CMC 256plus
CMC 256plus: 6 Phase Current + 4 Phase Voltage Test Set and Universal Calibrator
The CMC 256plus is the first choice for applications requiring very high accuracy. This unit is
not only an excellent test set for protection devices of all kinds but also a universal calibration tool. Its high precision allows the calibration of a wide range of measuring devices,
including: electricity meters of class 0.2, measuring transducers, power quality measurement
devices and phasor measurement units (PMU). Its unique accuracy and flexibility make the
CMC 256plus ideal for protection and measurement equipment manufacturers for research
and development, production and type testing. The CMC 256plus can either be operated by
the Test Universe software running on a PC or by the front panel control device CMControl.
Technical Data
Current generators
Setting range 6-phase AC (L-N)
Power 6-phase AC (L-N)
Distortion (THD+N)
Ranges 1.25 A / 12.5 A (Group A, B) or
Resolution (for respective range)
Max. compliance voltage (L-N)/(L-L)
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana sockets / combination
All data specified are guaranteed, except where indicated otherwise.
OMICRON guarantees the specified data for one year after factory calibration,
within 23 °C ±5 °C (73 °F ±10 °F) in the frequency range from 10 to 100 Hz and
after a warm-up phase > 25 minutes
Rload: 0 ... 0.5 W
rd. = reading, rg. = range
THD+N: Values at 50/60 Hz, > 1 A / 20 V with 20 kHz bandwidth
Rload: > 250 W
Amplitude derating at > 1000 Hz
Data are valid from 0.1 to 12.5 A (current amplifier A or B) and 50 to 300 V
(voltage amplifier) at 50/60 Hz
Permissible load for current outputs:
Range 1.25 A: 0 to 1 W and 1 VA max., cos ϕ = 0.5 to 1
Range 12.5 A: 0 to 0.5 W and 6 VA max., cos ϕ = 0.5 to 1
Permissible load for voltage outputs:
10 VA max. at 50 to 300 V, cos ϕ = 0.5 to 1
6 x 0 ... 12.5 A
3-phase AC (L-N)
1-phase AC (3L-N)
DC (3L-N)
3 x 0 ... 25 A (Group A II B)
1 x 0 ... 75 A (Group A II B), 2 x 0 ... 37.5 A
1 x 0 ... ±35 A (Group A II B), 2 x 0 ... ±17.5 A
6 x 80 VA typ. at 8.5 A, 6 x 70 VA guar. at 7.5 A
3-phase AC (L-N) 3 x 160 VA typ. at 17 A (Group A II B)
3 x 140 VA guar. at 15 A (Group A II B)
1-phase AC (3L-N) 1 x 480 VA typ. at 51 A (Group A II B),
2 x 240 VA at 25.5 A
1 x 420 VA guar. at 45 A (Group A II B),
2 x 210 VA at 22.5 A
1-phase AC (L-L) 1 x 320 VA typ. at 8.5 A (Group A II B),
2 x 160 VA at 8.5 A
1 x 280 VA guar. at 15 A (Group A II B),
2 x 140 VA at 7.5 A
1-phase AC (L-L-L-L) 1 x 320 VA typ. at 8.5 A
(40 VRMS, Group A and B in series)
1 x 280 VA guar. at 7.5 A
(40 VRMS, Group A and B in series)
DC (3L-N) 1 x 480 W typ. at ±35 A (Group A II B),
2 x 240 W at ±17.5 A
1 x 470 W guar. at ±35 A (Group A II B),
2 x 235 W at ±17.5 A
Group A
and B in
AC (L-L)
3-phase AC (L-N)
Output current / A
1-phase AC (L-N)
0 10 25 50 75
Output power (typ.) / VA
error < 0.015 % rd.3 + 0.005 % rg.3 typ.
at 0 ... 12.5 A
error < 0.04 % rd. + 0.01 % rg. guar.
at 0 ... 12.5 A
< 0.025 % typ., < 0.07 % guar.
