4 GHz Active Probes
P7240 • P6249 • P6241 • P6209 Data Sheet
Oscilloscopes Supported:
Probe In terfaces:
High-speed Digital Systems Design
Component Design/Characterization
Features & Benefits
<120 ps Rise Time (Guaranteed)
4 GHz Bandwidth
<0.5 pF Input Capacitance (P6241 Only)
Small Form Factor Probe Head
Dynamic Range (P6241 Only)
Direct Access to SMDs
Signal Integrity, Jitter and Timing Analysis
Manufacturing Engineering and Test
Signals with Voltage Swings up to 8 V
Measures 3.0 V Logic, InfiniBand, PCI Express, DDR, Rambus Data
Lines, G igabit Ethernet
Selecting the right probe for your application is key to attaining the best
signal fidelity in your measurements. Active probes provide truer signal
provides you a wide range of 4 GHz active probes to select from for your
P7240 TDS/CSA7000 Series
P6249 TDS/CSA7000, 6000, 700, 600 Series
P6241 TDS/CS
P6209 CSA/TDS 8000, TDS800 Series
P7240 TekConnect™ Interface
P6249 Te kP r
P6241 TekProbe II BNC Interface
P6209 TekProbe SMA Interface
ion and fidelity for high-frequency measurements. Tektronix
A7000, 6000, 700, 600 Series
II BNC Interface

Data Sheet
TekConnect Interface - P7240
The P7240 with TekConnect interface is a high-performance active probe
with high bandwidth and low-capacitive loading to make it the probe of
choice for demanding design applications, such as Rambus, DDR DRAM
and AGP. T
in the communication industry, for measurements on Fibre Channel and
Gigabit Ethernet. With the TekConnect interface, you can be assured
that maximum signal integrity is maintained to meet present and future
bandwidth needs.
TekProbe BNC Interface - P6249 and P6241
The P6249 and P6241 have similar perform ances to the P7240. Primarily
used for the TDS694C and TDS794D p erformance scopes, these probes
may also be used w ith conventional BNC interfaces through the Tektronix
1103 Tek
The P6241 offers a 10X attenuation and a 8 V
lower input capacitance due to the unique probe tip. A full complement of
versatile probe tip accessories helps users connect to the wide range of
devices faced by digital designers.
his probe and others in the family are also suited for applications
Probe Power Supply. The P6249 provides 4 V
dynamic range plus has a
dynamic range.
SMA Interface/Sampling Oscilloscopes - P6209
The P6209 provides a high-bandwidth, low circuit loading probing solution
for the CSA/TDS8000B sampling oscilloscopes with TekProbe SMA input
connection. Based on the P624 9 probe design, the P6209 has similar
performance and a similar small probe head for access to today’s fine-pitch
SMDs and connection points.
Rise Time <120 ps <120 ps <120 ps <120 ps
Attenuation 5X 5X 10X 5X
DC Resistance 20 kΩ 20 kΩ 40 kΩ 20 kΩ
Input Capacitance
Dynamic Range ±2 V ±2 V ±4 V ±2 V
Offset Range
Interface TekConnect™
P7240 P6249 P6241 P6209
4.0GHz 4.0GHz 4.0GHz 4.0GHz
<1 pF <1 pF <0.5 pF <1 pF
±5 V ±5 V ±10 V ±5 V
II TekProbe®II
TekP ro b e SMA
Ordering Information
4.0 GHz Active Probe.
4.0 GHz Active Probe.
4.0 GHz Active Probe.
4.0 GHz Active Probe.
Warranty – One year.
User Manuals –
P7240: Order 071-0759-xx.
P6249: Order 071-0538-xx.
P6241: Order 071-1188-xx.
P6209: Order 071-0634-xx.
2 www.tektronix.com