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Programming Atmel’s AT29 Flash Family
Atmel offers a diverse family of small
sector Flash memory devices ranging in
density from 256K to 4M bits. These
devices read and p rogram wit h a sin gle
voltage supply . The nomi nal supp ly voltage is 5V for the AT29CXXX, 3.3V for
the “low voltage” AT29LVXXX, and 3V
for the “Battery Voltage” A T29BVXXX
Flash memory fami ly. The enti re Flash
PEROM product line is designed to allow
users to have one common programming algorithm for all three Flash voltage
families. Therefore, upgrading fro m one
density to anot her and from a high er
voltage to a lower voltage device is simplified.
This application note describes th e
design benefits of Atmel’s AT29 Flash
architecture as well as how the device ID
feature is used to adjus t for varyin g densities and supply voltages. In addition,
Atmel’s Software Data Protection (SDP)
feature, which prevents inadvertent
writes, is described. An example is given
to illustrate the ease with which the programming software can be written to
accommodate four diff erent 4 M bit Flas h
devices: the AT29C040, the
AT29LV040, and the newer generation
Flash devices, the AT29C040A an d the
Hardware and software has been developed to demonstrate the r elevant d esig n
issues. The demo uses an AT89C51
Flash-based mi crocont roller (whi ch has
the same pinout and instr uction set as
an 80C51) as the ho st proces sor and a
“C” language program for the software.
The software automati cally adj usts the
amount of time required for programming the varying voltage versions of the
4M bit Flash devices in addition to
accommodating for their different sector
The AT89C51, a member of Atmel’s
growing family of Flash microcon troller
devices, features 4K bytes of in-system
reprogrammable Flash memory (see
Atmel application note “AT89C51 In-Circuit Programming” for additional information). Current and future versions of
Atmel’s microcontroller family incorporate from as little as 1K byte of Flash
memory to as much as 128K bytes, providing many density options for different
applications. Other versions will also
include special architectures such as a
combination of Flash and parallel
EEPROM memory on board.
Programming Flash
Unlike Atmel’s Flash memories, previous
generations of Flash memories had
large sectors, typically 4K to 128K bytes,
and required that a n entire sector b e
erased prior to programming. Generally,
the sector erase cycle time was hundreds or thousands of milliseconds and
could be as long as 30 seconds for the
entire memory array. In addition, a separate high voltage supply was required for
a write and erase operation. Atmel’s
AT29 Flash memory family has simplified usage by having only one supply
voltage, reduci ng th e secto r s ize, h avin g
the programming similar to an SRAM
write operation, and decreasing significantly the total programming time.
Small sect or si zes r edu ce t he a mo unt o f
system resources necessary for programming. When only a few bytes in a
Flash memory ne ed to be altered, a
RAM image of the Flash sector must be
created. The RAM must then be altered
with the new data, and the image trans-
Atmel’s AT29
Flash Family
Rev. 0518B–10/98

ferred back into the F lash device . Because At mel’s Fla sh
devices have small sector sizes ( from 64 to 512 by tes,
depending on the memo ry dens ity), the RAM r equireme nts
are much less than those of large sector Flash devices.
Often, the system RAM available is sufficient for Atmel’s
Flash, whereas large sector Flash devices usually require
an additional SRAM.
A second advantage of Atmel’s AT29 Flash is that an entire
sector can be updated during a single program operation,
instead of the byte-by-byte programming of previous generation Flash memories. This saves significant programming
time when updating an entir e secto r, esp eciall y when comparing Atmel’s small sector devices with large sector
devices. In addition, Atmel’s devices do not require a sector
erase prior to writing, thus saving additional programming
time. The maximum sector program time is 10 msec for the
AT29CXXX family and 20 msec for the
AT29LVXXX/AT29 BV XX X fami li es .
AT29C040 and AT29C040A Architecture
The AT29C040 provides operation similar to a byte-wide
SRAM. The device has eight data lines and 19 address
lines. The familiar thr ee inp ut cont rol lin es are a lso pres ent
, OE, WE). Read operations are identical to an SRAM,
but write operations are somewhat different due to the write
cycle time (t
write operations take several milliseconds to complete,
compared to the nanosecond writes of SRAM devices. It
should be noted that Atmel’s AT29 Flash PEROMs require
only a write oper ation ; t he e rase oper ati on is auto mati cally
performed internally in the device.
Data is loaded into the AT29C040 one sector at a time, with
each sector con sistin g of 512 by tes. The sec tor cho sen for
modification is defined by the upper order address bits (A9A18). The enti re sector mu st be loade d during th e write
operation. Any byte not loaded during the sector load will
contain FF (hex) af ter the write op eration ha s completed .
