Audio Analogue CINECITTA User Manual V0

multi-channel audio/video processor
Version 0.0 - 10/03
INTRODUCTION AUDIO ANALOGUE does not take any responsibilities in the following cases: Whenever the operational procedures related to the use and the maintenance of the equipment as described in this manual are not respected. Whenever damages to the equipment occur because of fixing and modifications made form non-authorized staff or because of normal deterioration of the system. No part of this manual can be reproduced by any means, transmitted or copied for private or public use without private authorization from AUDIO ANALOGUE. The information contained in this manual is related to the data kept by AUDIO ANALOGUE at the moment of the issue o f this publication; AUDIO ANALOGUE has the right to make changes to this document without prior notice. The equipment has been projected and manufactured according to the Regulations of the Community 89/336/CEE and is marked CE. This equipment can’t be used for different purposes other than those for which it has been manufactured. AUDIO ANALOGUE does not take any responsibilities for accidents or damages due to improper use of the equipment.
WARNING Please do respect the safety standards contained in this manual before starting to operate the equipment. Do not open the equipment. No further interventions than those described in this manual should be made. For technical assistance, please consult a qualified technician or an AUDIO ANALOGUE dealer. Not respecting the instructions contained in this manual will invalidate the terms and conditions of the guarantee.
ATTENTION: before starting any operation, use or maintenance of the equipment it is strictly necessary to understand the following manual.
To avoid any accidents or hazards it is necessary to follow the following regulations. Activate the equipment only prior checking if the installation has been properly made, and if it is related to the instructions contained in this manual. Avoid installing the equipment in plac e s s u b j e c t e d to extreme l y hi g h t e m p e r a t ures or humi d i t y. Check that the labels containing inf ormation about safety are always visible and in good conditions. Ensure to not obstruct ventilation, to avoid excessive overheating. The equipment should be kept to a minimal distance of 15 cm from any object and not to place on carpet or other soft surfaces. Also the installation close to radiators or in close environments without ventilation should be avoided. Do not switch on the equipment until it has not been correctly and completely installed. Only supply the equipment with the kind of the electric supply as stated on the appropriate label. If in doubts about the kind of supply available, please consult an expert technician for technical assistance. The equipment needs to be wired to an earth terminal. The external case is metal made; a defective connection with the earth may be dangerous. In case damages occurs to the supply cable, it should be immediately replaced with the same kind of cable. This operation should be only made prior to disconnecting the main supply. Do not place objects on the supply cable and check that this is not positioned in way through. The cable should not be knotted or curly. Replace the fuses always with other of the same kind. Do not use the equipment close to the water or other liquids. If liquid entered the equipment, the plug should be disconnected from the socket avoiding to touch the metal parts. Competent technical staff should be asked to check the equipment before operating it again. Do not place recipients containing liquids on the equipment. Even when it is switched off. Keep the equipm e n t f a r fro m s o u r c es of h e a t s u ch as t h e s o l a r li g h t , k i tch e n s , r a dia t o r s etc… Always unplug the supply cable during rainy weather. Always Switch off and unplug the supply cable before cleaning the equipment externally.: this operation should be made using a dry and soft cloth. Never use alcohol based cleaning material. If the amplifier was carried from an extremely cold environment to and extremely hot one, it could create internal condensation, causing possible bad functioning. If this occurs, please wait for at least an hour before using it again, to allow it to gradually reach room temperature. When not used for long periods, please unplug the equipment.
INSTRUCTIONS TO PUT IT OUT OF SERVICE Consult qualified staff Follow the regulations of the current legislation regarding recycling and waste disposal.
Dear Audiophile
Congratulations for choosing the multi-channel audio/video processor CINECITTA’. You purchased an audio component highly musical and highly accurate, able of an extraordinary performance in any home theater system.
Its refined circuit gives great purity of sound whilst its innate elegance will ensure an easy integration in every environment and with the rest of the system.
To obtain the best from your new amplifier, we advice to use only components and cables of the highest quality; follow our advice and the multi-channel audio video processor will give you years of musical pleasure.
Please take some of your time to read this manual before installing your new processor.
We hope you enjoy your experience with Audio Analogue sound!
For your future guidance, we advice you to take a note of the registration number, printed on the rear panel of the amplifier. The date of purchase and the name of the dealer in the space below.
