Atec Agilent-346a User Manual

Probing Solutions for Logic Analyzers
Create a Quality Connection to Your Target System
To make sure you have the tools for dependable state and timing measurements, no matter what mix of chip packages, test ports and probes your application requires, we’ve created the largest line of probing solutions in the industry.
Accurate measurements start with reliable probing. Agilent Technologies offers a wide variety of probing accessories to support your measurement needs, making it easy to connect your Agilent logic analyzer to your design.
Each is designed for a specific measurement need because the physical and electrical quality of the connection can mean the dif­ference between a good measure­ment and a bad one.
Table of Contents Reliable Connections
Ensure Accuracy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Which Logic Analyzer? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Quick Selection Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Selecting the Optimum
Probing Strategy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with
40-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with
90-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
General-Purpose Probing . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
QFP Package Probing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
General-Purpose Probing. . . . . . . . . . . 12
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with
40-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Designing and Probing with
Target Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Normal-Density, Medium-Performance
Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with
40-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Probing Individual Pins of
High-Density Connectors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with
40-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Agilent Logic Analyzers with
90-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Agilent 16760A 1.5 Gbits/Sec
Logic Analyzer Module. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Agilent Logic Analyzers with
90-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
General-Purpose Probing. . . . . . . . . . . 61
Agilent Logic Analyzers with
90-pin Pod Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Agilent 16517A/16518A
1 GHz State / 4 GHz Timing . . . . . . . . . 66
Related Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Support, Services, and Assistance. . . 69
About this Document
To assist you in choosing the best state/timing probing solution for your particular target, this docu­ment will consider the following:
• Chip packaging, test ports
• Special physical and electrical considerations
• Other accessories and options
Other Reference Documents
Additional information on probing solutions can be found at logic_analyzer_probes.
For information on probes and accessories for the other related Agilent Technologies logic analysis system products listed below, please refer to “Related Information” in this document:
• Pattern generators
NOTE: Probes are ordered separately. Please specify probes when ordering to ensure the correct connection between your logic analyzer and device under test.
• Impedance
High input impedance ensures minimum intrusion on your circuit. Although many probes might be acceptable for lower frequencies, capacitive loading becomes significant at higher frequencies. The Agilent Technologies probing products perform over a wide frequency spectrum.
• Ruggedness
Probes with quality mechanical design provide solid electrical connections. Intermittent open circuits would only add one more variable to your debugging equation. Agilent probes are mechanically designed to relieve strain and ensure rugged, reliable connection.
• Immunity to Noise
Electromagnetic noise can corrupt data captured by the logic analyzer. Agilent probing solutions are designed for a high immunity to transient noise.
• Performance
Agilent logic analyzers have front-end circuitry that supports the state and timing specifications of the analyzer. This circuitry, together with the Agilent probing solutions described in this document, will accurately capture the target signals at the specified clock rates.
Reliable Connections Ensure Accuracy
Signal Frequency Content Drives Probing Solutions
Faster clock rates demand tighter timing tolerances, such as setup and hold specifications. Systems with faster clock rates usually have shorter rise and fall times. Signals with shorter transition times have more high frequency content and are more susceptible to high frequency analog problems such as cross talk, reflections, ground bounce, noise and emissions. Susceptibility of a system to analog problems relates to the transition times of the signals, not the clock rate. A system with slow transition times cannot have high clock rates. However, it is possible for a system with slower clock rates to have signals with very fast transition times.
General-purpose probing solutions provide the analog bandwidth required to run each logic analyzer module at its maximum clock rate. The high input impedance of these probes, especially at high frequencies, presents a minimal load to most systems. Systems that are operating with little margin should be designed with consideration for both the system components and the input impedance of the probing solution being used during debug. Input impedance specifications or equivalent load diagrams can be found for each of the probing solutions described in this document.
Other Considerations
Physical connection compatibility between various Agilent probes may allow you to mix and match a variety of probes and accessories. However, a probe accessory designed for slower clock speeds will not deliver high-speed target performance simply because it is used with a higher speed analyzer module. Also, the serial connection of multiple probe leads and/or accessories will degrade signal integrity.
