MD 103
Calibration procedures on ESD generators call for high class test equipment and a carefully confi gured
test rig. All the elements incorporated within the measurement chain must be matched to one another
before highly accurate measurements with minimal uncertainties can be contemplated.
Faster oscilloscopes enable more complete measurements and analyses of the fast ESD pulses but, of
course, the rest of the components in the measurement chain must be up to the necessary standard and
exhibit the appropriate frequency response. Therefore the MD 103 set offers a complete measuring path
from the target to the attenuator up to the high quality coax cable. The whole path has to be left together
and should not be disassembled into parts, as the whole coupling path is calibrated in one piece.
An important component in this chain is the measurement target. Through a collaborative effort with
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, a new type of construction has been developed featuring a
Target for precise ESD pulse
Very small insertion loss variation
Precise gold plated construction
Includes target, attenuator and
ISO 17025 calibration certificate
for the whole set
distortion-free, fl at frequency characteristic up to at least 6 GHz.
Standardization committees work on th e pulse de fi nitio ns of ESD generators to be specifi ed more accu-
rately and hence to ensure greater reproducibility during test trials. Simultaneously the description
of the calibration test rig confi guration and the measurement conditions have been newly and more
precisely specifi ed.
The newest recommendations are written in the form of a draft standard that has been submitted to
the ANSI as well as the IEC. Results from extensive round robin investigations confi rm the feasibility
and usefulness of tougher calibration requirements. The draft standard specifi es the overall variation
of the insertion loss of the whole measurement chain including cabling and any additional attenuators
as follows:
±0.3 dB up to 1 GHz
±1 dB between 1 and 4 GHz
As a result, the S21 parameter (insertion loss) of a target becomes a decisive factor. The classical
measurement shunt can no longer satisfy these increased demands. The MD 103 target fulfi ls these
specifi cations comfortably. The MD 103 is manufactured with the highest mechanical and electrical
precision and therefore very narrow tolerances are assured. All the important elements are gold plated.
The target is supplied ready for mounting in a screening wall.
The MD 103 is a measurement device for calibration laboratories and specialists, who work right at the
cutting edge of the latest technological know-how. The set will be delivered as a complete chain, consisting of target, attenuator, cable and a ISO 17025 calibration certifi cate including all relevant calibration
da ta and grap hs. A cali bra tio n adap ter is als o sup pli ed with eac h tar get as stand ard. Tha nks to the exc el-
lent frequency characteristic and the accurately determined parameters this target cannot negatively
infl uence the uncertainty budget of the measurement chain as a whole.

MD 103
Technical specifications
Insertion loss [dB]
Frequency [Hz]
Variation of insertion loss <0.2 dB up to 1 GHz
(S21 parameter): <0.3 dB up to 4 GHz
Shunt resistance: 1.03 Ω (SMD design)
Calibration pulse amplitude: 1/2/4/8 kV
Max. pulse amplitude: 30 kV
Calibration adapter: Refl ection coeffi cient (placed face to face)
<-40 dB up to 1 GHz
<-25 dB up to 6 GHz
Insertion loss (placed face to face)
>-0.05 dB up to 6 GHz
Characteristic impedance 50 Ω ± 1 Ω up to 6 GHz
Target parts: Gold plated
Cable connectors: Type N
<0.5 dB up tp 6 GHz
Teseq AG
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T + 41 32 681 40 4 0 F + 41 32 681 4 0 48
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© February 2011 Teseq®
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Tes eq
is an ISO -regis tered co mpany. Its p roduc ts
are designed and manufactured under the strict
qualit y and env ironmen tal requirements of the ISO
9001. This documen t h as been carefully checked.
However, Teseq
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691-02 9A February 2011
does not assume any liability for
Ordering information
MD 103 MD 103 ESD target set
including: ESD target, 20 dB attenuator, high precision coax cable,
solid case with spare place for INA 103 and special screw tool,
manual, calibration certifi cate conform to ISO 17025
INA 103 Calibration adapter including: measuring adapter with N-connector
and special screw tool