Atec cw240 User Manual

CW240 Clamp-on Power Meter
Characteristics 1
Electric power analysis and power
supply quality control in a single unit.
Characteristics 2
V Range : 150/300/600/1000 A Range : Minimum 200.0mA(96036)
Maximum 3000A (96034/35)
Measuring Mode : All items can be measured at the same time
Wiring : 1 phase 2W, 1 phase 3W, 1 phase 3W3i (Neutral line current)
3 phase 3W2i, 3 phase 3W3i (3-wattmeter method), 3 phase 4W,
3 phase 4W4i (Neutral line current) Multiple System Load Measurement :
1 phase 2W X2/ X3/ X4, 1 phase 3W X2, 3 phase 3W X2,
SCOTT Wiring (1 phase 3W +3 phase 3W)
Data Saving : PC Card, Internal Memory (1MB) Data Saving Interval :Standard 1/2/5/10/15/30 sec 1/2/5/10/15/30/60 min
Short time 1 Cycle/0.1/0.2/0.5 sec (Only for Instantaneous Value)
Function : Leak Current
Analog I/O
Wiring & Setting Check
Display Hard Copy, Instantaneous Value Data Saving
Instantaneous Value (Wave form) / Electric Energy /Demand / Harmonics / Voltage Fluctuation
2004.10.18 2nd (MC)
Item Voltage (V) Input type Resistive potential division Rated Value (Range) 150.0/300.0/600.0/1000V
Phase/Wiring Measurement
1P2W/1P3W/1P3W3i(Nutral line current)/3P3W2i2-wattmeter method)/3P3W3i(3- wattmeter method),3P4W/3P4W4i(Nutral line current, SCOTT wiring 1P3W + 3P3W)
Current (A)
Clamp detection
96036 (2A) 200.0/500.0mA/1.000/2.000A 96033 (50A) 5.000/10.00/20.00/50.00 A 96030 (200A) 20.00/50.00/100.0/200.0 A 96031 (500A) 50.00/100.0/200.0/500.0 A 96032 (1000A) 200.0/500.0 A/1.000 kA 96034 3000A range 300.0/750.0 A/1.500/3.000 kA 2000A range 200.0/500.0 A/1.000/2.000 kA     1000A ran 96035 3000A range 300.0/750.0 A/1.500/3.000 kA
     300A ran
100.0/200.0/500.0 A/1.000 kA
30.00/75.00/150.0/300.0 A
Number on measurement system
Input resistance
Common Voltage 1P2W: 4 system load/ 1P3W: 2 system load/ 3P3W2i: 2 system load
roximately 1.3MΩ
Approximately 100kΩ(CW240)
Maximum allowed 1000Vrms 96036 (2A) 20Arms continuous input 96033 (50A) 130Arms
96030 (200A) 250Arms 96031 (500A) 625Arms 96032 (1000A) 700Arms 96034 3000A range 2400Arms 2000A range 2400Arms     1000A ran
96035 3000A range 3600Arms
AD conversion
     300A ran
Simultaneous inversion of Voltage/Current input, PPL synchronism
Measurement function
Parameter Voltage
Frequency range Crest factor Accuracy ±0.2%rdg.±0.1%rng. 96030, 96031, 96033, 96036 ±0.6%rdg.±0.4%rng.
Power factor effects
Effect of reactive factor
Valid input range
Display Range
Temperature coefficient Display update period
Digital sampling 45Hz to 65Hz (Select measurement element from U1, U2 or U3) 3 for rated input (1.8 for 1000 range)
5 to 110% for each range Max 100% for 1000 range Voltage/Current: 0.4 to 130% for each range Zero suppress less than 0.4%) Electric PowerActive, Reactive, Apparent: 0 to 130% for each range Zero suppress if less than 0.17% of range rating) Harmonics Level: 0 to 130% for each range ±0.03%rn
Approximately 0.5 second
Current/Active Power/Reactive Power1Use reactive-power meter method
96032, 96034, 96035 ±1.0%rdg.±0.8%rng.
Except 96030
Except 96030
96030 ±1.0%rn
96030 ±1.0%rn
.(45 to 65Hz,Power factor = ±0.5
45 to 65Hz,Power factor = ±0.5)
.(45 to 65Hz,Power factor = ±0.5
45 to 65HzReactive factor= ±0.5
: reading   rng: range
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2004, Yokogawa M&C Corporation
Frequency measurement
Measurement input : Voltage input: Select from U1,U2 and U3 Measurement frequency range : 45 to 65 Hz Display Range : 40.00 to 70.00 Hz
Accuracy : ±0.1%rdg.±1dgt. When sine wave input is 10 to 130% of voltage range
Low-pass filter function : Cutoff frequency : 300Hz / On/Off setting
Electric energy measurement
Measuring element : Active power, Recursive power, Lag reactive power and Lead reactive power
Measurement accuracy : Measurement Accuracy is +/- 1dgt for Active Power & Reactive Power
Measuring range : Active power
(By setting of Range, Consumption 0.00000 mWh to 999999 GWh VT ratio and CT ratio) Regenerative -0.00000 mWh to -999999 GWh
Reactive power
Lag 0.00000 mvarh to 999999 GVarh Lead -0.00000 mvarh to -999999 Gvarh"
Display digit setting function : Auto setting by rated electric energy, Set minimum resolution, Select from minimum resolution
movement by integrated value
Integration time accuracy : ±20ppm(Typ. , 23 ℃)
Demand mode
Measurement element : Active Power (consumption), Reactive Power(Lag),
Power factor Demand value within each interval time, Active electric energy Consumption, Regenerative), Reactive electric energy (Lag/Lead) (Electric energy within each interval time
Max demand (Electric power consumption demand
value from beginning of logging measurement and its occurrence time
Measurement accuracy : Active power, each measurement accuracy Reactive power = +/- 1 dgt.
All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2004, Yokogawa M&C Corporation
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