Agilent logic analyzers have two methods of connection to the probes. One uses a 3M-style connector with 2 rows of 20 pins on 0.1-inch centers, as illustrated in Figure 1.1. Probes for these analyzers are identified in this document as “for analyzers with 40-pin pod connectors.”
The other style uses a 90-pin, high-density connector, as illustrated in Figure 1.2. Probes for these analyzers are identified in this document as “for analyzers with 90-pin pod connectors.”
Currently available Agilent logic analyzers in these two groups are as follows:
Which Logic Analyzer?
Figure 1.1. 40-pin pod connector Figure 1.2. 90-pin pod connector
90-pin pod connector
40-pin pod connector
1680, 1690 series benchtop analyzers
Quick selection guide
For logic analyzer Connection to Single-ended* Number of Agilent model number pod connection system under test or differential channels or part number Page
40-pin Flying leads Single-ended 17 E5383A 12
40-pin Pro Series soft touch Single-ended 34 E5404A 21
40-pin Half-size soft touch Single-ended 17 E5396A 23
40-pin Soft touch Single-ended 34 E5394A 20
40-pin Samtec connector Single-ended 34 E5385A 28
40-pin Mictor connector Single-ended 34 E5346A 28
40-pin Mictor connector Single-ended, 34 E5339A 28
low voltage
40-pin Mictor connector Single-ended, 34 E5351A 32
no isolation networks
90-pin Flying leads Single-ended 17 E5382A 61
90-pin Flying leads Differential 17 E5381A 64
90-pin Pro Series soft touch Differential 17 E5405A 42
90-pin Pro Series soft touch Single-ended 34 E5406A 42
90-pin Half-size soft touch Single-ended 17 E5398A 52
90-pin Soft touch Single-ended 34 E5390A 43
90-pin Soft touch Differential 17 E5387A 41
90-pin Samtec connector Single-ended 34 E5378A 57
90-pin Samtec connector Differential 17 E5379A 57
90-pin Mictor connector Single-ended 34 E5380A 59
* Isolation networks are included unless designated otherwise.
Selecting the Optimum Probing Strategy
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
Go to page 9 for a discussion of Agilent’s QFP package probing solutions for logic analyzers.
Connecting to all the Pins of a Specific Package
Advantages Limitations
Most flexible method. Can be time-consuming to connect a large Convenient for picking up signals that number of channels. may not be grouped conveniently on your Least space-efficient method. board with buses routed to connectors Some accessories may compromise (example: system clock, interrupts). probe performance.
Go to page 12 for a discussion of Agilent’s flying-lead logic analysis probes and accessories for logic analyzers.
Connecting to Individual IC Pins or Test Points
Advantages Limitations
Rapid access to all pins of fine-pitch Requires minimal keep-out area. QFP package. Requires some time for installation of Very reliable connections. retainer on IC package.
May compromise probe performance.
Selecting the Optimum Probing Strategy
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
Go to page 16 for a discussion of Agilent’s target connector solutions for logic analyzers with 40-pin pod connectors.
Designing Connectors Directly into the Target System
Refer to Processor and Bus Support for Agilent Technologies Logic Analyzers,
publication number 5966-4365E at: That document will tell you what additional probing accessories you need to connect logic analyzers with 40-pin pod connectors to the analysis probes.
Using Processor/Bus Specific Probes
Advantages Limitations
Very reliable connections. Requires advanced planning in the Saves time in making multiple connections. design stage. Least amount of board space required for Requires some dedicated board space. large number of channels. Moderate incremental cost.
Advantages Limitations
Easiest and fastest connections to Moderate to significant incremental costs. supported processors and buses. Only usable for the specific processor or bus.
Selecting the Optimum Probing Strategy
For all Agilent Logic Analyzers with 90-pin Pod Connectors
Go to page 61-65 for a discussion of Agilent’s flying lead probe sets for logic analyzers with 90-pin pod connectors.
Connecting to Individual IC Pins, Test Points, Browsing or Solder Attach to Components, Traces or VIAs
Advantages Limitations
Most flexible method. Time-consuming to connect large number Convenient for picking up signals that of channels. may not be grouped conveniently on your Requires more board space, for large board with buses routed to connectors number of channels. (example: system clock, interrupts). Some accessories may degrade probe
performance at high speeds.
