Atec AWG610 User Manual

Arbitrary Waveform Generator
AWG610 Combines High Performance with Ease-of-Use to Tackle Your Challenges in Data Storage Characterization and Communications Physical Layer Testing
The AWG10 delivers 2.6 GS/s sample rate to test high-speed devices and subsystems, and 8 M points record length for long signal simulations. Its 8-bit vertical resolution
[Need Title]
ITU-T T1.102 Fibre Channel SDH/Sonet Other
STM1E STS-3 FC1063E OC48/STM16 D2 E5 CEPT STS-1 FC531E OC36 D1 E4 DS4NA FC266E OC24 FDD-1 E3 DS3 FC133E OC18 100Base-TX E2 DS2 OC12/STM4 Gigabit Ethernet EI DS1/1C/1A OC3/STM1
provides precise signal replication, while its 400 fs resolution edge shift control allows greater timing precision.
Features & Benefits
2.6 GS/s Sample Rate to Test High-speed Devices and Subsystem
1 Analog and 2 Digital Output Markers to Produce Complex Mixed Analog and Digital Signals
8-bit Vertical Resolution for Precise Signal Replication
Analog Bandwidth to Over 800 MHz
EZ Function Generator Mode Allows Quick Creation and Edit of Sine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse and DC Waveforms
Waveform Quick Editor with up to 400 fs Edge Timing Resolution Delivers Output Edge Control with Greater Timing Precision
Real-time Sequencing Creates Infinite Waveform Loops, Jumps, Patterns and Conditional Branches
Built-in Read Channel and Data Pattern Editing Capability
GPIB and LAN (10Base-T) Interfaces
Built-in Hard Drive for Mass Data Storage
Disk Drive Read/Write Design and Test
– Head – Pre-amplifier – Read/Write – Servo Test
Communications Design and Test
– Standard Waveforms
for Communications
Pulse Generation
– Duty Cycle Ranges from
0% to 100% for NRZ Data
–Testing Clock/Gating
Width Variations
Mixed Signal Design and Test Real-world Simulations
– Corruption and Enhancement
of Ideal Waveforms
–Timing and Amplitude
Signal Impairments – Jitter Profiles –Waveforms Imported from
GPIB, Floppy Disk, 10Base-T
Ethernet, DSO or DPO
Signal Sources
Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Arbitrary Waveforms
Waveform Length – 512 to 8,100,032 points in multiples of eight.
Sequence Length – 1 to 8,000 steps. Sequence Repeat Counter – 1 to 65,536 or infinite.
Function Generator Waveforms
Operation Mode – Continuous mode only. Waveform Shape – Sine, Triangle, Square, Ramp,
Pulse, or DC.
Frequency – 1.000 Hz to 260.0 MHz. Amplitude –
Range: 0.020 V Resolution: 1 mV.
Offset –
Range: –1.000 V to +1.000 V into 50 Ω. Resolution: 1 mV.
DC Level –
DC waveform only. Range: –1.000 V to +1.000 V into 50 Ω. Resolution: 1 mV.
Polarity – Normal, Invert. Duty Cycle –
Range: 0.1% to 99.9%, Pulse waveform only. Resolution:
1.000 Hz to 2.600 MHz: 0.1% step.
2.601 MHz to 13.00 MHz: 0.5% step.
13.01 MHz to 26.00 MHz: 1% step.
26.01 MHz to 52.00 MHz: 2% step.
52.01 MHz to 65.00 MHz: 2.5% step.
65.01 MHz to 104.00 MHz: 4% step.
104.1 MHz to 130.0 MHz: 5% step.
130.1 MHz to 260.0 MHz: 10% step.
Marker Out –
Marker1 Pulse Width:
Hi/Lo: 20%/80% of Period.
Marker2 Pulse Width:
Hi/Lo: 50%/50% of Period, except 65.01 MHz to 104.0 MHz. Hi/Lo: 52%/48% of Period, at 65.01 MHz to 104.0 MHz.
Marker Level:
Hi Level: 2V into 50 Ω. Lo Level: 0V into 50 Ω.
Clock Generator
Sampling Frequency – 50.000000 kHz to
2.6000000 GHz.
Resolution – 8 digits. Internal Clock – Accuracy: ±1 ppm. Phase Noise – (data clock is 1/4th of the output
sample rate). At 650 MHz, 10 kHz offset: –80 dBc/Hz. At 650 MHz, 100 kHz offset: –100 dBc/Hz.
to 2 V
into 50 Ω.
