Agilent 81689A / 81689B / 81649A
Compact Tunable Laser Modules
Technical Specifications
February 2002
The 81689A, 81689B, 81649A compact tunable laser
modules offer superior performance now also in the compact
module class. As they are tunable with continuous output
power, they are the most flexible stimulus for the test of
optical amplifiers, DWDM components as well as for the test
of complete DWDM systems.

Compact tunable lasers for Cand L-band
The Agilent 81689A and 81689B
modules operate in the C-band from
1525 nm to 1575 nm, whereas the
Agilent 81649A covers the L-band from
1570 nm to 1620 nm.
Test of optical amplifiers
A variable amount of the compact, yet
fully remote controlled Agilent
81689A, 81689B and 81649A tunable
laser modules, in combination with the
81682A and 81642A high power
Tunable Laser, is the ideal solution to
characterize optical amplifiers for use
in DWDM applications. The 81689A,
81689B and 81649A compact tunable
laser modules provide the high stimulus
power needed to test today's optical
amplifiers. Together with the 81651A
optical attenuator module, an output
power dynamic range of more than
60 dB can be achieved. Even without
the attenuator module the power can
be attenuated by 9dB (10dB for
81689B) e.g. to equalize power levels
of several sources.
Polarization Maintaining
Fiber for the test of
integrated optical devices
The 81689A, 81689B and 81649A
modules are ideally constructed to
characterize integrated optical devices.
Their optional Panda PMF output ports
provide a well defined state of
polarization to ensure constant
measurement conditions on waveguide
devices. A PMF cable easily connects
an external optical modulator.
The 81689A, 81689B and 81649A is
available with both, standard singlemode fiber and Panda type PMF.
Compact module for DWDM
multi-channel test
The 81689A, 81689B and 81489A
allow a realistic multi-channel test bed
for DWDM transmission systems to be
set up.
Their flexibility make them the
preferred choice for tests of DWDM
transmission system during installation
and maintenance phases.
Compact spare for DFB
modules in ITU grids
The 81689B for the first time solves
the sparing nightmare for users of
DWDM combs. In combination with a
comb of 81662A DFB lasers the
81689B can replace any DFB between
1525nm and 1575nm without power
Remote control & PnP
software drivers for easy
process automation
Its continuous, mode-hop free tuning
makes it quick and easy to set even the
most complex configurations to the
target wavelengths and power levels,
just by dialing or using the vernier keys.
A 8163B mainframe can host
2 compact tunable laser modules. This
allows for the most compact C- and Lband stimulus solution available today.
Each 8164B mainframe can host up to
four units of the 81689A, 81689B or
81649A in its upper slots.
The 8166B is most interesting for high
channel count solutions. Up to
17 compact tunable laser modules can
be hosted here.
The 81649A, 81689A and 81689B are
produced to ISO 9001 international
quality system standard as part of
Agilent's commitment to continually
increasing customer satisfaction
through improved quality control.
Specifications describe the
instrument's warranted performance.
They are verified at the end of a 2 m
long patchcord and are valid after
warm-up and for the stated output
power and wavelength ranges.
Each specification is assured by
thoroughly analyzing all measurement
uncertainties. Supplementary
performance characteristics describe
the instrument’s non-warranted typical
Every instrument is delivered with a
commercial certificate of calibration
and a detailed test report.
For further details on specifications,
see the Definition of Terms in Appendix
C of the Compact Tunable Laser User's