Go to page 54 for the target connection probing solutions for logic analyzers with 90-pin pod connectors. Go to page 41 for connectorless solutions for logic analyzers with 90-pin pod connectors.
Designing Connections Directly into the Target System
Advantages Limitations
Very reliable connections. Requires advanced planning in the Save time in making multiple connections. design stage. Least amount of board space required for large number of channels.
General-Purpose Probing
Wedge Adapters
The Agilent Technologies Wedge technology provides very reliable probing of a few channels on
0.5 mm and 0.65 mm pitch QFPs. No clear area is required around the device. Each Wedge of the probe slides between the legs of the QFP. The side of each Wedge probe contacts the package legs. An insulation core electrically isolates the sides of each Wedge (see Figures 2.1 and 2.2). Various 3-signal, 8-signal, and 16-signal probes are available (see Table 1).
Figure 2.1. Three-signal Wedge electrical connection
Figure 2.2. Eight-signal and 16-signal Wedge (16-signal Wedge has a common ground plane)
Top view of 16 signal pins
Bottom view of 16 ground pins (connected to common ground plane)
Ground connector pins
Wedge connector pins
Removable jumper
Miscellaneous Probing Accessories
The ferrite core assembly can be added to the probe cable to sup­press EMI and RFI noise that can corrupt the measurement.
Figure 2.3. Ferrite core assembly, 16555-60001
IC Leg Number Number Model Spacing of Signals of Wedges Number
in Pack
0.5 mm 3 1 E2613A
0.5 mm 3 2 E2613B
0.5 mm 8 1 E2614A
0.5 mm 16 1 E2643A
0.65 mm 3 1 E2615A
0.65 mm 3 2 E2615B
0.65 mm 8 1 E2616A
0.65 mm 16 1 E2644A
Table 1. Wedge probe adapter
Figure 3.2. Elastomeric probing solution
1/4 flex adapter (4 required to connect all pins)
Elastomeric probe adapter
QFP Package Probing
Figure 3.1. Locator tool aligning retainer on the device
Locator tool
connections to the pins on its respective side of the QFP device. Additional retainers and locator tools are also available. A kit of five retainers and adhesive is available as option #201. The locator tool is option #202. These option numbers apply to any of the listed elastomeric probe adapter model numbers, for example, Agilent E5374A #202.
Package Pin Pitch Elastomeric Probe Adapter 1/4 Flex Adapter
144-pin TQFP 0.5 mm E5336A E5340A
144-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.65 mm E5361A E5340A
160-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.65 mm E5373A E5349A
160-pin TQFP 0.5 mm E5377A E5349A
176-pin TQFP 0.5 mm E5348A E5349A
208-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.5 mm E5374A E5371A
240-pin PQFP/CQFP 0.5 mm E5363A E5371A
Table 2. Elastomeric probe adapters
If your target contains ASICs, FPGAs, or other devices in an industry-standard QFP configura­tion, Agilent Technologies has a series of elastomeric probes from which you can choose. Agilent’s state-of-the-art elastomeric probing technology offers an inexpensive, convenient, and reliable solution for 0.5 mm and 0.65 mm high-density TQFP/CQFP/PQFP packages.
The elastomer material on the probe makes contact between the probe and the pins of a device. Embedded on the surface of the elastomer are redundant connec­tions for each pin, which ensure a reliable and rugged connection.
A locator tool, included with the probe adapter, correctly aligns the retainer to the device. A small amount of adhesive on the bottom of the retainer holds the retainer firmly to the device. After the adhesive is set, the locator tool can be removed. The elastomeric probe adapter then attaches to the device, held in place by the retainer and its knurled nut. Five retainers, a locator tool, and adhesive are included with each elastomeric probe adapter.
Additional Accessories
Quarter flex adapters, shown in Figure 3.2, are available to bring the signals from the elastomeric probe adapter to general-purpose headers for easy connection to logic analyzers, oscilloscopes, or other test equipment. Four 1/4 flex adapters are required to view all signals on a device. Each 1/4 flex adapter provides
QFP Package Probing
Electrical characteristics for this probing technology are listed in Table 3.
