E. Audio Setup Guide ............................................................................................................ 90
F. Settings descriptions ...................................................................................................... 105
Legal Information ................................................................................................................. 116
End User License Agreement ............................................................................................. 117
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Before beginning to use VirtualDJ, it is important to familiarize yourself with the controls and
the available sections of the default GUI (Graphical User Interface) or Skin.
Default 2 Decks Skin view
Default 4 Decks Skin view
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Default 6 Decks skin view
Default Tablet Mode Skin view
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Top Section
Application Controls & Info
VirtualDJ logo
Settings & Applications buttons
On the top left side a Clock is
available along with some
information about the CPU usage. Click on the Time text
to toggle between 12 and 24h
time format.
Clock & CPU usage
Top section - Left side
Top section - Right side
Application Controls & Logo
On the left side the logo of VirtualDJ is displayed. On the right side a Close button to shutdown the application, along with minimize and maximize buttons are offered. The layout of
these buttons is reversed on Mac OS computers.
The maximize buttons offer 3 states:
Fully maximized: Application covers the whole screen
Semi-maximized: Application covers the whole screen, but leaves the bottom taskbar visible.
Windowed: Application is displayed in a smaller resizable and movable window
Click on the button to open the Settings of VirtualDJ.
System Information
The progress bar of the CPU indicates the CPU usage for all applications running at that
time on your computer. Hover mouse to see information about the Sound card interface
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Decks Layout
Keyboard / Tablet Mode
The VU Meter on the top shows the
Volume Level of the Master Output*.
The Limiter* indicator shows if the
signal of the Master Output is
compressed or not.
Master Volume Level & Limiter
* Note. Both Master VU and Limiter indicator will not be available if an External Mixer Audio setup
is selected (see Audio Setup).
Waveform Display
Layout & Mode
Click on the button to select how many decks you wish VirtualDJ to display. Toggle
between the Keyboard and the Tablet Mode using the 2 MODE buttons. A special Tablet
skin is offered with similar features but with much large buttons, mainly for touch-screen
users (2 Decks only).
Master VU meter & Limiter
This area tracks the waveform of each song loaded or playing on a deck. It also features a
Computer Beat Grid (CBG) used for visual mixing and beat-matching.
The waveform posts curves corresponding to the two rates/rhythms of the music, allowing
you to see your music. The peaks in the curve represent beats. In order to synchronize the
music, these peaks should occur at the same time. The present is represented by the
feature in the middle of the screen. All on the left as already played, while what is on the
right represents the next few seconds of the track.
Below the curves there are small squares, named CBG (Computed Beat Grid), which
represent the position of measures. The large squares represent the beginning of a measure
4:4 time. The CBG is particularly useful, for example, when mixing a track at the time of an
intro where the beat is not yet present.
Waveform - Rhythm & CBG
In the picture above, you can see that the beats are completely synchronized. It is easy to
see that the peaks (beats) of the music are lined up. However, some music does not have
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
3 different views are offered in the 2 Deck layout
to choose from. Default, Inverted and
Scratchwave*. Extended Grid lines can be
added to the first 2, by selecting the Show extra gridlines option
Waveform Selection menu - 2 Decks
the very obvious single beat peaks that most house and techno music has. This is when the
CBG is very useful. If you look at the following graphics, it is not exactly clear where the
beats should sync up by just observing the waveform visually. However, with the help of the
CBG, it becomes much easier to synchronize the two tracks:
Not beat matched - CBG not aligned
Beat matched - CBG not aligned
Beat matched - CBG aligned
Additional waveform displays can be selected. Click on the button to receive a menu
with the available options.
Default waveform - 2 Decks
Inverted waveform - 2 Decks
Horizontal scratchwave* - 2 Decks
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
6 different views are offered in the 4 Deck
layout to choose from. Default with all 4
decks or just Left and Right, Default with the
Right deck inverted, Scratchwave* with all 4
decks, just Left and Right or just the selected
deck. Extended Grid lines can be added to
the first 3 views, by selecting the Show extra
gridlines option.
Waveform Selection menu - 4 Decks
3 different views are offered in the 6 Decks layout
to choose from. Default (with all 6 decks),
Focused (with Left and right Decks) and
Scratchwave* (with Left and Right Decks).
