FieldFox Data Link Software ..................................................................................... 16
Specification (spec.)
Warranted performance. Specifications include guardbands to account for the
expected statistical performance distribution, measurement uncertainties, and
changes in performance due to environmental conditions. The following conditions must be met:
FieldFox has been turned on for 10 minutes.
FieldFox is within its calibration cycle.
FieldFox remains at a stable surrounding environment temperature (between
-10 to 55 °C) for 90 minutes prior to turn-on and during operation.
Typical (typ.)
Expected performance of an average unit at a stable temperature between 20 °C
to 30 °C for 90 minutes prior to turn-on and during operation; does not include
guardbands. It is not covered by the product warranty. The FieldFox must be
within its calibration cycle.
Nominal (nom.)
A general, descriptive term or design parameter. It is not tested, and not covered
by the product warranty.
The process of measuring known standards to characterize an instrument’s
systematic (repeatable) errors.
Corrected (residual)
Indicates performance after error correction (calibration). It is determined by the
quality of calibration standards and how well “known” they are, plus system
repeatability, stability, and noise.
FieldFox RF Vector Network Analyzer
Frequency range
Frequency reference
Accuracy±2 ppm
Aging rate±1 ppm/yr
Temperature stability±1 ppm over -10 to 55 ºC
Frequency resolution1 Hz < 3.2 GHz
Data points101, 201, 401, 601, 801, 1001, 1601, 4001, 10,001 (custom number of
MeasurementsS11, S21 magnitude and phase
FormatsLog magnitude, linear magnitude, VSWR,
Corrected, with full two-port
calibration, N9910X-800 calibration
kit (option 122)
Corrected with QuickCal (option 112)38 dB (typical)
System impedance50Ω (nominal)75Ω with appropriate adapter and
System dynamic range
2 MHz to 6 GHz90 dB100 dB (typical)
Receiver dynamic range
2 MHz to 6 GHz104 dB (typical)
Receiver compression level at 0.1 dB compression+10 dBm (typical)
Test port output power
High+5 dBm (nominal)
Low-40 dBm (nominal)
ManualPower settable in 1 dB steps
Test port 1 or 2 damage level
2 MHz to 6 GHz+23 dBm
Trace noise (high output power, IF bandwidth = 300 Hz)
Magnitude< 3 GHz, 0.008 dB rms (typical)
Temperature stability
Stability magnitude0.01 dB/ºC at 23 ºC ±5 ºC (typical)
IF bandwidths300 Hz, 1 kHz, 3 kHz, 10 kHz, 30 kHz
(IF bandwidth = 300 Hz, 32 averages)
(IF bandwidth = 300 Hz)
SpecificationSupplemental Information
2 MHz to 4 GHzOption 104
2 MHz to 6 GHzOption 106
1.2 Hz > 3.2 GHz
points can be set using SCPI)
S22, S12 magnitude and phase (option 122)
phase, Smith chart, polar, group delay,
unwrapped phase, real, imaginary
42 dB
calibration kit
> 3 GHz, 0.01 dB rms (typical)
1. System dynamic range = source maximum output power - receiver noise floor
2. Receiver dynamic range = receiver maximum input level - receiver noise floor
FieldFox RF Vector Network Analyzer (continued)
Display range
Log magnitude S11 or S22-1000 to 1000 dB
Log magnitude S21 or S12-1000 to 1000 dB
Log magnitude resolution0.01 dB
Phase-180 to +180 degrees
Phase resolution 0.01 degrees
VSWR1.01 to 1000
VSWR resolution0.01
Averaging2 to 999
Number of tracesFour traces available. Tr1, Tr2, Tr3, Tr4
Data markersEach trace has six independent markers that can be displayed simultaneously.
Marker formatsDefault marker format is the trace format. In Smith chart or polar format,
Marker functionsPeak, Next Peak, Peak Left, Peak Right, Mkr→ Center, Min Search, Peak
Sweep typeLinear
Sweep timeSet sweep time in seconds
Sweep triggerContinuous, single
Display formatsSingle-trace
Display dataDisplay data, memory, data and memory, or data math
Trace mathVector division or subtraction of current linear measurement values and
ScaleAutoscale, scale, reference level, reference position
TitleAdd custom titles to the display.
Limit linesDefine test limit lines that appear on the display for go/no go testing. Lines
Calibration Types
CalReadyEach FieldFox is calibrated at the test port.