Note: The Agilent logic analyzer probes are connected to the adapters shown in this section. The target system impedance load is increased slightly (see Table 3). Fast transition times (< 2 - 3 ns) may suffer some loss of signal fidelity.
The probe adapters require a minimal “keep out” area around the device, as shown in the dimension tables of Figures 3.3 and 3.4.
Electrical Characteristics Elastomeric Probe Adapter 1/4 Flex Adapter
Operating voltage <40 V (DC + peak AC) <40 V (DC + peak AC)
Operating current 0.5A (max) 0.5A (max)
Insulation resistance >100 M >100 M
Model Parameters
Pin-to-ground plane capacitance (typical)
3.0 pF first row
4.0 pF second row
6.0 pF third row
2.5 pF first row
3.5 pF second row
5.0 pF third row
2.5 pF first row
3.5 pF second row
5.0 pF third row
Pin-to-pin capacitance 0.5 pF 2 pF
Self inductance (typical)
E5340A 15 nH first row 25 nH second row 35 nH third row
E5349A 20 nH first row 30 nH second row 40 nH third row
E5371A 20 nH first row 30 nH second row 40 nH third row
Environmental Characteristics
Operating temperature 0°C to 50°C 0°C to 50°C
Maximum operating humidity 75% relative humidity 75% relative humidity
Table 3. Probe and flexible adapter electrical and environmental characteristics
QFP Package Probing
Adapter A B C D E F G H J K L M
144-Pin TQFP
(inches) 0.674 1.240 1.130 0.055 0.138 0.827 (min) 0.795 (max) 0.866±0.008 0.057 to 0.063 0.053 to 0.057 0.0197±0.0012 0.009±0.002 (millimeters) 17.13 31.50 28.70 1.40 3.50 21.00 (min) 20.20 (max) 22.00±0.20 1.450 to 1.60 1.350 to 1.45 0.500±0.03 0.220±0.05
160-Pin TQFP
(inches) 0.76 1.343 1.343 0 0.11 0.988 (min) 0.953 (max) 1.024±0.008 0.061 to 0.063 0.051 to 0.059 0.01965±0.001 0.0087 to 0.015 (millimeters) 19.2 34.11 34.11 0 2.79 25.09 (min) 24.20 (max) 26.00±0.20 1.550 to 1.61 1.3 to 1.5 0.50±0.03 0.220 to 0.38
176-Pin TQFP
(inches) 0.674 1.398 1.287 0.055 0.138 0.984 (min) 0.953 (max) 1.024±0.008 0.057 to 0.063 0.053 to 0.057 0.0197±0.0012 0.009±0.002 (millimeters) 17.13 35.50 32.70 1.40 3.50 25.00 (min) 24.20 (max) 26.00±0.20 1.450 to 1.60 1.350 to 1.45 0.50±0.03 0.220±0.05
Figure 3.3. Elastomeric probe and package dimensions for TQFP
Maximum height of components in this area
Adapter A B C E F G H J K L M
(inches) 0.73 1.583 0.16 0.01 1.135 (min) 1.106 (max) 1.236 (max) 0.094 to 0.098 0.108 (max) .0256±0.0012 0.009±0.002 (millimeters) 18.5 40.21 4 0.3 28.85 (min) 28.10 (max) 31.40 (max) 2.40 to 2.50 2.75 (max) 0.65±.03 0.22±0.05
(inches) 0.76 1.583 0.16 0.03 1.154 (min) 1.106 (max) 1.266 (max) 0.126 to 0.146 0.136 to 0.161 .0256±0.0012 0.009±0.002 (millimeters) 19.2 40.21 4 0.8 29.32 (min) 28.10 (max) 32.15 (max) 3.20 to 3.70 3.45 to 4.10 0.65±.03 0.22±0.05
(inches) 0.76 1.583 0.16 0.03 1.136 (min) 1.110 (max) 1.197 to 1.213 0.126 to 0.142 0.136 to 0.161 0.0197±0.0012 0.009±0.002 (millimeters) 19.2 40.21 4 0.8 28.85 (min) 28.20 (max) 30.40 to 30.80 3.20 to 3.60 3.45 to 3.60 0.50±0.03 0.22±0.05
(inches) 0.76 1.937 0.16 0.03 1.293 (min) 1.268 (max) 1.354 to 1.370 0.126 to 0.142 0.136 to 0.161 0.0197±0.0012 0.009±0.002 (millimeters) 19.2 49.20 4 0.8 32.85 (min) 32.20 (max) 34.40 to 34.80 3.20 to 3.60 3.45 to 3.60 0.50±0.03 0.22±0.05
Figure 3.4. Elastomeric probe and package dimensions for PQFP/CQFP
Maximum height of components in this area
L (non-accumulative)
General-Purpose Probing
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
E5383A 17-Channel Single-Ended Flying Lead Probe
Ideal when only a few lines may need to be probed or probe points are distributed across a target. The E5383A includes a set of 20 IC test clips and five ground leads.