Extended Grid lines can be added to the first 2,
by selecting the Show extra gridlines option
Waveform Selection menu - 6 Decks
Default Wave - All 4 Decks
Default Wave - Left, right
Default wave - Left and Right decks inverted
Scratchwave - All 4 decks
Scratchwave - Left and right decks
Scratchwave - Selected deck
Default waveform - 6 Decks
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
*Note. Different Scratchwaves can be selected from Options (ColoredWaveforms setting), where
the detected frequencies of the track are differently colored.
Use the slider to zoom in/out and adjust the visible area
of the wave in the waveform. Click on the D button to get
the default zooming value. Use the S button to save
your custom zooming value and the R button to recall it.
Zoom Slider
Zoom buttons
The Beat keeper indicates on which
beat of the 4 beat bar the track is on.
On the sides, extra beat counters are
offered based on the 16 beat phrase
of each track
4 Decks
2 & 6 Decks
Deck Controls
Track Info Display
Focused waveform (left-right) - 6 Decks
Horizontal scratchwave* (left-right) - 6 Decks
Zoom slider & preset buttons
Beat keeper & phrase indicator
Drag and drop a track from the Browser into a virtual Deck dropzone area. Once the track is
loaded the track info will be displayed and all deck controls will be available. Press the
button to start playing the track.
Once a track is loaded to a deck, the track’s Info such as Artist, Title, Time (Remain,
Elapsed and Total), Cover, BPM, Key and Gain will be displayed in this area. The track will
be analyzed and the song-position (progress) will be displayed.
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Key Control
Click on the Key text to get its value into 3 different
views. Press the button right next to the Key value
to reveal/hide the Key Control panel in order to adjust
or reset the Key of the track. Use the buttons
to move the Key one semitone up/down and the
button to bring the track back to its original Key value.
Key Control Panel
Click on the Remain/Elapsed/Total Time display to get the desired Time View
Use the button to manually calculate the BPM of the track. Right-click on the
button to open the BPM Editor to perform more advanced and precise Tempo and
Beat/Phase corrections if required. (See BPM Editor)
Click on the Cover of the track to open the Tag Editor to view and edit all the available info
of the track
Turn on/off the Master Tempo (Key Lock) with the button. If Master Tempo is enabled
the Key of the track will retain its value if the Pitch is changed.
All 6 Decks are offered as Mini Decks below the Left and the Right ones. Mini Decks 1, 3
and 5 can become Left (A) and Mini decks 2, 4 and 6 can become Right (B) Deck if you
click on the header of each Mini Deck. Artist, title and song position is offered for each one
of the Mini Decks. Each time one of the Mini Decks is set as Left or Right the Mini Deck gets
the corresponding color (blue for Left, red for Right) The M buttons indicates the Master
Deck (all other decks will sync to the Master Deck if SYNC is pressed).
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Basic Deck Controls
In this area a virtual Jog wheel is
available to provide bend or scratch
controls of the track. Use the control
buttons PLAY, STOP and CUE*, to play,
pause and stop the track or set a
temporary Cue point*. Use the Pitch
slider to adjust the tempo (BPM) of the
track. The buttons will temporary
slowdown / speed up the track (Pitch
Bend) Click on the button to
gradually reset the tempo to its original
value or double-click for instant reset.
Deck Controls - 2 Decks
Mini Decks - Deck 3 assigned as Left (A)
Once a track is loaded to a deck, the track’s Info such as Artist, Title, Elapsed and Remain
Time, Cover, BPM, Key and Gain will be displayed in this area. The track will be analyzed
and the song-position (progress) will be displayed.
Use the button to manually calculate the BPM of the track. Right-click on the
button to open the BPM Editor to perform more advanced and precise Tempo and
Beat/Phase corrections if required. (See BPM Editor).
