Atec MT8220T User Manual

Technical Data Sheet
BTS Master™
High Performance Handheld Base Station Analyzer MT8220T
400 MHz to 6.0 GHz 150 kHz to 7.1 GHz 10 MHz to 7.1 GHz
Cable and Antenna Analyzer Spectrum Analyzer Power Meter
Anritsu introduces the next generation high performance handheld Base Station Analyzer for installation and maintenance of wireless networks. Delivered with a standard three-year warranty, the MT8220T BTS Master is the only all-in-one, touch screen handheld tool that combines cable and antenna testing, signal analysis for all cellular standards, ultra-sensitive spectrum analysis, sophisticated interference tracking, and a vector signal generator for receiver testing in a compact, easy-to-use instrument.
Cable and Antenna Analyzer Highlights Spectrum and Interference Analyzer Highlights
Measurements: RL, VSWR, Cable Loss, DTF, Phase, Gain
2-port Gain Measurement Uncertainty: < 0.45 dB
2-port Dynamic Range: > 100 dB
RF Immunity: +17 dBm on-channel, +10 dBm on-frequency
Calibration: OSL and FlexCal Bias Tee: 32 V internal
Measurements: Occupied Bandwidth, Channel Power, ACPR, C/I, Field Strength, Spectral Emissions
Interference Analyzer: Spectrogram, Signal Strength, RSSI, Signal ID
Dynamic Range: > 95 dB in 1 Hz RBW
DANL: –163 dBm in 1 Hz RBW
Phase Noise: –100 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset
Frequency Accuracy: ± 2.5 × 10–8 with GPS On
Burst Detect™ Sweep Mode: sweep 1000x in 15 MHz span
Coverage Mapping: plot RSSI on on-screen map
Interference Mapping: on-screen mapping with triangulation
Capabilities and Functional Highlights
WiMAX Fixed/Mobile
PIM Analyzer
Vector Signal Generator
Zero-span IF Output
Gated Sweep
Standard GPS receiver, GPS information on stored traces
Standard Internal Preamp
Internal Power Meter
High Accuracy Power Meter
USB Power Sensors up to 26 GHz
Channel Scanner
2.5 hour battery operation time
< 5 minute warm-up time
Ethernet/USB Data Transfer
Remote Access Tool
Line Sweep Tools
Standard 3-year warranty
Handheld Size: 315 mm x 211 mm x 77 mm (12.4 in x 8.3 in x 3.0 in), Lightweight: 4.6 kg (10.2 lb)
BTS Master™ MT8220T Base Station Analyzer featuring Vector Signal Generator
Specifications BTS Master™ MT8220T
Cable and Antenna Analyzer
Setup Parameters
Application Options Bias-Tee (On/Off)
Frequency Range 400 MHz to 6 GHz
Frequency Accuracy ± 3.0
Frequency Resolution 1 kHz (RF immunity low)
Output Power
Measurements VSWR, Return Loss, Cable Loss, Distance-to-Fault (DTF) VSWR, Distance-to-Fault (DTF) Return Loss,
Frequency Start/Stop, Signal Standard, Start Cal
Windowing Rectangular, Normal Side Lobe, Low Side Lobe, Minimum Side Lobe
Amplitude Top, Bottom Auto Scale, Full Scale
Sweep Run/Hold, Single/Continuous, RF Immunity (High/Low), Data Points, Averaging/Smoothing, Output Power
Data Points 137, 275, 551
Markers Markers 1 to 6 each with a Delta Marker, Marker to Peak/Valley, Marker Table (On/Off), All Markers Off
Traces Recall, Copy to Display Memory, No Trace Math, Trace ± Memory, Trace Overlay (On/Off)
