Atec Agilent-N5181B, Agilent-N5182B User Manual

MXG X-Series Signal Generators N5181B Analog & N5182B Vector
9 kHz to 3 or 6 GHz
Data Sheet
On the path to better performance, the new MXG X-Series signal generators are fine-tuned to be your “golden transmitter” in R&D. Whether you’re pushing for a linear RF chain or an optimized link budget, the analog and vector MXG models deliver what you need: phase noise, ACPR, channel coding, and more. Take your devices and designs to the limit with the MXG.
Table of Contents
Definitions and conditions .............................................3
Frequency specifications ..............................................4
Amplitude specifications ..............................................6
Spectral purity specifications .........................................11
Analog modulation specifications ......................................14
Vector modulation specifications - N5182B only ..........................18
General specifications ...............................................29
Inputs and outputs ..................................................31
Related literature ...................................................33
Definitions and Conditions
Specifications represent warranted performance of a calibrated instrument that has been stored for a minimum of 2 hours within the operating temperature range of 0 to 55 °C, unless otherwise stated, and after a 45 minute warm-up period. The specifications include measurement uncertainty. Data represented in this document are specifications unless otherwise noted.
Typical (typ) describes additional product performance information that is not covered by the product warranty. It is performance beyond specifications that 80 percent of the units exhibit with a 90 percent confidence level at room temperature (approximately 25 °C). Typical performance does not include measurement uncertainty.
Nominal (nom) values indicate the expected mean or average performance, or an attribute whose performance is by design, such as the 50 ohm connector. This data is not warranted and is measured at room temperature (approximately 25 °C).
Measured (meas) describes an attribute measured during the design phase for purposes of communicating expected performance, such as amplitude drift vs. time. This data is not warranted and is measured at room temperature (approximately 25 °C).
Frequency Specifications
Frequency range
Frequency range Option 503 9 kHz (5 MHz IQ mode) to 3 GHz
Option 506 9 kHz (5 MHz IQ mode) to 6 GHz
Resolution 0.01 Hz
Phase offset Adjustable in nominal 0.1 ° increments
Frequency bands
1. N is a factor used to help define certain specifications within the document.
Band Frequency range N
1 9 kHz to < 5 MHz 1 (digital synthesis)
1 5 to < 250 MHz 1
2 250 to < 375 MHz 0.25
3 375 to < 750 MHz 0.5
4 750 to < 1500 MHz 1
5 1500 to < 3000.001 MHz 2
6 3000.001 to 6000 MHz 4
Frequency switching speed
CW mode
SCPI mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 1.15 ms ≤ 950 µs
List/step sweep mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 900 µs ≤ 800 µs
Digital modulation on (N5182B only)
SCPI mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 1.15 ms ≤ 1.05 ms
List/step sweep mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 900 µs ≤ 800 µs
1. Time from receipt of SCPI command or trigger signal to within 0.1 ppm of final frequency or within 100 Hz, whichever is greater, and amplitude settled to within 0.2 dB from 20 to 30 °C. When switching into or out of band 6 amplitude settling time is within 0.3 dB. Implies simultaneous frequency and amplitude switching.
2. With internal channel corrections on, the frequency switching speed is < 1.3 ms, measured for list mode and SCPI mode cached frequency points. For the initial frequency point in SCPI mode the time is < 3.3 ms, measured. The instrument will automatically cache the most recently used 1024 frequencies. There is no speed degradation for amplitude-only changes.
3. Specifications apply when status register updates are off.
1, 2
Standard Option UNZ
Option UNZ, typical
Frequency reference
± aging rate ± temperature effects ± line voltage effects
Internal time base reference oscillator aging rate
< ± 1 x 10^-7/year, nominal < ± 5 x 10^-10/day after 30 days, nominal
Adjustment resolution < 1 x1 0^-10, nominal
Temperature effects < ± 2 x 10^-8, nominal
Line voltage effects < ± 1 x 10^-9 for ± 10% change
Reference output
Frequency 10 MHz
Amplitude ≥ +4 dBm, nominal into 50 Ω load
External reference input
Input frequency, standard 10 MHz
Input frequency, Option 1ER 1 to 50 MHz (in multiples of 0.1 Hz)
Lock range ± 1 ppm
Amplitude –3 dBm to +20 dBm, nominal
Impedance 50 Ω, nominal
Waveform Sine or square
Sweep modes (frequency and amplitude)
Operating modes Step sweep (equally spaced frequency and amplitude or
logarithmically spaced frequency steps) List sweep (arbitrary list of frequency and amplitude steps) Simultaneously sweep waveforms with N5182B; see Baseband Generator section for more detail
Sweep range Within instrument frequency range
Dwell time 100 µs to 100 s
Number of points 2 to 65535 (step sweep)
1 to 3201 (list sweep)
Step change Linear or logarithmic
Triggering Free run, trigger key, external, timer, bus (GPIB, LAN, USB)
1. Aging rate is determined by design as a function of the OCXO.
2. Close-in phase noise will degrade when reference input is tuned away from 10 MHz.
Amplitude Specifications
0 123456
Output power (dBm)
Frequency (GHz)
Measured max leveled CW and IQ rms power
Maximum power with Option 1EA Standard
Output parameters
Settable range +30 to –144 dBm
Resolution 0.01 dB, nominal
Step attenuator 0 to 130 dB in 5 dB steps electronic type
Connector Type N 50 Ω, nominal
Max output power 1 () = typical
Frequency Standard Option 1EA
9 kHz to 10 MHz +13 dBm +17 dBm (+18 dBm)
> 10 MHz to 3 GHz +18 dBm +24 dBm (+26 dBm)
> 3 to 5 GHz +16 dBm +19 dBm (+20 dBm)
> 5 to 6.0 GHz +16 dBm +18 dBm (+19 dBm)
1. Quoted specifications between 20 °C and 30 °C. Maximum output power typically decreases by 0.01 dB/°C for temperatures outside this range.