The M button indicates the Master Deck. All other decks will sync to the Master Deck if
SYNC is pressed on any deck. Click to set any deck as Master or leave the Auto selection
on (depends on which deck is currently going to the Master Output)
Right-click on the Artist or Title of the track to show/hide the Cover. Click on the Cover of
the track to open the Tag Editor to view and edit all the available info of the track
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
* Note. The CUE button sets a temporary Cue and will not affect the saved HotCues. However, the
temporary Cue point will be saved across sessions for each of your tracks
A virtual Jog wheel is available to provide bend or
scratch controls of the track. Use the control buttons
PLAY, STOP and CUE*, to play, pause and stop the
track or set a temporary Cue point*. Use the Pitch
slider to adjust the tempo (BPM) of the track. The
buttons will temporary slowdown / speed up
the track (Pitch Bend). Press the button to
smoothly synchronize the track of the deck with the
opposite deck. It will match the BPM of the track and
align the CBG (Computed Beatgrid)
Deck Controls - 4 Decks
* Note. The CUE button sets a temporary Cue and will not affect the saved HotCues. However, the
temporary Cue point will be saved across sessions for each of your tracks
Press the button to smoothly synchronize the track of the deck with the opposite
deck. It will match the BPM of the track and align the CBG (Computer Beatgrid)
Toggle between the Scratch (Vinyl) and Bend (CD) mode using the button. In Vinyl
Mode the Jog Wheel will emulate the sound of a record being scratched when the position is
moved. In CD mode the jog wheel will bend the pitch when the position is moved.
Enable Slip mode using the button. While Slip Mode is enabled, Hot Cues, Loops and
Scratching will only affect the position of the song temporary and once disabled the song will
continue to play from the position it would have been if the Slip Mode had never been
Click on the (for decks 1 and 3) or (for decks 2 and 4) buttons to set a deck as
Left Deck or Right Deck. Setting a deck as left or right is mostly used to control 4 decks
with a 2-deck MIDI controller.
Select a deck using the numbered buttons.
Toggle between the Scratch (Vinyl) and Bend (CD) mode using the button. In Vinyl
Mode the Jog Wheel will emulate the sound of a record being scratched when the position is
moved. In CD mode the jog wheel will bend the pitch when the position is moved.
Enable Slip mode using the button. While Slip Mode is enabled, Hot Cues, Loops and
Scratching will only affect the position of the song temporary and once disabled the song will
continue to play from the position it would have been if the Slip Mode had never been
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Deck Options
Click on the button to choose a different
behavior for the Basic Control buttons,
adjust the Pitch Range, and enable Master
Tempo or other useful smart mixing options
such as Smart Loop, Smart Cue and
Smart Play.
Deck Options
Smart Play
Automatically start playing from the nearest position that would allow
the songs to be beat-matched with one another.
Smart Cue
Automatically adjusts the jump position to keep the song beat-matched
Smart Loop
Automatically adjust the loop points when you set a manual loop to
make the loop seamless
Master Tempo (or
Key Lock)
Keeps the key of the song unchanged when the pitch of the song is
Pitch Range
Set the percentage (%) Range of the Pitch slider
Control Buttons Behavior
Play, Stop and Cue buttons can
behave differently depending on the
selected Mode
Control Buttons
In this Mode the Play button behaves like Play-Stutter
(the song will keep playing from the last Cue) and the
Stop button behaves like Pause-Stop (pauses the
song if playing and cycles through the available Cue
points if paused)
In this Mode the Play button behaves as Play-Pause
(toggles between Play and Pause) and the Stop button
behaves like Stop (will pause the song and return to
the previous Cue if playing and will cycle through the
available Cue points if paused)
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Cue Standard
Will stop the song at the previous Cue point and will
preview the song as long as it is held if the song is
Cue hold-to-play
Will stop the song at the previous Cue point and will
preview the song as long as it is held if the song is
paused. If held more than 3 seconds the song will
continue to play once the button is released
Cue inverted
Will stop the song at the previous Cue point and will
stay paused as long as the button is held
Advanced Deck Controls
Normal View
Effects Extended View
Loops Extended View
HotCues Extended View
In this area, Advanced Deck Controls can be found such as Hot Cues, Effects, Loops and
Custom buttons and sliders
Each one of the Hot Cue, Loop and Effects sections offer 3 different views (minimal,
standard and extended).
Click on the header of each section (hot cue, effect and loop) to toggle between the Normal
and Extended view. If one of the sections is in Extended view, the other 2 will automatically
be displayed in Minimal view.
Choose the desired view to get the controls you prefer for your type of mixing.
