Up to 5 Gb/s Data Rate (2 Points/Cell) o r 50 ps Timing Resolution
Telecom/Data Communications:
Up to 10 Gb/s Data Rate (Binary, Pre/De-emphasis, and Multilevel
Wireless Communications:
Up to 5 GHz (4 Waveform P oints/C ycle ) Arbitrary RF/IF and
Wide-bandwidth Modulation I and Q Baseband Signa ls
Mixed-signal Design and Test:
2-channel Analog plus 4-channel Marker Outputs
High-speed, Low-jitter D ata/ Pulse and Clock Source
Real-world, Ideal, or Distorted Signal Generation – Including All the
Features & Benefits
10 GS/s (2
1 or 2 Arbitrary Waveform Outputs
2 or 4 Variable-level Marker Outputs
Vertical Resolution up to 10 bit Available: 10 bits (No Marker Output) or
8 bits (with Two Marker Outputs)
Up to 64 M (64,800,000) Point Reco rd Length Provides Longer Data
Down to 100 fs Resolution Edg e Timing Shift Control
Sequencing Creates Infinite Waveform Loo ps, Jumps, and Conditiona l
Conditional Branches
Intuitive User Interface Shortens Test Time
Integrated PC Supports Network Integration and Provides a Built-in
DVD, Removable Hard Drive, LAN, and USB Ports
0 GS/s) and 5 GS/s Models
Accurate Timing with only 20 ps
45 ps Tr/Tf (20% to 80%)
±100 ps R
Accurate Timing with only 30 ps
45 ps Tr/Tf (20% to 80%)
Up to 300
ange (1 ps Resolution) Interchannel Skew Control
ps Range (1 ps Resolution) Delay Control
ime Sequencing Creates Infinite Waveform Loops, Jumps, a nd
Total Jitter (at 10
Total Jitter (at 10
BER, Typical)
BER, Typical)
Glitches, Anomalies, and Impairments
Enhanced/Corrupted Playback of DSO Captured Signals
Waveform Vectors Imported from Third-party Tools such as MATLAB,
MathCAD, Excel, and Others
The AWG7000 Series of Arbitrary Waveform
Generators Delivers the Industry’s Best
Mixed-signal Stimulus Solution for
Ever-increasing Measurement Challenges
The AWG7000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator delivers a uniqu e
combination of superior signal stimulus, unrivaled sample rate, bandwidth
and signal fidelity, and uncompromised usability.
This family offers the industry’s best solution to the challenging signal
stimulus issues faced by designers verifying, characterizing, and debugging
sophisticated electronic designs.
With sample rates from 5 GS/s to 20 GS/s (10 bits), together with 1 to
2 output channels, the toughest measurement challenges in the disk
drive, communications, digital consumer, and semiconductor de sign/test
industries can be easily so lve d .
The open
and allow connectivity with peripherals and compatibility with third-party
Windows (Windows XP)-based instruments deliver ease of use
Data Sheet
Figure 1: 5
Gb/s Pre/De-emphasized signal.
Application E xamples
The need for performance arbitrary waveform generation is broad and
spans over a wide array of applications. With the AWG7000 Series,
Tektronix’ 3
represent a new benchmark in performance, sam ple rate, signal fidelity,
and timing resolution.
The ability to create, generate, or replicate either ideal, distorted, or
“real-life” signals is essential in th e design and testing process. Signal
multilevel, and mixed signals; wideband RF, and fast-changing signals are
just some of the cap abilities of the AWG7000 Series.
Pre/De-Emphasized Signal Generation
With increasing transmission speeds and to compensate for frequency
characteristics of “lossy” media, the technique of pre/de-emphasis is
increasingly applied. Serial data standards such as PCI Express and others
have also included pre/de-emphasis tests as a requirement to meet the
respective compliance test specification.
The basic the ory of pre-empha sis is that for any series of bits of the same
value, the first bit always has a higher voltage level than the following
bits. By
compensated thus the signal fidelity at the receiver side increased.
The AWG7
users to directly genera te pre/de-emphasized signals for next-generation
generation of industry-leading Arbitrary Waveform Generators
on with controllable rise and fall times, noise or jitter; pre-emphasis,
doing so, frequency characteristics of transmission lines can be
000 Series, with its performance and analog output, enables
Figure 2: 20 Gb/s
4PAM signal (5 GS/s; AWG7101).
serial data standards. It also enables users to generate 3-level signals as
required for SATA Out-of-Band (OOB) testing .
The direct generation of such signals provides an increased signal quality
and avoids cumbersome signal generation using multiple channels and a
power combiner. See Figure 1.
Multilevel Signal Generation
The requirements for serial interfaces are continuously increasing. Higher
and higher data rates are required, and the performance of cables and
circuits is moving closer to their theoretical limits. One technique to increase
the data rate without increasing the transition rate is by applying multilevel
signals, wherein a signal can assume more than the standard binary 2
ultilevel signaling one can think of multilevel discrete amplitudes of a
In m
signal. This phenomenon is known as Pulse Amplitude Modulation or PAM.
A 4PAM signal, a signal with 4 different amplitudes, increases the data rate
by four without increasing the transition rate of the signal. Multilevel signals
are not only applied for data transmission. Multilevel memory chips, storing
more than a single bit in an individual memo ry element, are being produced
d multilevel coding of data for storage on optical disks is being considered
as an efficient way to increase storage capacity.
