Atec MPRT8445 User Manual

Megger Protective Relay Test System
The MPRT System consists of a ‘Power Box’, the TouchView Interface™, and AVTS Software
Unique new TouchView Interface (TVI) simplifies the manual testing of complex relays
Ultra flexible output design provides up to four-phase voltage and current or eight-phase current
User specified configuration. Every system is made to order based on specific customer needs.
Includes fully automated testing capability using AVTS Software (Version 3.0)
Megger Protective Relay Test System
The MPRT System is comprised of:
• The ‘Power Box’
• The TouchView Interface (TVI)
• AVTS Software
The ‘Power Box’ is the heart of the system. It employs a variety of new features including unique Voltage and Current Generator (VI-Gen) components which have been combined into one amplifier package. Using multiple VI-Gens provides the flexibility to deliver four voltages (or two three-phase open delta voltages) and four currents or combinations up to eight current channel capability. The MPRT ‘Power Box’ also incorporates three communication ports, a new Constant Power Output (CPO) capability and every one is made-to-order based on each customer’s individual testing requirements.
The TouchView Interface (TVI) device and AVTS Basic Software form the brains of the system. The TVI, with its large full color touch screen allows the user to perform manual and semi-automatic testing quickly and easily, using built-in, preset test routines for most popular relays. Fully automatic testing can also be performed using AVTS Basic Software which comes with the MPRT System.
MPRT is specifically designed to perform routine testing of protective relays used in the operation of electric utilities, power plants and heavy industrials. Other applications include use in government facilities, harbor and airport installations, large building complexes and by testing service companies who are increasingly interested in a highly flexible, easy-to-use relay test instruments that can help them improve their job efficiency.
The ‘Power Box’ is ultra flexible, rugged, lightweight and feature packed. The unique features include:
NEW Constant Power Output (CPO) Capability –
Produces improved power output sustainable through the entire “power curve” of a test. With a CPO of 200 VA per current channel and 150 VA per voltage channel it has the flexibility to test any relay.
Unique VI-Gen Internal Design – The Voltage and Current Generator (VI-Gen) components have been combined into one amplifier package. Using multiple VI-Gens the system has the flexibility to deliver four voltages (or two three-phase open delta voltages) and four currents or eight currents for testing multi-phase differential relays.
Built-in Transducer Testing Capability – Eliminates the need for additional testing equipment or software. The MPRT incorporates high accuracy amplifiers, a special transducer DC input and test algorithms to test transducers easily and effectively.
Shown without optional adjustable carry handle.
Shown with optional adjustable carry handle.
Here’s how easy it is
From the Preset Menu Screen, shown below, the user simply selects the type of relay to be tested. Built-in test files are for a wide variety of protective relays, including Overcurrent, Differential, etc., see following figure.
Megger Protective Relay Test System
Includes Three Communication Ports – More built-in flexibility with a protocol choice of IEEE488, RS232 or Ethernet for high-speed download capability and upgrades via the internet.
User Specified Configuration – Every system is made to order based on each customer’s testing requirements and budget, with an easy and flexible upgrade path.
Output Capabilities for Worldwide Use – Even more built-in flexibility allows the user to choose from:
VI-Gen amplifiers rated at 30A @ 200 VA and
convertible amplifiers rated at 300V or 5A @ 150 VA.
VI-Gen amplifiers rated at 15A @ 200 VA and
convertible amplifiers rated at 150V or 5A @ 150 VA.
THE TOUCHVIEW INTERFACE (TVI) easier way to perform manual and semi­automatic relay testing. It’s all done via a unique hand held controller called the TouchView Interface (TVI). The most significant feature of the TVI is its ability to provide the user with a very simple way to manually test even the most complex relays manufactured today.
Manual operation is simplified through the use of a built-in computer operating system and the TouchView Interface, with a large color LCD touch-screen. The TVI eliminates the need for a computer when testing virtually all types of relays. Menu screens and function buttons are provided to quickly and easily select the desired test function.