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
The Minimal view is auto-selected if one of the other
2 sections (Effect and Loops) are set to Extended
View. In this view, only 3 Hot Cues* are available.
Hotcues Minimal View
The Normal view is auto-selected if none of the
available sections are set to extended mode. In this
view, 6 Hot Cues* are offered.
Click to trigger, set a Cue point or right-click to delete
a Cue point.
HotCues Normal View
The Extended View is selected by clicking on the
Header of the section. In this view 6 Hot Cues* are
offered along with useful Cue info, such as Cue
Names, Cue Time Position, Cue Time From Position,
Beats to Cue. Click on the information to cycle through
the different info.
Use the X buttons to delete any of the Hot Cues
Click on the padlock button to prevent the deleting of
a Hot Cue (Lock)
Click on the button to open the POI Editor to
rename and manage your Hot Cue points. (see POI
Turn on/off Smart Cue (Snap) with the button
(available in the Deck Options as well)
HotCues Extended View
HotCues, Effects, Loops and Custom buttons are available in a single view.
Advanced Deck Controls - 4 Decks
Use any of the 6 available Hot Cue buttons to trigger a Hot Cue (or save if empty). Rightclick to delete it.
3 different views for the Hot Cues are offered (Minimal, Normal and Extended).
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Use any of the 6* available buttons to
trigger or set a Hot Cue (if empty). Open
the POI Editor to manage your Hot Cues
with the button.
HotCues - 4 Decks
* Note. Even though 6 Hot Cue points are offered in the Default 2 Decks GUI (which should cover
the needs in most cases), VirtualDJ supports up to 99 Hot Cue points which can be controlled
using a custom skin, custom buttons, or keyboard/midi controller shortcuts.
The Minimal view is auto-selected if one of the other
2 sections (Hot Cues and Loops) are set to Extended
Click on the button to select an effect from the
offered drop-down Effects List, and turn it on/off with
the text button. Adjust the 1st Parameter of the effect
by using the knob.
Effects Minimal View
The Normal view is auto-selected if none of the
available sections are set to extended mode. Click on
the button to select an effect from the offered
drop-down Effects List, and turn it on/off with the text
button. Adjust the 1st and the 2nd Parameters of the
selected effect by using the 2 round knobs .
Effects Normal View
The Extended View is selected by clicking on the
Header of the section.
In this view 3 Effect Slots are offered along with
buttons to select the effect for each slot. Turn on/off
each one of the effects using the text boxes and
adjust their 1st parameter using the knobs.
More parameters for each effect slot are offered in the
Effect GUI.
All 3 effect slots can be turned on simultaneously. .
Effects Extended View
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
In the Normal View a button is offered to see all
the available Parameters and Preset Buttons of the
selected Effect.
A detailed Effect GUI will be automatically attached
on the right side of the Browser.
The same Effect GUI for each effect is also offered by
the button in the drop-down Effects List.
Effect GUI
Click on the button to select an effect
from the offered drop-down Effects List,
and turn it on/off with the text button. Adjust
the 1st and the 2nd Parameters of the
effect using the 2 round knobs.
Effects - 4 Decks skin
Effects Selection List & Effects Grouping
Once the Effect select button is pressed, an Effects Selection list will be displayed to easily scroll through all the
available Sound, Video and Visualization Effects and
make your selection. The Sound Effects Group will be
expanded by default, and the Video Effects Group will be
also expanded if a Video track is loaded to a deck.
Click on the icon to keep the Effects Selection list
visible (pined) after Effect selection.
VirtualDJ offers the ability to group and organize your
favorite effects.
A new Effects Group can be created, by right-clicking on
any of the available Sound, Video or Visualization default
Once a new Group is created, pin the Effects List and then drag n drop an effect* to any
of the Groups you have created
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
* Note.Only user’s custom effects can be moved or deleted. The Default Effects (see table below)
can not be moved to a Group nor can they be deleted. Additional Effects can be downloaded from
our website http://www.virtualdj.com/addons/effects.html
The Minimal view is auto-selected if one of the other
2 sections (Hot Cues and Effects) are set to Extended
View. In this view, Loop IN and a Loop OUT buttons
will be offered to set the entry and exit points of the
Minimal Loop View
The Normal view is auto-selected if none of the
available sections are set to extended mode. In this
view, Loop IN and Loop OUT buttons will be offered to
set the entry and exit points of the Loop. Use the
buttons to half or double the size of the loop.
