Atec MG3690B User Manual

Technical Datasheet
RF/Microwave Signal Generators
RF/Microwave Signal Generator, 0.1 Hz to 70 GHz/325 GHz
The MG3690B is the “ideal microwave signal generator” because it offers unsurpassed frequency coverage, leveled output power, spectral purity, switching speed, modulation performance, size, upgradeability, reliability, and service. Our signal generators are configurable for a broad range of applications from R&D to manufacturing and depot repair. Anritsu provides you a total solution including proven reliability and standard 3 year warranty plus pre- and post-sale support that is the best in the industry.
The Ideal Signal Generator
The specifications in the following pages describe the warranted performance of the g
enerator for 25 ± 10°C. Typical specifications describe expected, but not warranted,
performance based on sample testing.
Frequency Coverage
Model/Option No. Frequency Coverage Output Type
G3691B 2 to 10 GHz K(f)
G3692B 2 to 20 GHz K(f)
MG3693B 2 to 30 GHz K(f)
G3694B 2 to 40 GHz K(f)
G3695B 2 to 50 GHz V(f)
MG3696B 2 to 67 GHz* V(f)
ption 4 10 MHz to 2.2 GHz Model No. Dependent
ption 5 10 MHz to 2 GHz Model No. Dependent
Option 22 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz Model No. Dependent
Operational to 70 GHz
Options 4 and 5: Frequency extension down to 10 MHz Two options are available to extend the 2 GHz low end frequency limit of the base models down to 10 MHz. Option 4 uses a digital down-converter (DDC) with successive divide-by-two circuitry. It offers the best phase noise performance of the two choices, at the expense of some analog performance <500 MHz. In that range, analog sweep mode is not available, and pulse modulation performance is specified as typical. In addition, frequency and phase modulation mod index is scaled by the division ratio of each band of the DDC. Option 5 maintains all analog performance by using a heterodyne mixing down-converter
Option 22: Frequency extension down to DC If frequency coverage down to 0.1 Hz is desired, Option 22 can be added with either Option 4 or 5. Option 22 uses Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) for CW and Step Sweep modes of operation. Modulation and analog sweep are not available in the DDS band. Frequency resolution <10 MHz is 0.02 Hz. Output power across the complete instrument frequency range is degraded by 2 dB.
CW Mode
Output: Twenty independent, presettable CW frequencies (F0 – F9 and M0 –M9).
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Internal Time Base Stability:
With Aging: <2 x 10–9/day (<5 x10 With Temperature: <2 x 10
x 10
/deg C with Option 16)
/day with Option 16)
/deg C over 0˚C to 55˚C
Resolution: 0.01 Hz
External 10 MHz Reference Input: Accepts external 10 MHz ±50 Hz (typical), 0 to
+20 dBm time base signal. Automatically disconnects the internal high-stability time-base option, if installed. BNC, rear panel, 50
impedance. Selectable Bandwidth for best
phase noise immunity or best phase tracking performance.
10 MHz Reference Output: 1 Vp-p into 50, AC coupled. Rear panel BNC; 50
Phase Offset: Adjustable in 0.1 degree steps.
Electronic Frequency Control (EFC) Input: –5V to +5V input range;
.Fout Hz/V sensitivity (typical); 250 Hz Modulation BW; Rear panel BNC;
5 x 10
Phase-Locked Step Sweep Mode
Sweep W
sweep range is phase-locked.
Accuracy: Same as internal or external 10 MHz time base.
Resolution (Minimum Step Size): 0.01 Hz
Independently selected, 0.01 Hz to full range. Every frequency step in
Linear/Log Sweep: User-selectable linear or log sweep. I
n log sweep, step size logarithmically increases with frequency.
Steps: User-selectable number of steps or the step size.
Number of Steps: Variable from 1 to 10,000
Step Size: 0.01 Hz to the full frequency range of the instrument.
(If the step size does not divide into the selected frequency range, the last step is truncated.)
Dwell Time Per Step: Variable from 1 ms to 99 seconds
Fixed Rate Sweep: Allows the user to set the total time of the sweep,
including lock time. Variable from 20 ms to 99 seconds.
Analog Sweep Mode (Option 6)
Sweep Width: Independently selected from 1 MHz to full frequency range. With Option 4, Digital Down Converter, Analog sweep is only available ≥500 MHz. Analog sweep is not available <10 MHz with Option 22.