Registration Number:
Date of purchase
Name of the Dealer.
it is the city of the cinema, founded in 1937, 140.000 squared meters extended, it includes studios, building which have been the location of va r ious movies, sw i mming pools and sp a ces for extern a l sh ooting.
is a city set in the magical atmosphere of Rome, it is the place of the dreams of Fellini, of the wonderful and daily dramas of Rossellini. Of the refined talent of Visconti, of the sad tale of De Sica., of the glances of Magnani, of the smiles of Mastroianni and of the lips of Loren., and also more recently of the blood bath of Scorsese in Gangs of New York and of the dirty businesses of the Godfather from Coppola.
is the Italian symbol in the history of the cinema in the world, and for anybody who has watched a work of art shot over there is the symbol of the emotion.
AUDIO ANALOGUE has entitled in this way its Audio/Video reference frame to pay homage to the cinema and to declare so its ambitions: creating the landmark for the domestic production of movies, manufacturing objects putting together high technology, emotion and the elegance of the great cinema.
Ladies and gentleman, please enjoy the show!
A dream called
8 Features of construction 9 Description of the front panel 10 Description of the rear panel 11 Description of the remote control 12 Opening and inspection of the package 13 Connecting the
Switching the
Regulating the volume and mute
15Sel ection of the audio input, for the listen ing
Examples to use the inputs
16 Notes about operating the audio input
Selection of the input for the analogue recording Selection of the input for the digital recording Notes regarding the recording video bar Selection of the decoding bar
17 Stand-by
Brilliance of display
Automatic memor i z a t i o n of the fu n c t i o nin g condition 18 Remote control 19Co n f i g u r a t i o n of the
Processor Set up activation Set up navigation Slip of the menu functions Sel e ct ion of the me n u en h an ce d fu nc ti on Modification of the value of the numerical parameter Exit from a menu Emergency exit from the set up
Dear Audiophile,
Congratulations and thank you for choosing the Cinecitta’ multi-channel Audio Video Processor. Now you own the equipment which establishes the new landmark in that narrow category of audio/video products which put together the quality, the versatility and completeness of the high-end products. The Cinecitta’ Processor associates circuit solutions without compromising functional features to satisfy even the most fussy user. Circuits with discrete components and high performance, functional sections on removable and updateable cards, total configuration, interfacciabilita’ with the PC or home automation equipments: solutions which make the Cinecitta’ Processor a profitable investment.
Construction Features Analogue circuits with discrete components, wide bar and low counter reaction Phono amplifier MM/MC and tape bar buffer with integrated circuits and high performance. Very high quality passive components: low or very low tolerance metal resistors, polyester or polypropylene low tolerance non polarized capacitors, high capacity with low loss electrolytic condensers, low capacity with organic electrolyte electrolytic condensers. Volumes regulators with integrated resistors web without buffer for maximum transparency of sound. Relay of commutation with gold plated silver contacts. No capacitors on the way of the signal. Circuit to recover the offset. Analogue supply with toroidal transformer, two different supply lines and 5 independent regulation phases.
Decoding digital card for the replaceable audio multi-channel. Compatibility with Dolby Digital EX, Dolby Pro-Logic II, DTS-ES-Neo:6. A rewriting memory includes the decoding algorithms: it is so possible to update the purchased algorithms or to add some new on e s i f ava i l a b le t h r o ugh t h e i nt e r f a ce R S - 2 3 2 i n c l u ded . Converters D/A with 8 channels,192kHz/24bit. Converters A/D stereo 192Khz/24bit. Reference clock with low jitter. Replaceable I/O audio digital card. Electric 192KHz/24bit coaxial inputs, Toslink 96kHZ/24bit optical inputs. Tape output with separated bar. It is possible to transfer on the digital tape bar even the analogue channel selected for listening prior to A/D conversion. Digital supply with 8 independent regulation phases.