The size of the loop is visible along with a loop
progress Bar.
Normal Loop View
Effects can be removed from the Effect Selection List by right-clicking *.
The Default Effects of VirtualDJ
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
The Extended View is selected by clicking on the
Header of the section. In this view, Loop IN and Loop OUT buttons are available to set the entry and exit
points of the Loop. Use the buttons to half or
double the size of the loop. The size of the loop is
visible along with a loop progress Bar.
Use the Length (round slider) to adjust the
size of the loop (to a non-seamless one) and/or the
Move round slider to move the loop to a new
Extended Loop View
* Note.Multiple Saved Loops can be achieved via Custom Buttons, VirtualDJ Script actions and in
custom skins
Use the Loop IN and Loop OUT buttons to set the entry
and exit points of the Loop. Use the buttons to
half or double the size of the loop. The size of the loop
is visible along with a loop progress Bar.
Other Loop Controls :
ROLL Loop Mode. When enabled all the Loop actions
will control Loop Rolls (the song will return to the
position where it would have been if the Loop was never
Loops - 4 Decks
The REC button will instantly record the Loop (if enabled) as a Sample.
Other Loop Controls:
SAVE: Save the selected Loop to a Saved Loop Slot (POI) *
LOAD: Load (Enable) the Saved Loop (POI) *
ROLL Loop Mode. When enabled all the Loop actions will control Loop Rolls (the song will
return to the position where it would have been if the Loop was never triggered)
BACK Loop Mode: When a Loop is set by a number of beats (e.g. 4 beats) the loop ends on
the current position
AUTO (or Smart Loop): Automatically adjust the loop points when set a manual loop to make
the loop seamless
AUTO (or Smart Loop): Automatically adjust the loop points when set a manual loop to make
the loop seamless
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Custom Buttons
Click on any of the available
Custom buttons or Custom
Knob to assign an action that
you may miss from the available
ones. An explanatory pop-up
message will appear, which can
be turned off for next time, by
choosing Don’t show again
Custom Buttons Pop-up Window
Once this window is closed the
Custom Button Editorwill
appear. All available VirtualDJ
Actions are grouped by
Category and the side
Description will help you to
choose the one you need along
with some syntax tips. The Action
field is also Auto-Fill.
Add a short description in the
Button name box to see that on
the Button. If no name is typed,
the Action will be used as the
button text.
After closing the Button Editor, the
Custom Buttons on the GUI will
now operate the assigned actions.
Similar operation is applied for the
Custom Knob.
* Note.More details about VirtualDJ script actions can be found in our website
In order to cover all possible needs of features and actions, we added in the Default GUI a
few extra empty buttons and knobs to customize via VirtualDJ script actions *. On first
launch, those buttons will be empty (un-assigned).
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Mixing Controls
Audio Mixer
Audio Mixer - 2 & 6 Decks
Audio Mixer - 4 Decks
Use the HIGH, MID and LOW knobs to adjust the high, mid and
low equalizer bands of each of the available mixer channels.
Double-click to reset each one of the EQ bands to zero (off)
position. Right-click to Kill* any of the EQ bands
The central frequency values of each of the 3 EQ bands can be
adjusted from the Options.
The Center panel of the GUI offers 4 sub-panels MIXER, VIDEO, SCRATCH and MASTER,
The MIXER panel offers a 2 or 4 channel Audio Mixer with HIGH, MID and LOW Equalizer
knobs, GAIN knobs, FILTER knobs to control the resonance Filter effect along with Volume
Faders, Audio Crossfader and PFL selection buttons.
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
-By default the EQ knobs do not completely cut off (kill) the frequencies. Kill mode can be selected
from Options.
- By default the EQ applies on the Master Output. EQ can also affect the PFL (prelisten) channel if
the setting is changed (see Options).
Use the FILTER knobs to apply a Low-Pass or a High-Passfilter
to each of the available mixer channels. On middle position, no
Filter is applied.
Double-click to reset Filter (off position)
Filter knob
Note. The resonance of the Low-High Pass filter can be adjusted using a custom slider and
filter_resonance VirtualDJ script action.
