Atec MT8222A User Manual

Technical Data Sheet
A High Performance – Handheld Base Station Analyzer
BTS Master
High performance handheld base station analyzer with a complete set of measurement tools, spectrum analyzer, cable and antenna analysis, power meter, Bit Error Rate Tester for communication backhaul, supports multiple modulation formats GSM/GPRS/EDGE, W-CDMA/HSDPA, CDMA/EVDO, WiMAX 802.16d/802.16e, TD-SCDMA, LTE and GPS.
High Performance Highlights
• SpectrumAnalyzer100kHzto7.1GHz
• 2portCable&AntennaAnalyzer
10 MHz to 4 or 6 GHz
• HighAccuracyPowerMeter±0.16dB
• 4kg(9.0lbs)
• BitErrorRateTesterE1,T1&T3
• InterferenceAnalyzer
• Channelscanner
• GPSreceiveroption
• 2and2.5Gmodulationoptions
• PIMAnalyzer
• 3GModulationoptionsW-CDMA/
• 3.5GmodulationoptionsLTE,
802.16d and 802.16e
• 2.5–3hourbatterylife
The Anritsu MT8222A is the most advanced ultra-portable base station analyzer on the market,
featuring unparalleled performance at a modest price.
Cable and Antenna Analyzer
Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 4 GHz Frequency Range (Option 26): 10 MHz to 6 GHz
Frequency Accuracy: 25 ppm Frequency Resolution: 10 kHz Data Points: Low, Medium, High (137/275/551) Interference Immunity: On-Channel: +17 dBm
1-Port Power: High: 0 dBm (typical) 2-Port Power: High: 0 dBm (typical)
Low: –35 dBm (typical)
Corrected Directivity: 42 dB (10 MHz to 6 GHz) 1-Port Accuracy:
= <0.8 + 20 log (1 ±10
System Dynamic Range: 80 dB, 10 MHz to 3 GHz
Return Loss: Range: 0 to 60 dB
Resolution: 0.01 dB
VSWR: Range: 1 to 65
Resolution: 0.01
Cable Loss: Range: 0 to 30 dB
Resolution: 0.01 dB
1-Port Phase: Range: –180° to +180°
Resolution: 0.01°
Smith Chart: Resolution: 0.01 2-Port Gain: Range: –120 to 100 dB
Resolution: 0.01 dB
2-Port Phase: Range: –180° to +180°
Resolution: 0.01°
Distance-to-Fault: Fault Resolution (meters): (1.5 x 10
the propagation constant and F is F2-F1 in Hz Horizontal Range (meters): 0 to (data points-1) x Fault Resolution to a maximum of 1500m (4921 ft.) where datapoints = 137/275/551
Vertical Range (Return Loss): 0 to 60 dB Vertical Range (VSWR): 1 to 65
(All other specs remain the same)
On-Frequency: 0 dBm (RF Out) +30 dBc RF In
) dB, typical E = Directivity – Measured Return Loss
70 dB, > 3 GHz to 5.5 GHz 65 dB, > 5.5 GHz to 6 GHz
x vp)/F vp is
Spectrum Analyzer
Frequency: 100 kHz to 7.1 GHz Maximum Continuous Input: +30 dBm Tuning Resolution: 1 Hz Frequency Reference: Aging: ± 1 ppm/10 years
Frequency Span: 10 Hz to 7.1 GHz plus 0 Hz (zero span) Sweep Time: Minimum 100 ms, 10 µs to 600 seconds (zero span) Sweep Trigger: Free run, Single, Video, External Resolution Bandwidth: (–3 dB width) ± 10%, 1 Hz to 3 MHz in
Video Bandwidth: (–3 dB) 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1–3 sequence SSB Phase Noise: –100 dBc/Hz max at 10, 20 and 30 kHz offset from
Measurement Range: DANL to +30 dBm
Absolute amplitude accuracy Power Levels –50 dBm, 35 dB input attenuation,
Preamplifier Off: 100 kHz to ≤ 10 MHz ± 1.5 dB
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL in 1 Hz RBW, 0 dB attenuation, Reference level –50 dBm, preamp on):
Frequency Typical Max 10 MHz to 1 GHz –163 dBm –161 dBm > 1 GHz to 2.2 GHz –160 dBm –159 dBm > 2.2 GHz to 2.8 GHz –156 dBm –153 dBm > 2.8 GHz to 4.0 GHz –160 dBm –159 dBm > 4.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz –158 dBm –154 dBm
Accuracy: ± 0.3 ppm (25 °C ± 25 °C) + aging
1–3 sequence 8 MHz demodulation bandwidth
