Atec Agilent-33250A User Manual

The Agilent Technologies 33250A Function/ Arbitrary Waveform Generator uses direct digital-synthesis techniques to create a sta­ble, accurate output on all waveforms, down to 1µHz frequency resolution. The benefits are apparent in every signal you produce, from the sine wave frequency accuracy to the fast rise/fall times of square waves, to the ramp linearity.
Front-panel operation of the 33250A is straightforward and user friendly. The knob or numeric keypad can be used to adjust fre­quency, amplitude and offset. You can even enter voltage values directly in Vpp, Vrms, dBm, or high/low levels. Timing parameters can be entered in hertz (Hz) or seconds.
Custom Waveform Generation
Why settle for a basic function generator when you can get arbitrary waveforms at no extra cost? With the 33250A, you can generate arbitrary waveforms with 12-bit vertical resolution, 64K memory depth, and a sample rate of 200 MSa/s. You can also store up to four 64K-deep arbitrary waveforms in non-volatile memory with user-defined names to help you find the right waveform when you need it most.
Agilent 33250A Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Data Sheet
The included Agilent IntuiLink software allows you to easily create, edit, and down­load complex waveforms Arbitrary Waveform Editor. a waveform using IntuiLink oscilloscope or DMM and send it to the 33250A for output. For programmers, ActiveX components can be used to control the instrument using SCPI commands. IntuiLink provides the tools to easily create, download, and man­age waveforms for your 33250A. To find out more about IntuiLink, visit www.agilent. com/find/intuilink.
Pulse Generation
The 33250A can generate simple pulses up to 50 MHz. With variable edge time, pulse width and voltage level, the 33250A is ideally suited to a wide variety of pulse applications.
using the IntuiLink
Or you can capture
• 80 MHz sine and square wave outputs
• Sine, square, ramp, noise and other waveforms
• 50 MHz pulse waveforms with variable rise/fall times
• 12-bit, 200 MSa/s, 64K-point deep arbi­trary waveform
Built-in Versatility
AM, FM and FSK capabilities make it easy to modulate waveforms with or without a separate source. Linear or logarith­mic sweeps can be performed with a programmable frequency marker signal. Programmable burst count and gating allow you to further customize your signal.
For system applications, both GPIB and RS-232 interfaces are standard, and support full programmability using SCPI commands.
Color Graphical Display
The unique design of the 33250A combines a low-profile instrument withthe benefits of a color graphical display. Now you can display multiple waveform parameters at the same time. The graphical interface also allows you to modify arbitrary waveforms quickly and easily.
Timebase Stability and Clock Reference
The 33250A TCXO timebase gives you frequency accuracy of 2 ppm for your most demanding applications. The external clock reference input/output lets you synchronize to an external 10MHz clock, to another 33250A, or to another Agilent 332XXA Function/Arbitrary Wafeform Generator. Phase adjustments can be made from the front panel or via a computer interface, allowing precise phase calibration and adjustment.
Standard sine, square, pulse,
ramp, noise, sin(x)/x, exponential rise, exponential fall, cardiac, DC volts
Waveform length 1 to 64K points Amplitude resolution 12 bits (including sign) Repetition rate 1 µHz to 25 MHz Sample rate 200 MSa/s Filter bandwidth 50 MHz Non-vol. memory Four (4) 64K wave- forms
Frequency Characteristics
Sine 1 µHz to 80 MHz Square 1 µHz to 80 MHz Pulse 500 µHz to 50 MHz Arb 1 µHz to 25 MHz Ramp 1 µHz to 1 MHz White noise 50 MHz bandwidth Resolution 1 µHz; except pulse, 5digits Accuracy (1 year) 2 ppm, 18°C to 28°C 3 ppm, 0°C to 55°C
Sinewave Spectral Purity
Harmonic distortion
≤ 3 Vpp
> 3 Vpp DC to 1 MHz -60 dBc -55 dBc 1 MHz to 5 MHz -57 dBc -45 dBc 5 MHz to 80 MHz -37 dBc
-30 dBc
Total harmonic distortion
DC to 20 kHz < 0.2% + 0.1 mVrms Spurious (non-harmonic)
DC to 1 MHz -60 dBc 1 MHz to 20 MHz -50 dBc 20 MHz 80 MHz -50 dBc + 6dBc/oc- tave Phase noise (30 kHz band) 10 MHz <-65 dBc (typical) 80 MHz <-47 dBc (typical)
Signal Characteristics
Rise/Fall time < 8 ns Overshoot < 5% Asymmetry 1% of period + 1 ns
Jitter (rms) < 2 MHz 0.01% + 525 ps ≥ 2 MHz 0.1% + 75 ps
Duty cycle ≤ 25 MHz 20.0% to 80.0% 25 MHz to 50 MHz 40.0% to 60.0% 50 MHz to 80 MHz 50.0% (fixed)
Period 20.00 ns to 2000.0 s Pulse width 8.0 ns to 1999.9 s Variable edge time 5.00 ns to 1.00 ms Overshoot < 5% Jitter (rms) 100 ppm + 50 ps
Linearity < 0.1% of peak output Symmetry 0.0% to 100.0%
Minimum edge time < 10 ns Linearity < 0.1% of peak output Settling time < 50 ns to 0.5% of final value Jitter (rms) 30 ppm + 2.5 ns
Output Characteristics
Amplitude (into 50Ω) 10 mVpp to 10 Vpp Accuracy (at 1 kHz, >10 mVpp, Autorange on) ± 1% of setting ± 1 mVpp Flatness (sinewave relative to 1 kHz, Autorange on) < 10 MHz ± 1% (0.1 dB) 10 MHz to 50 MHz ± 2% (0.2 dB) 50 MHz to 80 MHz ± 5% (0.4 dB) Units Vpp, Vrms, dBm, highand low level Resolution 0.1 mV or 4 digits
Offset (into 50Ω) ± 5 Vpk ac + dc Accuracy 1% of setting + 2 mV + 0.5% of amplitude
Waveform Output
Impedance 50Ω typical (fixed) >10 MΩ (output dis- abled) Isolation 42 Vpk maximum to earth Protection short-circuit protected overload relay automatically disables main output
Modulation Characteristics
Carrier waveforms sine, square, ramp, and arb Mod. waveforms sine, square, ramp, noise, and arb Mod. frequency 2 mHz to 20 kHz Depth 0.0% to 120.0% Source internal/external
Carrier waveforms sine, square, ramp, and arb Mod. waveforms sine, square, ramp, noise, and arb Mod. frequency 2 mHz to 20 kHz Peak deviation DC to 80 MHz Source internal/external
Carrier waveforms sine, square, ramp, and arb Mod. waveform 50% duty cycle square Internal rate 2 mHz to 100 kHz Frequency range 1 µHz to 80 MHz Source internal/external
External Modulation Input
Voltage range ± 5 V full scale Input impedance 10 Ω Frequency DC to 20 kHz Latency < 70 µs typical
Waveforms sine, square, ramp,
pulse, arb, andnoise Frequency 1 µHz to 80 MHz
Burst count 1 to 1,000,000 cycles orinfinite Start/Stop phase -360.0° to +360.0°
Internal period 1 ms to 500 s Gate source external trigger Trigger source single manual trigger, internal, external trig Trigger delay N-cycle, infinite 0.0 ns to 85.000 sec
Waveforms sine, square, ramp, and arb Type linear and logarithmic Direction up or down Start F/Stop F 100 µHz to 80 MHz Sweep time 1 ms to 500 s Trigger single manual trigger, internal, external trig Marker falling edge of sync signal (programmable)
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