Preset Relay Menu Screen
Overcurrent Relay Settings Screen
As an example, touch the ‘Over Current’ button. An Overcurrent Test Menu Screen, shown below, will be displayed showing all necessary functions needed to test that particular type of relay. Next, the user inputs the relay setting values that will be used to conduct the tests, such as Relay Tap value and Time Dial value. These values are used when conducting the pickup and timing tests.
To make it even better, the TVI has both IEEE and IEC time curve algorithms built-in. By entering the appropriate values in the setting screen, when the timing test is conducted, the test results will be automatically compared to the theoretical values from the time curve that was selected.
MPRT TouchView Interface
Back view of MPRT.
Megger Protective Relay Test System
As shown in the Overcurrent Settings screen, the IEEE Very Inverse time curve was selected. If the Test Multiple is changed, the appropriate theoretical trip time will change automatically.
The TVI also has the ability to do even more complex tests and calculations. For example, the MPRT with three Voltage/Current Modules, can test single-phase, three-phase open delta, and three-phase wye impedance relays using the Impedance relay test screen. The user simply selects different testing applications from a menu screen. For instance, the Reach Test Settings Screen for an impedance relay has been selected as shown below.
Impedance Reach Test Settings Screen
It should be noted that not only does the display screen show values of voltage, current and phase angle, but it also displays the current value where the relay should pick up, (different formulas for calculating OHMS are selectable using the touch-screen to select phase to phase or phase to ground faults). The user can select ramp current and hold fault voltage on ramp voltage and hold fault current.
The impedance test screen provides a pre-fault condition for those relays that require a pre-fault load prior to applying the fault. The test automatically determines values like reach, maximum angle of torque, and timing.
Finally, for testing multi-zone relays, the user can select the Pulse-Ramp method to determine operating points without needing to defeat the other zone timers. Test results can be saved to the internal memory for later download and review.
Also easily test relays not on the Preset Menu
Other types of relays or devices not specifically listed in the Preset Menu Screen can be tested using one of the Manual Test screens.
Manual Voltage/Current Test Screen
For example, negative sequence under/over voltage, reverse phase, phase sequence, and current balance relays may be tested using the Voltage/Current manual test screen. In addition, manual control of up to four voltages and currents, or up to 8 currents is done using this test screen.
Other devices such as auto-synchronizing, frequency sensitive devices and transducers also have their own individual manual test screens. The user manually selects the parameter(s) to be set or adjusted using the touch­screen and ramp outputs using the control knob. Each test screen has a dynamic enable capability and will either automatically step from a prefault, to fault, to breaker trip, to reclose, or automatically ramp frequency at a preprogrammed Hz/Sec, or time for a given slip frequency, depending on which screen is in use. In the Manual Auto­Synchronizing Test Screen, the advanced closing time and closing angle are automatically done in the dynamic mode.
In the Manual Test Screen shown above, the pre-selected outputs are set. The Green color indicates which output(s) have been selected. When the test is started by pressing the Start button, the selected output indicators will change colors from green to red indicating which outputs are energized. A vector graph indicates the relative phase angles of all of the outputs. All of the outputs are metered and displayed to provide real time verification of all of the selected outputs.
Even perform manual transducer testing
With the built-in transducer test screen, manually testing transducers has never been easier. The user simply selects from a pull-down menu, what type of transducer is being tested and enters information relative to the transducer’s inputs and outputs. Upon starting the test, the test set automatically measures and calculates the % error of the device.
Megger Protective Relay Test System
From any test screen, the user has access to the Test File Manager Screen. The user can give the test file/result file any name up to a maximum of 99 characters. Once saved, the user can recall the test and execute with the appropriate settings already set, or recall saved test results to download into the AVTS database for storage or for printing.