2.5 A / 25 A (Group A II B)
50 µA / 100 µA / 500 µA / 1 mA
15 Vpk / 60 Vpk
socket (Group A only)
Voltage generators
Setting range 4-phase AC (L-N) 4 x 0 ... 300 V (VL4(t) automatically
3-phase AC (L-N) 3 x 0 ... 300 V
1-phase AC (L-L) 1 x 0 ... 600 V
DC (L-N) 4 x 0 ... ±300 V
Power 3-phase AC (L-N) 3 x 100 VA typ. at 100 ... 300 V
4-phase AC (L-N) 4 x 75 VA typ. at 100 ... 300 V
1-phase AC (L-N) 1 x 200 VA typ. at 100 ... 300 V
1-phase AC (L-L) 1 x 275 VA typ. at 200 ... 600 V
DC (L-N) 1 x 420 W typ. at ±300 V
4-phase AC (L-N)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Output power (typ.) / VA
Distortion (THD+N)
Ranges 150 V / 300 V
Resolution 5 mV / 10 mV in range 150 V / 300 V
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana sockets /
Generators, general
Frequency range sine signals 10 ... 1000 Hz
range harmonics /
range transient signals
accuracy / drift ±0.5 ppm / ±1 ppm
resolution < 5 µHz
Phase angle range -360° ... +360°
resolution 0.001°
error at 50 / 60 Hz < 0.005° typ., < 0.02° guar.
Bandwidth (-3 dB) 3.1 kHz
Simulated power
S, P (calibration
of energy meters)
temperature drift < 0.001 % / °C typ., < 0.05 % / °C guar.
calculated: VL4 = (VL1+VL2+VL3)*c
or freely programmable)
3 x 85 VA guar. at 85 ... 300 V
4 x 50 VA guar. at 85 ... 300 V
1 x 150 VA guar. at 75 ... 300 V
1 x 250 VA guar. at 200 ... 600 V
1 x 360 W guar. at ±300 V
1-phase AC (L-L)
1-phase AC (L-N)
3-phase AC (L-N)
Output voltage / V
error < 0.015 % rd.3 + 0.005 % rg.3
typ. at 0 ... 300 V
error < 0.04 % rd. + 0.01 % rg. guar.
at 0 ... 300 V
0.015 % typ., < 0.05 % guar.
combination socket (1,2,3,N)
10 ... 3000 Hz
DC ... 3.1 kHz
error < 0.05 % rd. typ., < 0.1 % rd.

Low level outputs
Number of outputs
6 (12 with Option LLO-2)
Setting range 0 ... ±10 Vpk
Max. output current 1 mA
Accuracy error < 0.025 % typ., < 0.07 % guar.
at 1 ... 10 Vpk
Resolution 250 µV
Distortion (THD+N)
< 0.015 % typ., < 0.05 % guar.
Unconventional CT/VT simulation linear, Rogowski (transient and sinewave)
Overload indication yes
Isolation SELV
Usability completely independent from internal
amplifier outputs
Connection 16 pin combination socket (rear side)
Auxiliary DC supply
Voltage ranges 0 ... 264 VDC, 0.2 A / 0 ... 132 VDC,
0.4 A / 0 ... 66 VDC, 0.8 A
Power max. 50 W
Accuracy error < 2 % typ., < 5 % guar.
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana sockets
Binary inputs
Number 10
Trigger criteria Toggling of potential-free contacts or DC
voltage compared to threshold voltage
Input characteristics 0 ... ±600 VDC threshold or
Ranges 100 mV / 1 V / 10 V / 100 V / 600 V
Resolution of threshold ±2 mV, ±20 mV, ±200 mV, ±2 V,
±20 V in ranges
Sample rate 10 kHz (resolution 100 µs)
Time stamping accuracy ±0.00015 % of rd.
