Atomic Reactor 50-112, Reactor 50-212 Owner's Manual

Reactor 50-112 / 50-212
Owners Manual
Copyright 2006 by G66 GmbH
Congratulations on your purchase of an Atomic Reactor 50 112/212, a major step in bringing vacuum tube analogue musicality to the digital world. The Reactor 50 112/212 is an extremely versatile musical instrument that provides a live performance platform for your modeling tools and instrument processors. The Reactor 50 112/212 is clearly different from other guitar amplifiers. What we would like to accomplish in the following pages is to bring you up to speed on exactly how and why we made it that way.
Product Summary
The Amplifier / Speaker
The Reactor 50 112/212 is made up of two systems: the main system which can stand alone is an 50 watt RMS tube audio power amplifier that is joined with a very
high efficie ncy 12 ” tu ne d sp eake r system . Th e p o w e r am plifier em ploys top g rade
components like all polypropylene capacitors, a tube phase inverter (12AX7) plus two top-grade, 6L6GC tubes to deliver full-rated power over a very wide frequency
resp o n se, flat o u t p a st 2 0 kH z at very low distortion . It w on ’t colo r or a lter the ton e
created by a modeler, preamp, processor or effects device.
C o up le d to th e R ea ctor’s am plifier section is A tom ics’ own, high efficiency, custom designed, 12-inch speaker(s). The speakers is (are) mounted in a precisely tuned birch ply cabinet. This gives the Reactor 50 112/212 a speaker system that is wide range and smooth (no sharp peaks or ragged response). The cabinet features a unique dual flared port and a closed back. The unique design of the speaker cabinet coupled with the dynamic abilities of both the amp and speaker can give a level of performance that you would expect to hear from an amp with two times the power capabilities of the Reactor 50 112/212. More importantly, the way the amp and speaker system have been designed, they are able restore to the input signal, especially a digitally created model, the musical dynamics and feel that we usually expect to hear produced by a well designed analog tube amp.
Docking System
Early in the development of the Reactor 50 112/212 we decided that in addition to providing a world class sonic solution for taking digital amp modeling tools live, we would also tackle that other monster inherent to all digital technology. Having seen what happens to the value of all things digital, we designed the Reactor to be able to easily adapt to changes in technology or modeler brand popularity. This is the motivation behind the second part of the Reactor 50 112/212, The “D S -1 ” do cking system (Patent Pending). The DS-1 acts as a universal mount for many types of modelers and preamps. The principle components in the DS-1 are the docking unit, the docking bay and the Reactor Series Template Kits.
Combined with the appropriate template kit, the DS-1 can accommodate most popular desktop modelers that are available today. As new modelers are developed, we are able to make available new template kits.
Once a modeler is installed in the DS-1, all of the signal input and output as well as the power supply connections are made. No wall wart or external power is required, the Reactor automatically selects and sends the correct power / voltage to the modeler loaded DS-1. Installation and de-installation is quick and requires no tools. The DS-1 is then easily loaded into the Reactor 50 112/212. A blank template is also available for people who wish to use rack mount modelers and other choices for
prea m ps, in clu d in g the grow in g n um be r of p e op le u sin g floo r ba sed “ped al style”
amp mod elin g prod u cts. Th e R eactor’s classic design w ill lon g ou tliv e curre nt dig ital technology with value, versatility, and the elegance of a classic.
Getting Started
If you are reading this manual you have probably already opened your Reactors shipping carton. Now would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the things that are inside the carton.
W h at’s in the B ox
Every Reactor 50 112/212 comes from the factory shipped complete with a DS-1 docking unit and the following items:
1. Owners Manual
2. Product Registration Card
Packed with the DS-1
1. One (1) AC line cable for proper usage in the country of purchase.
2. Three (3) mushroom head bumper caps
3. The wiring harness to connect a desktop style modeler into the DS-1.
The 50 112/212/50 or the 212/50 Atomic Reactor only have one controller. Not because we forgot something or because the money ran out, but because the amp modeler takes care of all the sound adjustments. It's not a bug, it's a feature!
The Input jack next to the On/Off switch (Red) and the Stand-By switch (Blue) should be used as Guitar Input when Modelers like a Pod, V-Amp, ToneLab or Black Box with the docking station DS-1 and the appropriate Template Kit are fitted in the Atomic Reactor.
All other Modelers – especially all Floor Pedals – should be connected to the Return Jack of the Atomic Reactor amplifier, the guitar is then connected to the Input jack of the Modeler. The docking station DS-1 should then be closed with the blank template kit, on which no drinks or food should be placed, even though the temptation may be great. Your amp will not like drinks, they could kill him; liquids are not good for a high voltage tube system.
The Atomic Reactor is a full range system, its special loudspeakers can handle frequencies up to 18 KHz, which is the same as a normal PA system. You can switch
the ou tpu t m od e from „S tud io /D irect“, „D irect M od e“, „R e cording O u t“ or „D irect O u t“, so tha t the rig ht sp eak e r, b o x an d m icrop h o n e m od els are activa ted .
The output signal of the Modelers can be sent direct to a Mixer via the Send Jacks (left/right) on the rear side of the Atomic Amps, for an absolute professional PA or Recording sound.
Turning On and Off
Like most Tube Amps, the Atomic Amps have a Stand-By switch. It's important to use this switch. This means; first use the Red Power switch to turn the Atomic Reactor on at the mains, wait 30 seconds and then use the Stand-By switch to be ready to play. When turning the Amplifier off, start with the Stand-By switch and then turn the Power switch off. It's important to use this sequence for turning on and off.
Special information for owners of Line6 POD or POD xt, Behringer V-Amp, VOX ToneLab and M-Audio Black Box
For the se so calle d „D e sktop M ode lers“ w e have specia l frame templates and power cords. You should have received the right Template-Kit for your modeler. This Kit, together with the Docking Station DS-1 and your Desktop Modeler will form a complete unit. The power and audio connections follow internally; Floorboards, Midi­Pedals, USB-Tools can also be connected to the rear side of the Amp.
The DS-1
A tom ics’ philosophy is to afford it’s customers the opportunity to choose the brand of modeler or preamp that they prefer, and thus enjoy the sonic characteristics that they demand. The DS- 1 allows Atomic Reactor Series amplifiers to act as a platform for select digital amp modelers and other types of related equipment. When using a modeler installed in the DS-1, all of the signal input and output as well as the power supply connections are made. No wall socket or external power is required, the Reactor automatically selects and sends the correct power / voltage to the modeler loaded into the DS-1. Installation and de-installation requires no tools. The DS-1 is then loaded into the Reactor 50 112/212. The DS-1 design gives the
user th e ab ility to “qu ick sw ap ” (you don ’t hav e to tu rn the R ea ctor on or off an d
wait for the tubes to come up to speed) the Dock into and out of the Reactor. With the “qu ick sw ap p ab le ” cap ability designed into the DS-1 you can quickly change Dock/modeler combination.
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