Limit Line On/Off, Single Limit, Multi-segment Edit, Limit Alarm (On/Off), Pass Fail Message (On/Off), Warning Limit
Limit Line Edit Frequency, Amplitude, Add Point, Delete Point, Next Point Left, Next Point Right, Move Limit
Calibration Start Cal, 1/2-port, Low/High Power, Standard/FlexCal™, DUT Connector, Configure DUT
Save/Recall Setups, Measurements, Screen Shots (JPEG - save only)
1-port Phase, 2-port Phase , 2-port Gain, Smith Chart
DTF Start/Stop, DTF Aid, Units (m/ft), Cable Loss, Propagation Velocity, Cable, Windowing
Offset, Clear Limit
100 kHz (RF immunity high)
High –7 dBm, typical, 1 or 2-port
Low –40 dBm, typical, 2-port
Dynamic Range (output power high, 25-trace average)
400 MHz to 2800 MHz > 100 dB, 110 dB typical > 2800 MHz to 4000 HHz > 90 dB > 4000 MHz to 6000 MHz > 85 dB
Interference Immunity
On-Channel +17 dBm @ >1.0 MHz from carrier frequency
On-Frequency +10 dBm within ±10 kHz from the carrier frequency
Measurement Speed
Return Loss 4.5 ms/data point, RF immunity low, typical
Distance-to-Fault 4.5 ms/data point, RF immunity low, typical
Return Loss
Measurement Range 0 to 60 dB
Resolution 0.01 dB
Measurement Range 1:1 to 65:1
Resolution 0.01
Cable Loss
Measurement Range 0 to 30 dB
Resolution 0.01 dB
2-Port Gain
Measurement Range –120 to 100 dB
Resolution 0.01 dB
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BTS Master™ MT8220T Specifications
Reflec tion Magnit ude Unc ert ainty
-40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0
< 1 GH z
1-4 GHz
> 4- 6 GHz
Transmission Magnitude Uncertainty
-80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
S21 (dB)
< 1 GH z
1-4 GHz
> 4-6 GHz
Cable and Antenna Analyzer
Vertical Range Return Loss 0 dB to 60 dB
Vertical Range VSWR 1 to 65
Fault Res ol ut ion (m) ( 1. 5
Horizontal Range (m) 0 to (Data Points-1)
Phase (1- and 2-Port)
Measurement Range –180° to +180°
Resolution 0.01°
Smith Chart
Resolution 0.01
Measurement Accuracy
Corrected Directivity > 42 dB
Measurement Uncertainty
Uncertainty (dB)
108 × Vp) / F (Vp = velocity propagation constant, F is F2 - F1 in Hz)
Fault Resolution, to a maximum of 1500 m (4921 ft)
Uncertainty (dB)
Bias-Tee (Option 0010)
Setup On/Off, Voltage, Current (Low/High)
Voltage Range +12 V to +32 V
Current (Low/High) 250 mA/450 mA, 1 A surge for 100 ms
Resolution 0.1 V
PIM Analyzer
(Requires PIM Master™)
See MW8208A, MW8209A, MW8219A PIM Master Product Brochure 11410-00546
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Specifications BTS Master™ MT8220T
Spectrum Analyzer
Smart Measurements Field Strength (uses antenna calibration tables to measure dBm/m2, dBµV/m, dBV/m, dBmV/m, V/m,
Setup Parameters
Application Options Bias-Tee (On/Off), Impedance (50
Sweep Functions
Trace Functions
Trace A Operations Normal, Max Hold, Min Hold, Average, # of Averages, (always the live trace) Trace B Operations A Trace C Operations A
, dBW/m2, A/m, dBA/m and W/cm2)