Replaceable video card. Channels. Composite, S-Video and component. Exits: composite, S-Video, Component YcbCr or RGB con configuration synchronism, on 3x RCA connector or Dsub-15. Four formats are available contemporarily, thanks to a cross-conversion digital matrix. It is possible to deactivate the non-used exits to minimize the noise of the video. Vid e o co mmutation wit h so lid condition swi t ch with very wide b a n d. Very high-speed exit buffer. Counter –images filters with discrete components with very high gradient, for an optimal connection with digital display. Available synchronisms on RCA connectors in various ways. Triple A/D, 12bit/54MHz converter. Six, 10bit/54MHz, D/A converters connected outputs, triple D/ A , 11 bit/54MH z c o n v e r t ers fo r t h e p r o g r essi v e o u t p u ts. Separate tape bar with composite exits and S-Video. It is also possible to send to the tape output signals bound to the monitor exits; in this way it will be possible to obtain a format conversion. It is so possible, for instance, to record composite source or component on a record player equipped only with S-Video exit. Deinterlacing PAL and NTSC circuit with Faroudja DCDi algorithms. On-screen Display external to the conduct for the video signal to preserve best quality of image. Reference clock with low jitter Video supply with 7 independent regulation phases. Organizing system with multiple concurrent control.: from front panel, from remote control and from interface RS-232. Organizing system with a net of micro checkers, 16bit master checker. Organizing software of the equipment updateable with. PC. Selection able Remote control group code to avoid further interferences with remote controls from other equipments. Automatic teaching remote control system to program learning remote controls directly from the processor or for reprogramming the supplied remote control in case of battery decay. Very wide frontal display with complete set-up for the equipment configuration when the Tv display or the monitor is missing. High-resolution encoder for the selectors. Four levels regulating display brilliance. Organizing system, configuration and updating of the decoding algorithms of the supplied software in Windows.
Front panel description
1 .Multifunctional Selector ‘ Select’. It allows selecting: The source to be listened
(analogue or digital), the analogue source to be sent on the analogue tape output, the digital source to send on the digital output tape. Besides, it allows to test the different menu’s functions and to modify some of set-up parameters.
2 Volume check. It allows selecting the general level of listening. It also allows
to modify some of th e set - u p param e t e r s whe n this is active.
3 Button ‘ Analogue Tape’. When this button is pressed, it is able to select the
analogue tape bar. The signal of the available source on the analogue tape output appears on the display. Releasing the button, the exit selector starts again its standard function and the signal on the display disappears. This button is also used to select the set- up options.
4 Button ‘Digital Tape’. When this button is pressed, the outputs selector assumes
the function of selection the digital tape bar. The signal of the available source on the digital tape exit appears on the display. Releasing the button, the output selector starts again its standard function and the signal on the display disappears.
5 Set up activation. Press contemporarily the buttons; ‘Analog Tape’ and ‘Digital
Tape’ to recall the set-Up.
6 Button’ Mute’. It activates and deactivates the audio signal muting. When the
mu t i n g is acti v e the volume is reduced to backgroun d s leve l .
7 Button ‘Mode’. It allows to choose in sequence the ways of decoding multi-
channel available for the selected channel. The range of possible decoding ways is automatically determined from the processor.
8 Display. It shows the functioning conditions of the processor, or the options
from the set-up. When the Cinecitta’ Processor is in stand-by it shows the time.
9 Receiver IR.
10 Emitter IR. It is used to teach the IR codes to a learning remote control.
11 Indicators of the different ways of programming. It lights up red when the processor has activated the function of transferring of the organizing software from PC through the serial port.
audio/video processor
1 2
8 9
Rear panel description
1 So cket accordi n g IEC regulat ions. It conn ect the supply cable. 2 Fuses. In case of necessity they should only be replaced with the same kind
of fuses. 3 Trigger Output 4 RS-232 Serial port 5 Phono Channel MM/MC 6 Earth terminal 7 Audio Stereo channels 8 Tape Audio Analog channels and Outputs 9 Audio inputs with 8 channels 10 Pre audio output with 8 inputs 11 S-Video video inputs 12 S-Video video tape inputs and outputs. 13 Video composite inputs 14 Tape Video composite inputs and outputs. 15 Video inputs component 16 Synchronism output 17 Composite video output 18 RGB connected component Video Output 19 S-Video Output 20 RGB progressive video component output 21 VGA Video Output 22 Audio Digital Tape Output 23 Coaxial Audio Digital inputs 24 Optical audio Digital inputs
5 7
9 10
12 13 14 1516 17 18 19 20
22 23
Remote control description
1 Display. It shows date and time, the active banco coding and further messages
during its use.
. Activates and deactivates the stand-by.
3 Processor selecting code. The remote control is able to check 8 different
equipments. It is possible to connect the banco codes related to the Cinecitta’ processor through the button’AV’. The remote control display will show the
active banco. 4 ‘MUTE’ Activates and deactivates the mute. 5 ‘CH+/CH-Selects the source for the listening 6 VOL+/VOL. Volume regulation 7 ‘MENU’ Recalls the Set Up 8 ENTER. Selects the option enhanced on the on -screen display and on the
processor’s display. 9 ‘RTN’ .Fast exit from display 10 Signals. They allow the set-up navigation 11 ‘MODE’ Selection of the type of the decoding audio 12 ‘DISPLAY’ . It regulates the intensity of the text shown on the display 13 Button to regulate the display and keyboard’s brilliance. 14 Emitter IR 15 Receiver IR for learning
Rear 1 ‘LEARN’ Button to activate or deactivate the function of learning 2 ‘EDIT’ Button to modify the names associated to the remote control’ functions. 3 ‘CLEAR’ Button to delete specific portions of memory. 4 ‘TIME/DATE’. Button to set up time and date. 5 ‘R E SET’ Button to totall y de l ete the remote control ’ me mory.