Logic Analysis General-Purpose Probes
General-purpose probing requires connecting probe leads to individual signal lines. This method is most convenient for a small to moderate number of signals, very flexible, and can be used in conjunction with other probing methods.
Note: Any probed signal line must be able to supply a minimum of 600 mV to the probe with the specified loading.
The Standard Probing System
The standard probing system consists of IC clips, probe leads, probe housing and probe cable. Because it is passive, the stan­dard probing system is smaller, lighter, and much easier to use than active probing systems. This passive probing system is similar to a probing system used on a high frequency oscilloscope. It consists of an isolation network (as shown in Figure 4.1) at the probe tip and a shielded resistive transmission line. The advantages of this system are:
• High input impedance. See Figure 4.1.
• Signal ground at the probe tip for high-speed signals.
• Inexpensive, removable probe tip assemblies.
Probe Leads and Lead Sets
Probe leads are configured into lead sets, which can probe 16 data channels with ground, one clock channel, and a common ground. A 17-channel probe lead set (E5383A) is shown in Figure 4.2, along with the replace­ment part numbers for individual components in Figure 4.3.
Each probe lead is a 12-inch, twisted-pair cable connected to the probe cable at the probe hous­ing (see Figure 4.3). The probe tip includes a signal lead, a connec­tor for a ground lead, and the isolation network.
The signal and ground leads can be connected directly to the target system. This requires installing 0.63 mm (0.025 in) square pins, or round pins with a diameter of between 0.66 mm (0.026 in) and 0.84 mm (0.033 in) directly on the board. An IC test clip can also be used. The same specifications apply for the pin dimensions of the test clip. (See Figure 4.6 for IC test clips available from Agilent.)
Figure 4.1. Probe tip Isolation network and equivalent load
Equivalent Load
Tip Isolation Network
Figure 4.3. E5383A 17-channel probe lead set replacement parts
Common ground lead (long) (Agilent part number 5959-9335 contains 5 pod grounds)
Probe housing
Probe lead (Agilent part number 5959-9333 contains 5 probe leads)
Each probe lead set contains: 1 clock probe lead 16 data line leads
RC network housing
Connector for ground lead
Signal leads
Ground leads (Agilent part number 5959-9334 contains 5 short ground leads)
Figure 4.2. E5383A 17-channel probe lead set
SMD IC clip (Agilent part number 5090-4833 contains 20 clips)
General-Purpose Probing
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
IC Clips
The surface-mount device IC clip with twin hooks (part number 5090-4833, containing 20 IC clips) is designed for fine surface­mounted component leads. The twin hook 0.5 mm IC clip (part number 10467-68701, containing four 0.5 mm IC clips), is very use­ful for 0.5 mm pitch components. See Figure 4.5.
The E2421A kit contains one each: 8-pin, 14-pin, 16-pin, 20-pin, 24-pin, and 28-pin SOIC test clips. See Figure 4.6.
The E2422A kit contains one each: 20-pin, 28-pin, 44-pin, 52-pin, 66-pin, and 84-pin QUAD IC test adapters. See Figure 4.6.