Use the GAIN knob to adjust the Gain applied to the loaded track. If the
knob is to the middle position (12 o’clock) the output level is set by the
software to zero db (0 db by default or other value defined from the
Options). The applied gain value will be displayed on the Deck’s Info
area. Double-click to set the GAIN to the middle position (zero db
Gain knob
Note. VirtualDJ will set the Gain to zero value (or saved value) if the track is pre-analyzed or played
before. If not, the software will set the Gain to its zero value only if the track is not playing by the
time the track is fully loaded.
Use the PFL buttons to send any of the mixer channels to the
Prelisten (Headphones) channel.
Prelisten button
- Headphones Output needs to be selected in the Audio Setup
- Will not affect the pre-listening if External Mixer Audio Setup is selected
When a track is loaded on a deck, VirtualDJ will set the Output level of the track to the given
zero db value. The GAIN knob can be used then to make additional adjustments. By default
the adjusted value will be remembered next time the same track is loaded. Different
behavior is offered by changing the AutoGain setting (see Options)
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Use the Volume faders to control the volume of
each one of the available mixer’s channels.
Volume Faders - 4 Decks
The VU meters can display either the Output
level of the deck routed to the mixer or the
Output level of the mixer’s channel (after
Volume adjustments)
VU Meters - 4
Volume Faders & VU meters -
2 & 6 Decks
2 & 6 DECKS
Selection is made from the right-click menu on the VU meters.
Selection is made from the Mixer Options button above the Audio
- Volume faders should be left at maximum position (top) if External Mixer is selected in the Audio
Slide the crossfader to route the left or right deck to
the Master Output. If the crossfader is at the far left
side, only the left deck will be audible in the Master
Audio Crossfader - 2 Decks
Slide the crossfader to route the left or right assigned deck of the mixer to the Master
Use the crossfader assign buttons to assign
a deck as left or right side of the crossfader.
If the crossfader is at the far left side, only the
left-assigned decks will be audible in the
Master Output.
Audio Crossfader - 4 Decks
Crossfader Assign buttons
VOLUME - VU Meters
If the crossfader is at the far right side, only the right deck will be audible in the Master
Output. At any other position, both decks will be audible.
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
- A deck will not be audible on the Master Output if the Volume of the deck is set to the zero
- Crossfader should be set in middle position if External Mixer is selected in Audio Setup or can be
disabled from the CrossfaderCurve setting in Options.
Tip: The crossfader behavior (how channels are mixed) can be adjusted from the CrossfaderCurve
setting (seeOptions) and from the Mixer Options button in the 4 Decks skin.
Click on the button right above the Audio Crossfader to
get the Mixer Options list.
Choose one of the 3 available Mixer orders to get a
different channel layout for the mixer. By default the
order Ch3, Ch1 (left decks), Ch2, Ch4 (right decks) is
selected. Selection is saved across sessions
Choose if the Level indicators will display the VU
meters or the Level meters for each mixer channel.
Select the Crossfader curve for the Audio crossfader
(how channels are mixed) or reverse the crossfader
(hamster). Smooth is selected by default.
Fake mixer is an indicator (not a selection) for midi
controllers that use this feature. If this mode is selected
by the hardware unit, the mixer of the unit will not control
the internal software mixer, but the displays will follow its
Mixer Options - 4 Decks
Video Mixer
If the crossfader is at the far right side, only the right-assigned decks will be audible in the
Master Output. At any other position, all right- or left-assigned decks will be audible. If a deck
is not assigned as left or right, it will be audible regardless of the crossfader position.
Double-click to bring the crossfader to middle position.
Mixer Options
The VIDEO center panel offers audio-video mixing controls such as GAIN knob, Volume
Faders, Audio Crossfader and PFL selection buttons (see Audio Mixer)
Additionally it offers Video preview windows for Master and Deck, a Video Crossfader
along with Video Effect and Transition controls
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Video Mixer - 2 & 6 Decks
Video Mixer - 4 Decks
Video Previews
The large top window will display the Master
Video Output. Click inside that area to enable/
disable the Video engine and Master Video
The smaller Video preview windows will display
the Video Outputof the left and right decks.
