Atec M6204 User Manual

IEC Flicker Impedance
Three Phase
16 Arms/Phase
IEC 60725 Compliant
M6204 IEC Flicker Impedance
Standard Features:
Three Phase Flicker Impedance Network
Supports both single and three phase icker testing of UUT’s up to 16Arms per phase
Impedances Values per IEC 60725
Line Impedance: 0.24 Ω+ 0.15 j
Neutral Impedance: 0.16 Ω + 0.10j
Compatible with 360AMXT and 3120AMXT AC Source Models
IEC Impedance is matched to AC Source Output impedance for exact IEC 60725 matching
High Qualify Impedance Components Used
Low Thermal Drift and Forced Air Cooling while under Load Ensures Constant Flicker Impedance during Long Flicker Test Runs
Dual Connectors on Rear Panel
Multiple Terminal Blocks Provided for Power, Voltage Sense and Power Analyzer Connections Simplies Connections
Standard 19” Rack Mount Enclosure
Fits easily on Lab Bench, on top of the AC Power Source used or in an Instrument Cabinet
Standards Supported:
IEC 61000-3-3 / EN 61000-3-3
IEC 61000-4-13 / EN 61000-4-13
IEC 61000-4-27/ EN 61000-4-27
IEC 60725
IEC Flicker Impedance
The M6204 unit provides the requisite lumped impedance between the AC Power Source and the Unit Under Test (UUT) used to test for icker compliance to IEC 61000­3-3. Designed to meet IEC 60725 - Consideration of reference impedances and public supply network impedances for use in determining the disturbance characteristics of electrical equipment having a rated current ≤75 A per phase – the M6204 simulates the typical public utility impedance characteristics found in most European countries in order to provide a common icker measurement reference.
Three Phase and Single Phase UUT Testing
A separate impedance network in the Neutral leg ensures full compliance to IEC 61000-3-3 and IEC 60725 even under imbalanced three phase load conditions. The same three phase Impedance network is also fully capable of supporting single phase Flicker test. In this case, the Phase A impedance and Neutral impedance combine together to provide the required Z impedance.
= 0.40 Ω + 0.25 j Ω single phase
Full 16 Arms per Phase Capable
The use of high quality components with low thermal drift and high saturation resistance ensures a stable impedance network throughout the entire icker test duration – typically two hours. This is augmented by ecient yet quiet forced air cooling. Testing to the full 16 Arms per phase as required for products that fall under the IEC 61000-3-3 Flicker Standard is fully supported by this lumped impedance with ample margin for temporary overload conditions.
AC Source Matched
The M6204 impedance is factory calibrated and matched to the AMX AC Power Source Model it is used with. This ensures that the combination of AC Source Output Impedance and Lumped Impedance adds up to the requisite IEC 60725 Impedance values. This prevents unwanted system level errors that can occur when the IEC Flicker Impedance is sourced from a dierent vendor as the AC Power Source.
The Leader in AC Power Technology
An early pioneer in the development solid-state power conversion equipment, Pacic Power Source continues to develop, manufacture, and market both linear and high-performance PWM AC Power Sources. Pacic’s reputation as a market and technology leader is best demonstrated by its continuing investments in both research and development and world-wide customer support. With corpo­rate owned oces in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, and China, local personalized support is always available.
IEC Flicker Impedance
Flicker Testing
The M6204 IEC Flicker Impedance provides the required lumped impedance to create a Flicker test system consisting of a Programmable AC Power Source, an IEC compliant Flicker Meter or Power Analyzer with Flicker measurement mode and the required lumped impedance between the AC Source and the UUT. The IEC Flicker standard is based on analyzing voltage uctuations caused by changes in UUT load current working against a reference impedance (Z sen to simulate the typical public utility impedance found in Europe. An incorrect or out of tolerance Flicker Impedance can lead to signicant errors in Flicker measurement results.
Requirements for the IEC Flicker Impedance when testing UUT’s with Currents up to 75 Arms per phase are covered by IEC Standard 60725, currently at revision 3.0. For UUT’s with phase currents of 16 Arms per phase or less (either single or three phase UUT’s), the required Z lowing nominal values:
is dened as a combination of resistive and inductive components with the fol-
Phase Impedances: ZL = 0.24 + j0.15 Ω each phase
Neutral Impedance: ZN = 0.16 + j0.10 Ω
). Z
was cho-
For single phase applications, the Phase A and Neutral impedance combine to provide the required single phase Z Z = 0.40 + j0.25 Ω so the same M6204 Impedance can be used for either single or three phase Flicker testing.
Other IEC Test Standards
The same IEC Flicker impedance is also called out to be used during other IEC Tests. Examples of some of these IEC Test Standards are shown in the table below.
IEC Reference Descritption
IEC 61000-4-13 Harmonics and Inter Harmonics Immunity Test IEC 61000-4-27 Unbalance, immunity test for equipment with input current not exceeding 16 A per phase
The M6204 Impedance is compatible with these IEC 61000-4 Immunity test standards.
High Quality
The M6204 IEC Flicker Impedance is constructed of high quality resistive and inductive components sized to handle load currents up to 16Arms with ease. Proper heat sinking and forced airow ensure stable operation over a wide temperature range, even under full load conditions that can persist for many hours. The same impedance module can be used for either Single phase or Three phase UUT Flicker testing without the need to rewire or re-congure.
Lumped Impedance
Compared to “synthesized or electronic” impedance solutions as employed by some manufacturers, the M6204 pro­vides the required separate Neutral Impedance which is not available on AC Sources with synthesized impedance. This ensures accurate Flicker measurement results under all circumstances, including unbalanced three phase load conditions caused by the UUT.
Furthermore, synthesized impedance circuits often have a limited frequency range and may closely approximate the required impedance at 50Hz but will not accurately simulate the eect of higher current harmonic frequency components present in UUT current for non-linear loads. A lumped impedance like the M6204 does not have such a frequency dependency and will correctly respond to current harmonics.
AC Source Matching
Since most AC Power Sources have a non-zero output impedance, adding the lumped impedance to an AC Source will have a cumulative eect resulting in an overall combined output impedance to the UUT that will exceed the ac­tual Z test where it otherwise would have.
By obtaining both the AC Power Source and the IEC Flicker Impedance from the same manufacturer, you can be sure both are matched. This means the lumped impedance as well as the AC Source output impedance is adjusted to ensure the combined impedance is within Z
value. This will result in overstated Flicker measurement results that may lead to an UUT not passing Flicker
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