All output values are metered and displayed
When under automatic computer control (with the AVTS software), the TVI becomes a meter display for all of the MPRT outputs. The metered values are displayed to
Meter Display Screen
TVI Default Setting Screen
Transducer Test Screen
In the above example, a three-phase, 3 Element Watt Transducer is being tested. The actual output watts is calculated based upon the measured values from the MPRT into the transducer, and the transducer watts is calculated based upon the measured output voltage/current from the transducer. A % error is automatically calculated and displayed. A vector representation of the voltage and current outputs is also displayed.
Use the File Manager to organize all test results
The TVI has sufficient internal memory to save hundreds of test and result files. To manage the tests and results, the MPRT has a File Manager screen.
File Manager Screen
provide continuous real-time verification of the MPRT outputs, even when under automatic control.
Output values are displayed with a vector display, which shows the vector relationship between the output voltage and currents.
User customized configuration
The user may customize how the unit displays phase angles (0-360° Lead/Lag or ± 180°), and set default values of voltages, currents and frequency. The user may also select a language for prompting the operator. Five language choices are currently available, English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish.
Other default settings include GPIB and IP addresses, Serial Port settings, Battery Simulator output and screen background colors.
See page 8 for details regarding AVTS Software.
Megger Protective Relay Test System
Large Color LCD touch-screen display - The TVI features an easy to use and read display providing manual control of the test set, and displays measured values of voltage, current, along with phase angle and frequency. Calculated values such as Ohms, Watts, VAR’s and Power Factor may also be displayed, depending on the test screen in use. Color contrasts accentuate vital information. This reduces human error and time in testing relays.
Constant Output Power - The new MPRT employees new high powered Voltage-Current amplifiers (VI-Gens), which deliver maximum compliance voltage to the load constantly during the test. Constant output power in many cases eliminates the need to parallel current channels together to test high burden relays.
High resolution and accuracy - The TVI has Metered outputs and a timer to provide extremely high accuracy. High accuracy extends testing capability to other devices such as transducers.
Internal memory - The TVI provides storage of test set-up screens and test results. Reduces testing time and paper work. Saved test results can be downloaded into the AVTS software database.
Steady-State and Dynamic testing capability - The MPRT provides, either through manual control or computer control, both steady-state and dynamic testing of protective relays. This includes programmable waveforms with dc offset and harmonics.
Display screen prompts operator - The TVI features a display screen that prompts the user with easy to use function buttons. Single button operation saves time in testing relays and minimizes human error.
Display screen provides five different languages ­The TVI display screen prompts the user in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French or German.
Output current and voltage sinewaves are generated digitally - MPRT outputs do not vary with sudden
changes in input voltage or frequency, which increases test accuracy and reduces testing time.
Memory metering - Allows the user to set test currents and voltages faster. Reduces heating of device under test.
Digital inputs and outputs - MPRT has 10 programmable inputs, and 6 programmable outputs provide timing and logic operations in real-time with the output voltage and currents. Binary Inputs can be programmed, using Boolean logic, for more complex power system simulations. This provides a low cost, closed loop, power system simulator.
Circuit breaker simulator - MPRT’s binary outputs provide programmable normally closed and normally open contacts to simulate circuit breaker operation for testing reclosing relays. Sequence of operation, timing, and lockout are easily tested.
Performs transient tests - Perform acceptance or troubleshooting tests by replaying digitally recorded faults or EMTP/ATP simulations in the IEEE- C37.111, COMTRADE Standard format.
Perform End-to-End tests - Using AVTS software and a portable GPS satellite receiver, the MPRT performs satellite-synchronized end-to-end dynamic or transient tests. Provides precisely synchronized testing of remotely located complex protection schemes.
Wide-ranging output frequency - The output frequency of the current and voltage channels can be set for any frequency from dc to 1 kHz. Popular test frequencies such as 25, 50, 60 and 100 Hz are easily set and controlled. Provides ultra-flexability to save time and lower costs.
RS-232 serial port - The RS-232 port provides a computer interface to perform automatic testing.
