Features & Benefits
<100 ps Rise Time
5.0 GHz Bandwidth (Typical)
Dual SMA Inputs to Internal
50 Ω Termination Network
Internal Differential Amplifier
with High CMRR
DC Bias Port for Common
Mode Voltage Termination
Bias Capability)
Good Differential Input
Return Loss
Low Input Skew
Supplied with Low Loss
Matched Delay Cables
Preserves Signal Integrity to
10 GHz and Beyond to Meet
Present and Future
Bandwidth Needs
(Gigabit Ethernet,
Fibre Channel, InfiniBand)
and Validation
(PCI-Express, Serial ATA,
IEEE 1394, USB 2.0,
5.0 GHz Differential Probe with SMA Input
Differential Probes
Tektronix’ brings you the first-available
high-speed differential SMA input probe.
The P7350SMA provides a tool for measuring differential signals in a 50 Ω sig-
naling environment. Before the introduction
of the P7350SMA, most serial data compliance measurements required cabling a
differential signal to two oscilloscope
channels and applying waveform math to
calculate the difference. By integrating a
dual 50 Ω termination network and a differential amplifier in the probe head, the
P7350SMA measures a differential signal
pair on each
channel of a multiple channel
oscilloscope. Since many of the new
high-speed serial data standards define
differential signaling on multiple channels, the P7350SMA provides a more
efficient measurement solution.
The P7350SMA probe architecture includes
an input termination network, a differential
buffer amplifier, and a common mode DC
bias port. Since many differential data signals
operate with a non-zero DC common mode
voltage, the DC bias port allows for more
flexible interfacing to these logic families.
For applications requiring a common mode
DC termination voltage, that voltage can be
supplied to the P7350SMA DC bias port
through a standard banana plug connector.
For other differential measurement applications, such as AC-coupled and some DCcoupled high frequency 8B/10B encoded
data streams, the DC bias port can simply
be left unconnected.
Input signals use SMA connectors to attach
to the input termination network, implemented on a laser-trimmed hybrid circuit
for signal fidelity and high frequency
responses. The linear buffer amplifier
converts the differential input
signal to a single-ended output and drives
the output signal down the probe cable
at full bandwidth.
An active differential buffer amplifier in
the probe head enables the P7350SMA
probe to move the measurement interface
from the oscilloscope front panel to the
circuit-under-test. This can reduce the
length of electrical interconnect cabling,
which for multi-gigabit data signals also
reduces frequency dependent loss
distortion in signal measurements.
5.0 GHz Differential Probe with SMA Input
Rise Time –
<100 ps 10% to 90% (guaranteed).
<65 ps 20% to 80% (typical).
Bandwidth (Probe Only) – 5.0 GHz (typical).
Input – SMA.
Attenuation – 6.25X.
Differential Input Resistance – 100 Ω ±2%.
Common Mode Input Resistance – 50 Ω ±1%.
Input Skew – <1 ps.
Differential Input Range – ±2.5 V (20 ºC to 30 ºC).
Common Mode Input Range – +6.25 V to – 5 V.
Maximum Termination Resistor Power – <0.5 W
per side*
Max Voltage (Non-destruct) – ±15 V (DC plus
peak AC).
CMRR – >60 dB at DC, >55 dB at 1 MHz,
>50 dB at 30 MHz, >30 dB at 1 GHz (typical).
*1See manual for calculation.
Differential Input Return Loss
Frequency Differential
Return Loss
625 MHz >20 dB
(fundamental for 1.25 Gbps)
1.25 GHz >16 dB
(fundamental for 2.5 Gbps)
1.56 GHz >14 dB
(fundamental for 3.125 Gbps)
2.50 GHz >12 dB
3.125 GHz >10 dB
Noise – Approximately 46 nV/root Hz.
Interface – TekConnect.
Cable Length – 1.2 m.
Ordering Information
5.0 GHz Differential SMA Probe for
TekConnect Interface.
50 Ω Te rminator – Order 015-0122-xx, 2 each.
Matched Pair SMA Cables, 12 in. – Order
174-4866-xx, 1 set.
Banana Plug Shorting Strap – Order 012-1667-xx,
1 each.
BNC-M to SMA-F Adapter – Order 015-0572-xx,
1 each.
Cable Marker Set (5 colors) – Order 016-1886-xx,
1 each.
Wrist Strap – Order 006-3415-xx, 1 each.
Certificate of Traceable Calibration – 1 each.
Instruction Manual – Order 017-1264-xx,
1 each.
Recommended Accessories
SMA-M to SMA-M Adapter – Order 015-1011-xx,
2 each.
SMA Phase Adjuster Adapter – Order
015-0708-xx, 2 each.
BNC to Banana Adapter – Order 103-0090-xx,
1 each.
TekConnect Calibration Fixture – Order
067-0422-xx, 1 each.
Service Options
Opt. C3 – Calibration service 3 years.
Opt. C5 – Calibration service 5 years.
Opt. D1 – Calibration data report.
Opt. D3 – Calibration data report 3 years
(with Option C3).
Opt. D5 – Calibration data report 5 years
(with Option C5).
Opt. R3 – Repair service 3 years.
Opt. R5 – Repair service 5 years.
Contact Tektronix:
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Austria +43 2236 8092 262
Belgium +32 (2) 715 89 70
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Canada 1 (800) 661-5625
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Germany +49 (221) 94 77 400
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USA 1 (800) 426-2200
USA (Export Sales) 1 (503) 627-1916
For other areas contact Tektronix, Inc. at: 1 (503) 627-7111
Updated 20 September 2002
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04/03 HB/SFI 60W-16671-0
Differential Probes