W/m Occupied Bandwidth (measures 99 % to 1 % power channel of a signal) Channel Power (measures the total power in a specified bandwidth) ACPR (adjacent channel power ratio) AM/FM/SSB Demodulation (AM, wide/narrow FM, upper/lower SSB), (audio out only) C/I (carrier-to-interference ratio) Emission Mask (recall limit lines as emission mask) Coverage Mapping (requires Option 0431) IQ Waveform Capture (requires Option 0024)
Frequency Center/Start/Stop, Span, Frequency Step, Frequency Offset, Signal Standard, Channel #
Amplitude Reference Level (RL), Scale, Attenuation Auto/Level, RL Offset, Pre-Amp On/Off, Detection
Span Span, Span Up/Down (1-2-5), Full Span, Zero Span, Last Span
Bandwidth RBW, Auto RBW, VBW, Auto VBW, RBW/VBW Ratio, Span/RBW Ratio
Sweep Single/Continuous, Manual Trigger, Reset, Detection, Minimum Sweep Time, Trigger Type,
Sweep Mode Fast (100x Performance), Performance, No FFT, Burst Detect (1000x Fast in 15 MHz span)
Detection Peak, RMS/Avg, Negative, Sample, Quasi-peak
Triggers Free Run, External, Video, Change Position, Manual
Traces Up to three Traces (A, B, C), View/Blank, Write/Hold, Trace A/B/C Operations
Gated Sweep (requires Option 0090)
B, B←→C, Max Hold, Min Hold
C, B←→C, Max Hold, Min Hold, A – B→C, B – A→C, Relative Reference (dB), Scale
, 75 Ω, Other)
Marker Functions
Markers Markers 1-6 each with a Delta Marker, or Marker 1 Reference with Six Delta Markers,
Marker Types Style (Fixed/Tracking), Noise Marker, Frequency Counter Marker
Marker Auto-Position Peak Search, Next Peak (Right/Left), Peak Threshold %, Set Marker to Channel,
Marker Table 1-6 markers frequency and amplitude, plus delta markers frequency offset and amplitude
Marker Table (On/Off/Large), All Markers Off
Marker Frequency to Center, Delta Marker to Span, Marker to Reference Level
Limit Line Functions
Limit Lines Upper/Lower, On/Off, Edit, Move, Envelope, Advanced, Limit Alarm, Default Limit
Limit Line Edit Frequency, Amplitude, Add Point, Add Vertical, Delete Point, Next Point Left/Right
Limit Line Move To Current Center Frequency, By dB or Hz, To Marker 1, Offset from Marker 1
Limit Line Envelope Create Envelope, Update Amplitude, Number of Points (41), Offset, Shape Square/Slope
Limit Line Advanced Type (Absolute/Relative), Mirror, Save/Recall
Frequency Range 150 kHz to 7.1 GHz (usable to 0 Hz)
Maximum Continuous Input +30 dBm
Tuning Resolution 1 Hz
Frequency Reference Aging: ± 1.0
Frequency Span Accuracy ± 3
Sweep Time Minimum 100 ms, 10
Sweep Time Accuracy ± 2 % in zero span
10–7 (25 °C ± 25 °C) + aging, 10 Hz to 7.1 GHz including zero span
10–6/10 years
s to 600 s in zero span
Resolution Bandwidth (RBW) 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1–3 sequence ± 10 % (–3 dB bandwidth)
Video Bandwidth (VBW) 1 Hz to 3 MHz in 1–3 sequence (–3 dB bandwidth) RBW with Quasi-Peak Detection 200 Hz, 9 kHz, 120 kHz (–6 dB bandwidth) VBW with Quasi-Peak Detection Auto VBW is On, RBW/VBW = 1
VBW/Average Type Linear/Log
Spectral Purity
SSB Phase Noise –100 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz, 20 kHz, and 30 kHz offset from carrier
–102 dBc/Hz @ 100 kHz offset from carrier
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BTS Master™ MT8220T Specifications