carrier –102 dBc/Hz max at 100 kHz offset from carrier
> 10 MHz to 4 GHz ± 1.25 dB > 4 GHz to 7.1 GHz ± 1.75 dB
Input-Related Spurious: (–30 dBm input, 0 dB input attenuation, Span < 1.7 GHz)
–70 dBc typical –60 dBc max*
* Exceptions:
Input Frequency Spur Level
1674 MHz –38 dBc (–48 typical)
Residual Spurious: (Preamplifier on, RF input terminated, 0 dB input attenuation)
–100 dBm max
(Preamplifier off, RF input terminated, 0 dB input attenuation)
–90 dBm max**, 100 kHz to <3200 MHz –84 dBm max**, 3200 to 7100 MHz
** Exceptions:
Frequency Max Spur Level (Typical)
250, 300, and 350 MHz –85 dBm ~4010 MHz –80 dBm (–90 dBm) ~5084 MHz –70 dBm (–83 dBm) ~5894 MHz –75 dBm (–87 dBm) ~7028 MHz –80 dBm (–92 dBm)
Display Range: 1 to 15 dB/div in 1 dB steps. Ten divisions displayed Amplitude Units Log Scale Modes: dBm, dBV, dBmv, dBµV Attenuator Range: 0 to 65 dB Attenuator Resolution: 5 dB steps
Power Meters:
Frequency Range: 10 MHz to 7.1 GHz Display Range: –80 dBm to +80 dBm Measurement Range: –60 dBm to +30 dBm
Offset Range: 0 to +60 dB Accuracy:
–40 dBm < Max ≤ +15 dBm: 10 MHz –4 GHz: ± 1.25 dB 4 GHz –7.1 GHz: ± 1.75 dB
Max > +15 dBm: 10 MHz –6.5 GHz: ± 1.75 dB
6.5 GHz –7 GHz: ± 2 dB Max ≤ –40 dBm:
10 MHz –4 GHz: ± 1.5 dB 4 GHz –7.1 GHz: ± 1.75 dB
VSWR: 1.5:1 typical Maximum Power: +30 dBm (1 W) without external attenuator
W-CDMA/HSDPA RF Measurements (Option 44)
Frequency Ranges:
Bands I - IX
RF Channel Power (Temperature range 15 ºC to 35 ºC):
± 0.7 dB typical (± 1.25 dB max)
Occupied Bandwidth Accuracy: ± 100 kHz
Residual Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio (ACLR)1 (824 to 894 MHz, 1710 to 2170):
–54 dB typical at 5 MHz offset –59 dB typical at 10 MHz offset
Leakage Ratio (ACLR)1 (2300-2700 MHz):
–54 dB typical at 5 MHz offset –57 dB typical at 10 MHz offset
ACLR Accuracy (Single Channel Active) (824 to 894 MHz, 1710 to 2170):
± 0.8 dB for ACLR ≥ –45 dB at 5 MHz offset ± 0.8 dB for ACLR ≥ –50 dB at 10 MHz offset
ACLR Accuracy (Single Channel Active) (2300-2700 MHz):
± 1.0 dB for ACLR ≥ –45 dB at 5 MHz offset ± 1.0 dB for ACLR ≥ –50 dB at 10 MHz offset
Frequency Error: ± 10 Hz + Time Base Error, 99% confidence level:
± 10 Hz + Time Base Error, 99% confidence level
W-CDMA Demodulation and W-CDMA/HSDPA Demodulator (Options 45 and 65)
EVM Accuracy (824 to 894 MHz, 1710 to 2170 MHz):
(3GPP Test Model 4) ± 2.5%; 6% EVM ≤ 25% (3GPP Test Model 5) ± 2.5%; 6% EVM ≤ 20% (2300 MHz to 2700 MHz)
EVM Accuracy: ± 2.5% for 6% EVM ≤ 20% Residual EVM: 2.5% typical Code Domain Power: ± 0.5 dB for code channel power > –25 dB
CPICH (dBm) Accuracy: ± 0.8 dB typical Scrambling Code: 3 seconds
16, 32, 64 DCPH (test model 1) 16, 32 DCPH (test model 2, 3)
W-CDMA/HSDPA OTA (Option 35)
Resolution: 0.1 dB
Power Monitor (Option 5) (requires external sensor)
Display Range: –80 to +80 dBm (10 pW to 100 kW) Measurement Range: –40 dBm to +20 dBm (10 nW to 40 mW) Offset Range: 0 to +60 dB Resolution: 0.1 dB or 0.1W Accuracy: ± 1 dB for >–40 dBm using 560-7N50 detector
Bias Tee (Option 10A)
Voltage Range: +12V to +32V Current (Low/High): 250 mA/450 mA, 1 A surge for 100 ms Resolution: 0.1 V
Interference Analyzer (Option 25)
Strength of the Interferer: Locate the Interferer RSSI: Collect data up to 72 hours Spectrogram: Collect data up to 72 hours Signal ID:
Monitors one particular frequency or scan the span and identify up to 12 signals. Identifies CDMA, GSM and WCDMA signals with Signal-to-noise ratio greater than 10 dB.
