Discover the next generation of bench/system
DMMs from Agilent
DMM results in ways
you never have before
with unquestioned
Truevolt confi dence
to the next generation 34401A
DMM with 100% assurance
Agilent 34461A
a direct replacement for the
34401A 6½ digit DMM
Agilent 34460A
a basic entry point into
the 6½ digit class
of Agilent DMMs

Display DMM results in ways you never have before
Easily display, save and document
your measurement results
Easily set up and see your results and get actionable
information faster
• See your results clearly on a bright, 4.3-inch (109 mm), high-resolution, color
graphical display. Get answers faster using the intuitive, menu-driven interface.
If you have questions about a key or functionality, press and hold the key to
display built-in help on the subject.
• Customize display operation to meet your needs. Confi gure your preferences
and pull them up automatically at the next instrument start-up.
• Add customized labels to describe the instrument’s measurement your way.
• Get quick insight with graphical views of your measurement results: View
readings, long-term trends (34461A only) and measurement histograms
for a statistical view.
The bright, 4.3” high-resolution monitor is a prominent
feature of Agilent’s new Truevolt multimeter family.
Number mode provides
the traditional “digits” view
of measurements.
Bar meter mode provides the
number display along with an
analog meter to provide a visual
view of your measurements.
Histogram mode gives you a statistical
view of your measurements.

Display DMM results in ways you never have before
Save and document your DMM’s data to your PC
or mobile device using your preferred I/O:
• Control, capture and view your DMM’s data on your PC with a single click
using the Digital Multimeter Connectivity Utility via USB, GPIB, LAN,
or RS-232 (for older generation Agilent DMMs).
• Easily access the fi les on your
DMM using drag-and-drop
to transfer fi les via USB –
no software required.
• Choose the I/O that works best
for you: USB, LAN/LXI Core
(optional on 34460A), GPIB
(optional on 34460A & 34461A).
• Easily access the front-panel USB memory connector.
Test result screens allow you to show
measurement statistics on the display.
The free DMM connectivity
utility helps you get your
job done faster
Capture and export data to your PC with
drag and drop ease
Capture a digitized record, log measurements for
longer periods under PC control or upload data
captured directly from the instrument. Export data
from a single DMM, or multiple DMMs with time
alignment, to popular tools such as Microsoft
Excel, Microsoft Word and MATLAB. Simplify test
documentation and data analysis without the hassles
of programming.
Visualize multiple DMM outputs at once
Display single measurements, charts, or histograms
from a single instrument or up to four DMMs
simultaneously. See what’s happening on your
bench, all on one display—to spot correlated trends
you might otherwise miss.
Trend chart mode (34461A only)
displays your measurements
over time.
Simplify instrument confi guration
Instrument controls provide easy measurement setup
and instrument state management. Reduce set-up
times and quickly reconfi gure for new tests.
Speed up instrument discovery and connection for a broad range of Agilent DMMs
With one-click access to Agilent IO Libraries Suite,
connect to DMMs via USB, GPIB, LAN or RS-232.
Spend your valuable time testing your designs rather
than setting up, connecting, and troubleshooting
Access and control tests on your DMM
remotely on your mobile device
With a companion app available, DMM Mobile
Utility, as a free download from the Apple App Store,
view and control your LAN-enabled instrument
wherever you go and receive email alerts when
problems occur. Remotely remedy problems on long
running tests to minimize project delays.
Download the DMM connectivity utility:
www.agilent.com/fi nd/DMMutilitysoftware

Measure with unquestioned Truevolt confi dence
Worry about the quality of your design, not the quality
of your measurements
In a rack or on a bench real-world signals are never fl at. They have some level
of AC signal riding on top from power line noise, other environmental noise, or
injected current from the meter itself. How well your meter deals with these
extraneous factors and eliminates them from the true measurement makes a big
difference to your accuracy. Behind the scenes, Agilent’s Truevolt technology
accounts for measurement errors created by these real-world factors so you can
be confi dent in your measurements and it is only available on Agilent DMMs.
Truevolt technology starts with an analog-to-digital converter that enables a
patented metrology-grade architecture. Using this architecture, Agilent delivers
a good balance of measurement resolution, linearity, accuracy, and speed at a
value price, all derived and guaranteed per ISO/IEC 17025 industry standards.

Measure with unquestioned Truevolt confi dence
Crest factor: the ratio of the
peak value to the RMS value
What Truevolt technology means to you:
You can measure your real-world signals,
not instrument error
Noise and injected current: Agilent Truevolt DMMs contribute less than
30% of the injected current than alternatives. Compared to some lower cost
alternatives, Truevolt DMMs offer almost 100% less noise.
Input bias current: Ideally, no current fl ows into the measurement terminals
of your DMM. In real measurement situations, there are always input currents
creating additional measurement errors. Truevolt DMMs take care of input bias
current. Some alternative DMMs offer 20% to infi nitely poorer performance
(some are too noisy to measure).
You can measure your real-world signals with confi dence
All Truevolt DMM specifi cations are tested and guaranteed for compliance
with ISO/IEC 17025 standards so you can prove the effectiveness
of your lab or production line’s quality management system.
of your
Many lower-cost DMMs in this class do not carry a guarantee
of their measurement specifi cations.
You can take advantage of expanded
measurement functionality
Compared to the 34401A DMM, Truevolt DMMs offer expanded
current ranges from 100 µA to 10 A. We have also added a temperature measurement function (RTD/PT100, 5 kΩ thermistor).
Additionally, diode measurement capability has been expanded
to allow a larger full-scale voltage to be measured (5 V) to
enable the measurement of more diode types such as LEDs.
Digital AC rms measurements: For meters in this class, only Agilent uses
digital direct sampling techniques to make AC rms measurements. This results
in a true rms calculation technique that avoids the slower response of analog
RMS converters used in all other vendor’s 6½ digit DMMs. This allows for
crest factors up to 10 without additional error terms. This is a unique, patented
technique – only used by Agilent.