The AWG7
000 Series enab les you to test your latest design by generating
any k ind o f mixed or multilevel signal. See Figure 2.
ard disk read channel signal (5 Gb/s 2 points per cell); AWG7101 with 10 GS/s.
Signal Generation for Storage Device Testing
Increasing capacity requirements for storage devices leads to the
development of new and faster read-and-write strategies for magnetic as
well as optical storage devices. Multilevel coding of data for storage on
optical disks is also being considered as an efficient way to increase storage
The AWG7000 Series, with its ability to generate an accurate reproduction
of the readandwrite signals, enables users to design, develop, and test the
orage devices. With sample rates up to 20 GS/s, and the generation
latest st
of up to 6 signals (2 analog plus 4 marker) with a clock timing resolution of
100 ps, the AWG7000 Series represents a new benchmark in the industry.
Wideband RF-signal Generation
In the R F world, technologies ranging from a wireless mouse to a satellite
image require test equipment that can provide enough sample rate and
Figure 4: UWB (MBOA) three band (480 Mb/s 1795 MAC bytes 96 symbol payload);
3.168 GHz-4.752 GHz; AWG7102; Interleave at 15.84 GS/s; 0.5 V
resolution to recreate even the most complex RF behavior. The latest digital
RF technologies often exceed the capa bilities of current test equipment to
generate wide-bandwidth and fast-changing signals that are increasingly
seen in many wireless applications such as radar, UWB, and others.
The AWG7000 Series enables the direct generation of RF signals and
their output throu gh the D/A converter for signals up to a carrier frequency
of 5 GHz and a bandwidth of 5.8 GHz. The direct generation of IF or
RF signal
s avoids I/Q degradations and lengthy adjustments associated
with traditional generation using I/Q modulators. The AWG7000 Series with
its maximum sample rate of 20 GS/s is the sole solution that allows a direct
RF signal ge neration for up to 5 GHz. See Figure 4.
www.tektronix.com 3
Data Sheet
Additional Software Application Tools
Extending Waveform G eneration
RFXpress (RFX100)
RFXpress is a s of tware package that synthesizes digitally modulated
baseband, IF, and RF signals. It takes IQ, IF, and RF signal ge nerat ion to
the next level and fully exploits the wideband signal generation capabilities
of Arbitrary Waveform Generators (AWGs). Supporting a wide range of
modulations, as well as the symbol map functions, the software allows you
to define your own modulation.
UWB-WiMedia signal creation, a software module for RFXpress, has the
capability to digitally synthesize and generate RF signals in Band Groups 1
and 2 of the UWB s pectrum. As per the latest WiMedia specification, signals
will band hop in real-time over 1.5 GHz modulation bandwidth including all
the different preamble synchronization sequences, cover se quences, TFCs,
and band g
with band hopping in eith er IQ or IF. The conformance mode enables you
to generate all signals that co nform to WiMedia’s specifications, while the
custom mode allows you to adjust the signals for stress and margin testing.
roups. All six band groups (BG1 to BG6) can be generated
SerialXpress enables creation of exact waveforms required for
thorough and repeatable design validation, margin/characterization, and
conformance testing of high-speed serial data receivers. It considerably
simplifies the signal creation and Jitter simulations, thus reducing overall
ment and test time. In addition to supporting generation of Jitter
(Random, Periodic ( sinusoidal), ISI, and DCD) SerialXpress also supports
SSC, pre-emphasis, and noise addition. This allows the user to create a
combination of various impairments simultaneously to stress the receiver.
Both RFXpress and SerialXpress are powerful easy-to-use software
packages to synthesize RF and high-speed serial data signals respectively
for a rbitrary waveform gen erators (AWG). It runs as an integral part of the
AWG7000 Series arbitrary waveform generators or from an external PC.
Number of Waveforms
Sequence Length
Sequence Repeat Counter1 to 65,536 or infinite
Sequence ControlRepeat count, Wait for Trigger, Go-to-N, and Jump
Jump Mode
Run Modes
ContinuousWaveform is iteratively output. If a sequence is defined, the sequence order and repeat functions are applied
GatedWaveform begins output when gate is true and resets to beginning when false
SequenceWaveform is output as defined by the sequence
Interleave operation
Clock Generator
Sampling frequency10 MS/s to 10 GS/s
Resolution8 digits
Internal Clock
Clock phase noise< -90 dBc/Hz at 100 kHz offset
ernal Trigger Generator
Internal Trigger Rate
Range1.0 μs to 10.0 s
Resolution3 digits, 0.1 μs minimum
Skew Control Between Outputs
Range-100 ps to +100 ps
Resolution1 ps
Skew accuracy±(10% of setting +10 ps)N/A±(10% of setting +10 ps)N/A
to 64,800,000 points, O ption
01) in multiples of 64
2 to 64,800,000 points (or 2
to 129,600,000 points, Option
01) in multiples of 128
Waveform is output only once when an external, internal, GPIB, LAN, or manual trigger is received
Up to 20 GS/s sample rate
(Option 06)
2 to 32,400,000 points (or 2 to 64,800,000 points, Option 01) in multiples of 64
1 to 16,000
Synchronous and Asynchronous
10 MS/s to 10 GS/s10 MS/s to 5 GS/s
Within ±(1 ppm + Aging)
Aging: within ±1 ppm/year
-100 ps to +100 ps
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