Click on the left Video Deck preview to perform a
Video transition to the left side, and on the right
video Deck preview to perform a Video transition
to the right side.
Video Effect
Click on the button to see a list of
Video Effects, select a Video Effect *
Click on the text box to enable/disable the
selected Video Effect on the Master Video
Click on the button in the Video Effects
List to dock the FX GUI in the Browser in
order to control the parameters of the
Video Effect (if available)
Video Effects List
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
* Notes.
- Additional Effects can be downloaded from our website
- Custom Video effects can be grouped and moved (see Effects)
Windows version
Negative, StrobeAuto, Strobe, BoomAuto, Boom, Colorize, Camera, Text
Mac version
Negative, StrobeAuto, Strobe, BoomAuto, Boom, Colorize, Camera, Text
Video Transition
Click on the button to see the Video
Transitions List and to select a Video Transition *
The Video transition will define how the
left and right Video decks will be mixed,
using the Video Crossfader. Click on the
text box to enable/disable the selected
Video Transition.
Click on the button in the Video
Transitions List to dock the GUI of the
Transition in the Browser in order to
control the parameter(s) of the Video
Transition (if available)
Video Transitions List
* Notes.
- Additional Video Transitions can be downloaded from our website
- Custom Video Transitions can be grouped and moved (see Effects)
Use the Video Crossfader to mix the
Video Output of the decks
If the Video Crossfader is at the far
left side, only the Video from the left
deck will be displayed on the Master
Video Output.
If the Video Crossfader is at the far
right side, only the Video of the right
deck will be displayed on the Master
Video Output.
At any other position, the Videos will
be mixed depending on the selected
Video Transition.
Video Crossfader - 2 Decks
Use the Video Crossfader to mix the Video
Output of the left and right assigned decks.
Use the video-crossfader assign
buttons to assign a deck as left or right side to
the video crossfader. If none is selected, the
selection will automatically follow the left and
right decks as selected from the relevant buttons
on each deck (Auto mode). Right-click on any of
these buttons to get the auto mode back.
If the Video Crossfader is at the far left side, only
the Video of the left-assigned deck will be
displayed on the Master Video Output.
If the Video Crossfader is at the far right side,
only the Video of the right-assigned deck will be
displayed to the Master Video Output.
At any other position, the Videos will be mixed
depending on the selected Video Transition.
Video Crossfader - 4 Decks
Note. The strength of the Video Output depends on the level of the Volume Faders. This behavior
can be disabled from the Options.
Scratch mixer
Video Crossfader
Double-click to bring the video-crossfader to middle position.
Enable LINK if you want the Video Crossfader to follow the Audio Crossfader and control
both with one fader.
Enable AUTO if you want the Video Crossfader to automatically follow the deck that the
audience is hearing.
The SCRATCH panel offers mixing controls such as GAIN knobs, Volume Faders, Audio
Crossfader and PFL selection buttons (see Audio Mixer) along with Multi-colored
waveforms and other features
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Scratch mixer - 2 & 6 Decks
Scratch mixer - 4 Decks
Neutral (default)
UltraBlue view
Infrared view
PerDeck view
Use the Zoom -/+ buttons or a mouse wheel to zoom in/out to the
Clone Deck
Click on the buttons to clone the left/right deck to the right/left one.
If the cloned track is playing it will also start the other deck (if
paused) it will synchronize both decks.
Enable Beatlock to keep a deck always synchronized with the
other decks, even if pitch is changed or during scratching.
Displays useful information about the structure of the track (frequencies). Different colored
variations are offered from the Options
VirtualDJ 8 - User’s Guide
Mute Reverse
When enabled, the track will not be audible if scratched/moved
backwards (see Options)
When Timecode Inputs are available in the
Audio Setup (see Settings), additional
Timecode panels will be offered in the
Scratch Panel to enable/disable timecode
control for each deck. A quality meter
offers information about the strength of the
timecode signal.
Timecode Panels - 4 Decks
Note. The 2 Decks GUI is offering the Timecode panels on the left and right Deck Control areas
Master panel
Master Panel - 2 Decks
Master Panel - 4 Decks
The MASTER panel offers Master, Headphones and Microphone Volume controls, along
with Effects applied on Master, Record and Broadcasting operations and Sampler
recording from Master Output or Microphone Input
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