There are three methods of grounding the probe system. First, the entire probe lead set can be grounded through the common ground. This requires only one connection, but is not recommended because it will cause poor signal fidelity in systems with fast transition times. The recommended method is to individually ground each probe lead. This yields optimal signal fidelity and is required for signals with faster transition times (< 4 - 5 ns).
For moderate rise times (greater than 2 ns), it may be acceptable to ground every other (or every fourth) ground connection to the target.
Figure 4.4. Connecting IC clips and ground leads to probes
Figure 4.5. SMD IC clip and 0.5 mm IC clip
Signal leads
SMT IC clip
RC network housing
Figure 4.6. Typical IC test clips available in E2421A SOIC kit (left) and E2422A QUAD kit (right)
Probe ground leads
General-Purpose Probing
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
Signal Line Loading
Any probed signal line must be able to supply a minimum of 600 mV (unless noted otherwise — see probe of interest) to the probe tip while the probe is connected to the system. The maximum input voltage of each probe is ±40 volts peak (unless noted oth­erwise — see probe of interest).
Probe Cables
The probe cable (see Figure 4.7 and Table 4) contains 16 signal lines and two clk lines, two +5 volt power lines, and ground lines for each of the signal/clock and power lines. All of these lines are contained in a 4.5-foot cable. The probe cable is included with the logic analyzer. The cable grounds are chassis (earth) grounds, not “floating” grounds. The two +5 volt power lines can be used to power active probing systems. Consult the specifications for the individual logic analyzers or logic analyzer cards for the maximum allowable current through each +5 volt power supply.
Caution: These +5 volt power lines MUST NOT be connected to the target’s power supply.
Caution: Be careful when using straight wire probe leads, one common ground, or RC networks located far from the target. These circumstances increase the impact of analog effects such as crosstalk and EMT susceptibility, which contribute to measurement errors.
Logic Analyzer 01660-61605 16555-61606 16710-61603 16715-61601 Stand Alone or Module
16550A x
16554A x
16555A/D x
16556A/D x
16557D x
16710A x
16711A x
16712A x
16715A x
16716A x
16717A x
16718A x
16719A x
16740 Series x
16750A/B x
16751A/B x
16752A/B x
16910A x
16911A x
1670 Series x
1680 Series x
1690 Series x
Table 4. Probe cables supplied with Agilent logic analyzers
Figure 4.7. Logic analyzer probe cable
Designing and Probing with Target Connections
Normal-Density, Medium-Performance Applications
In some cases, you may not have a standard QFP package on the target available for probing access, or your device may be available only in BGA packaging.
Agilent recommends that targets with probing constraints have connectors designed into the prototype versions of the product for effective hardware and soft­ware debug. The following should be considered when designing with connectors:
• Select the appropriate connec­tor technology for your target speed and target density.
• Carefully select all lines for routing to the connectors that may be needed for debug.
• Group the lines at each connector for your probing convenience. For example, Agilent may have written an inverse assembler for your device that has a preconfig­ured signal order. Before designing, refer to the docu­mentation for this inverse assembler for essential signal lines and order.
• Keep the routing to connectors as short as possible to mini­mize target impact and provide accurate data.
• Examine the impact of probing isolation networks designed into the target vs. the isolation network products offered by Agilent Technologies.
An isolation network must be located between the target and the logic analyzer. It can be located on the target board in through-hole or SMT parts; or it can be attached to the logic analyzer cable with the probe leads (the isolation network is molded into the end of the probe); or the Agilent 01650-63203 isola­tion adapter with self contained isolation networks can be used. Probe leads can be used with connectors but are not the most convenient method. Direct con­nection of the connectors with the analyzer cable (isolation net­work parts on the target) or with a probe or isolation adapter is the faster, more convenient method.
Designing and Probing with Target Connections
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
High-Density, High-Performance Probes
Agilent Pro Series Soft Touch Connectorless Logic Analyzer Probes
Agilent Technologies has devel­oped connectorless logic analyzer probes based on soft touch probing technology. Connectorless logic analyzer probing removes the connector that is traditionally attached to the target board and replaces it with an array of probe pads. This reduces the probe load on the target by eliminating the loading associated with the physical body of the connector. Additionally, this streamlines the design flow by eliminating the need to assign a logic analyzer connector to the bill of material of your board, procuring those connectors and then having them loaded onto your board.
