
The following procedure assumes that a row already exists in the snmpCommunityTable for the new trap community string. The trap community string can be part of the TrapGroup, ReadGroup, or ReadWriteGroup. If the trap community string is used solely for sending traps (recommended), then it should be made part of the TrapGroup.
To change the trap community string:
1. Add a row to the vacmSecurityToGroupTable with these values: SecurityModel=2,
SecurityName=the new trap community string, GroupName=TrapGroup, ReadGroup or ReadWriteGroup. The SecurityModel and SecurityName objects are row indices.
You must add GroupName and RowStatus on the same set.
2. Modify the SecurityName field in the appropriate row of the snmpTargetParamsTable.
3. Remove the row from the vacmSecurityToGroupTable with SecurityName=the old trap
community string.

SNMPv3 USM Users

You can configure up to 10 User-based Security Model (USM) users (referred to as SNMPv3 user). Each SNMPv3 user can be configured to one of the following security levels:
Table 2-2: SNMPv3 Security Levels
Security Levels Authentication Privacy
noAuthNoPriv(1) none none
authNoPriv(2) MD5 or SHA-1 none
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
Security Levels Authentication Privacy
authPriv(3) MD5 or SHA-1 DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, or AES256
Each SNMPv3 user must be associated with one of the predefined groups listed in the following table:
Group Get Access Set Access Sends Traps Security Level
ReadGroup1 Yes No Yes noAuthNoPriv(1)
ReadWriteGroup1 Yes Yes Yes noAuthNoPriv(1)
TrapGroup1 No No Yes noAuthNoPriv(1)
ReadGroup2 Yes No Yes authNoPriv(2)
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Table 2-3: SNMPv3 Predefined Groups
ReadWriteGroup2 Yes Yes Yes authNoPriv(2)
TrapGroup2 No No Yes authNoPriv(2)
ReadGroup3 Yes No Yes authPriv(3)
ReadWriteGroup3 Yes Yes Yes authPriv(3)
TrapGroup3 No No Yes authPriv(3)
The first (initial) SNMPv3 user can only be configured through a management interface other than SNMP (i.e., Web interface, configuration ini file, or CLI). Once configured, additional users can be configured through the SNMP interface as well.
Configuring SNMPv3 Users via ini File
Use the [SNMPUsers] ini file table parameter to add, modify, and delete SNMPv3 users. The [SNMPUsers] ini table is a hidden parameter. Therefore, when you load the ini file to the device using the Web interface, the table is not included in the generated file.
Table 2-4: SNMPv3 Table Columns Description
Parameter Description Default
Row number Table index. Its valid range is 0 to 9. N/A
SNMPUsers_Username Name of the v3 user. Must be unique. The maximum
length is 32 characters.
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
Parameter Description Default
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
SNMPUsers_ AuthProtocol
SNMPUsers_ PrivProtocol
Authentication protocol to be used for this user. Possible values are 0 (none), 1 (MD5), 2 (SHA-1)
Privacy protocol to be used for this user. Possible values are 0 (none), 1 (DES), 2 (3DES), 3 (AES128), 4
(AES192), 5 (AES256)
SNMPUsers_AuthKey Authentication key. ""
SNMPUsers_PrivKey Privacy key. ""
SNMPUsers_Group The group that this user is associated with. Possible