Ethernet port - The Ethernet port provides a high­speed computer interface. This can be used to quickly download transient waveform data and update test set firmware via internet.
IEEE-488GPIB - The IEEE-488 is an OEM preferred interface for control of the unit. This interface is preferred, when using the unit with other IEEE-488 devices. It can also provide high speed downloading of transient data.
Megger Protective Relay Test System
Universal input voltage - Operating from 90 to 264 Vac, 50/60 Hz, the MPRT can use virtually any standard source in the world.
Battery simulator - MPRT’s battery simulator provides dc output voltages of 24, 48, 125 and 250 Volts. Eliminates needing a separate dc source for providing logic voltage for microprocessor-based relays.
Immediate error indication - Audible and visual alarms indicate when amplitude or waveforms of the outputs are in error.
Modular design - Output modules plug-in and slide out easily for system re-configuration and maintenance.
Ancillary Interface - Provides interface to other MPRT units.
MPRT Model 8430 - Provides up to 300 Volts rms. at 150 VA and 30 Amps rms. at 200 VA per phase. Ample voltage for testing high instantaneous overvoltage relays. The current amplifier has high compliance voltage at low currents for testing ground overcurrent relays. When configured with four channels, the current amplifiers can be paralleled to provide a maximum of 120 Amperes at 800 VA, for testing instantaneous overcurrent relays. With high VA output ratings, the unit can be used for testing a panel of relays.
MPRT Model 8415 - Provides up to 150 Volts rms. at 150 VA and 15 Amps rms. at 200 VA per phase. This lower cost unit is ideal for testing relays used with 1 Amp secondary CT’s. The current amplifier has high compliance voltage at low currents for testing ground overcurrent relays. When configured with four channels, the current amplifiers can be paralleled to provide a maximum of 60 Amperes at 800 VA, for testing instantaneous overcurrent relays. With high VA output ratings, the unit can be used for testing a panel of relays.
Input Power
100 to 240 Volts, ±10%, AC, 1Ø, 50/60 Hz, 2100 VA.
All outputs are independent from sudden changes in line voltage and frequency. This provides stable outputs not affected by sudden changes in the source. All outputs are regulated so changes in load impedance do not affect the output. Each output module consists of one current amplifier, and a voltage amplifier. The voltage amplifier may be converted to a current source. Therefore, one amplifier module may be used to test current differential relays, including harmonic restraint.
Output Current
The following specifications cover both Model 8430 and Model 8415 modules. Outputs are rated with the following:
Model 8430
Per phase:
Output Current Power Max V
4 Amperes 200 VA 50.0 Vrms
7.5 Amperes 200 VA 26.7 Vrms 15 Amperes 200 VA 13.4 Vrms 30 Amperes 200 VA 6.67 Vrms DC 200 Watts
With two currents in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V
8 Amperes 400 VA 50.0 Vrms 15Amperes 400 VA 26.7 Vrms 30 Amperes 400 VA 13.4 Vrms 60 Amperes 400 VA 6.67 Vrms
With three currents in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V
12 Amperes 600 VA 50.0 Vrms
22.5Amperes 600 VA 26.7 Vrms 45 Amperes 600 VA 13.4 Vrms 90 Amperes 600 VA 6.67 Vrms
With four currents in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V
16 Amperes 800 VA 50.0 Vrms 30 Amperes 800 VA 26.7 Vrms 60 Amperes 800 VA 13.4 Vrms 120 Amperes 800 VA 6.67 Vrms
Power Curve for Model 8430
With two currents in series, the compliance voltage doubles to provide 4.0 Amperes at 100 Volts.