Address lines A 0 through A8 define the location of the
bytes within a sector. All data must be loaded into the same
sector (A9 through A18 must remain constant) and can be
randomly loaded within that sector.
The AT29C040A is identical to the AT29C040 except for
the sector size and the Device ID Code (the Device ID
Code is described later). The AT29C040A has a 256-byte
sector (instead of a 512-byte sector) which is defined by
address lines A8 thr ough A18; th e bytes withi n the sec tor
are determined by address lines A0 through A7.
) requirements of all Flash memories. Flash
Software Data Protection (SDP)
One concern of systems designers when using nonvolatile
programmable memories is the possib ility of inadvertent
write operations that can be caused by noise or by power-
up and power-down sequences. Atmel’s Flash memories
provide a feature called Software Data Protection (SDP)
that addresses this issue. The user can enable SDP upon
receipt of the d evice fr om Atmel, and it s usage is highly
recommended. Dat a can be written i nto a sector with or
without SDP enabled. However, once SDP has been
enabled, the device requires that all subsequent write operations perform a series of “ dummy” write op erations before
loading the chosen sector with data. The “dummy” writes
consist of loading three known data values into three pr edefined addresses. This 3-byte sequence preceding a write
operation virtually eliminates the chanc e of inadvertent
write operations. The sequence is described below.
1. Load Data AA (hex) into Address 05555 (hex)
2. Load Data 55 into Address 02AAA
3. Load Data A0 into Address 05555
4. Load desired sector with data
5. Pause t
6. Continue with next operation.
If SDP is enabled, any attempt to write to the device without
the 3-byte comm and seque nce w ill st art a write cyc le. However, no data will actuall y b e written to the device, and du ring this “write” cycle time (t
from the Flash.
(device write cycle time)
), valid data ca nnot be rea d
Product and Manufacturer ID
Atmel’s Flash memory devices allow the user to access
both device and manufacturer information. This feature
allows a system to determine exactly which Flash memory
is being used. Once this is known, the host system can
choose different algorithms for write operations in order to
accommodate for differences in device density, V
requirements, sector size, and required write cycle time.
Product and manufacturer ID information is determined
with the Software Product Identification procedure, which is
similar to the Software Data Protection sequence. The
sequence is described below.
1. Load Data AA (hex) into Address 05555 (hex)
2. Load Data 55 into Address 02AAA
3. Load Data 90 into Address 05555
4. Pause t
5. Read Address 00000
Data read is the Manufacturer Code
6. Read Address 00001
Data read is the Device ID Code
7. Load Data AA into Address 05555
8. Load Data 55 into Address 02AAA
9. Load Data F0 into Address 05555
10. Pause t
(device write cycle time)
(device write cycle time)

11. The device is returned to standard operating mode
The following table uses the 4 M bi t Flash as an example to
illustrate the pertinent device information that can be determined once the Device ID Code is known. Please refer to
the table at the end of this application note for information
on other Flash devices.
Device ID V
AT29C040 5B 5.0V ± 10% 512 bytes 10 ms
AT29C040A A4 5.0V ± 10% 256 bytes 10 ms
AT29LV040 3B 3.3V ± 0.3V 512 bytes 20 ms
AT29LV040A C4 3.3V ± 0.3V 256 bytes 20 ms
AT29BV040 3B 3.0V ± 10% 512 bytes 20 ms
AT29BV040A C4 3.0V ± 10% 256 bytes 20 ms
Size t
Programming Demonstration
Hardware and software descriptions have been prepared to
demonstrate how Atmel’s AT29 Flash memories can be
reprogrammed. The descriptions are provided in the following two sections. A circuit schematic of the demonstration
hardware and a source code listing of the software are also
Software Description
The software demonstrates how the Device ID Code can
be used to allow a si ngle program to work with diffe rent
Atmel Flash memories. The program uses Atmel’s 4M bit
Flash (AT29C040, AT29LV040, AT29C040A, and
AT29LV040A) as an example, but the software can be easily adapted to accommodate other device densities.
In order to program the Flash memory, the software must
first determine which Flash device is being used. This is
accomplished by fi rst putt ing the de vice in to the Sof tware
Product Identi ficatio n mode (d escribe d in the “ Produc t and
Manufacturer ID” sec tion of this appl icatio n note). The pr ogram subsequently reads the Device ID Code and executes the 3-byte comma nd seq uence to retu rn the Flas h to
the standard operating mode. Using the Device ID Code,
the program then determines the appropriate sector size
and write cycle tim e (t
being used.
