Atec MT95K2 User Manual

System Specifications
Chart Specifications
Recordi ng Method
Am plitude Resolution
Tim e Base Resolution
Chart Drive
Realtim e Speeds
Chart Type and Size
Realtim e Clock
Direct writing thermal array
48 dots per mm (dpm) fo rspeed s of 1 mm/hr to 50 mm/ sec ; 24 dpm fo r 51 mm/sec to 100 mm/sec; 12 d pm for 101 mm/sec to 200 mm/sec; 8 dpm for 201 mm/ sec to 300 mm/sec; 4 dpm for 301 mm/se c to 500 mm/ sec .
Crystal referenced, micro stepped, bi-polar drive 1mm/ hr to 200 mm/hr in steps of 1mm/hr; 1 mm/min
to 200 mm/min in steps of 1 mm/min; 1 mm/sec to 500 mm/sec in steps of 1 mm/sec.
Z-fold pack: 16.3" wide, 393 feet l ong, 400 sheets per p ack. Roll chart: 16.3" wide, 500 ft long (requires rewinder option)
Provides time stamping for System Channel and data capture
External Speed Control
Remote Start/ Stop
Realtim e Sample Rates
Raw Bus Sample Rate
Data Sam ple Rate
Built-in W aveform Monitor
Monitor Type Minim um Tim e
Up to 50 mm/sec referenced to user suppl ied TTL compatible pulse train (96 pulses per mm). Minimum p ulse width is 10 microseconds.
Standard via TTL or swi tch closure
4 million samples per second
Up to 200 kSampl es/ sec per channel
Bright vacuum fluorescent
10 milliseconds per dot
Effective Speeds
Standard mode follows chart up to 50 mm/sec. Fast Mode is approximately 24 times the chart spe ed, up to 50 mm/sec .
Waveform Channels
Maxim um Number of Channels
Nom inal Bandw i dth
Full Scale Waveform Am plitudes
Grid Appearance
Grid Synchronization
Realtim e Recording Form ats
Stand ard Default
32, can mix analog and digital
20 kHz
170 mm (100 divisions); 85 mm (50 divisions); 51 mm (50 divisions); 43 mm (50 divisions); 25 mm (20 d ivisions); 17 mm (20 divisions); 11 mm (10 divisions); 9 mm (10 divisions). Metric grids also available.
± 10% of full scale except for 170 mm (±5% ) Major and minor divisions can be turned on and o ff
individually Grid time lines can be synchronized to either internal o r
external time references
8 waveforms with 8 c hannel label buffers in both overlap and separate channel mode
Disk Based Formats
User Designed Formats
Data Logger
Dual Speed
Tim ed Recordi ng
Line Print Rotated Line
Print Page Print
A varie ty of 8, 16, and 32 waveform chart formats are supplied o n a 3.5" DOS comp atible disk which comes standa rd with all uni ts
The user can design unique charts using standard menus. Up to 50 of these formats can be saved on the p ersonal Disk s upplied with each unit for quick and si mple chart setups
Numeric repo rting of waveform data in engineering units
Systme toggles between any two chart speeds based on time interval or trigger
System can be programmed to start and stop recording at specific times
80 columns x 66 rows, 500 cps
160 lines printed at 90° rotation
Two 80 column x 66 row pages, 1000 cps
+ 2 hidden pages