Spectrum Analyzer
Amplitude Ranges
Dynamic Range > 95 dB (600 MHz, 3.5 GHz), 2/3 (TOI-DANL) in 1 Hz RBW
Measurement Range DANL to +30 dBm
Display Range 1 to 15 dB/div in 1 dB steps, ten divisions displayed
Reference Level Range –120 dBm to +30 dBm
Attenuator Resolution 0 to 65 dB, 5.0 dB steps
Amplitude Units Log Scale Modes: dBm, dBV, dBmV, dBμV, dBW, dBA
Linear Scale Modes: nV, μV, m V, V, k V, nW, μW, mW, W, kW, fA, pA, nA, μA, mA, A
Amplitude Accuracy (Power level > –50 dBm)
Input attenuation
150 kHz to 10 MHz ± 1.50 dB ± 1.50 dB ± 1.50 dB -
150 kHz to 4.0 GHz - - - ± 1.50 dB
>10 MHz to 4.0 GHz ± 1.25 dB ± 1.75 dB ± 1.75 dB -
>4.0 GHz to 6.5 GHz - ± 1.75 dB ± 1.75 dB -
>4.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz ± 1.75 dB - - ± 1.75 dB
>6.5 GHz to 7.1 GHz - ± 2.00 dB ± 3.00 dB -
Preamp Off
( 35 dB)
Preamp Off
(40 to 55 dB)
Preamp Off
(60 to 65 dB)
Preamp On
(0 or 10 dB)
Displayed Average Noise Level (DANL)
(Reference level –20 dBm)
DANL in 1 Hz RBW, 0 dB attenuation Maximum Typical Maximum Typical
3 MHz to 1.0 GHz –137 dBm –150 dBm –161 dBm –163 dBm
> 1.0 GHz to 2.2 GHz –133 dBm –147 dBm –159 dBm –160 dBm
> 2.2 GHz to 4.0 GHz –133 dBm –143 dBm –156 dBm –159 dBm
> 4.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz –130 dBm –138 dBm –154 dBm –156 dBm
Preamp Off
(Reference level –50 dBm)
Preamp On
Residual Spurs Preamp Off (RF input terminated, 0 dB input attenuation)
Exceptions –70 dBm @ 3200 MHz
Exceptions –95 dBm @ 50 MHz, 100 MHz, 150 MHz
Input-Related Spurious (0 dB attenuation, –30 dBm input, span < 1.7 GHz, carrier offset > 4.5 MHz)
Exceptions –40 dBc, –60 dBc typical @ 1672 MHz
Third-Order Intercept (TOI)
Preamp Off
600 MHz +8 dBm typical
3.5 GHz +9 dBm typical
Second Harmonic Distortion
Preamp Off –50 dBc maximum
< 4.0 GHz 1.5:1 typical
4.0 GHz to 7.1 GHz 1.8:1 typical
–90 dBm, 150 kHz to 3.2 GHz –84 dBm, > 3.2 GHz to 7.1 GHz
Preamp On (RF input terminated, 0 dB input attenuation) –100 dBm, 10 MHz to 7.1 GHz
–60 dBc, –70 dBc typical
–70 dBc typical
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Specifications BTS Master™ MT8220T
Power Meter
GPS Receiver
GPS Time/Location Indicator Time, Latitude, Longitude and Altitude on display
High Frequency Accuracy Spectrum Analyzer, Interference Analyzer, Wireless Measurements
Frequency Center/Start/Stop, Span, Frequency Step, Signal Standard, Channel #, Full Band
Amplitude Maximum, Minimum, Offset, Relative On/Off, Units, Auto Scale
Average Acquisition Fast/Med/Slow, # of Running Averages
Limits Limit On/Off, Limit Upper/Lower
Frequency Range 10 MHz to 7.1 GHz
Display Range –140 dBm to +30 dBm, 40 dB span
Measurement Range –120 dBm to +30 dBm
Maximum Power +30 dBm without attenuator
Application Options Impedance (50 , 75 , Other)
GPS Lock Accuracy after antenna is disconnected:
Supplied Antenna 2000-1760-R GPS Antenna, SMA(m), 25 dB gain, 2.5 VDC to 3.7 VDC
Span 1 kHz to 100 MHz
Offset Range 0 to +100 dB
VSWR 1.5:1 typical
Accuracy Same as Spectrum Analyzer
Setup On/Off, Antenna Voltage 3.3 V/5.0 V, GPS Info
