Bi-Axial Horn With Gimbal-Mount
• High-Efficiency Bi-Axial Horn Provides 130˚ x 60˚ Wide-Angle
Sound Coverage
• Combine with PD Series Drivers
• Nominal Frequency Response of 350Hz–8kHz for High-Intelligibility
Voice, Signaling, and Full-Range Music in Indoor/Outdoor Applications
• Patented 180˚ Gimbal-Mount for Installation Flexibility
• Accepts All Atlas Sound and 1
Throat Openings of 0.7" Diameter
Bi-axial horn model BIA-100 delivers outstanding sound dis per sion and
audio efficiency when used with medium or high pow ered compression
drivers. Unit features exponentially-flared pro jec tors which eliminate
phase cancellation, control low-fre quency roll off, and offers maxi mum
re sults in professionally-applied voice, music, and sig naling sys tems.
It can be surface or flange-mounted and is ideal for use as a midrange
com po nent for two and three-way, high-fidelity loudspeaker systems.
Weather-re sis tant construction is suitable for permanent or portable
in stal la tion in house of worship, rec rea tion/sport cen ters, mass transit
ter mi nals, in dus trial, com mer cial, edu cational, and in sti tu tional fa cili ties.
General Description
BIA-100 is the original reflex horn fea tur ing a bi-axial design with twin
air columns and exponential bell for wide-angle coverage with a linear
fre quency re sponse. The horn pro vides ex cel lent acous tic loading
main tained to a 350Hz low-frequency roll-off and optimizes delivery
of high and midrange signal levels. BIA-100 is de signed for use with
Atlas Sound PD Series com pres sion drivers and mod els having 13⁄8" -18
male threads and 0.707" diameter throat open ings. Refer to PD Series
compression driver specification sheets for high-pass filter requirements.
Transformer-equipped drivers are available (power-tap information is
outlined on individual compression driver specification sheets). The
easily-mounted horn features the labor-saving patented gimbal-mount
bracket as sem bly (U.S. Pat ent #4,325,529) which allows for directional
po si tion ing up to 180˚ vertically and horizontally. It includes a steel
bracket, cast-mounting base, and provisions for flange in stal la tion.
The weather-resistant, non-glare matte black foam horn is resistant to
resonance. Bracket assembly is finished in durable epoxy.
©2018 Atlas Sound L.P. All rights reserved. Atlas Sound and Strategy Series are trademarks of Atlas Sound L.P. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ATS004072 RevB 1/18
⁄8" - 18 Thread Compression Drivers with
Height 21" (533mm)
Width 101⁄4" (260mm)
Depth 191⁄4" (489mm)
Weight 16 lbs
BIA-100 w/ PD-30
Power Rating 30 Watts
Sound Level
Peak 125dB
*RP / 1M, 1W / 1M 121dB, 107dB, 400Hz–5.2kHz
Dispersion 130˚ x 60˚
Impedance 8Ω
BIA-100 w/ PD-5VH
Power Rating 40 Watts
Sound Level
Peak 126dB
*RP / 1M, 1W / 1M 121dB, 106dB, 300Hz – 6kHz
Dispersion 130˚ x 60˚
Impedance 16Ω
BIA-100 w/ PD60A
Power Rating 60
Sound Level
Peak 125dB
*RP / 1M, 1W / 1M 125dB, 112.7dB, 300Hz – 6kHz
Dispersion 130˚ x 60˚
Impedance 16Ω
BIA-100 w/ PD75T
Power Rating 75
Sound Level
Peak 126dB
*RP / 1M, 1W / 1M 126dB, 109dB, 300Hz – 6kHz
Dispersion 130˚ x 60˚
Impedance 16Ω, 67Ω, 133Ω, 267Ω, 533Ω,
1100Ω, 2100Ω
TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333
FAX (800) 765-3435
Architect and Engineer Specifications
Horn shall be Atlas Sound or approved equal in cor po rat ing a unitized,
bi-axial, twin-reflex air column assembly for wide-angle cov er age
pattern. Low-fre quency roll off shall be 350Hz, air column length 23⁄4'
(838mm) and sound-dispersion angle 130˚ in the plane of narrower horn
dimension and 60˚ in the wider dimension. The horn shall accommodate
compression driver units with standard 13⁄8" - 18 thread and measure
21"W x 101⁄4"H x 191⁄4"D.
The horn bell shall be weatherproof and con structed of non-reso nant
molded foam textured in black. A steel mount ing bracket and cast
installation base shall provide ad just able flexi bil ity in sound focusing up
to 180˚ vertically and hori zon tally. The gimbal-mount shall include
pro vi sions for surface in stal la tion, banding, and strapping.
BIA-100 Polars (Normalized to Zero on Axis) (-6dB)
Frequency Q Di Horizontal Vertical
Beamwidth Beamwidth
500 4 7 95 165
1000 8 9 75 105
2000 14 11 50 55
4000 25 14 25 35
8000 48 17 25 25
BIA-100 Frequency Response
SPL in dB
©2018 Atlas Sound L.P. All rights reserved. Atlas Sound and Strategy Series are trademarks of Atlas Sound L.P. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ATS004072 RevB 1/18
TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333
FAX (800) 765-3435
Frequency (Hz)