Atec Agilent-N9340B User Manual

Agilent N9340B Handheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA)
Technical Overview
Put the speed
and performance of
Agilent spectrum analysis
in the field
N9340B Handheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA) Front and Top Panel
6.5 TFT display Light sensor
Soft keys
Back-lit keys
Power on/off
RF INPUT (50 )
Power Input (55 W Max)
Function keys
USB connectors
Pr es et
RF OUT(50 )
Headphone connector
LA N connector
Handheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA)
Know your spectrum
Regardless of whether you are handling military communications, a Wireless Service Provider (WSP), or involved with spectrum management you need to avoid impaired communication. The N9340B provides you with a reliable, accurate and detailed picture of your communication spectrum.
When you test, you need fast data capture to help locate and identify
elusive, transient interference signals. That’s why every N9340B spectrum analyzer has a truly fast sweep time. It requires less time to measure across the spectrum, to obtain more reliable test results and to help you achieve more for the same investment of time and money.
Gain confidence in your test results
Frequency range : 100 kHz to 3 GHz (tunable to 9 kHz)
–124 dBm
–144 dBm with preamp on
Amplitude accuracy : ±1.5 dB
RBW : 30 Hz to1 MHz in 1-3-10 sequence VBW : 3 Hz to 1 MHz
Optimize your test time versus accuracy
SSB Phase noise : <– 87 dBc/Hz at 30 kHz offset
DANL : (RBW=30Hz, 10 MHz < fc 1.5 GHz)
Sweep time
10 msto 1000 s, span
1 kHz
< 120 ms at full span
Spurious signals and noise are of great concern to all network users. A superior combination of low displayed average noise level (DANL) and single sideband (SSB) phase noise coupled with a narrow resolution bandwidth (RBW) means your signal measurements are more reliable and you will have more confidence in your test results. The N9340B’s low DANL and SSB phase noise helps you detect very low-level signals (spurs or noise) which are close to the carrier. You will avoid missing these difficult-to-identify signals, which would otherwise lead to an insufficient or even incorrect understanding of the spectrum.
The N9340B’s RBW is the narrowest in its class. The narrow 30 Hz bandwidth of the analyzer ensures that it is even easier to identify, resolve, and measure two signals that are close together. Additionally, with a resolution filter shape-factor of less than 5, the N9340B has the ability to resolve closely spaced signals with unequal amplitudes.
Moreover, the narrow RBW means that the spectrum analyzer introduces minimal noise itself, helping to further reduce DANL and improve sensitivity.
Superior sensitivity
With more wireless devices on the market requiring greater bandwidth usage, the ability to discriminate between different
signals becomes more challenging. It’s under such demanding conditions that the superior performance of an N9340B
analyzer proves its worth. The N9340B has one of the best sensitivity and
selectivity specifications. The DANL is –124 dBm, or –144 dBm with the optional preamplifier (30 Hz RBW, 10 MHz < fc < 1.5 GHz).
The optional preamplifier adds 20 dB gain for improved analyzer sensitivity.
Speed at your fingertips
The RF spectrum is a finite resource, therefore its usage requires management. Most regulatory authorities responsible for administering frequency allocation require service suppliers and network operators to perform routine monitoring of signal power and transmission frequency stability.
N9340B Superior Performance Ensures the Field Test Confidence
Fastest sweep time
Superior sensitivity: lowest DANL in-the-class
Narrowest resolution available
Low frequency performance enhancement options available, check option N9340B-IBC and N9340B-XDM
Handheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA)
Nowyou can take advantageof the spectrogram display to view the behavior of varyingsignal parameters over time. The N9340B includes spectrogram as a standard feature. The scrolling three-dimensional display is notedforits ability to track the frequency and power behavior over the time, particularly intermittent signals. Theusercan use spectrogram to analyze the stability of a signal over the time, or to identify intermittent interference signalsin communications systems.
There are two markers for the user toidentify power versus frequency and time. Alsothe time interval betweentwo consecutive colored rows canbe adjusted.When a marker isput on the spectrogram, theN9340B can displaythe trace forthe timeof the selected marker.
Thespectrogram data and screenshots can be saved and recalled for lateranalysisor reporting.
Extended spectrogram monitoring (Option INM)
Option INM extends the N9340B spectrogram capability further with theability to continuously monitor and save spectrogram data over time not only to theanalyzer’s internal memory or a USB flash drive, butalso directly to a PC. With option INM users can save more than 1,500 continuous frames of data depending on the size of the USB flash drive or PC memory.
Option INM also supportsan Automatic Save function.The N9340Bcan save the spectrogram at a user specific time or at a set interva ofl frame..All the small files with the
same prefix can be combined into one file using N9340 PC Software, making analysis easier.
The user can choose among the 3 display modes: spectrogram only, spectrum trace only or the combination of a spectrogramand a spectrum trace in one screen. Limit lines with pass/fail functionality is also available in this measurement. The N9340B will identify the failed frame of spectrogram data with a red mark. The Pass/Fail testcan also provide alerts. Users may use marker to find the previous/next frame failed data to quickly find the offending event or interference. The spectrogram data may be played back for review on either the analyzer’s display or on a PC utilizing N9340B PC Software.