0 values are 0 (read-only group), 1 (read-write group), and 2 (trap group). The actual group will be ReadGroup<sl>, ReadWriteGroup<sl> or TrapGroup<sl> where <sl> is the SecurityLevel (1=noAuthNoPriv, 2=authNoPriv, 3=authPriv)
Keys can be entered in the form of a text password or in the form of a localized key in hex format. If using a text password, then it should be at least 8 characters in length. Below is an example showing the format of a localized key:
The following sample configuration creates three SNMPv3 USM users.
[ SNMPUsers ] FORMAT SNMPUsers_Index = SNMPUsers_Username, SNMPUsers_ AuthProtocol, SNMPUsers_PrivProtocol, SNMPUsers_AuthKey, SNMPUsers_ PrivKey, SNMPUsers_Group; SNMPUsers 0 = v3user, 0, 0, -, -, 0; SNMPUsers 1 = v3admin1, 1, 0, myauthkey, -, 1; SNMPUsers 2 = v3admin2, 2, 1, myauthkey, myprivkey, 1; [ \SNMPUsers ]
The example above creates three SNMPv3 users:
The user v3user is set up for a security level of noAuthNoPriv(1) and is associated with
The user v3admin1 is setup for a security level of authNoPriv(2), with authentication
protocol MD5. The authentication text password is “myauthkey” and the user is associated with ReadWriteGroup2.
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
The user v3admin2 is setup for a security level of authPriv(3), with authentication protocol
SHA-1 and privacy protocol DES. The authentication text password is “myauthkey”, the privacy text password is “myprivkey”, and the user is associated with ReadWriteGroup3.
Configuring SNMPv3 Users via SNMP
To configure SNMPv3 users, the EMS must use the standard snmpUsmMIB and the snmpVacmMIB.
To add a read-only, noAuthNoPriv SNMPv3 user, v3user:
1. Clone the row with the same security level. After the clone step, the status of the row will
be notReady(3).
2. Activate the row. That is, set the row status to active(1).
3. Add a row to the vacmSecurityToGroupTable for SecurityName v3user, GroupName
ReadGroup1 and SecurityModel usm(3).
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
A row with the same security level (noAuthNoPriv) must already exist in the usmUserTable. (see theusmUserTable for details).
To delete the read-only, noAuthNoPriv SNMPv3 user, v3user:
1. If v3user is associated with a trap destination, follow the procedure for associating a
different user to that trap destination. (See below.)
2. Delete the vacmSecurityToGroupTable row for SecurityName v3user, GroupName
ReadGroup1 and SecurityModel usm.
3. Delete the row in the usmUserTable for v3user.
To add a read-write, authPriv SNMPv3 user, v3admin1:
1. Clone the row with the same security level.
2. Change the authentication key and privacy key.
3. Activate the row. That is, set the row status to active(1).
4. Add a row to the vacmSecurityToGroupTable for SecurityName v3admin1, GroupName
ReadWriteGroup3 and SecurityModel usm(3).
A row with the same security level (authPriv) must already exist in the usmUserTable (see the usmUserTable for details).
To delete the read-write, authPriv SNMPv3 user, v3admin1:
1. If v3admin1 is associated with a trap destination, follow the procedure for associating a
different user to that trap destination. (See below.)
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
2. Delete the vacmSecurityToGroupTable row for SecurityName v3admin1, GroupName
ReadWriteGroup1 and SecurityModel usm.
3. Delete the row in the usmUserTable for v3admin1.