To demonstrate a sector write, the program proceeds to
load the SRAM with “dummy” data. After the data has been
loaded, the program transfers the data from the SRAM to a
predefined sector (within one of the mapped 8K byte
blocks) of the 4M bit Flash. After pausing the required write
cycle time (t
), the sector that was just written is trans-
ferred back to the SRAM buffer.
) for the particular 4M bi t Flash
Hardware Description
The demo hardware consis ts of a 12 MHz A T89C5 1 Fl ashbased microco ntroller with 4K bytes of on-b oard Flash
memory. The internal AT89C51 Flash memory is used for
boot code, and the external 8K x 8 SRAM and the
AT29C040A are mapped as data memory. The
AT29C040A is also mapped as program me mory to facilitate off-chip program execution. The AT89C51 can only
access a maximum of 64K bytes of data memory space,
while the AT29C04 0A has 51 2K bytes o f storag e capaci ty.
To solve this size mismatch, the AT29C040A is bank
switched into the AT89C51 data memory map in 8K byte
blocks. The bank switching is performed with six general
purpose I/O port bits on the AT89C51. The system address
map is shown below.
System Address Map
8K x 8 Static RAM 2000-3FFF Data Memory
AT29C040A 4000-5FFF
Internal Program
Program and Data
Atmel’s AT29 Flash memories are designed to allow all
densities and de vice configurati ons to be program med
using the same programming algorithm. The user has to
simply determine the De vi c e ID C ode and set the appropriate sector size and write cycle time. This operation need
only be performed once provided the sector size and write
cycle information is sa ve d. If only on e density or confi guration will ever be used, then reading of the Device ID Code
can be eliminated, and the sector size and write cycle information can be predefined in the software. The table at the
end of this applicati on note detai ls the device info rmation
and the Device ID Codes for Atmel’s AT29XXX Series of
Flash PEROMs.
As demonstrated, programming Atmel’ s AT29 Flash is a
simple process, similar to lo ading an SRAM. Ar chitectural
and circuit features within the devices minimize software
and system overhea d while simplifying pr ogramming pr ocedures. Atmel’s AT29 Flash memories require only about
one-tenth of the typical software, buffer memory, and performance overhead of pr ev io us ge nerati on Fla sh , th us providing substantial system cost savings.

Atmel AT29 Flash Memories
Device Memory Size
Device ID
Number of
Sectors Sector Size
Write Cycle
Time (tWC) Comments
AT29C256 32K x 8 DC 512 64 bytes 10 ms
AT29LV256 32K x 8 BC 512 64 bytes 20 ms
AT29C257 32K x 8 DC 512 64 bytes 10 ms
AT29C512 64K x 8 5D 512 128 bytes 10 ms
AT29LV512 64K x 8 3D 512 128 bytes 20 ms
AT29C010A 128K x 8 D5 1024 128 bytes 10 ms
AT29LV010A 128K x 8 35 1024 128 bytes 20 ms
AT29BV010A 128K x 8 35 1024 128 bytes 20 ms
AT29C1024 64K x 16 25 512 128-words 10 ms
AT29LV1024 64K x 16 26 512 128-words 20 ms
AT29C020 256K x 8 DA 1024 256 bytes 10 ms
AT29LV020 256K x 8 BA 1024 256 bytes 20 ms
AT29BV020 256K x 8 BA 1024 256 bytes 20 ms
AT2 9LV040
512K x 8 5B 1024 512 bytes 10 ms Use AT29C040A for
512K x 8 3B 1024 512 bytes 20 ms Use AT29LV040A for
512K x 8 3B 1024 512 bytes 20 ms Use AT29BV040A for
new designs
new designs
new designs
AT29C040A 512K x 8 A4 2048 256 bytes 10 ms
AT29LV040A 512K x 8 C4 2048 256 bytes 20 ms
AT29BV040A 512K x 8 C4 2048 256 bytes 20 ms
/* This program demonstrates how a sector in one of the 512K X 8 */
/* variants can be programmed. The program first determines */
/* exactly which device is available by reading the device ID. */
/* A sector is then programed with data that is copied from an */
/* SRAM buffer. After waiting for the programming cycle to */
/* complete the data is copied back from the 29C040 to the SRAM */
/* buffer. */
/* */
/* The sector size and programming time are determined */
/* by examining the device ID. The different 512K X 8 devices */
/* have either a 256- or 512-byte sector size and a 10 mS or 20 */
/* mS tWC. */