PA 584 0
Battery simulators replace the vehicle batter y in the test environment. These sources must fulfi ll various
criteria concerning power rating, voltage, slew rate, impedance, etc. depending on the particular applica-
tion. Bi-polar current sources are specifi ed for in several cases. With bandwidths three times the other
amplifi ers and inrush currents far exceeding other comparable solutions, pulse 2b, pulse 4, sine wave
noise and other complex simulations are realm of the PA 5840 series. Of course the amplifi er is also
perfectly suited for ISO 7637 compliant simulated conducted transient testing. Offering combinations
of features that exist in no other battery simulator, the PA 5840 series is the right product for your EMC
needs. Designed specifi cally for automotive EMC testing, Teseq’s 42V ready amplifi er sets the pace for
automotive battery simulation including features necessary for automotive immunity testing such as
sense wires for cable voltage drop compensation and several operating modes for stability with complex
automotive loads. Consistent with the philosophy of the Teseq’s EMC concept, the PA 5840 utilizes a
modular structure so that upgrades can be implemented in the future. The control unit, power stage
Large inrush current capability
Capacitive stability mode
High bandwidth up to 150 kHz
Fast slew rate
Two output ranges for power
Two gain settings for universal
Sense lines for cable voltage drop
Four quadrant operation
and power supply are all separate rack-mounted functional units for easy ex-changes and upgrading.
For more details, see the complete catalog “Automotive Electrical Disturbances”.
Teseq AG
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T + 41 32 681 40 40 F + 41 32 681 40 48
sales@teseq.com www.teseq.com
© February 2011 Teseq®
Specifications subject to change without notice.
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691-03 2A February 2011
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