Trusted Managers

By default, the SNMP agent accepts Get and Set requests from any IP address, as long as the correct community string is used in the request. Security can be enhanced implementing Trusted Managers. A Trusted Manager is an IP address from which the SNMP agent accepts and processes Get and Set requests. An element management can be used to configure up to five Trusted Managers.
The concept of Trusted Managers is considered to be a weak form of security and therefore is not a required part of SNMPv3 security, which uses authentication and privacy. Trusted Managers for the devices' SNMP agent are applicable only for SNMPv2c users. An exception to this is when the community string is not the default string (‘public’/’private’), at which time Trusted Managers are applicable for SNMPV2c users alongside SNMPv3 users.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
If Trusted Managers are defined, then all community strings work from all Trusted Managers. In other words, there is no way to associate a community string with specific Trusted Managers.
Configuring Trusted Managers via ini File
To set the Trusted Managers table from start up, write the following in the ini file:
Where X is any integer between 0 and 4 (0 sets the first table entry, 1 sets the second and so on), and D is an integer between 0 and 255.
Configuring Trusted Managers via SNMP
To configure Trusted Managers, the Element Management System (EMS) must use the SNMP­COMMUNITY-MIB and snmpCommunityMIB and the snmpTargetMIB.
The following procedure assumes the following: at least one configured read-write community; currently no Trusted Managers; TransportTag for columns for all snmpCommunityTable rows are currently empty.
To add the first Trusted Manager:
1. Add a row to the snmpTargetAddrTable with these values: Name=mgr0, TagList=MGR,
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
2. Add a row to the snmpTargetAddrExtTable table with these values: Name=mgr0, snm-
pTargetAddrTMask= The agent does not allow creation of a row in this table unless a corresponding row exists in the snmpTargetAddrTable.
3. Set the value of the TransportTag field on each non-TrapGroup row in the
snmpCommunityTable to MGR.
The following procedure assumes the following: at least one configured read-write community; currently one or more Trusted Managers; TransportTag for columns for all rows in the snmpCommunityTable are currently set to MGR. This procedure must be done from one of the existing Trusted Managers.
To add a subsequent Trusted Manager:
1. Add a row to the snmpTargetAddrTable with these values: Name=mgrN, TagList=MGR,
Params=v2cparams, where N is an unused number between 0 and 4.
2. Add a row to the snmpTargetAddrExtTable table with these values: Name=mgrN, snm-
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
An alternative to the above procedure is to set the snmpTargetAddrTMask column while you are creating other rows in the table.
The following procedure assumes the following: at least one configured read-write community; currently two or more Trusted Managers; taglist for columns for all rows in the snmpCommunityTable are currently set to MGR. This procedure must be done from one of the existing trusted managers, but not the one that is being deleted.
To delete a Trusted Manager (not the last one):
Remove the appropriate row from the snmpTargetAddrTable.
The change takes effect immediately. The deleted trusted manager cannot access the device. The agent automatically removes the row in the snmpTargetAddrExtTable.
The following procedure assumes the following: at least one configured read-write community; currently only one Trusted Manager; taglist for columns for all rows in the snmpCommunityTable are currently set to MGR. This procedure must be done from the final Trusted Manager.
To delete the last Trusted Manager:
1. Set the value of the TransportTag field on each row in the snmpCommunityTable to the
empty string.
2. Remove the appropriate row from the snmpTargetAddrTable.
The change takes effect immediately. All managers can now access the device. The agent automatically removes the row in the snmpTargetAddrExtTable.
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview

SNMP Ports

The SNMP Request Port is 161 and the SNMP Trap Port is 162. These port numbers for SNMP requests and responses can be changed, by using the [SNMPPort] ini file parameter. The valid value is any valid UDP port number. The default is 161 (recommended).