Accuracy: The lesser of ±30 MHz or (±2 MHz + 0.25% of sweep width) for Sweep Speeds of
50 MHz/ms (typical)
Sweep Time Range: 30 ms to 99 seconds
Alternate Sweep Mode
Sweeps alternately in step sweep between any two sweep ranges. Each sweep range may be associated with a power level.
Manual Sweep Mode
Provides stepped, phase-locked adjustment of frequency between sweep limits. User­selectable number of steps or step size.
List Sweep Mode
Under GPIB control or via the front panel, up to 4 tables with 2000 non-sequential frequency/power sets can be stored and then addressed as a phase-locked step sweep. One table of 2000 points is stored in non-volatile memory, all other tables are stored in volatile memory
Programmable Frequency Agility
Under GPIB control, up to 3202 non-sequential frequency/power sets can be stored and then addressed as a phase-locked step sweep. Data stored in volatile memory.
Up to 20 independent, settable markers (F0 – F9 and M0 – M9).
Video Markers: +5V or –5V marker output, selectable from system menus. AUX I/O connector, rear panel.
Intensity Markers: Produces an intensity dot on analog display traces, obtained by a momentary dwell in RF sweep, in analog sweeps of <1s.
Same as sweep frequency accuracy
Marker Resolution: Analog Sweep:
1MHz or Sweep Width/4096 which ever is greater.
Step Sweep: 0.01 Hz.
Sweep Triggering
Sweep triggering is provided for Analog Frequency Sweep, Step Frequency Sweep,
Frequency Sweep, and
Auto: Triggers sweep automatically.
External: Triggers a sweep on the low to high transition of an external TTL signal. AUX
I/O connector
, rear panel.
Single: Triggers, aborts, and resets a single sweep. Reset sweep may be selected to be at the top or bottom of the sweep.
CW Power Sweep.
Stored Setups: Stores front panel settings and nine additional front-panel setups in a n
on-volatile RAM. A system menu allows saving and recalling of instrument setups. Whenever the instrument is turned on, control settings come on at the same functions and values existing when the instrument was turned off.
Memory Sequencing Input: Accepts a TTL low-level signal to sequence through ten s
tored setups. AUX I/O connector, rear panel.
Self-Test: Instrument self-test is performed when Self-Test soft-key is selected. If an error is detected, an error message is displayed in a window on the LCD identifying the probable cause and remedy.
Secure Mode: Disables all frequency and power level state displays. Stored setups saved in secure mode remain secured when recalled. Mode selectable from a system menu and via GPIB.
arameter Entry:Instrument-controlled parameters can be entered in three ways:
keypad, rotary data knob, or the keypad is used to enter new parameter values; the rotary data knob and the cursor­control key are used to edit existing parameter values. The cursor-control key move the cursor left and right one digit under the open parameter. The rotary data knob or the ∧ and ∨ touch pads will increment or decrement the digit position over the cursor. Controlled parameters are frequency, power level, sweep time, dwell time, and number of steps. Keypad entries are terminated by pressing the appropriate soft key. Edits are terminated by exiting the edit menu.
Reset: Returns all instrument parameters to predefined default states or values. Any pending GPIB I/O is aborted. Selectable from the system menu.
Master/Slave Operation: Allows two output signals to be swept with a user-selected frequency offset. One instrument controls the other via AUX I/O and SERIAL I/O connections. Requires a Master/Slave Interface Cable Set (Part No. ND36329).
User Level Flatness Correction: Allows user to calibrate out path loss due to external switching and cables via entered power table from a GPIB power meter or calculated data. When user level correction is activated, entered power levels are delivered at the point where calibration was performed. Supported power meters are ML2438A, and ML4803A and HP 437B, 438A, and 70100A. Five user tables are available with up to 801 points/table.
Warm Up Time:
From Standby: 30 minutes. From Cold Start (0 deg C): 120 hours to achieve specified frequency stability with aging.
and touch pads of the cursor-control key. The
and touch pads of the
Anritsu ML2437A,
Instruments disconnected from AC line power for more than 72 hours require 30 days to return to specified frequency stability with aging.
Power: 85-264 Vac, 48-440 Hz, 250 VA maximum
Standby: With ac line power connected, unit is placed in standby when front panel
power switch is released from the OPERATE position.
Weight: 18 kg maximum
Dimensions: 133 H x 429 W x 450 D mm
Warranty: 3 years from ship date
emote Operation
All instrument functions, settings, and operating modes (except for power on/standby) a
re controllable using commands sent from an external computer via the GPIB
(IEEE-488 interface bus).