Absolute level accuracy in CW mode 1 (ALC on) ()= typical
Measured level accuracy at –140 dBm
Frequency (MHz)
Power error (dB)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Upper std dev (1 σ)
Lower std dev (1 σ)
Measured level accuracy at –110 dBm
Frequency (MHz)
Power error (dB)
Upper std dev (1 σ) Mean Lower std dev (1 σ)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Measured level accuracy at –130 dBm
Frequency (MHz)
Power error (dB)
Upper std dev (1 σ) Mean Lower std dev (1 σ)
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000
Range +24 to –60 dBm < –60 to –110 dBm < –110 to –127 dBm
9 to 100 kHz (± 0.6 dB) (± 0.9 dB)
100 kHz to 5 MHz ± 0.8 dB (± 0.3) ± 0.9 dB (± 0.3)
> 5 MHz to 3 GHz ± 0.6 dB (± 0.3) ± 0.8 dB (± 0.3) ± 1.5 dB (± 0.5)
> 3 to 6 GHz ± 0.6 dB (± 0.3) ± 1.1 dB (± 0.3) ± 1.6 dB (± 0.6)
Absolute level accuracy in CW mode (ALC off, power search run, relative to ALC on)
9 kHz to 6 GHz ± 0.15 dB, typical
Absolute level accuracy in digital I/Q mode (N5182B only)
(ALC on, relative to CW, W-CDMA 1 DPCH configuration < +10 dBm)
9 kHz to 6 GHz ± 0.25 dB, typical
1. Quoted specifications between 20 °C and 30 °C. For temperatures outside this range, absolute level accuracy degrades by 0.01 dB/°C. Output power may drift up to 0.10 dB < 3 GHz and 0.15 dB > 3 GHz per g/kg change in absolute humidity (nom).
Option 1EQ
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
Elapsed time (minutes)
Delta from initial (dB)
Measured amplitude repeatablity +5 dBm ALC on
850 MHz
1900 MHz
2200 MHz
3500 MHz
5800 MHz
Measured relative level accuracy at 850 MHz initial power +10 dBm
Final power (dBm)
Power error (dB)
0 –20 –40 -60 –80 –100 –120 –140
Upper std dev (1 σ) Mean Lower std dev (1 σ)
Measured ALC linearity
1900 MHz, CW, relative to 0 dBm
Amplitude (dB)
–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10
Error (dB)
Upper std dev (1 σ) Mean Lower std dev
(1 σ )
Measured ALC linearity
850 MHz, CW, relative to 0 dBm
Amplitude (dB)
–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10
Error (dB)
Upper std dev (1 σ) Mean Lower std dev
(1 σ)
Repeatability measures the ability of the instrument to return to a given power setting after a random excursion to any other frequency and power setting. It should not be confused with absolute level accuracy.
Relative level accuracy measures the accuracy of a step change from any power level to any other power level. This is useful for large changes (such as 5 dB steps).
SWR (measured CW mode)
Frequency (GHz)
Measured SWR
0 dB 15 dB
- 35.00
- 30.00
- 25.00
- 20.00
- 15.00
- 10.00
- 5.00
Output power (dBm)
Frequency (GHz)
Measured attenuator threshold level
Threshold for bypass attenuator Threshold for 10 dB attenuator
Frequency Attenuator state
Bypass 0 to 10 dB
15 dB or more
≤ 1.0 GHz < 1.3:1 < 1.35:1 < 1.2:1
> 1.0 to 2 GHz < 1.55:1 < 1:5:1 < 1.3:1
> 2 to 3 GHz < 1.8:1 < 1.5:1 < 1.45:1
> 3 to 4 GHz < 1.5:1 < 1.6:1 < 1.7:1
> 4 to 6 GHz < 1.9:1 < 1.6:1 < 1.6:1
1. SWR < 1.60:1 below 30 kHz.
Maximum reverse power, nominal
< 1 GHz 50 W
> 1 to < 2 GHz 25 W
> 2 to < 6 GHz 20 W
Max DC voltage 50 VDC
Trip level 2 W
Amplitude switching speed 1Standard Option UNZ Option UNZ, typical
CW mode
SCPI mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 750 µs ≤ 650 µs
Power search SCPI mode < 12 ms, measured
List/step sweep mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 500 µs ≤ 300 µs
Digital modulation on (N5182B only)
SCPI mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 1.15 ms ≤ 950 µs
Power search SCPI mode < 12 ms, measured
List/step sweep mode ≤ 5 ms, typical ≤ 900 µs ≤ 400 µs
Alternate power level control (N5182B only)
Switching time (via waveform markers)
Functional power range –15 dBm to –144 dBm, measured
20 µs within ± 1 dB, measured
User flatness correction
Number of points 3201
Number of tables Dependent on available free memory in instrument; 10,000 maximum
Entry modes USB/LAN direct power meter control, LAN to GPIB and USB to GPIB, remote bus and manual
USB/GPIB power meter control
Sweep modes
See Frequency Specifications section for more detail
1. Time from receipt of SCPI command or trigger signal to amplitude settled within 0.2 dB. Switching speed specifications apply when status register updates are off.
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