With the option INM, the Agilent N9340B spectrum analyzer can provide unattended monitoring of communication systemscapturing performance orintermittent events like interference over extended periods oftime – days rather than hours. The option INM can provide additional value for the wireless network
DSL measurements (Option XDM)
The spectrogram gives the three-dimensional display of power, frequency and time.
The N9340B INM shows spectrogram and spectrum trace on the same screen.
important application of spectrum
N9340B is now equipped with powerful features to address field applications using a handheld spectrum analyzer. An
analysis is identifying interfering sig
nals. These often arise from illegal transmissions, and may cause impairment of services for authorized users, often resulting in financial loss. These interfering signals could possibly restrict critical communications
of civil aviation and emergency services, which could jeopardize public safety.
Aerospace & Defence: radio and radar test, interference analysis, on-site repair
Wireless Service Providers: interference analysis, on-site repair
TV & Broadcasting: interference analysis, channel power check Spectrum Management Authority: spectrum monitoring
N9340B Applications for Field Test
communication system managers, hospital administrators, etc. as well as police and homeland security by recording spectrogram measurement resultsover time.
xDSL (ADSL and VDSL) is widely used for broadband internet connections at homes and businesses. Service providers occasionally face problems with interference on their xDSL lines. The interference is mainly intermittent intrusion from nearby external sources such as electric motors, elevators, and appliances. In order to monitor, capture and remove intermittent interference, the engineer may need to work in the field for extended periods of time.
With hardware option XDM the N9340B now supports measurements on ADSL, ADSL2+ and VDSL networks. It provides very good sensitivity with low displayed average noise levels (DANL) to meet the mask requirements
overADSL frequency
ranges, from 9 kHz to 12 MHz,
for ADSL.
Handheld Spectrum Analyzer (HSA)
IBOC measurements (Option IBC)
Option IBC has built-in FCC and NRSC (National Radio Systems Committee) spectral emission masks for quick compliance measurements with visual and audible pass/fail indicators.
N9340B IBC also supports a one-button auto-tune function that greatly simplifies the otherwise complex user setup required to capture and measure IBOC signals of interest. The auto-tune function will automatically set the frequency span, RBW, Average and Detector types, etc. It only takes seconds for the auto-tune function to display the correct measurement results.
The included Channel list feature enables users to easily create and recall setup and measurement parameters for single or multiple broadcast frequencies and channels. The user no longer needs to spend time remembering numerous channel setups but can simply load the desired channel from the list to start a measurement. The Channel list can be loaded, copied and deleted.
Users may choose to make the xDSL measurement in either spectrum analysis or spectrogram mode. Using xDSL measurement in spectrogram mode is ideal for capturing intermittent interference on xDSL lines. When used with option INM, the DSL measurement application can measure and record DSL performance data to a USB flash drive or PC over hours or even days.
An xDSL probe from Vierling is required to connect the N9340B analyzer to xDSL networks for measurements in the field.
N9340B is the industry’sfirst handheld spectrum analyzer with a dedicated IBOC measurement mode. The option IBC is not available as an upgrade and must be ordered at the time of instrument purchase.
IBOC-AM measurement with N9340B IBC
IBOC-FM measurement with N9340B IBC.
ADSL measurement with N9340B XDM
The option XDM is not available as an upgrade and must be ordered at the time of instrument purchase. The XDM option can also be used for other applications which require improved DANL and phase noise at frequencies from 9 kHz to 12 MHz.
Option IBC equips the N9340B with in-band on-channel (IBOC) measurement capability through a dedicated measurement personality and selected hardware improvements. IBOC technology is a method of transmitting digital and analog radio broadcast signals (AM and FM) simultaneously on the same frequency. This HD Radio™ version of hybrid digital/ analog technology is the only one approved by the FCC for U.S. radio broadcast stations.
TheIBC option adds enhanced SSB phasenoise for IBOC AM measurements and a noise cancellation process for improved IBOC FM measurement margins. IBOC-AM covers 530 kHz to 1.7 MHz and IBOC-FM covers the 87.5 MHz to 108 MHz frequencies.
The occupied bandwidth measured in dBc.
The occupied bandwidth measured in percentage.
One-button measurement
The Agilent N9340B supports one-button measurements of occupied bandwidth, channel power and adjacent channel power ratio.
This virtually eliminates set-up time in the field.
An occupied bandwidth measurement integrates the power of the displayed spectrum and puts one pair of vertical lines
at the frequencies between which the interested signal is contained.
An N9340B spectrum analyzer supports two ways to measure the occupied bandwidth, in
percentage or in dBc.
Occupied bandwidth (OBW)
Channel power
Use channel power to measure both power and power spectral density in a user-specified channel bandwidth. One pair of vertical lines on the display indicates the edges of the channel bandwidth.
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