±70 µs
Max. measuring time infinite
Debounce / Deglitch time 0 ... 25 ms / 0 ... 25 ms
Counting function < 3 kHz at pulse width > 150 µs
Galvanic isolation 5 galvanically isolated groups
Max. input voltage CAT IV / 150 V, CAT III / 300V, CAT II /
600 V (850 Vpk)
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana sockets
Counter inputs 100 kHz
Number 2
Max. counting frequency 100 kHz
Pulse width > 3 µs
Threshold voltage 6 V
Voltage hysteresis 2 V
Max. input voltage ±30 V
Isolation SELV
Connection 16 pin combination socket (rear side)
Trigger on overload
Supported generators Current generators
Timer accuracy error < 1 ms
Binary outputs, relays
Type potential-free relay contacts, software
Number 4
Break capacity AC Vmax: 300 VAC / Imax: 8 A /
Pmax: 2000 VA
Break capacity DC Vmax: 300 VDC / Imax: 8 A /
Pmax: 50 W
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana sockets
Binary outputs, transistor
Type open collector transistor outputs
Number 4
Update rate 10 kHz
Imax 5 mA
Connection 16 pin combination socket (rear side)
DC voltage measuring input
Measuring range 0 ... ±10 V
Accuracy error < 0.003 % rg.
< 0.02 % rg. guar.
Input impedance 1 MW
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana sockets
DC current measuring input
Measuring range 0 ... ±1 mA, 0 ... ±20 mA
Accuracy error < 0.003 % rg.
< 0.02 % rg. guar.
Input impedance 15 W
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana socket
Analog AC+DC measuring inputs
Type AC + DC analog voltage inputs
(current measurement with external
current clamps or shunt resistors)
Number 10
Nominal input ranges (RMS values) 100 mV, 1 V, 10 V, 100 V, 600 V
Amplitude accuracy error < 0.06 % typ., < 0.15 % guar.
Bandwidth DC ... 10 kHz
Sampling frequency 28.44 kHz, 9.48 kHz, 3.16 kHz
Input impedance 500 kW // 50 pF
Transient input buffer at 28 kHz 3.5 s for 10 input channels / 35 s for 1
input channel
Transient input buffer at 3 kHz 31 s for 10 input channels / 5 min. for 1
input channel
Transient trigger threshold voltage, power quality trigger:
sag, swell, harmonic, frequency,
frequency change, notch
Measurement functions I (AC + DC), V (AC + DC), phase,
frequency, power, harmonics,
transient recording, event recording,
trend recording
Input overload indication yes
Input protection yes
Max. input voltage CAT IV / 150 V, CAT III / 300V, CAT II /
600 V (850 Vpk)
Galvanic isolation 5 groups (2+2+2+2+2)
Connection 4 mm (0.16 in) banana sockets
(combined with binary inputs)
Time Synchronization
Timing accuracy
IRIG-B synchronization with CMIRIG-B
GPS synchronization with CMGPS
error < 1 µs typ., < 5 µs guar.
error < 1 µs typ., < 5 µs guar.
To external voltage Reference signal on binary input 10:
10 ... 300 V / 40 ... 70 Hz
With the unique PermaSync functionality (supported by TU 2.30 or higher), analog
and Sampled Values outputs stay permanently in sync with the internal CMC time
reference. In combination with the optional CMIRIG-B interface box, PermaSync
additionally allows the continuous synchronization of the output quantities with
an external IRIG-B time protocol or an external PPS signal. With CMIRIG-B it is also
possible to transmit the internal PPS signal of the CMC to the device under test (e.g.
PMUs or IEDs stimulated with a synchronized Sampled Values data stream).
For directly testing relays with low level inputs by simulating signals from non
conventional CTs and VTs with low level interfaces and for controlling external
amplifier units
THD+N: Values at 50/60 Hz, 20 kHz measurement bandwidth, nominal value, and
nominal load
rd. = reading, rg. = range
Up to three inputs can be used for measuring RMS values, frequency, and phase
angle without the EnerLyzer software license. Full functionality requires EnerLyzer
software license