This kit is a simple but powerful programmer for the
following Atmel 8051 family of microcontrollers:
• 89C1051, 89C1051U, 89C2051 and 89C4051
• 89C51, 89LV51
• 89C52, 89LV52
• 89C55, 89LV55
• 89S8252, 89LS8252
• 89S53, 89LS53
• 87F51, 87F52 (OTPs)
These devices (except 87F51/52) use flash memory to
store programs. Flash memory can be electronically
erased and programmed – no need for a UV eraser. The
89(L)S8252 chips has EEPROM that can also be
programmed with this kit.
Note the 89C55WD chip is NOT supported.
All devices have signature bytes that the programmer
reads to automatically identify the chip. No need to select
the device type – just plug it in and go! Even includes a
“bulk programming” feature to reduce keystrokes when
programming multiple chips.
All devices also have a number of lock bits to provide
various levels of software and programming protection.
The 89x8252 and 89x53 chips have a serial programming
fuse as well. All fuse and lock bits are programmable
using this kit.
The table below shows the key differences between the
various microcontrollers. Data sheets for each device can
be found on the Atmel web site at
The programmer connects to a host computer using a
standard RS232 serial port. All the programming
“intelligence” is built into the programmer so you do not
need any special software to run it. This makes the
programmer usable with any computer and any operating
system. Just connect using any communications program
capable of ASCII text file transfer, such as Windows 3.11
Terminal, Windows 9x HyperTerminal or DOS Telix,
ProComm, etc. A simple DOS terminal program,
‘term.exe’, is available from our web site.
Pins 20 20 20 40 40 40 40 40
Flash (87F51, 87F52 = OTP) 1K 2K 4K 4K 8K 20K 8K 12K
EEPROM 0 0 0 0 0 0 2K 0
RAM 64 128 128 128 256 256 256 256
I/O Pins 15 15 15 32 32 32 32 32
16-bit Timers 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3
UART 0 (89C1051)
Interrupt Sources 3 6 6 6 8 8 9 9
OnChip Analog Comparator Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
1 (89C1051U)
89C2051 89C4051 89C51
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Dimensions: 118mm x 70mm (4.7” x 2.8”)
Power Supply: 12VDC 150mA “unregulated”
PlugPack (16VDC minimum)
Interface: RS-232, 9-pin “D” connector
Data Speed: 9600 bps
Data format: 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop, no flow
File format: Intel 8-bit HEX
Program Sockets: 20 pin DIP - 0.3”, 40 pin DIP - 0.6”
Note: ZIF sockets can be used but
are not supplied with the kit.
Program Time: About 2mS per byte
Four LEDs are used to display the programmer’s status:
PWR Indicates when power is applied to the
programming socket.
BUSY On while programmer is executing command.
Off when finished.
OK Indicates if last command was successful
FAIL Indicates if last command was unsuccessful
The programmer is controlled using a set of simple
commands issued from a ‘terminal program’.
Following is a brief summary of each command. A more
detailed description is given later on.
P - Program memory
Q - Bulk programming (C,P,L3)
V - Verify memory
R - Read memory
B - Blank check
C - Chip erase
Ln - write Lock bits (n=1,2 or 3)
Sx - Serial Programming (E)nable/(D)isable
(89S8252/89S53 only)
F - address Flash memory
E - address Eeprom memory
M - Manual device selection
A - Automatic device selection (default)
H - Help (prints menu)

A number of the components are physically similar and
can be easily mixed up. Before starting, identify the
following components:
• 1N4148 diode
• 5.6V and 12V zener diodes (packed separate)
• BC547 and BC557 transistors
• 78L05 regulator
• 4.000MHz and 20.2752MHz crystals
Using the component overlay on the PCB, insert the
components in the following order:
1. Resistors and diodes
The diodes must be inserted the correct way around.
The “bar” on the diode body lines up with the “bar” on
the component overlay.
2. Ceramic and monobloc capacitors
3. IC sockets (not ZIF sockets)
4. Transistors and 5V regulator
5. LEDs
6. Electrolytic capacitors
Make sure that the electrolytic capacitors are inserted
the correct way around. The positive lead is marked on
the overlay. The negative is marked on the body of the
7. Crystal, pushbutton switch and DC jack
The switch can only be inserted one way around.
8. D9 connector and ZIF sockets
9. Proceed to “TESTING” before inserting any ICs.
The 78L05 regulator provides a stable 5V supply for the
ICs. Diode D5 protects the kit against reverse polarity of
the power supply. LED D7 indicates power on.
Transistors Q1, Q2 and Q3 are used to control the
programming voltage. Q3 switches the programming
voltage on or off and is controlled via Q1.
Transistor Q2 controls the programming voltage level.
With Q2 on, zener Z1 conducts and 5.6V is applied to the
base of Q3, giving a 5V programming voltage. With Q2
off, zener Z2 conducts via diode D4 and 12.6V is applied
to the base of Q3. The programming voltage is now 12V.
Resistor R8 limits the current supplied to the
programming pin.
Transistor Q4 switches the supply voltage to the
programming socket. The “PWR” LED indicates when
power is applied to the programming socket.
The control software is contained in IC1, a preprogrammed 89C51. It controls all the functions for
reading, verifying and programming the 89Cxxxx chips,
including EEPROM, lock and fuse bits.
IC2 latches the low order address bits when programming
the 40 pin devices. IC4 takes care of the TTL - RS232
level conversions.
Before applying power, check that all parts are inserted in
the correct position. Make sure the electrolytic capacitors
and diodes are the right way around.
Before inserting any ICs, apply power via the DC jack.
LED D7 should come on. Check the following:
1. +5V output from IC3
2. VPP voltage - 0V on pin 1 of SKT2
3. VCC voltage - 0V on pin 20 of SKT2
4. Insert a wire link between pins 6 and 20 of the IC1
socket. The VPP voltage should now be 5V.