GPIB Address: Selectable from a system menu
EEE-488 Interface Function Subset:
Source Handshake: Acceptor Handshake: AH1 Talker: T6 Listener: L4 S
ervice Request:SR1
Remote/Local: RL1 Parallel Poll: PP1 Device Clear: DC1 Device Trigger: DT1 C
ontroller Capability:C0, C1, C2, C3, C28
Tri-State Driver: E2
GPIB Status Annunciators: When the instrument is operating in Remote, the GPIB
status annunciators (listed below) will appear in a window on the front panel LCD.
Remote: Operating on the GPIB (all instrument front panel keys except for the SYSTEM key and the RETURN TO LOCAL soft-key will be ignored).
LO (Local Lockout):Disables the RETURN TO LOCAL soft-key. Instrument can
be placed in local mode only via GPIB or by cycling line power.
Emulations: The instrument responds to the published GPIB commands and responses
Anritsu Models 6600, 6700,and 6XX00-series signal sources. When emulating
of the another signal source, the instrument will be limited to the capabilities, mnemonics, and parameter resolutions of the emulated instrument.
Environmental (MIL-PRF-28800F, class 3)
Storage Temperature Range: –40 to +75°C
Operating Temperature Range: 0 to +50°C
Relative Humidity: 5% to 95% at 40°C
Altitude: 4,600 meters, 43.9 cm Hg
EMI: Meets the emission and immunity requirements of
EN61326: 1998 EN55011: 1991/CISPR-11:1990 Group 1 Class A EN61000-4-2: 1995 – 4 kV CD, 8 kV AD EN61000-4-3: 1997 – 3 V/m EN61000-4-4: 1995 – 0.5 kV SL, 1 kV PL EN61000-4-5: 1995 – 1 kV – 2 kV L-E EN61000-4-6: 1996 EN61000-4-11: 1994
Safety Directive: EN 61010-1: 1993 + A1: 92 + A2: 95
Random, 5-500 Hz, 0.015-0.0039g2/Hz PSD Sinusoidal, 5-55 Hz, 0.33 mm displacement
Frequency Switching Time
Spectral Purity
ree Running Mode:
(Step or List Sweep)
tsw= Switching Time, Unlocked
= Locked Time = 1ms + t
tdw= Dwell Time, after locking. Selectable, 1 ms minimum
tlk(min) = 2 ms
ingle Frequency Trigger Mode:
(List, non-sequential, and CFx modes)
All specifications apply at the lesser of +10 dBm output or maximum specified leveled o
utput power, unless otherwise noted.
purious Signals
Harmonic and Harmonically-related:
Frequency Range Standard
.1 Hz to 10 MHz (Option 22) <–30 dBc
0 MHz to
100 MHz to ≤2.2 GHz (Option 4)
10 MHz to
50 MHz to
>2 GHz (2.2 GHz w/Option 4) to 20 GHz
>20 GHz to
40 GHz to ≤50 GHz (MG3695B)
>40 GHz to 67 GHz (MG3696B)
–30 dBc typical with high power Option 15
20 GHz to 21 GHz and 39 - 40 GHz – 20 dBc typical
00 MHz (Option 4)
50 MHz (Option 5)
GHz (Option 5)
40 GHz
–40 dBc
<–50 dBc
–30 dBc
<–40 dBc
<–60 dBc*
–40 dBc*
<–40 dBc*
<–25 dBc
Frequency Range Standard
0.1 Hz to 10 MHz (Option 22) <–30 dBc
0 MHz to
10 MHz to ≤2 GHz (Option 5)
2 GHz (2.2 GHz w/Option 4) to ≤67 GHz
.2 GHz (Option 4)
–60 dBc
<–40 dBc
<–60 dBc
Switching Time (tsw)
5 ms + 1 ms/GHz step not starting at, or crossing dwell frequencies
7 ms + 1 ms/GHz (typical) step not starting at, or crossing band switching frequencies
8 ms + 1 ms/GHz (typical) step starting at, or crossing band switching frequencies
Band Switching Dwell Frequencies: 2 (2.2 w/Opt. 4), 10, 20, 40 GHz
Filter Switching Dwell Frequencies: 3.3, 5.5, 8.4, 13.25, 25, 32 GHz
<2.2 GHz w/Opt. 4: 12.5, 15.625, 22.5, 31.25, 43.75, 62.5,
125, 175, 250, 350, 500, 700, MHz
*Not applicable with FM mode active