Agilent’s soft touch connectorless probes use micro spring-pin tech­nology to provide reliable contact which is not dependent on the planarity of the PC board or the
plating processes used to fabri­cate the board. No special clean­ing processes are required when using Agilent’s soft touch probes.
The new Agilent Technologies Pro Series soft touch connectorless probes offer a 30% smaller foot­print than the original soft touch probes and are the basis for the industry standard connectorless probing footprint.
The probes use a retention module that ensures soft touch pin-to-PC board pad alignment and holds the probe in place while in use. The Pro Series soft touch uses a “top-side” mountable retention module. The retention module is mounted on the same side of the board as the probing footprint so there is no need to access the back-side of the board. Because there is no requirement for the retention module pins to extend beyond the back-side of the board, the retention module is compatible with virtually any board thickness.
E5404A Pro Series Soft Touch Connectorless Probe
The E5404A is a 34-channel single-ended Pro Series soft touch connectorless probe compatible with all Agilent logic analyzers that have a 40-pin pod connector. It is capable of acquiring data at the maximum rates of the logic analyzer it is connected to.
• No connector on the target board
• Top-side mount retention module
• Industry-standard connectorless footprint
• 34 channels, single-ended clock and data
• Extremely low, <0.7 pF, equivalent load capacitance
• Capable of data rates >2.5 Gb/s (maximum rate dependent on analyzer used)
• 500 mV p-p minimum signal amplitude
• Robust and reliable soft touch technology
Unused clock inputs can be used as data inputs.
The E5404A (used with logic ana­lyzers with a 40-pin cable connec­tor) uses the same footprint, pinout, and retention module as the E5406A Pro Series soft touch connectorless probe (used with logic analyzers with a 90-pin cable connector).
A kit of five retention modules is shipped with each Pro Series soft touch probe. Additional kits can be ordered using Agilent part number E5403A.
Figure 5.1. “Top-side” mountable retention module.
Solder pins from top of board
Figure 5.2. Agilent E5394A soft touch probe connection
Pads and mounting holes on target system
Retention module
E5394A single-ended soft touch probe
Logic analyzer probe cables (40-pin pod connector)
Designing and Probing with Target Connections
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
E5394A Soft Touch Connectorless Probe
The E5394A is a 34-channel single-ended soft touch connec­torless probe compatible with all Agilent logic analyzers that have a 40-pin pod connector. It is capable of acquiring data at the maximum rates of the logic analyzer it is connected to. The probe has the following inputs:
• 32 single-ended data inputs
• two single-ended clock inputs
• < 0.7 pf input capacitance
• 500 mV p-p minimum signal amplitude
Unused clock inputs can be used as data inputs.
The E5394A (used with logic analyzers with a 40-pin pod con­nector) uses the same footprint, pinout and retention module as the E5390A single-ended soft touch connectorless probe (used with logic analyzers with a 90-pin pod connector).
A kit of five retention modules is shipped with each soft touch probe. Additional kits can be ordered using Agilent part number E5387-68701.
E5396A Half-Size Soft Touch Connectorless Probe
The E5396A is a small space saving probe compatible with all Agilent logic analyzers that have a 40-pin cable connector. It is a 17-channel, single-ended probe capable of capturing data at the maximum rates of the logic analyzer it is connected to. The probe has the following inputs:
• 16 single-ended data inputs
• one single-ended clock input
• <0.7 pf equivalent load capacitance
• 500 mV p-p minimum signal amplitude
The unused clock input can be used as a data input.
The E5396A (used with logic analyzers with a 40-pin cable con­nector) uses the same footprint, pinout, and retention module as the E5398A single-ended soft touch connectorless probe (used with logic analyzers with a 90-pin cable connector).
More information about soft touch connectorless probes is available on the web at
Designing and Probing with Target Connections
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
Probe Dimensions
The following figures show dimensions, footprint, and pinout information you will need to design your target system board for use with the Agilent Pro Series soft touch probes.