Operating Modes
Continuous – Waveform is iteratively output. If a sequence is defined, the sequence order and repeat functions are applied.
Triggered – Waveform is output only once when an external, internal, GPIB, LAN or manual trigger is received.
Gated – Waveform begins output when gate is true and resets to beginning when false.
Enhanced – Waveform is output as defined by the sequence.
Internal Trigger Generator
Internal Trigger Rate –
Range: 1.0 µs to 10.0 s. Resolution: 3 digits, 0.1 µs minimum. Accuracy: ±0.1%.
Main Output
Output Signal –
Complementary; CH1 and channel/inverse.
Digital to Analog Converter –
Resolution: 8 Bits. Differential non-linearity: ±1/2-Bit. Integral non-linearity: ±1-Bit.
Output Connector – Front Panel SMA.
Normal Out
Amplitude –
Output Voltage: –2.0 V to +2.0 V into 50 Ω. Amplitude: 20 mV to 2.0 V into 50 Ω. Resolution: 1 mV. DC Accuracy: ±(1.5% of Amplitude + 2 mV) at offset = 0 V.
Offset –
Range: –1.000 V to +1.000V into 50 Ω. Resolution: 1 mV. Accuracy: ±(1% of offset + 10 mV) at amplitude = 20 mV.
Pulse Response (–1 and 1 waveform data, 0V Offset, Through Filter at 1 V
Rise Time (10 to 90%): 750 ps. Fall Time (10 to 90%): 750 ps. Aberrations (at 1000 MHz): At 1.0V
Amplitude: ±10%. Flatness (after 20 ns from rise/fall edge): ±3%.
Sine Wave Characteristics (2.6 GS/s Clock, 32 Waveform Points, 81.25 MHz Signal Frequency, 0.5 V Amplitude, 0 V Offset, Through Filter) –
Harmonics: –40 dBc, DC to 800 MHz. Noise: –50 dBc, DC to 800 MHz. Phase noise: –85 dBc/Hz at 10 kHz offset.
Type – 20, 50, 100, 200 MHz Bessel low-pass. Rise Time (10 to 90%) –
20 MHz, 17 ns; 50 MHz, 7.0 ns; 100 MHz,3.5 ns; 200 MHz, 1.75 ns.
Delay from Trigger –
20 MHz, 50 ns + 22 clocks; 50 MHz, 40 ns + 22 clocks; 100 MHz, 35 ns + 22 clocks; 200 MHz, 33 ns + 22 clocks; through 30 ns + 22 clocks.
Direct D/A Out
Output Voltage – –0.5 V to +0.5 V into 50 . Amplitude – 20 mV
to 1.0 V
into 50 Ω.
Resolution – 1 mV. DC Accuracy – ± (2% of Amplitude + 2 mV). Offset – no function. DC Offset Accuracy – 0V ±10mV
(waveform data = 0).
Pulse Response (–1 and 1 waveform data, at 0.5 V
Rise Time (10 to 90%): 400 ps. Fall Time (10 to 90%): 400 ps.
Output Impedance – 50 Ω.
Auxiliary Outputs
Number – 2 (complementary). Level –
Hi/Lo: 1.1 V to 3.0V into 50 (Max. 2.5 V –2.2 V to 6.0 V into 1 MΩ.(Max.5V
Resolution – 0.05 V. Accuracy – Within ±0.1 V +5% of setting. Rise/Fall Time (20 to 80%) – 150 ps (2 V
Hi +1 V, Lo –1 V) into 50 Ω.
Variable Delay –
Range: 0 ns to +1.5 ns. Accuracy: –30% to +10% at 1.5 ms setting. Resolution: 100 ps. Marker Skew: 70 ps (typical).
Connector – Front-panel SMA. 10 MHz Reference Clockout –
Amplitude: 1V
into 50 Ω. Max 3 V
Impedance: 50 Ω, AC coupling. Connector: Rear-panel BNC.
1/4 Clock Out –
Level: ECL 100 K compatible. Connector: Rear-panel BNC.
Trigger In –
Impedance: 1 kor 50 Ω. Polarity: POS or NEG.
Input Voltage Range –
1 kΩ:±10V. 50 :±5V.
Signal Sources
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