Agilent Electronic Calibration
(ECal) Modules for Vector
Network Analyzers
N4690 Series, 2-port Microwave ECal
85090 Series, 2-port RF ECal
N4430 Series, 4-port ECal
Technical Overview
• Control ECal directly from the PNA or ENA
• 300 kHz to 26.5 GHz module
• 10 MHz to 67 GHz module
• Nine connector types available
• Ideal calibration technique for manufacturing
• Mixed-connectors available
(Type-N 50 ohm, 3.5 mm and 7-16)

1. For complete compatibility refer to the ECal Reference Guide (publication N4693-90001).
2. Exception: the N4693A and N4694A are not supported on the ENA.
3. Analyzer firmware control available with firmware rev. 7.68.
4. N4690 series works with firmware revision 7.74 or higher. Please note: 8719, 8720, and 8722 have been discontinued.
5. ENA series consists of E5070/1.
6. ENA-L series consists of E5061/2.
7. The PNA Series Network Analyzers consists of E8361/2/3/4. Please note: RF PNA Series E8356/7/8, E8801/2/3 and
N3381/2/3 have been discontinued.
8. PNA-L series consists of N5230.
Agilent VNA ECal module 85097B
model number model number Required
85090 Series Y
N4690 Series Y
N4690 Series Y
N4690 Series Y
ENA Series
N4430 Series, 85090 Series, N4690 Series2 N
ENA-L Series
N4430 Series, 85090 Series N
PNA Series
N4430 Series, N4690 Series N
PNA-L Series
N4430 Series, N4690 Series N
Suggested ECal and network analyzer/firmware compatibility
Electronic calibration (ECal) is
a precision, single-connection,
one-, two-, three-, or four-port
calibration technique for your
vector network analyzer. ECal
modules use fully traceable and
verifiable electronic impedance
standards. The modules are
state-of-the-art, solid-state
devices with programmable and
highly repeatable impedance
states. ECal modules are transfer
standards that provide consistent calibrations and eliminate
operator errors while bringing
convenience and simplicity to
your calibration routine.
Consistent calibrations provide
consistent measurements.
ECal replaces the traditional
calibration technique, which
uses mechanical standards. With
mechanical standards you are
required to make numerous
connections to the test ports
for a single calibration. These
traditional calibrations require
intensive operator interaction,
which is prone to error. With
ECal, a full one- to four-port
calibration can be accomplished
with a single connection to the
ECal module and minimal
operator interaction. This results
in faster and more repeatable
Accurate transfer
The ECal modules are transfer
standards capable of transferring
the factory calibration accuracy to
your network analyzer. They are
characterized by Agilent using a
precision calibration technique
(similar in accuracy to TRL)
that is traceable to the National
Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST). Each calibration
module’s unique S-parameter data
is stored in the module’s memory.
During calibration, ECal uses this
data to calculate the error terms
for your network analyzer. All
measurements on either insertable
or non-insertable devices are
traceable to NIST.
Faster calibration
with a single
Unlike the traditional mechanical
technique, ECal only requires
one connection to perform a
full one- to four-port calibration
from the calibration module to
the test ports.
By reducing the number of
connections required for a
calibration, you can
• calibrate faster, so you save
time and make measurements
• reduce the chance of operator
error, for greater confidence in
your calibrations
• reduce the wear on connectors,
for lower repair costs on both
the test port connectors and
calibration standards
Network analyzer
The 85090 family of RF ECal
modules provides calibration
across the frequency range of the
ENA and 8753 series of network
analyzers. The N4690 family of
microwave ECal modules provides calibrations through 67 GHz
for PNA-L and PNA network
analyzers. The N4430 family of
four-port modules provide
calibration for the ENA, PNA,
and 4-port PNA-L, and any
multiport solutions.
Mixed-connector options are
available for the 85092C,
85093C, 85098C, N4431B and
N4432A. The available connectors
are Type-N 50 ohms, 3.5mm, and

ECal and Agilent
Network Analyzer
PNA and ENA Series
ECal modules are controlled
directly from the PNA and ENA
Series network analyzers. No
external PC is required. Simply
connect the ECal module to the
USB port on the network analyzer. You can control your calibration from the front panel keys of
the PNA Series or automatically
by your user program.
8719, 8720, 8722 and 8753
product families
ECal modules are controlled
manually or automatically via
the 85097B interface kit. The
85097B consists of an interface
unit and a power supply.
The interface module is the
interface between the parallel
port on your VNA, the parallel
port of the ECal module and the
external power supply.
Parallel port
Firmware revisions of 7.68 or
higher in the 8753 and 8720
families allow for VNA control
of ECal modules. The 85097B
interface module, with the
analyzer’s internal firmware
control, provides digital control
and supplies power to one or
two ECal modules. Calibration
control is available via the front
panel keys or from a user
program. Firmware revision 7.74
and adapter cable (8121-1047) are
required for the N4690 Series.
The adapter cable can be ordered
as an option with the 85097B.
Network analyzer
Calibration configuration using the PNA series
VNA interface
VNA interface
power supply
to AC power
Calibration configuration using the 85097B VNA interface kit
ECal module
ECal module

Most common RF and
microwave components have
non-insertable connectors; for
example, devices with female
connectors on both ports. These
devices require an adapter
removal calibration, which adds
an uncertainty factor to the
measurement. Most modern
vector network analyzers use an
adapter removal technique,
which compensates for adaptercaused errors.
The simplest and fastest noninsertable calibration method
uses an ECal module with
connectors that match your
device, and the same calibration
method as insertable devices.
Simply order your ECal module
with connectors that match your
device under test:
• Option 00M, male connectors
on both ports
• Option 00F, female connectors
on both ports.
• Option M0F with one male
and one female connector.
Perform adapter removal
calibrations faster
Some analyzers, such as later
versions of the 8753 and 8720,
offer adapter removal calibration
for non-insertable and mixed
connector measurement capability. Since this method requires
two full two-port calibrations, it
is often time consuming and
prone to operator errors. Using
ECal to perform the two-port
calibrations addresses both of
these concerns by reducing the
calibration time and the number
of connections, simplifying the
overall adapter removal process.
Perform a Usercharacterization
Normally, when you perform a
calibration with an ECal module,
the error terms for a calibration
are computed using the factory
characterization (data) stored in
the module. User-characterization allows you to change the
characterization of the module
in two ways:
• Change the connector
configuration: allows you to
add an adapter or fixture to
the test port of the module
and embed the effects into
the characterization of the
module. The result of the new
characterization extends the
reference plane from one or
more of the module’s test
ports to those on the adapter
(or fixture).
• Modify the state settings: allows
you to specify the number of
data points (1601 maximum)
or other stimulus settings the
module uses to perform a calibration.
Test set
ECal module
When you perform a user-characterization, the factory characterization data remains stored in the
module’s memory. At calibration,
you can select the factory
characterization or any of the
user-defined characterizations
stored in the module. The module
can store up to five user-defined
characterizations (in addition to
the factory characterization data).
User-characterization is available
with PNA and ENA Series
Network Analyzers.