Figure 5.3. E5404A probe dimensions
Figure 5.4. Pro Series soft touch retention module dimensions
Figure 5.5. Pro Series soft touch side-by-side dimensions
Probe and Retention Module Dimensions
The following dimensions show the Pro Series soft touch probe attached to the retention module. The retention module is mounted on the PC board.
Top view E5404A
Side view E5404A
Top view E5394A
Side view E5394A
Top view E5396A
Side view E5396A
Figure 5.6. E5394A and E5396A soft touch probe dimensions
Designing and Probing with Target Connections
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
45.72 mm
1.80 in.
60.96 mm
2.40 in.
11.176 mm
0.440 in.
160.79 mm
6.330 in.
8.76 mm
0.345 in.
21.08 mm
0.830 in.
34.61 mm
1.363 in.
27.93 mm
1.100 in.
7.54 mm
0.297 in.
5.31 mm
0.209 in.
45.720 mm
45.87 mm
1.806 in.
64.48 mm
2.538 in.
6.63 mm
0.261 in.
18.000 in.
8.76 mm
0.345 in.
21.11 mm
0.831 in.
22.05 mm
0.868 in.
15.93 mm
0.627 in.
7.54 mm
0.297 in.
5.31 mm
0.209 in.
21.61 mm
0.851 in.
Designing and Probing with Target Connections
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
Retention Module Dimensions
The soft touch probes are attached to the PC board using a retention module which ensures pin-to-pad alignment and holds the probe in place. A board thickness of up to 2.54 mm (0.100 in.) is recommended. Insert the retention module into the board, noting the keying pin, and solder the four alignment pins to the backside of the board.
Probe and Retention Module Dimensions
The following dimensions show the soft touch probe attached to the retention module. The retention module is mounted on the PC board.
Figure 5.7. Retention module dimensions
Figure 5.8. Side-by-side dimensions
17-channel retention module dimensions
34-channel retention module dimensions
17-channel probe and retention module dimensions
34-channel probe and retention module dimensions
4.83 mm
0.190 in.
6.99 mm
0.275 in.
4.83 mm
0.190 in.
6.99 mm
0.275 in.
0.64 mm
0.025 in.
4.98 mm
0.196 in.
17.98 mm
0.708 in.
22.05 mm
0.868 in.
4.98 mm
0.196 in.
34.04 mm
1.340 in.
29.97 mm
1.180 in.
0.64 mm
0.025 in.
3.58 mm
0.141 in.
2.72 mm
0.107 in.
2.72 mm
0.107 in.
3.58 mm
0.141 in.
25.35 mm
0.998 in.
8.13 mm
0.320 in.
Minimum recommended
29.61 mm
1.166 in.
8.13 mm
0.320 in.
Minimum recommended
35.05 mm
1.380 in.
Minimum recommended
2.54 mm
0.100 in.
23.06 mm
0.908 in.
Minimum recommended
2.54 mm
0.100 in.
Designing and Probing with Target Connections
For All Agilent Logic Analyzers with 40-pin Pod Connectors
Figure 5.9. Pro Series soft touch footprint dimensions (see drawing notes).
Drawing notes:
Maintain a solder mask web between pads when traces are routed between the pads on the same layer. The solder mask may not encroach onto the pads within the pad dimension shown.
VIAs not allowed on these pads. VIA edges may be tangent to pad edges as long as a solder mask web between VIAs and pads is maintained.
Surface finishes on pads should be HASL immersion silver, or gold over nickel.
This footprint is compatible with retention module Agilent part number E5405-68702.
This through hole is not used with the Agilent retention module.
Plated through hole should not be tied to ground plane for thermal relief.
Figure 5.10. Pad numbers for E5404/06A 34-channel single-ended probes.
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 B25 B26 B27
GND D2 D3 GND D6 D7 GND D8 D9 GND D12 D13 GND D0 D1 GND D4 D5 GND GND/NC CK 2+ GND D10 D11 GND D14 D15
Logic analyzer odd pod
Logic analyzer even pod
D0 D1
D4 D5
CK 1+
D10 D11
D14 D15
D2 D3
D6 D7
D8 D9
D12 D13
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8
A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27
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