California Instruments CSW Series
5550–33300 VA
High Performance Programmable AC and DC Power Source
• Combination AC and DC Power Source
• 40-5,000Hz Output Frequencies
• Arbitrary and Harmonic Waveform Generation
• Built-In Digital Power Analyzer
• Scope Capture Capability
• Power Programming Software
• Constant Power Mode
• Multi-Box Option
The CSW Series represents a new generation of
AC/DC power sources that address the increasing
demands on test equipment to perform additional
functions at a lower cost. By combining a exible
AC/DC power source with a high performance
power analyzer, the Compact CSW Series is
capable of handling complex applications that
have traditionally required multiple systems. The
sleek integrated approach of the CSW avoids
cable clutter that is commonly found in test
systems. All connections are made internally and
the need for digital multimeters, power harmonics
analyzers, and current shunts or clamps is
Since many components in the CSW are shared
between the AC/DC source and the power
analyzer, the total cost of the integrated system is
less than the typical cost of a multiple unit system.
Easy to use controls
The CSW Series is DSP controlled and can be
operated from an easy to use front panel keypad.
Functions are grouped logically and are directly
accessible from the keypad. This eliminates the
need to search through various levels of menus
and/or soft keys. A large analog control knob
can be used to quickly slew output parameters.
This knob is controlled by a dynamic rate change
algorithm that combines the benets of precise
control over small parameter changes with quick
sweeps through the entire range.
The CSW is designed for testing today’s
complex electronics, including avionics,
telecommunications and commercial electronics
requiring low prole, light weight power supplies
Other applications include:
• Testing for real world power conditions using
different waveforms on all 3 phases (including
• Load susceptibility testing with sequence or
event programming and multiple voltage
• Power line disturbance simulation testing
• MIL-STD-704, DO-160, B787 and ABD100
avionics testing
• Power supply testing for AC-DC, DC-DC
converters and UPS’s
• Transients on 12 & 24 VDC for automotive
AC, DC or AC+DC Output
A direct coupled, transformerless design allows
AC and DC on separate phases or on the same
phase. The CSW can be used as a true DC power
supply. High DC content waveforms (up to
312 volts) can be created with no derating of
output power, even with 100% reactive loads,
eliminating the need for a separate DC supply.
Waveform programming is easily accomplished
using the Graphical Users Interface software.
Waveforms can be uploaded and modied from
a digital scope. The waveforms can then be
downloaded to the CSW and output to precisely
simulate real-world conditions.
156–312 V
8–288 A
208 230 400
Programmable Power
9250 Brown Deer Road
San Diego, CA 92121-2267

CSW Series
Flexability in Power Ranges
The CSW Series is based on a 5,550VA power
source. The CSW features selectable Single
or Three Phase output via front panel menu
selection or via remote control interface. Utilizing
Master / Auxilary arrangement the CSW offers
the exibility to paralled up to power levels of
High Crest Factor
With a crest factor of up to 3.5:1; the CSW Series
AC source can drive difcult nonlinear loads with
ease. Since many modern products use switching
power supplies, they have a tendency to pull
high repetitive peak currents. The CSW5550 can
deliver up to 41.5 Amps of repetitive peak current
(156 V range) per phase
Harmonic Waveform Generation
Using the latest DSP technology, the CSW Series
programmable controller is capable of generating
harmonic waveforms to test for harmonics
susceptibility. The Windows Graphical User
Interface program can be used to dene harmonic
waveforms by specifying amplitude and phase for
up to 50 harmonics. The waveform data points
are generated and downloaded by the GUI to
the AC source through the remote interface. Up
to 200 waveforms can be stored in nonvolatile
memory and given a user dened name for easy
Arbitrary Waveform Generation
Harmonically distorted waveform.
Using the provided GUI program or custom
software, the user also has the ability to dene
arbitrary AC waveforms. The arbitrary waveform
method of data entry provides an alternative
method of specifying AC anomalies by providing
specic waveform data points. The GUI program
provides a catalog of custom waveforms and also
allows real-world waveforms captured on a digital
oscilloscope to be downloaded to one of the
many AC source’s waveform memories. Arbitrary
waveform capability is a exible way of simulating
the effect of real-world AC power line conditions
on a unit under test in both engineering and
production environments.
CSW Series - AC and DC Transient Generation
The CSW Series controller has a powerful AC
and DC transient generation system that allows
complex sequences of voltage, frequency and
waveshapes to be generated. This further
enhances the CSW’s capability to simulate
AC line conditions or DC disturbances. When
combined with the multiphase arbitrary waveform
capabilities, the AC and DC output possibilities
are truly exceptional. Transient generation is
controlled independently yet time synchronized
on all three phases. Accurate phase angle control
and synchronized transient list execution provide
unparalleled accuracy in positioning AC output
Transient programming is easily accomplished
Transient List Data Entry from the front panel.
Harmonic waveform, Fund., 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th,11th and 13th.
Two hundred user dened waveforms.
Transient List Data Entry in GUI program.

CSW Series
from the front panel where clearly laid out menu’s
guide the user through the transient denition
The front panel provides a convenient listing
of the programmed transient sequence and
allows for transient execution Start, Stop, Abort
and Resume operations. User dened transient
sequences can be saved to non-volatile memory
for instant recall and execution at a later time.
The included Graphical User Interface program
supports transient denitions using a spreadsheet-
like data entry grid. A library of frequently used
transient programs can be created on disk using
this GUI program.
Harmonic Analysis
The CSW Series provides detailed amplitude
and phase information on up to 50 harmonics
of the fundamental voltage and current (up to
16 kHz). Harmonic content can be displayed
in both tabular and graphical formats on the
front panel LCD for immediate feedback to the
operator. Alternatively, the included GUI program
can be used to display, print and save harmonic
measurement data. Total harmonic distortion of
both voltage and current is calculated from the
harmonic data.
5550–33300 VA
Acquired Current waveform (CSW Display).
Acquired Voltage waveform (CSW Display).
Measurement data for single phase (CSW Display).
Measurement data for all three phases (CSW Display).
Absolute amplitude bar graph display of current harmonics
with cursor positioned at the fundamental (CSW Display).
Voltage harmonic measurement table display in absolute
values (CSW Display)
Waveform Acquisition
The measurement system is based on real-time
digitization of the voltage and current waveforms
using a 4K deep sample buffer. This time domain
information provides detailed information on
both voltage and current waveshapes. Waveform
acquisitions can be triggered at a specic phase
angle or from a transient program to allow precise
positioning of the captured waveform with
respect to the AC source output.
The front panel LCD displays captured waveforms
with cursor readouts. The included GUI program
also allows acquired waveform data to be
displayed, printed, and saved to disk.
Acquired three phase voltage waveforms display on PC.
Multi-Box Option
In many applications high power is required for
a small portion of the testing while a majority of
the tests are performed at reduced power levels.
The controller architecture of the CSW provides
the end-user with a wide array of conguration
options that often eliminate the need to purchase
different AC or DC power systems to meet a
variety of applications. The Multi-Box option is
available which allows multiple channel systems
to be separated into individually controlled stand
alone power sources. By simply connecting the
interface cable between multiple sources the
hardware automatically sets itself to the system
conguration offering Plug and Play performance.
There is no need to modify conguration settings
from the front panel or hardware jumpers located
internally to the source. The multi-box feature
is ideal for end-users planning to increase power
levels or separate a system into multiple smaller