Model 8415
Per phase:
Output Current Power Max V
4 Amperes 200 VA 50.0 Vrms
7.5 Amperes 200 VA 26.7 Vrms 15 Amperes 200 VA 13.4 Vrms DC 200 Watts
With two currents in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V
8 Amperes 400 VA 50 Vrms 15 Amperes 400 VA 26.7 Vrms 30 Amperes 400 VA 13.4 Vrms
Megger Protective Relay Test System
With three currents in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V
12 Amperes 600 VA 50 Vrms
22.5Amperes 600 VA 26.7 Vrms 45 Amperes 600 VA 13.4 Vrms
With four currents in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V
16 Amperes 800 VA 50 Vrms 30 Amperes 800 VA 26.7 Vrms 60 Amperes 800 VA 13.4 Vrms
Battery Simulator
The battery simulator provides the following DC output: 24, 48, 125 or 250 Volts at 60 Watts. Voltage output is controlled via the Touch-View Interface, or through AVTS software.
Measured output quantities such as AC Amperes, AC Volts, DC Volts or DC Amperes, and Time may be simultaneously displayed on the large, variable contrast, color LCD touch screen. The memory feature of the metering provides fast and accurate preset of test values. The AC and DC outputs display the approximate voltage/current output prior to initiation of the outputs. This provides a fast, easy method for preset of outputs. Other values that may be displayed, depending on which test screen is in view, are phase angle, frequency, Ohms, Watts, VARS and Power Factor. All Accuracies stated are from 10 to 100% of the range at 50/60 Hz.
AC Voltage Amplitude
Accuracy: ±0.05% typical, 0.1% guaranteed.
Resolution: .0001/.001/.01 Measurements: True RMS
AC Current Amplitude
Accuracy: ±0.05% typical, 0.1% or ±20 mA, which ever is greater, guaranteed.
Resolution: .0001/.001/.01 Measurements: True RMS
DC Voltage Amplitude
Accuracy: ±0.1% typical, 0.25 % guaranteed. Resolution: .0001/.001/.01 Measurements: True RMS
DC Current Amplitude
Accuracy: ±0.1% typical, 0.25 % or ±20 mA, which ever is greater, guaranteed.
Resolution: .0001/.001/.01 Measurements: True RMS
Convertible Source in AC Current Mode
Accuracy: ±0.05% typical, 0.1 % or ±12.5 mA, which ever is greater, guaranteed.
Resolution: .0001 Measurements: True RMS
Phase Angle
Ranges 0.01 to 359.99 degrees, Counter Clock Wise, or Clock Wise rotation, or ±0.01 to ±180.00 degrees Accuracy: ± 0.02° typical ± 0.25° at 50/60 Hz max
The output modules provide a variable frequency output with the following ranges and accuracy.
0.001 to 1000.000 Hz
Output amplifiers can provide transient signals with a range of DC to 10 kHz for transient playback.
Resolution: .001 Hz Frequency Accuracy:
2.5 ppm typical 25 ppm 0° to 50° C, at 50/60 Hz
Total Harmonic Distortion:
Less than 0.1% typical, 2% maximum at 50/60 Hz.
Power Curve for Model 8415
With two currents in series, the compliance voltage doubles to provide 4.0 Amperes at 100 Volts.
AC Voltage Output
The following specifications cover both the Model 8430 and 8415 modules. Outputs are rated with the following Ranges:
Model 8430
Per phase:
Output Volts Power Max I
30 Volts 150 VA 5 Amps 150 Volts 150 VA 1 Amp 300 Volts 150 VA 0.5 A DC 150 Watts
With two voltages in series:
Output Volts Power Max I
60 Volts 300 VA 5 Amps 300 Volts 300 VA 1 A 600 Volts 300 VA 0.5 A
With three converted sources in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V 15Amperes 450 VA 30 Vrms
Model 8415
Per phase:
Output Volts Power Max I
30 Volts 150 VA 5 Amps 150 Volts 150 VA 1 Amp DC 150 Watts
With two voltages in series:
Output Volts Power Max I
60 Volts 300 VA 5 Amps 300 Volts 300 VA 1 A
With three converted sources in parallel:
Output Current Power Max V
15Amperes 450 VA 30 Vrms
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