3 4
Opening and inspecting the package.
Open the box with extreme care to avoid harming the content. The package contains the following items:
A Cinecitta’ Processor A remote control Four AAA batteries (obviously in the remote control) A supply cable A cable for trigger connection This manual A CD-Rom
Whenever some of the objects above-listed were missing, please consult your Audio Analogue dealer. After pulling out the smallest items, take out the equipment with extreme care. Remove the shockproof expanded foam. If the batteries are not already in the remote control. Open the lid of the space containing batteries of the remote control and insert them in the correct position; close therefore the lid. It will be necessary to program the remote control as indicated later. If the remote control is already active, the programming will not be necessary.
Cho o s in g the pl ac e whe r e to po s it io n the Ci ne ci tt a’ P ro c es so r.
The Cinecitta’ Processor is an equipment generating a considerable quantity of heat. For this reason it is advisable to place it in an environment with a good air circulation. In particular it is appropriate to allow a sufficient surrounding and above space. (at least 5cm), to avoid to put it close to source o f heat (radiators, amplifiers and televisions).
Connecting the Cinecitta’ Processor.
Before connecting the Cinecitta’ Processor to the sources, to the amplifier or to the television or to the screen or to the projector, check that all the equipments are unplugged. Firstly connect the audio and video sources to the channels of The Cinecitta’ processor that you want to use. Whenever there are available alternatives to connect a source to the processor, choose the best connection (for instance, it is preferable to use a digital connection to connect a CD player, or a component connection rather than a composite one for connecting the video exit from a DVD player). Use only best quality cables, with gold or rhodium-plated connectors. It is obviously possible to make multiple connections of the same source to the processor using more inputs (for instance, a DVD reader can be connected digitally and analogically as far as the audio is concerned, composite and in S-Video as far as the video is concerned). Connect, therefore, the pre audio Cinecitta’ exits to the amplifier inputs of the used amplifiers. Whenever a trigger input compatible with the trigger exit of the Cinecitta’ Processor is available on the amplifier, connect the supplied cable. Consult the technical specifications of Cinecitta’ and of the amplifier to check to check the trigger compatibility. Connect the Cinecitta’ Processor ‘s video exits you want to use to the channels of Television/, screen or projector. Thanks to the supplied exits and to the functioning of video format transcoding, it is possible to send contemporarily a RGB signal on VGA connection to a PC monitor, a component signal connected to a projector and a composite one to a television. This is useful if you intend to use the Cinecitta’ Processor to add a sound track and send images to different environments. Eventually connect the supplied supply cable to the Cinecitta’ Processor through the appropriate vaschetta. The of the supply cabl e ’s plug needs to be conne c t e d t o a socke t . ATTENTION! The Cinecitta’ Processor does NOT include a switch. So if it is connected to a socket is always supplied. Plugging needs to be done as the final step.
Switching on the Cinecitta’ Processor
When the plug of the supply cable is connected to the socket, the equipment lights up showing an introductory message and, after few seconds the functioning condition. Whenever this shouldn’t happen, please consult the section about the problem’s resolution. Even if it is advisable to switch off the equipment (disconnecting the supply cable’s plug) when it is not used for long periods of time or during storms and electric storms, it is possible to leave it on in between the various daily listening. In this case, it is available the stand-by function which deactivates the equipment, silencing the audio exits and switching off the video ones. If the trigger connection between processor and amplifier is active, activating the stand-by provokes even the switching off of the amplifier.
Regulating and silencing the volume (mute)
The volume’s knob on the front panel and the buttons Vol+/Vol- on the remote control act on the general listening level. This means that the volume of active inputs is modified from the same value. It is possible to change the levels about the various inputs in comparison to the general listening level, influencing the set-up. The mute button, on the front panel and on the remote control, allows to lessen the listening level to 20dB. With a normal listening level, this is the equivalent to pass to a musical background level. This function is useful when is suddenly necessary to diminish the volume, for instance to reply to a phone call or to have a conversation or more when you want to replace the DD or the DVD. For very low volumes it is possible that activating the mute provokes the total silencing of one or more channels. Deactivating the mute will restore the normal listening level.