Power Line and Fan Rotation Spurious Emissions (dBc):
Frequency <300 Hz
10 to 500 MHz (Option 4)
>500 to 1050 MHz (Option 4)
2200 MHz (Option 4)
>1050 to
0.01 to 8.4 GHz
>8.4 to 20 GHz
40 GHz
>20 to
>40 to 67 GHz
<–68 <–72 <–72
<–62 <–72 <–72
<–56 <–66 <–66
<–50 <–60 <–60
<–46 <–56 <–60
<–40 <–50 <–54
<–34 <–44 <–48
Offset from Carrier
300 Hz to 1 kHz >1 kHz
Residual FM (CW and Step Sweep modes, 50 Hz - 15 kHz BW):
ual FM (Hz RMS)
Frequency Range
8.4 GHz
>8.4 to 20 GHz <40 <220
>20 to 40 GHz
>40 to 67 GHz
Option 3 Standard
<40 <120
<80 <440
<160 <880
Residual FM (Analog Sweep and Unlocked FM modes, 50 Hz - 15 kHz BW):
Resid ual FM (kHz RMS)
Frequency Range
0.01 to 20 GHz
>20 GHz to 40 GHz
>40 GHz to
67 GHz
Unlocked Narrow
FM mode
<5 <25
<10 <50
<20 <100
Unlocked Wide
FM mode or
Analog Sweep (typ.)
AM Noise Floor:
Typically <–145 dBm/Hz at 0 dBm output and offsets >5 MHz from carrier.
ingle-Sideband Phase Noise*
Single-Sideband Phase Noise (dBc/Hz): (Typical)
requency Range
0.1 Hz to <10 MHz (Option 22)
0 MHz to <500 MHz (Option 4)
500 MHz to <2.2 GHz (Option 4)
0 MHz to <2 GHz (Option 5)
GHz to ≤6GHz
6 GHz to
10 GHz to
>20 GHz to
40 GHz to
0 GHz
0 GHz
40 GHz
7 GHz
00 Hz
90 (–110) –120 (–125) –130 (–139) –130 (–141)
94 (–98) –106 (–115) –104 (–114) –120 (–127)
82 (–90) –94 (–102) –92 (–100) –108 (–117)
–77 (–85) –88 (–92) –85 (–91) –100 (–108)
77 (–79) –88 (–92) –86 (–90) –102 (–112)
–73 (–78) –86 (–91) –83 (–90) –102 (–107)
66 (–72) –78 (–84) –77 (–83) –100 (–104)
–60 (–66) –75 (–78) –72 (–77) –94 (–98)
–54 (–60) –69 (–72) –64 (–71) –88 (–92)
Single-Sideband Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) – Option 30: (Typical)
requency Range
0.1 Hz to <10 MHz (Option 22)
0 MHz to <500 MHz (Option 4)
500 MHz to <2.2 GHz (Option 4)
0 MHz to <2 GHz (Option 5)
2 GHz to 6 GHz
>6 GHz to
10 GHz
>10 GHz to
>20 GHz to
>40 GHz to
20 GHz
40 GHz
67 GHz
10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
60 (–100)
–77 (–82)
–64 (–70)
64 (–68)
–54 (–61)
–52 (–60)
–45 (–49)
–45 (–49)
–37 (–41)
Offset from Carrier
Offset from Carrier
90 (–1
–99 (–100) –1
–86 (–92) –98 (–106) –98 (–107) –110 (–119) –135 (–143)
83 (–86) –93 (–100) –93 (–100) –100 (–108)
–77 (–82) –93 (–98) –93 (–99) –102 (–112) –130 (–136)
–73 (–78) –93 (–96) –93 (–99) –105 (–112) –128 (–136)
–68 (–73) –86 (–91) –86 (–93) –100 (–108) –125 (–135)
–63 (–67) –80 (–85) –80 (–87) –94 (–102) –119 (–129)
–57 (–61) –74 (–79) –74 (–81) –88 (–96) –113 (–123)
120 (–125) –130 (–139) –130 (–141)
0 (–118)
0 (–117)
0 kHz
00 kHz
130 (–141)
–122 (–129) –142 (–146)
111 (–115)
Single-Sideband Phase Noise (dBc/Hz) – Option 3: (Typical)
Frequency Range
0.1 Hz to <10 MHz (Option 22)
10 MHz to 15.625 MHz (Option 4)
>15.625 MHz to
>31.25 MHz to
>62.5 MHz to 125 MHz (Option 4)
>125 MHz to
>250 MHz to
>500 MHz to 1050 MHz (Option 4)
>1050 MHz to 2200 MHz (Option 4)
10 MHz to <2 GHz (Option 5)
2 GHz to 6 GHz
>6 GHz to 10 GHz
>10 GHz to 20 GHz
>20 GHz to
>40 GHz to 67 GHz
*Phase noise is specified and guaranteed only with internal reference. In External Reference mode, the phase noise of the external supplied reference, and the selected external reference bandwidth,
will dictate the instrument phase noise performance. Phase noise is not degraded when adding high power Option 15.