Multiple SNMP Trap Destinations

An agent can send traps to up to five managers. For each manager you need to define the manager IP address and trap receiving port along with enabling the sending to that manager. You can also associate a trap destination with a specific SNMPv3 USM user. Traps are sent to this trap destination using the SNMPv3 format and the authentication and privacy protocol configured for that user.
To configure the Trap Managers table, use one of the following methods:
Web interface (refer to the device's User's Manual)
ini file (see Configuring Trap Managers via ini File below)
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
SNMP (see Configuring Trap Managers via SNMP on page18)
Configuring Trap Managers via Host Name
One of the five available SNMP managers can be defined using the manager's host name (i.e., FQDN). This can be configured using the ini file parameter [SNMPTrapManagerHostName].
When this parameter value is defined for this trap, the device at start up tries to resolve the host name. Once the name is resolved (i.e., the IP address is found), the resolved IP address replaces the last entry of the trap manager table (defined by the parameter [SNMPManagerTableIP_x]) and the last trap manager entry of snmpTargetAddrTable in the snmpTargetMIB. The port is 162 (unless specified otherwise). The row is marked as 'used' and the sending is 'enabled'.
When using 'host name' resolution, any changes made by the user to this row in either MIBs are overwritten by the device when a resolving is redone (once an hour).
Some traps may be lost until the nameresolving is complete.
Configuring Trap Managers via ini File
In the ini file, the following parameters can be set to enable or disable the sending of SNMP traps. Multiple trap destinations can be supported on the device by setting multiple trap destinations in the ini file.
SNMPManagerTrapSendingEnable_<x>: indicates whether or not traps are to be sent to
the specified SNMP trap manager. A value of ‘1’ means that it is enabled, while a value of ‘0’ means disabled. The <x> represents a number 0, 1, or 2, which is the array element index. Currently, up to five SNMP trap managers is supported.
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
SNMPManagerTrapUser_<x>: indicates to send an SNMPv2 trap using the trap user
community string configured with the SNMPTrapCommunityString parameter. You may instead specify an SNMPv3 user name.
The following is an example of entries in the ini file regarding SNMP. The device can be configured to send to multiple trap destinations.
; SNMP trap destinations ; The device maintains a table of trap destinations containing 5 ; rows. The rows are numbered 0..4. Each block of 5 items below ; applies to a row in the table. ; ; To configure one of the rows, uncomment all 5 lines in that ; block. Supply an IP address and if necessary, change the port ; number. ; ; To delete a trap destination, set ISUSED to 0. ; ;SNMPManagerTableIP_0= ;SNMPManagerTrapPort_0=162 ;SNMPManagerIsUsed_0=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapSendingEnable_0=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapUser_0=’’ ; ;SNMPManagerTableIP_1= ;SNMPManagerTrapPort_1=162 ;SNMPManagerIsUsed_1=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapSendingEnable_1=1 ;SNMPMANAGERTRAPUSER_1=’’ ; ;SNMPManagerTableIP_2= ;SNMPManagerTrapPort_2=162 ;SNMPManagerIsUsed_2=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapSendingEnable_2=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapUser_2=’’ ; ;SNMPManagerTableIP_3= ;SNMPManagerTrapPort_3=162 ;SNMPManagerIsUsed_3=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapSendingEnable_3=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapUser_3=’’ ; ;SNMPMANAGERTABLEIP_4= ;SNMPManagerTrapPort_4=162 ;SNMPManagerIsUsed_4=1
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
;SNMPManagerTrapSendingEnable_4=1 ;SNMPManagerTrapUser_4=’’
The ‘trap manager host name’ is configured via SNMPTrapManagerHostName. For example:
;SNMPTrapManagerHostName = ''
The same information that is configurable in the ini file can also be configured via the acBoardMIB.
Configuring SNMP Engine ID
The [SNMPEngineIDString] ini file parameter configures the SNMP engine ID. The ID can be a string of up to 36 characters. Once defined, the device must be reset for the parameter to take effect.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
The default value is 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 (12 Hex characters). The provided key must be set with 12 Hex values delimited by ‘:’.
If the supplied key does not pass validation of the 12 Hex values input or it is set with the default value, the engine ID is then generated, according to RFC 3411.
Before setting this parameter, all SNMPv3 users must be deleted, otherwise the configuration is ignored.
When the device operates in HA mode, the SNMPEngineIDString parameter has the same value for both active and redundant devices (i.e., system identifier). If the devices return to Standalone mode (i.e., non-HA mode), you must configure the parameter to a NULL value (i.e., no value) on both devices. When the devices reset to the standalone mode, each device automatically sets this parameter to a unique value based on its serial number(S/N).
Configuring Trap Managers via SNMP
The snmpTargetMIB interface is available for configuring trap managers.
To add an SNMPv2 trap destination:
Add a row to the snmpTargetAddrTable with these values: Name=trapN, TagList=AC_TRAP,
Params=v2cparams, where N is an unused number between 0 and 4
All changes to the trap destination configuration take effect immediately.
To add an SNMPv3 trap destination:
1. Add a row to the snmpTargetAddrTable with these values: Name=trapN, TagList=AC_TRAP,
Params=usm<user>, where N is an unused number between 0 and 4, and <user> is the
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CHAPTER2 SNMP Overview
name of the SNMPv3 that this user is associated with.
2. If a row does not already exist for this combination of user and SecurityLevel, add a row to
the snmpTargetParamsTable with these values: Name=usm<user>, MPModel=3(SNMPv3), SecurityModel=3 (usm), SecurityName=<user>, SecurityLevel=M, where M is either 1 (noAuthNoPriv), 2(authNoPriv) or 3(authPriv).
All changes to the trap destination configuration take effect immediately.
To delete a trap destination:
Remove the appropriate row from the snmpTargetAddrTable.
If this is the last trap destination associated with this user and security level, you could
also delete the appropriate row from the snmpTargetParamsTable.
To modify a trap destination:
You can change the IP address and or port number for an existing trap destination. The same effect can be achieved by removing a row and adding a new row.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
Modify the IP address and/or port number for the appropriate row in the
To disable a trap destination:
Change TagList on the appropriate row in the snmpTargetAddrTable to the empty string.
To enable a trap destination:
Change TagList on the appropriate row in the snmpTargetAddrTable to ‘AC_TRAP’.
Change TagList on the appropriate row in the snmpTargetAddrTable to "AC_TRAP".
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CHAPTER3 Carrier-Grade Alarm System

