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Additional U-verse information
Manage your account:
Available 24/7, download the myAT&T app at
att.com/myattapp from your mobile device.
• For U-verse support, including live chat,
go to att.com/uversesupport
• Visit att.com/userguides to find this guide
(ATT121140829-4 Wireless Gateway Swap 3800 to 3801
w/o Voi ce)
¿Habla español?
Por favor visite att.com/uverseguias para ver la
informacion en español. También pueden ver la siguiente
ATT121140829-4 (Wireless Gateway Swap 3800 to
3801 w/o Voice)
para más detalles.
Accessibility Support:
• Alternate formats now available in large print or braille.
Call 800.288. 2020 and request your guide number
• Equipment:
- Voice Calls: 877.902.6350
- TTY Calls : 800.772.2889
• Repair C enter:
- Voice Calls: 800.246.8464
- TTY Calls : 800.397.3172
• Accessible Tagged PDF: Visit att.com/userguides
• Device Compatibility Feature: Compatible with any TT Y/TDD
devices with standard phone line
Wi-Fi Gateway Power light is amber: Don’t worry. This is a normal part of the power-up sequence.
Additional assistance: Call 800.288. 2020 and ask for “U-verse technical support.”
No TV or Internet service:
Need more help?
Check your connections:
Cables usually make an
audible click when secure.
Check Power: Power light on the
Wi-Fi Gateway should be green; if
not, try another electrical o utlet.
If your existing Wi-Fi settings did not transfer,
you will need to set up a new Wi-Fi Network
Name and Password. To do so, follow these steps:
· Use settings from new Wi-F i Gateway’s
yellow sticker
· Open your device’s Wi-Fi connection settings,
select your Wi-Fi Network Name, and enter
Wi-Fi Password to connect
· Record and keep your Wi-Fi settings for future
reference when connecting all your Wi-Fi devices
For use with High Speed Internet and TV
Check Service light on front
of the Wi-Fi Gateway: If after
5 minutes, the light is red or off,
power down the Wi-Fi Gateway by
holding down the red reset button
for 10 seconds.
TV receivers not responding:
Confirm Service light is solid green
on the Wi-Fi Gateway. If so, hold
the TV receiver’s Power button
down for 10 seconds and release,
then wait five minutes.
Wi-Fi Gateway replacement
self-installation guide
Power Cord
Wireless Network Key: XXXXXXXXXX
For help: att.com/support
Easy return
(Refer to return instructions in your kit)
Return your equipment at no cost
to you within 21 days to avoid a
$150 charge.
Take original Wi-Fi Gateway
and power cord to nearest The
UPS Store. Bring your AT&T
account number located on your
packing slip.
Please do not return other devices.
UPS will scan your equipment,
provide a receipt, pack, and ship
equipment to AT&T at no cost
to you.
A. B. C.
Begin anytime! You don’t need to wait until the
Service Activation Date listed on your packing slip.