Atec Agilent-N8300A User Manual

Agilent N8300A
With N630X
The Agilent N8300A wireless networking test box radio frequency (RF) parametric test set b architecture that includes an integrated vector analyzer (VSA) and a vector signal generator (
Wireless Networking Test S
Measurement Applications
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Definitions and Conditions
N8300A Hardware Specifications
Specifications describe the performance parameters covered by the product warranty and apply over 20 to 30 °C unless otherwise noted. Warranted specifications include measurement uncertainty calculated with a 95 percent confidence. Data represented in this document are specifications unless otherwise noted.
Represents characteristic performance, which 80 percent of the instruments manufactured will meet. This data, shown in italics, is not warranted, does not include measurement uncertainty, and is valid only at room temperature (approximately 25 °C).
The expected mean or average performance, or an attribute whose performance is by design, such as the 50 connector. This data is not warranted and is measured at room temperature (approximately 25 °C).
The test set will meet its specification when:
The test set is within its calibration cycle
The test set is within the temperature range 20 to 30 °C
The test set has been turned on for at least 45 minutes
VSA performance
Quantization 14 bits Sampling frequency 100 MHz digital down-conversion Sampling resolution 10 ns Acquisition buffer 5 ms
Frequency specifications
Frequency range 75 MHz to 4.8 GHz (Option 505);
Frequency resolution Refer to Application Software section IF bandwidth Variable to 40 MHz
Amplitude specifications
Maximum safe input level +25 dBm (CW) Absolute power measurement accuracy Refer to Application Software section Input amplitude range Refer to Application Software section
75 MHz to 6.0 GHz (Option 506) also refer to Application Software section
VSG performance
Sample rate To 125 MSa/s Bandwidth 100 MHz Effective DAC resolution 16 bits
Frequency specifications
Frequency range 250 kHz to 6.0 GHz;
Frequency accuracy ±aging rate; ±temperature effects;
Internal time base reference oscillator aging rate
Temperature effects Line voltage effects
Frequency resolution 0.01 Hz
Amplitude specifications
Absolute amplitude accuracy Refer to Application Software section Output amplitude range Refer to Application Software section Amplitude resolution 0.02 dB (nominal) RF Output port Spurious (non­harmonics)
RF Output port VSWR1 1.4:1 nominal ( 1.7 GHz)
RF In/Out port VSWR 1.5:1 nominal (75 MHz to 2.7 GHz; 3.3 to 3.8
also refer to Application Software section
±line voltage effects
≤ ±5.0 ppm/10 yrs, < ±1.0 ppm/yr
1.0 ppm (0 to 50 °C)
0.1 ppm (nominal), over line
voltage range 5 to –10% (nominal)
250 kHz to 3 GHz: < –62 dBc typical (out-of­band) 3 to 6 GHz: < –56 dBc typical (out-of-band)
1.55:1 nominal (> 1.7 to 3 GHz)
1.7:1 nominal (> 3.0 to 4.0 GHz)
1.6:1 nominal (> 4.0 to 6.0 GHz)
2.4:1 nominal (4.8 to 6.0 GHz)
This specification applies to instruments serial prefix MY4832 or greater, otherwise the specification is 1.7:1 nominal (< 1.4 GHz), 2.3:1 nominal (> 1.4 to 4.0 GHz), 2.4:1 nominal (> 4.0 to 5.0 GHz), 2..2:1 nominal (> 5.0 to 6.0 GHz)
VSA performance (RFIO 1 to 4 specifications)1
Frequency specifications
Frequency range Refer to Application Software section
Amplitude specifications
Input amplitude range +33 to -60 dBm; frequency bands < 4.8 GHz
Maximum safe input level +36 dBm Absolute power measurement accuracy frequency bands < 4.8 GHz
frequency bands 4.8 GHz
RFIO ports VSWR < 1.6:1 (return loss > 12.5 dB) typical;
Residual error vector magnitude (EVM) Refer to Application Software section Signal-to-noise ratio > 65 dB typical; frequency bands < 4.8 GHz
Isolation between RFIO ports > 50 dB typical
+33 to -50 dBm; frequency bands 4.8 GHz
0.5 dB (CW) typical; (>+23 to +33 dBm)
±0.8 dB (CW); (+23 to -50 dBm);
0.35 dB (CW) typical; (+23 to -50 dBm);
±1.0 dB (CW); (+23 to -40 dBm);
0.35 dB (CW) typical; (+23 to -40 dBm);
frequency bands 1.765 to 1.815GHz and 2.15 to 2.7 GHz < 1.8:1 (return loss > 10.5 dB) typical; frequency bands 3.3 to 3.8GHz and 4.8 to 6 GHz
> 52 dB typical; frequency bands 4.8 GHz
VSG performance (RFIO 1 to 4 and RF Output specifications)
Frequency specifications
Frequency range Refer to Application Software section
Amplitude specifications for the RF Output port
Amplitude range
Absolute amplitude accuracy Frequency bands 1.815 GHz:
Error vector magnitude (EVM) OFDM signals: < -44 dB (< 0.6% rms
RF Output port VSWR < 1.7:1 (return loss > 12 dB) typical
Frequency bands < 4.8 GHz +17 to -100 dBm (CW) Frequency bands 4.8 GHz: +13 to -100 dBm (CW)
0.5 dB (CW) typical (+7 to -90 dBm)
Frequency bands > 1.815 GHz:
±1.0 dB (CW) (+7 to -90 dBm)
0.5 dB (CW) typical (+7 to -90 dBm)
typical), up to +6 dBm
Amplitude specifications for the RFIO 1 to 4 ports
Amplitude range +17 to -100 dBm (CW) Absolute amplitude accuracy Single RF IO port: ±0.6 dB (CW) typical; (+17
to -90 dBm) RFIO 1 to 4 ports (Broadcast mode): ±0.8 dB (CW) typical; (+17 to -90 dBm)
Error vector magnitude (EVM) OFDM signals: < -44 dB (< 0.6% rms
typical), up to +6 dBm RFIO ports VSWR < 1.7:1 (return loss > 12 dB) typical Isolation between RFIO ports > 50 dB typical
This specification applies to instruments with option 404 (MIMO/Multi-port Connectivity) and 506 (Frequency
range to 6.0 GHz), instruments serial prefix MY4832 or greater
Power requirements
Power consumption < 270 W maximum
Data storage
External Supports USB 2.0-compatible memory
Size and weight
Dimensions (H x W x L) 177 mm x 425 mm x 495 mm
7.0 in x 16.8 in x 19.5 in
Weight 18.5 kg (net)
24 kg (shipping)
Environmental characteristics
Operating temperature 5 to 50 °C Storage temperature –40 to 65 °C Operating humidity 15 to 95% relative humidity (non-
condensing) EMC The conformity assessment requirements
have been met using the technical
construction file route for compliance with
the requirements of the EMC Directive
89/336/EEC, amended by 93/68/ECC
IEC/EN 61326
CISPR Pub 11 Group 1, Class A
AS/NZS CISPR 11.2002
Complies with European Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC, amended by 93/68/EEC
IEC/EN 61010-1
Canada: CSA C22.2 No. 61010-1
USA: UL 61010-1
This test set is supplied with a one-year warranty.
Calibration cycle
The recommended calibration cycle is one year. Calibration services are available through Agilent service centers.
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