Time, Latitude, Longitude and Altitude with trace storage
when GPS Antenna is connected:
10–8 with GPS On, 3 minutes after satellite lock in selected mode
± 2.5
± 5.0
10–8 for 3 days, 0 ºC to 50 ºC ambient temperature
Connector SMA, female
High Accuracy Power Meter (Option 0019)
Power Sensor Model PSN50 MA24105A MA24106A MA24108A/18A/26A
Measurement Uncertainty ± 0.16 dB
(for complete specifications)
Amplitude Maximum, Minimum, Offset, Relative On/Off, Units, Auto Scale
Average # of Running Averages, Max Hold
Zero/Cal Zero On/Off, Cal Factor (Center Frequency, Signal Standard)
Limits Limit On/Off, Limit Upper/Lower
Description High Accuracy
Frequency Range 50 MHz to 6 GHz 350 MHz to 4 GHz 50 MHz to 6 GHz 10 MHz to 8/18/26 GHz
Connector Type N(m), 50 Type N ( f ), 5 0 Typ e N ( m ) , 5 0 Type N(m), 50
Dynamic Range
VBW 100 Hz 100 Hz 100 Hz 50 kHz
Measurand True-RMS True-RMS True-RMS True-RMS, Slot Power,
Data sheet
RF Power Sensor
–30 dBm to +20 dBm
(0.001 mW to 100 mW)
11410-00414 11410-00621 11410-00424 11410-00504
1. Total RSS measurement uncertainty (0 ºC to 50 ºC) for power measurements of a CW signal greater than –20 dBm with zero mismatch errors.
2. Expanded uncertainty with K = 2 for power measurements of a CW signal greater than +20 dBm with a matched load. Measurement results referenced to the input side of the sensor.
3. Expanded uncertainty with K = 2 for power measurements of a CW signal greater than –20 dBm with zero mismatch errors.
(Requires external USB Power Sensor)
Inline High
Power Sensor
+3 dBm to +51.76 dBm
(2 mW to 150 W)
± 0.17 dB
High Accuracy
RF Power Sensor
–40 dBm to +23 dBm
(0.1 µW to 200 mW)
±0.16 dB
Microwave USB
Power Sensor
(8/18 GHz)
Type K(m), 50
(26 GHz)
–40 dBm to +20 dBm
(0.1 µW to 100 mW)
Burst Average Power
± 0.18 dB
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BTS Master™ MT8220T Specifications
Coverage Mapping (Option 0431)
Indoor MappingRSSI, ACPR
Outdoor MappingRSSI, ACPR
Setup Parameters
Mode Spectrum Analyzer
Frequency Center/Start/Stop, Span, Freq Step, Signal Standard, Channel #, Channel Increment
Amplitude Reference Level (RL), Scale, Attenuation Auto/Level, RL Offset, Pre-Amp On/Off, Detection
Span Span, Span Up/Down (1-2-5), Full Span, Zero Span, Last Span
BW RBW, Auto RBW, VBW, Auto VBW, RBW/VBW Ratio, Span/VBW Ratio
Measurement Setup ACPR, RSSI
Point Distance / Time Setup Repeat Type Time Distance
Save Points Map Save KML, JPEG, Tab Delimited
Recall Points Map Recall Map, Recall KML Points only, Recall KML Points with Map, Recall Default Grid
Interference Analyzer (Option 0025)
Spectrum Field Strength
Occupied Bandwidth Channel Power Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR) AM/FM/SSB Demodulation (Wide/Narrow FM, Upper/Lower SSB), (audio out only) Carrier-to-Interference ratio (C/I)
Spectrogram Collect data up to one week
Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) Collect data up to one week
Signal Strength Gives visual and aural indication of signal strength
Signal ID ID up to 12 FM, GSM, W-CDMA, CDMA or Wi-Fi signals based on RF bandwidth