5. Insert another wire link between pins 7 and 20. The
VPP voltage should now be 12V.
6. Move the second wire link to pins 8 and 20. The
“PWR” LED should come on and the voltage on pin
20 of SKT2 should be 5V.
If all is well, remove power and insert the ICs.
The programmer uses the command prompt to indicate its
current mode of operation and which address space is
currently selected.
The two modes of operation, ‘Auto’ and ‘Manual’, refer
to how the programmer identifies the device to be
programmed. In ‘Auto’ mode the programmer identifies
the device by reading the signature bytes. In ‘Manual’
mode the user selects the device type from a list.
As mentioned earlier, some devices also have EEPROM
memory that can be programmed. The current memory
type that the programmer is addressing is indicated by the
word ‘Flash’ or ‘Eeprom’ in the prompt.
Eg. [Auto:Flash] indicates that the programmer is in
automatic identification mode and is addressing the
Flash memory space. This is the power up default
Do not power up the programmer with an IC inserted in
either of the programming sockets. Also, do not insert or
remove any IC while the “PWR” LED is on.
Connect the programmer to the serial port of a PC (or
other host computer) using a ‘straight through’ cable. Start
a terminal emulation program running at 9600 baud, 8
data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity bit. Apply power to
the programmer. A menu will appear and all the status
LEDs should be off. The programmer is ready for use.
Insert a chip into the programming socket and enter a
command. The programmer first attempts to identify the
device and prints an error message if unable to do so. If
all is well the function executes and a message printed on

completion. When finished the ‘PASS’ or ‘FAIL’ LED
will indicate the result.
Before programming a chip it should be blank checked
and erased if necessary. Note: ‘Locked’ chips will test
blank but cannot be programmed without erasing first.
When programming or verifying the user will be
prompted to send a file to the programmer. The file must
be in Intel HEX format and is transmitted using an ASCII
text transfer protocol.
Note: Verification should be done BEFORE writing the
lock bits. Writing the lock bits prevents the code from
being read out. All data will read as FFh and verification
will fail.
Any error while receiving the file, such as an invalid hex
character or bad checksum, will cause an error message to
be printed. The programmer will stop and the user will be
prompted to press ‘Reset’ to continue. Abort the file
transfer before continuing.
Most programs are written starting at address 0000h and
continuing up from there. Assemblers simply take this
source file and create a HEX file that is a series of one or
more continuous address blocks. However some language
compilers such as C or BASIC have a habit of creating
HEX files that are full of small blocks of addresses that
are not in any continuous order.
This can be a problem when programming the 89Cx051
devices. They use an internal address counter to access the
flash memory. This counter can only be reset to zero or
incremented by one. If the next address to be accessed is
lower than the last one then the counter has to be reset to
zero and stepped up until it gets to the new address.
This takes time. Meanwhile data is still being sent to the
programmer. The programmer uses a small internal buffer
to store data as it is received but it can be overrun. If this
happens the programmer will stop and print an error
message, usually “Hex error”.
The problem is fragmentation of the HEX file. A small
DOS utility is available from our web site called
‘REORDER.EXE’. It takes a fragmented file and ‘reorders’ it to be in one continuous address block.
Poor soldering (“dry joints”) is the most common reason
for the circuit not working. Check all soldered joints
carefully under a good light. Re-solder any that look
suspicious. Check that all components are in their correct
position. Are the electrolytic capacitors and diodes the
right way round? Have you mixed up the zener diodes or
transistors? Is the power supply voltage at least 16VDC?
Is the 12V programming voltage correct?
Web Address & Email
You can email us at peter@kitsrus.com if you have any
problems or requests. Information on other kits in the
range is available from our Web page at:
Resistors (0.25W carbon)
22R..................................... R11................................1
100...................................... R8..................................1
390...................................... R2,3,4............................3
680...................................... R12................................1
1K2..................................... R5,6 ...............................2
1K5..................................... R15 ................................1
3K3..................................... R7 ..................................1
4K7..................................... R9,10,14 ........................3
8K2..................................... R1 ..................................1
10K..................................... R13 ................................1
10K SIL resistor network ... RP1................................1
10 pin
27pF ceramic...................... C1,2,12,13.....................4
100nF monobloc................. C4,6,14..........................3
10uF 25V electrolytic......... C3,7,8,9,10,11...............6
100uF 25V electrolytic....... C5..................................1
1N4004............................... D5..................................1
1N4148............................... D4..................................1
LED, 5mm, GREEN........... D2,3...............................2
LED, 5mm, RED................ D1,6,7............................3
5V6 400mW zener.............. Z1 ..................................1
12V 400mW zener.............. Z2 ..................................1
BC547 transistor, NPN....... Q1,2,3............................3
BC557 transistor, PNP .......Q4..................................1
AT89C51............................ IC1.................................1
Microcontroller, pre-programmed
74HC574............................ IC2.................................1
Octal D-Type Flip-Flop
78L05 ................................. IC3.................................1
+5V regulator, TO-92 package
MAX232 or equivalent....... IC4.................................1
Dual RS-232 transmitter/receiver
Crystal, 20.2752MHz......... Y1..................................1
Crystal, 4.000MHz............. Y2..................................1
2.5mm DC jack................... X1..................................1
PCB mounting
D9 connector...................... X2..................................1
PCB mounting, right-angle, female
Pushbutton switch............... SW1...............................1
16-pin IC socket ................. for IC4...........................1
20-pin IC socket ................. for IC2,SKT2***...........2
40-pin IC socket ................. for IC1,SKT1***...........2
PCB, K123 .................................................................1
***ZIF sockets can be used instead. These are optional
items and not supplied with the kit.