Channel Scanner (Option 27)
Frequency Range: 100 KHz to 7.1 GHz Frequency Accuracy:
±10 Hz + Time base error, 99% Confidence level
Measurement Range: +20 dBm to –110 dBm
Channel Power:
100 kHz to 10 MHz ± 1.5 dB > 10 MHz to 4 GHz ± 1.25 dB > 4 GHz to 7.1 GHz ± 1.75 dB
Adjacent Channel Power Accuracy: ± 0.75 dB
GPS (Option 31)
GPS Location Indicator:
Latitude, Longitude and Altitude on display Latitude, Longitude and Altitude with trace storage
GPS High Frequency Accuracy
when GPS antenna is connected:
± 25 ppb with GPS ON, 3 minutes after satellite lock
Internal High Accuracy, when GPS antenna is not connected:
Better than ± 50 ppb for 3 days from a High Accuracy GPS Lock and within 0 ºC to 50 ºC ambient temperature
Channel power accuracy will vary with amount of data burst traffic
GSM/GPRS/EDGE RF Measurements (Option 40)
Occupied Bandwidth: Bandwidth within which 99% of the power transmitted Burst Power: ± 1 dB typical for –50 dBm to +20 dBm (± 1.5 dB max)
Frequency Error: ± 10 Hz + time base error, 99% confidence level
on a single channel lies
GSM/GPRS/EDGE Demodulator (Option 41)
GSMK Modulation Quality (RMS Phase) Measurement Accuracy: ± 1 deg Residual Error (GSMK): 1 deg 8PSK Modulation Quality (EVM) Measurement Accuracy: ± 1.5% Residual Error (8PSK): 2.5%
CDMA – RF Measurements (Option 42) and EVDO RF Measurements (Option 62)
Channel Power Accuracy: ± 1 dB typical for RF Input from +20 dBm
to –50 dBm (± 1.5 dB maximum)
cdmaOne and CDMA2000 1xRTT Demodulator (Option 43)
Residual Rho: > 0.995 typical for RF Input from +20 dBm to –50 dBm Rho Accuracy: ± 0.005 for Rho > 0.9
Frequency Error: ± 10 Hz + Time base error, 99% confidence level PN Offset: with 1 x 64 chips
Pilot Power Accuracy: ± 1 dB typical, relative to Channel Power Tau: ± 0.5 µs typical (± 1 µs maximum)
(> 0.99 dB maximum)
(in slow mode)
EVDO Demodulator (Option 63)
Demodulator Measurements are EVDO Rev A compatible.
Residual Rho: > 0.995 typical for RF Input from +20 dBm to –50 dBm Rho Accuracy: ± 0.01 for Rho > 0.9
Frequency Error: ± 20 Hz + Time base error, 99% confidence level PN Offset: within 1 x 64 chips Pilot Power Accuracy: ± 1 dB typical relative to Channel Power Tau: ± 0.5 µs typical (± 1 µs maximum)
(> 0.99 dB maximum)
cdmaOne and CDMA2000 1xRTT Over The Air (Option 33) and EVDO Over The Air (Option 34)
Over The Air Measurement: Nine strongest pilots with Tau and Ec/Io.
Fixed WiMAX RF Measurements (Option 46)
Channel Power Accuracy
Six multipaths relative to strongest pilot.
: ± 1 dB Typical for +20 dBm to –50 dBm
(± 1.5 dB max)
Fixed WiMAX Demodulator (Option 47)
Residual EVM (rms): 3% for +20 dBm to –50 dBm (3.5% max.) Frequency Error: ± 0.1 ppm + time base error, 99% confidence level
Mobile WiMAX Specifications
Bandwidths: 3.5 MHz, 5 MHz, 7 MHz 8.75 MHz, 10 MHz Frame Length: 5 ms, 10 ms Zone Types: PUSC DL-MAP Support:
Regular and Compressed Map, DIUC support
DL-MAP Auto Decoding: Convolutional Coding (CC), Convolution Turbo Coding (CTC)
Mobile WiMAX Over the Air (OTA) Measurements (Option 37)
Time Interval: 1 sec – 60 sec Measurement Duration: 72 hours max Auto Save: Yes GPS Logging: Yes
Mobile WiMAX RF Measurements (Option 66)
Channel Power Accuracy: ± 1 dB Typical (± 1.5 dB max)
for +20 dBm to –50 dBm
Mobile WiMAX Demodulator (Option 67)
For +20 dBm to –50 dBm, Residual EVM (rms): 2.5% typical (3% max), Frequency Error: ± 0.02 ppm + time base error, 99% confidence level
at –50 dBm on FCH
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