Interference Mapping Draw multiple bearings of signal strength from GPS location on on-screen map
Pan and Zoom on-screen maps Support for MA2700A Handheld Interference Hunter (see Optional Accessories)
Application Options Bias-Tee (On/Off ), Impedance (50 , 75 , Other)
Channel Scanner (Option 0027)
Number of Channels 1 to 20 Channels (Power Levels)
Measurements Graph/Table, Max Hold (On/5 sec/Off), Frequency/Channel, Current/Maximum, Dual Color
Scanner Scan Channels, Scan Frequencies, Scan Customer List, Scan Script Master™
Amplitude Reference Level, Scale
Custom Scan Signal Standard, Channel, # of Channels, Channel Step Size, Custom Scan
Frequency Range 150 kHz to 7.1 GHz
Frequency Accuracy ± 10 Hz + time base error
Measurement Range –110 dBm to +30 dBm
Application Options Bias-Tee (On/Off ), Impedance (50 , 75 , Other)
Gated Sweep (Option 0090)
Mode Spectrum Analyzer, Sweep
Trigger External TTL
Setup Gated Sweep (On/Off)
Gate Polarity (Rising, Falling) Gate Delay (0 ms to 65 ms typical) Gate Length (1 µs to 65 ms typical) Zero Span Time
Zero Span IF Output (Option 0089)
Center Frequency 140 MHz ± 130 kHz
Reference Level –57 dBm to +30 dBm (Preamp Off)
RF Attenuation Auto
Mode Spectrum Analyzer/Span/Zero Span
Output Level –25 dBm typical
–87 dBm to –40 dBm (Preamp On)
IF Bandwidth Up to 30 MHz (3 dB bandwidth)
Connector BNC female
4. time base error = frequency accuracy x measured frequency
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Specifications BTS Master™ MT8220T
I/Q Waveform Capture (Option 0024)
Mode Spectrum Analyzer
Capture Mode Single or Continuous
Maximum Capture Length 800 ms
Maximum Sample Rate 40 MHz
Maximum Signal Bandwidth 32 MHz
Trigger Free Run, External (Rising/Falling), Delay
Vector Signal Generator (Option 0023)
Setup Parameters
Frequency Frequency, Signal Standard, Channel Number, Interferer Offset
Amplitude Signal/Interferer/Noise Level in dBm, Level Offset,
Signal (CW/Modulated/Off), Interferer (CW/Modulated/Off), Noise (On/Off)
Trigger (for modulated signals) Type (None/Positive/Negative), Delay, Manual, Pattern Manager
Modulation Signal Pattern Select, Interferer Pattern Select, Edit
Modulation Edit Analog, Digital, Custom, Spectrum Inversion (Normal/Reverse)
Active Pattern Memory 256 MB
Frequency Range 400 MHz to 6 GHz
Frequency Resolution 1 Hz
Frequency Accuracy ± 3
Output Power –124 to 0 dBm, CW
Step Size 0.1 dB nominal
Bandwidth 1 signal to 10 MHz or 2 signals to 5 MHz each + AWGN
Waveform Addition Desired Signal + Interfering Signal + AWGN
Pattern Manager Add, Erase
RF On/Off
10–7 (25 °C ± 25 °C) + aging
–124 to –8 dBm, Modulated/Noise/Multicarrier
Level Accuracy, Single Channel
errors, excludes radiated immunity)
VSG Output Power CW Mode W-CDMA CW Mode W-CDMA CW Mode W-CDMA
–46 dBm to 0 dBm ± 1.0 dB - ± 1.2 dB - ± 1.2 dB -
–46 dBm to –8 dBm - ± 1.4 dB - ± 1.4 dB - ± 1.8 dB
–84 dBm to < –46 dBm ± 1.1 dB ± 1.4 dB ± 1.3 dB ± 1.4 dB ± 1.3 dB ± 2.0 dB
–104 dBm to < –84 dBm ± 1.4 dB ± 1.5 dB ± 1.4 dB ± 1.5 dB ± 1.4 dB ± 2.0 dB