3 Carrier-Grade Alarm System

The basic alarm system has been extended to a carrier-grade alarm system. A carrier-grade alarm system provides a reliable alarm reporting mechanism that takes into account EMS outages, network outages, and transport mechanism such as SNMP over UDP.
A carrier-grade alarm system is characterized by the following:
The device allows an EMS to determine which alarms are currently active in the device.
That is, the device maintains an active alarm table.
The device allows an EMS to detect lost alarms and clear notifications [sequence number
in trap, current sequence number MIB object]
The device allows an EMS to recover lost alarm raise and clear notifications [maintains a
log history]
The device sends a cold start trap to indicate that it is starting. This allows the EMS to
synchronize its view of the device's active alarms.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide
When the SNMP alarm traps are sent, the carrier-grade alarm system does not add or delete alarm traps as part of the feature. This system provides the mechanism for viewing of history and current active alarm information.

Active Alarm Table

The device maintains an active alarm table to allow an EMS to determine which alarms are currently active in the device. Two views of the active alarm table are supported by the agent:
acActiveAlarmTable in the enterprise AcAlarm
alarmActiveTable and alarmActiveVariableTable in the IETF standard AcAlarm MIB (rooted
in the MIB tree)
The acActiveAlarmTable is a simple, one-row per alarm table that is easy to view with a MIB browser.

Alarm History

The device maintains a history of alarms that have been sent and traps that have been cleared to allow an EMS to recover any lost raise or clear traps. Two views of the alarm history table are supported by the agent:
acAlarmHistoryTable in the enterprise AcAlarm - a simple, one-row per alarm table, that is
easy to view with a MIB browser.
nlmLogTable and nlmLogVariableTable in the standard NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB
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CHAPTER4 Topology MIB Objects

4 Topology MIB Objects

This section describes the topology of the MIB objects.

Physical Entity (RFC 2737)

The following groups are supported:
entityPhysical group: Describes the physical entities managed by a single agent.
entityMapping group: Describes the associations between the physical entities, logical
entities, interfaces, and non-interface ports managed by a single agent.
entityGeneral group: Describes general system attributes shared by potentially all types of
entities managed by a single agent.
entityNotifications group: Contains status indication notifications.
Mediant 800 SBC | S NMP Reference Guide

IF-MIB (RFC 2863)

The following interface types are presented in the ifTable:
ethernetCsmacd(6): for all Ethernet-like interfaces, regardless of speed, as per RFC 3635
ds1(18): DS1-MIB
voiceFXO(101): Voice Foreign Exchange Office
voiceFXS(102): Voice Foreign Exchange Station
The numbers in the brackets above refer to the IANA's interface-number.
For each interface type, the following objects are supported:

Ethernet Interface

Table 4-1: Ethernet Interface
ifTable & ifXTable Value
ifIndex Constructed as defined in the device's Index format.
ifDescr Ethernet interface.
ifType ethernetCsmacd(6)
ifMtu 1500
ifPhysAddress 00-90-8F plus acSysIdSerialNumber in hex.Will be same for
both dual ports.
ifAdminStatus Always UP. [Read Only] - Write access is not required by the
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