31.25 MHz (Option 4)
62.5 MHz (Option 4)
250 MHz (Option 4)
500 MHz (Option 4)
40 GHz
10 Hz 100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
–60 (–100) –90 (–110) –120 (–125) –130 (–139) –130 (–141) –130 (–141)
–105 (–118) –126 (–133) –139 (–145) –142 (–148) –141 (–148) –145 (–149)
–99 (–114)
–90 (–111) –114 (–121) –129 (–143) –136 (–146) –136 (–146) –144 (–152)
–88 (–98) –108 (–116) –127 (–130) –135 (–143) –133 (–143) –144 (–148)
–84 (–90) –102 (–110) –125 (–129) –132 (–137) –130 (–135) –143 (–147)
–77 (–83) –99 (–103) –123 (–128) –125 (–131) –124 (–129) –142 (–146)
–71 (–77) –93 (–100) –118 (–122) –121 (–126) –119 (–124) –138 (–144)
–66 (–71) –86 (–96) –112 (–116) –115 (–121) –113 (–119) –135 (–143)
–64 (–78) –83 (–88) –100 (–106) –102 (–1
–54 (–60) –77 (–86) –104 (–108) –108 (–113) –107 (–112) –130 (–136)
–52 (–57) –73 (–81) –100 (–105) –107 (–114) –107 (–113) –128 (–136)
–45 (–49) –68 (–76) –94 (–100) –102 (–108) –102 (–107) –125 (–135)
–45 (–49) –63 (–70) –92 (–94) –98 (–102) –98 (–101) –119 (–129)
–37 (–40) –57 (–69) –86 (–88) –92 (–96) –90 (–95) –113 (–123)
–120 (–127) –134 (–144) –137 (–147) –137 (–147) –145 (–150)
Offset from Carrier
–102 (–108) –1
1 (–1
RF Output
SSB Phase Noise
L(f ) dBc/Hz
10 GHz
100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
10 MHz
Standard Performance
Ultra-Low Performance (with Option 3)
Option 30
Power level specifications apply at 25 ±10˚C.
Maximum Leveled Output Power***:
Model Number Configuration
* ≤2.2 GHz with Option 4
** >2.2 GHz with Option 4
*** For output power with Option 22, 0.1 Hz to 10 MHz coverage, derate all specifications by 2 dB
**** Typical 60 to 67 GHz
w/opt 4 or 5
w/opt 4 or 5
w/opt 4 or 5
w/opt 4 or 5
w/opt 4 or 5
w/opt 4 or 5
Typical MG3690B single sideband phase noise at 10 GHz carrier.
Standard and Ultra-Low performance with Option 3.
Frequency Range
<2* GHz
2** to 10 GHz
<2* GHz2** to 10 GHz >10 to 20 GHz
<2* GHz2** to 10 GHz
20 GHz
>10 to >20 to
30 GHz
<2* GHz2** to 10 GHz
20 GHz
>10 to
40 GHz
>20 to
<2* GHz
20 GHz
≥2** to
50 GHz
>20 to
<2* GHz ≥2** to
20 GHz
67 GHz
>20 to
Output Power
+19.0 +19.0
+19.0 +19.0 +17.0
+15.0 +15.0 +12.0
+15.0 +15.0 +12.0
+12.0 +10.0
+12.0 +10.0
Output Power
With Step
Attenuator (dBm)
+18.0 +18.0
+18.0 +18.0 +15.0
+14.0 +14.0 +10.0
+14.0 +14.0 +10.0
+8.0 +0.0
+8.0 +0.0****
Output Power
With Electronic
Step Attenuator (dBm)
+15.0 +13.0
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
Not Available
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