–124 dBm to < –104 dBm ± 1.7 dB ± 1.7 dB ± 1.7 dB ± 1.7 dB ± 1.7 dB ± 2.4 dB
(At least 30 minutes warm-up after 1 hour non-operating at 15 °C to 35 °C ambient, excludes load match
(400 MHz to 2.0 GHz) (>2.0 to 4.0 GHz) (>4.0 to 6.0 GHz)
Standard Signal Patterns
AM (Frequency/Depth) 400 Hz/5 %, 1 kHz/10 %, 3 kHz/20 %, 5 kHz/30 %, 10 kHz/50 %, 15 kHz/70 %, 20 kHz/90 %
FM (Rate/Deviation) 1 kHz/100 Hz, 5 kHz/500 Hz, 10 kHz/1 kHz, 50 kHz/5 kHz, 100/10 kHz, 500 kHz/50 kHz,
Pulsed CW (Duty Cycle/Period) 50 %/0.1 ms (10 kHz), 50 %/1 ms (1 kHz), 50 %/2.5 ms (400 Hz)
EDGE – Continuous 3n/8-8PSK, 270.833 KSPS, Linearized Gaussian filtered, Data = PN9
W-CDMA Pilot QPSK, 3.84 MSPS, RRC filtered, alpha=0.22, Data = PN9 DECT 16QAM – Continuous 1.152 MSPS, RRC filtered, alpha = 0.5, Data = PN9 DECT 64QAM – Continuous 16QAM, 6.84 MSPS, RRC filtered, alpha = 0.15, Data = PN9
DVB-C 1.152 MSPS, RRC filtered, alpha = 0.5, Data = PN9
J.83C Digital Cable 16QAM, 5 MSPS, RRCC filtered, alpha = 0.13
64QAM – US Digital Cable 5.056941 MSPS, RRC filtered, alpha = 0.18
Customized Signal Patterns
Input Waveform for
MST Pattern Converter ASCII Text or MATLAB
Number of Waveforms 1000
Sampling Rate
500 kHz/100 kHz, 500 kHz/500 kHz
(contact Anritsu)
file format
12.500 MHz 6.250 MHz 1.625 MHz
10.0 MHz 5.0 MHz 1.2 MHz
4 s 8 s 32 s
N × 8 Samples N × 4 Samples N × 4 Samples
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BTS Master™ MT8220T Specifications
GSM/GPRS/EDGE Measurements (Option 0880)
RF Demodulation Over-the-Air (OTA) Pass/Fail
Channel Spectrum
Channel Power Occupied Bandwidth Burst Power Average Burst Power Frequency Error Modulation Type
BSIC (NCC, BCC) Multi-channel Spectrum Power vs. Time (Frame/Slot)
Channel Power
Occupied Bandwidth
Burst Power
Average Burst Power
Frequency Error
Modulation Type
BSIC (NCC, BCC) RF Summary
Setup Parameters
Measurement Summary Screen Overall Measurements, RF Measurements, Modulation Measurements
Phase Error EVM Origin Offset C/I Modulation Type Magnitude Error BSIC (NCC, BCC) Modulation Summary
Frequency Center, Signal Standard, Channel #, Closest Channel, Decrement/Increment Channel
Amplitude Power Offset, Auto Range, Adjust Range
Sweep Single/Continuous, Trigger Sweep
Save/Recall Setup, Measurement, Screen Shots (JPEG - save only), to Internal/External Memory
There are no additional OTA Measurements
RF and Demodulation Measurements can be made OTA
View Pass/Fail Limits
Available Measurements
Channel Power Occupied Bandwidth Burst Power Average Burst power Frequency Error Phase Error EVM Origin Offset C/I Magnitude Error
Script Master™
RF Measurements
Frequency Error ± 10 Hz + time base error4, 99 % confidence level
Occupied Bandwidth Bandwidth within which lies 99 % of the power transmitted on a single channel
Burst Power Error ± 1.5 dB; ± 1 dB typical (–50 dBm to +20 dBm)
Demodulation Measurements
GSMK Modulation Quality (RMS Phase)
Measurement Accuracy ± 1
Residual Error (GSMK) 1
8PSK Modulation Quality (EVM)
Measurement Accuracy ± 1.5 %
Residual Error (8PSK) 2.5 %
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