Frequency responseSimultaneous magnitude and phase correction of frequency response errors
Enhanced responseCorrects for frequency response and source match for transmission
1-port calibrationCorrects for directivity, frequency response, and source match errors.
Two methods: sweep and point averaging
Delta markers are available for each marker.
[Real +Imag] or [Mag and Phase] formats are also available.
Dual-trace overlay (both traces on one graticule)
Dual-trace split (each trace on separate graticules)
Three-trace overlay (all three traces on one graticule)
Three-trace split (each trace on separate graticules)
Quad-trace split (each trace on separate graticules)
memory data.
Autoscale: Automatically selects scale resolution and reference value to
center the trace. Autoscale all scales all visible traces.
may be any combination of horizontal, sloping lines, or discrete data points.
Each trace can have its own limit line. Limit lines can be fixed or relative,
and can be built from existing traces.
for either reflection or transmission measurements.
measurements, and corrects for reflection frequency response, directivity and
source match errors for reflection measurements.
FieldFox RF Vector Network Analyzer (continued)
2-port calibration
(with option 122)
1-port QuickCal
(with option 112)
2-port QuickCal
(with option 112 and 122)
Guided calibration wizardFieldFox’s calibration wizard recommends a calibration type and calibration
Interpolated error correctionWith any type of accuracy enhancement applied, interpolated mode
Full 12-term error correction. Corrects for directivity, source match,
reflection frequency response, load match, and transmission frequency
response for an N9923A with option 122, full two-port S-parameters.
Unknown thru and QSOLT are both available.
Corrects for directivity, frequency response, and source match errors, using
internal and external standards. QuickCal is most accurate for DUTs with
7/16 and Type-N connectors and measurement uncertainties are provided
for frequencies ≤ 6 GHz. Reduced accuracy for DUTs with 3.5 mm (m), SMA
(m), or other male coaxial connectors; performance is unspecified. QuickCal
is not recommended for DUTs with 3.5 mm (f), SMA (f), or other similar
female connectors. QuickCal is not applicable to waveguide.
Full 12-term error correction. Corrects for directivity, source match,
reflection frequency response, load match, and transmission frequency
response. QuickCal is most accurate for DUTs with 7/16 and Type-N
connectors and measurement uncertainties are provided for frequencies
≤ 6 GHz. Reduced accuracy for DUTs with 3.5 mm (m), SMA (m), or other
male coaxial connectors; performance is unspecified. QuickCal is not
recommended for DUTs with 3.5 mm (f), SMA (f), or other similar female
connectors. QuickCal is not applicable to waveguide.
kit based on selected parameters and connector types. Alternatively, users
can select their own calibration type and calibration kit.
recalculates the error coefficients when the test frequencies are changed.
The number of points can be increased or decreased and the start/stop
frequencies can be changed, but the resulting frequency span must be a
subset of the original calibration frequency span.
Corrected measurement uncertainty, 2-port or enhanced
response cal, high port power (default power)
Applies to N9923A, N9910X-800 Type-N (m) calibration kit, full 2-port or
enhanced response calibration, IF bandwidth = 300 Hz, no averaging, data based
on high port power of +5 dBm, 2-port cal available only with option 122.
Directivity42 dB42 dB
Source match36 dB36 dB
Load match40 dB38 dB
Transmission tracking ±0.02 dB±0.06 dB
Reflection tracking±0.06 dB±0.06 dB
Magnitude Uncertainty (dB)
Transmission Ma gnitude Uncertain ty (S11=S22=0)
Device Transmission Magnitude, |S21|, (dB)
2MHz to 4 GHz
4 GHz to 6 GHz
Corrected performance
2 MHz to 4 GHz
Phase Uncertainty (deg)
Transmission P hase Uncertainty (S11=S22=0)
Corrected performance
>4 GHz to 6 GHz
Device Transmission Magnitude, |S21|, (dB)
2MHz to 4 GHz
4 GHz to 6 GHz
Figure 1: Transmission uncertainty (specification)
Magnitude Uncertainty (dB)
Reflection Magnitude Uncer tainty (S21=S12=0)
Device Reflection Magnitude, |S11|, (dB)
2MHz to 4 GHz
4 GHz to 6 GHz
Figure 2: Reflection uncertainty (specification)
Phase Uncertainty (deg)
Reflection Phas e Uncertai nty (S21=S12=0)
Device Reflection Magnitude, |S11|, (dB)
2MHz to 4 GHz
4 GHz to 6 GHz
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