Selecting the audio inputs for the listening
Selecting the desired audio channel happens through rotating the left selector (SELECT) or through pressing the CH+ oCH-buttons. The selection is circular, so it is possible to pass from the last inputs of the sequence to the to the first one and vice versa without gliding all the other ones. Analog and digital inputs are organized in the same way and considered exactly the same. The sequence is the following one: Phone, CD, Tuner, Aux, Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Tape 1, Tape 2, 8-Inputs, Coax1, Coax 2, Coax 3, Coax 4, Opt1, Opt 2, Opt 3. The last 7 channels are digital. The Audio Channels commutation implies the automatic video sources commutation. The associations activated in the factory are the following ones:
Aux Video1 Video2 Video3 Video4
­CVBS1 CVBS2 S-Video3 S-Video4 CVBS1T
Coax1 Coax2 Coax3 Coax4
Opt1 Opt2 Opt3
S-Video2T Component1 CVBS1 S-Video2 Component1 Component2 CVBS3 S-Video4 Component2
Examples about using the channels selector.
Rotate clockwise the selector on the front panel or press the button CH+ on the remote control to pass from Phono aCD. Rotate anticlockwise the selector on the front panel or press the button CH-on the remote control to pass from Video 4 to Video 3.
Notes regarding organizing the audio and video channels.
The Cinecitta’ Processor includes audio analogue and digital channels and video channels. Despite the way it looks like (it is missing of a selecting independent control for the video source), the selecting bars system is very flexible, and allows associating any video channel to any audio channel. This feature allows using the digital sources’ flexibility at its best. To better clarify this aspect, a universal digital reader should be taken into consideration. The reader is able to read CD, CD-Video, DVD-Video, DVD­Audio and SACD. It is equipped with a stereo analog exit, with a multi channel analog exit and with a digital exit, and also with various video exits (composite, S-Video component). According the international agreements against disk’s piracy, the digital exit is usually able to transmit PCM frequency signals superior to 96KHz or DSD signals. It is not, therefore, possible to transfer digitally from the reader to the processor the SACD signals and DVD-Audio signals. On the other hand, the PCM digital signal of CD or the one compressed form DVD-Video is available on the digital exit. For this reason, it is necessary to connect all the 3 audio exits of the universal reader to the processor: the digital exit will be used for using CDs and DVD Videos and the analog audio exits for listening SACD or DVD-Audio. It is appropriate to use both the readear’s analog exits because very often the stereo’a exits use internal DA converters of superior quality in comparison to the multi-channel exits. Therefore, depending on the format of the chosen disk, the user will select the 8 channel’s inputs l on the processor (SACD and DVD-Audio multi-channel),or a an analog stereo channel (SACD or DVD- Audio stereo), or again a digital channel (DVD-Video or Cd) And what about the video inputs? In a normal processor, 3 different audio inputs correspond to 3 other video inputs. In the case of the Cinecitta’processor is possible to act on the set up to associate only one video input ( for instance, the one connected to the video input of better quality than the universal reader). In this way, the video exits of the universal reader will be available for any audio exit you want to listen to. If you take into consideration that not only DVD-Videos but DVD-Audio also, the SACD and some CD are supplied with images, it is easy to understand the utility of this operational feature connected to Cinecitta’ processor.
Channel Selection for the analog recording
Selecting the wanted channel for the analog recording happens through rotating the left selector (Select) whilst the button ‘Analog Tape’ is pressed. The selection is circular, so it is possible to pass from the first to the last channel of the sequence and vice versa without slipping all the other. Only the analog channels are organized on this bar. The sequence is the following: Off, Phono, CD, Tuner, Aux, Video 1, Video 2 Video 3, Video 4, Tape 1, Tape2 , 8 channels (only the first 2 channels are connected to the tape bar). The commutation of the audio channels on the analog bar implies the automatic commutation of the video channels associated on the video tape bar. If the analog tape bar is set on ‘Off’ (no analog source selected), on the video tape exits there will be the video source associated to the audio digital source selected on the digital bar tape.
Notes about the recording video bar
It is available a set-up option which allows to bypass the video recording bar and send to the tape exits the signals bound to the composite video exits and to the S-Video exits. When this option is active, it is possible to use the function to cross convert the video formats, to record a signal of any formats on any kind of recorder. For instance, it is possible to record the video signal coming from the DVD player in component format son a VCR with composite channel.
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