Benchmaster Temperature-Humidity
Benchmaster Temperature-Humidity
Test Chamber
Tenney's Benchmaster temperature and humidity test chambers are capable of simulating a wide range of temperature
or temperature and humidity conditions. The five cubic foot work space will readily accept equipment as large as a 19"
relay rack.
In keeping with the needs of today's lab, we designed these temperature and humidity test chambers to have a compact
exterior that maximizes the interior workspace.
Standard Features:
• Vapor-tight interior liners made of 100% continuously welded
stainless steel
• Temperature and humidity environmental chambers with humidity
capabilities are constructed of 100% non-corroding parts and have
a low-water protection system
• Uniform conditions are assured through the use of a vertical-down
recirculating conditioning stream
• VersaTenn III Controller on Temperature and Humidity Chambers
• Watlow F4 Controller on Temperature Only Chambers

Workspace W 20/51
D 19.25/49
H 22/56
Exterior W 57/145 62 /157
D 34/86
H 34.5/88
Temperature Range
Low °C -73
High °C 200
Utilities, etc.
Refrigeration (2) 1 HP
Heater Capacity 2 KW
Humidifi er Watts 750
GPH 0.3
AMPS@230V, 1 Ph 24 24
AMPS, Fuse 35
Unit Weight LBS 500
Overall dimensions in inches/centimeters
Gruenberg, Blue M, Tenney, Lunaire
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 150 | White Deer, PA 17887-0150 | USA |
Phone: (570) 538-7200 | Fax: (570) 538-7380
Physical Address: 2821 Old Route 15 | New Columbia, PA 17856-9396
Humidity capability: 20% to 98% RH in the dry bulb range of +20°C (68°F) to +85°C (185°F)
as limited by a 3 degree dew point.
• IEEE/488 interface
• LinkTenn software for Windows that permits
your computer to control up to 10 chambers
• RS-422, 423, 232, or 485 interface assemblies
• Water demineralizer
• Water reservoir for humidity system (5 gallon)
• Recirculating system for humidity water
• Viewing window, 6” x 8”, thermally insulated
and heated
• Interior light
• Shelving, adjustable and removable
• Automatic CO2 or LN2 cooling boost system
• Automating boost heating system
• GN2 purge system
• Recording instruments
• Redundant thermal protection and alarm system
• External dryer for obtaining humidity as low as
5% (to 20°C)
• Alternate power supply wiring
• Chamber cart with casters