Atec Agilent-34970A, Agilent-3499ABC User Manual

34970A and 3499A/B/C Switch Systems
Which would be best for your application?
Product Overview
Module and Mainframe Selection
The 34970A and 3499A/B/C each
have a set of modules that can be
plugged into the mainframes. The
modules offer different types and
total number of switches and/or
measurement inputs and outputs.
You are able to select the modules
that provide the best solution to
the switch and measurement needs
of your specific application.
The 34970A System offers 8 different
plug-in modules. The modules
include both low-frequency and RF
multiplexers, a matrix switch, a
general-purpose switch, and a mul-
tifunction module that includes dig-
ital input/output,
analog output,
and totalizer
The 3499 Family offers a selection of
30 different plug-in modules includ-
ing multiplexer, fiber-optical
multiplexer, general-purpose relay,
matrix, digital I/O, VHF module, RF
module, Microwave module, Form-C
relay, and three multifunction mod-
ules. The 3499A/B/C mainframes
are also compatible with the earlier
generation HP 3488A
Switch/Control Unit
modules (4447xx).
The 34970A Data Acquisition/Switch Unit and the 3499A/B/C
Switch/Control System are both very popular Agilent products.
Both systems offer a great solution for switching applications but
they each have differentiating features that will make them better
suited to specific applications. With this general product overview
you should have a better idea of what the 34970A and 3499A/B/C
products are, what they are capable of, and which one is the
best choice for your application. Module and mainframe selection,
user interface and measurements, module connections, and
system cost are the topics covered.
The size of the 34970A and 3499A,
3499B, and 3499C mainframes
enable them to accommodate a
specific number of modules. The
34970A mainframe provides 3 slots
for modules to be installed. The
3499A, 3499B and 3499C differ only
in the number of slots that are avail-
able for modules. The 3499A can
accommodate up to 5 modules. The
3499B can accommodate 2 modules.
The 3499C has been designed with 9
electrical connections for modules,
and enough physical space for 14
modules. The additional space in
the 3499C mainframe enables the
2- or 3-slot RF and Optics modules
to be plugged in without giving up
a usable slot. The combination of an
individual module channel count,
and the total number of modules
that can be installed in one main-
frame determines the total number
of channels available for an appli-
cation. Table 1 (below) gives you an
idea of the maximum number of
channels possible for each main-
frame by showing the total number
of channels available when a high
channel count, 2-wire multiplexer
module is installed in every avail-
able slot. The 34970A and
3499A/B/C are best suited for appli-
cations with less than 60 channels
up to 360 channels. For applications
with a channel count greater than
360 channels, VXI switching is
recommended. Information on
Agilent VXI switching can be found at, then enter
System Switches.
The modules available for the
34970A and the 3499A/B/C are
listed below in Table 2. As you can
see from the chart there are many
different types of switch modules to
choose from. You can easily identify
a module or modules that provides
the best solution your test applica-
tion needs. For more specific
module specifications please refer
to the product data sheets at: and/or
Mainframe Mainframe # of Module Maximum
Size Slots # of Channels
Rack 3 60 2U
Rack 2 80 2U
3499A Full Rack 5 200
3499C Full Rack 9 360
5U (electrical)
Table 1. Mainframes
Module Type 34970A 3499A/B/C
Multiplexer 34901A 20 Ch armature N2260A 40 Ch armature
34902A 20 Ch reed N2266A 40 Ch reed 34908A 40 Ch 1 wire armature N2270A 10 Ch 1000V
44470A 10 Ch 44470D 20 Ch
General Purpose 34903A 20 Ch N2261A 40 Ch
N2267A 8 Ch, 8A 44471A 10 Ch 44471D 20 Ch 44477A 7 Ch SPDT (Form C)
Matrix 34904A 4x8 N2262A 4x8
44473A 4x4
Digital I/O N2263A 32-bit TTL
44474A 16-bit TTL
Multifunction 34907A Two 8-bit Dig I/O, N2264A 12 GP, 3 GP 5A, 16-bit Dig I/O
26-bit Event Counter, N2265A 4x4 matrix, 16-bit Dig I/O Two 16-bit Analog out N2269A 2 DAC, 16-bit Dig I/O
Fiber-Optical N2280A Quad 1x2 Multiplexer N2281A Dual 1x4
N2282A Single 1x8
RF & Microwave 34905A Dual 4 Ch 2G 50 N2268A Dual 1x4 3.5G 50
34906A Dual 4 Ch 2G 75 N2272A Single 1x9 1.0G 50
N2276A Dual 1x6 20G 50 N2276B Relay driver (2 switches) 44472A Dual 1x4 300M 50 44478A Dual 1x4 1.3G 50 44478B Dual 1x4 1.3G 75 44476A Triple 1x2 18G 50 44476B Relay driver (2 switches)
Table 2. Modules
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