Atec Agilent-16047A User Manual

Accessories Selection Guide For Impedance Measurements
June 2003
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
1. What are Agilent Accessories? 1
2. Types of Accessories 1
3. The Benefits of Agilent Accessories 2
Tips for Selecting Appropriate Accessories 3
1. Selection by Measurement Application 3
2. Compatibility with Measurement Instruments 3
3. Frequency, DC Bias, and Operating Temperature/Humidity 4
4. DUT (Device Under Test) Dimensions 4
5. Open & short Repeatability and Proportional Error 4
6. Furnished Accessories 4
7. Terminal Adapters 5
Accessory Catalogue
Applicable Frequency Ranges 6 Accessories Organization 7
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) 9
Lead Components:
16047A Test Fixture 10 16047D Test Fixture 11 16047E Test Fixture 12 16060A Transformer Test Fixture 13
16034E Test Fixture 14 16034G Test Fixture 15 16034H Test Fixture 16 16044A Test Fixture 17-18 16334A Tweezers Contact Test Fixture 19 16043A/B 3-Terminal SMD Test Fixture 20-22
Other Components (Varying in Size or Shape):
16089A Large Kelvin Clip Leads 23 16089B Medium Kelvin Clip Leads 23 16089C Kelvin IC Clip Leads 24 16089D Kelvin Alligator Clip Leads 24 16089E Kelvin Clip Leads 25
Port/Cable Extension:
16048A Test Leads 26 16048B Test Leads 26 16048D Test Leads 27 16048E Test Leads 27 16048G Test Leads 28 16048H Test Leads 28
Balanced/Unbalanced Converters:
16314A Balanced/Unbalanced 4-Terminal Converter 29
16095A Probe Test Fixture 30 42941A Impedance Probe Kit 31
DC Bias Accessories:
16065A 200 Vdc External Voltage Bias Fixture 32 16065C 40 Vdc External Voltage Bias Adapter 32 42841A Bias Current Source 33 42842A Bias Current Test Fixture 34 42842B Bias Current Test Fixture 35 42842C Bias Current Test Fixture 36 P/N 42851-61100 36 42843A Bias Current Cable 37
16451B Dielectric Test Fixture 38-41 16452A Liquid Dielectric Test Fixture 42-43
Up to 3 GHz (7 mm) 45
Lead Components:
16092A Spring Clip Test Fixture 46 16093A Binding Post Test Fixture 47 16093B Binding Post Test Fixture 48
16191A Side Electrode SMD Test Fixture 49-50 16192A Parallel Electrode SMD Test Fixture 51-52 16194A High Temperature Component Test Fixture 53-54 16196A Parallel Electrode SMD Test Fixture 55-57 16196B Parallel Electrode SMD Test Fixture 58-59 16196C Parallel Electrode SMD Test Fixture 60-61 16197A Bottom Electrode SMD Test Fixture 62-64
16094A Probe Test Fixture 65
DC Bias Accessories:
16200B External DC Bias Adapter 66
16453A Dielectric Material Test Fixture 67 16454A Magnetic Material Test Fixture 68-69
DC (High Resistance) 71
SMD & Lead Components:
16339A Component Test Fixture 72
16118A Tweezers Test Fixture 73
Other Components (Varying in Size, Shape or Grounded):
16117B Low Noise Test Leads 74 16117C Low Noise Test Leads 75 16117E Low Noise Test Leads 75
16008B Resistivity Cell 76-77
1 kHz (Milliohm) 79
Various Components:
16338A Test Lead Kit 80 16143B Mating Cable 81 16005B Kelvin Clip Leads 81 16005C/D Kelvin IC Clip Leads 81 16006A Pin-type Leads 82 16007A/B Kelvin Alligator Clip Leads 82
Other Accessories
16064B LED Display/Trigger Box 83 16190B Performance Test Kit 84 16380A Standard Capacitor Set 85 16380C Standard Capacitor Set 86 42030A Four-Terminal Pair Standard Resistor Set 87 42090A Open Termination 88 42091A Short Termination 88
The Concept of a Test Fixture’s Additional Error 89
1. System Configuration for Impedance Measurement 89
2. Measurement System Accuracy 89-91
3. New Market Trends and the Additional Error for Test Fixtures 91-93
Error Compensation 94
1. Open/short Compensation 94
2. Open/short/load Compensation 94
3. Electrical Length Compensation 95
4. Cable Length Compensation 96
Measurement Repeatability 96
Index 97-99
Test Fixture Selection By SMD Size 100 Accessories vs. Instruments Matrix 101
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When a device under test (DUT) is measured, a test fixture must be used to connect the instrument to the DUT. A test fixture is an interface specifically designed to connect the instrument and the contact tips of the DUT.
1. What are Agilent Accessories?
Agilent offers a variety of accessories suitable for many applications. They are designed to make mea­surements simple and reliable. For example, a mechanically and electrically precise test fixture is required to measure the impedance of SMD components. For this measurement, Agilent offers dedicated SMD fixtures for impedance measurement instruments that minimize the measurement errors. Also, specially designed fixtures for other specific applications (such as DC bias test, dielectric material test, and others.) are available. Agilent accessories facilitate a shorter time-to-market with increased confi­dence by providing accurate and repeatable measurements.
2. Types of Accessories
Agilent accessories can be divided into the following five categories:
Test Fixtures
A test fixture is used to hold the electronic components or materials (physically and electrically) for the measurements. Agilent offers various kinds of 4-Terminal Pair test fixtures and 7 mm test fixtures. Some of them connect directly to the measurement instrument, while others require adapters.
Test Leads
Test leads are used to extend the measurement ports from the UNKNOWN terminals of the instrument to the DUT. Using a flexible test lead, a DUT that cannot be held with test fixtures can be measured regardless of its size or shape. The test leads can also be used as cable extensions when the test sample is located away from the measurement instrument.
Probes are helpful in measuring components which are already connected to PC boards or have one ter­minal grounded. The probes shown in this selection guide have a wide frequency range and are simple to use.
Adapters are used to adapt the dedicated circuits between the instrument and the test fixtures. The 16085B is a terminal conversion adapter that can convert a 4-Terminal Pair configuration to a 7 mm configuration. The 16065C is an external DC bias adapter that can apply DC bias to the DUT from an external DC bias source.
Also available are DC bias accessories and performance test equipment.
3. The Benefits of Agilent Accessories
Each accessory is designed to ensure highly accurate measurements without degrading the performance of the measurement instrument.
– Minimum residual error preserves the accuracy of the measurement instruments. – Clearly defined error compensation allows easy calculation of error corrections. – Strict measurement specifications, such as test frequencies and signal levels provide safe and accu-
rate measurements.
This document introduces a group of Agilent accessories that are well suited for the following measure­ment instruments:
LCR Meters:
• 4263A*/4263B 100 Hz/120 Hz/1 kHz/10 kHz/100 kHz LCR Meter
• 4284A 20 Hz - 1 MHz Precision LCR Meter
• 4285A 75 kHz - 30 MHz Precision LCR Meter
• 4286A* 1 MHz - 1 GHz RF LCR Meter
• 4287A 1 MHz - 3 GHz RF LCR Meter
Capacitance Meters
• 4268A 120 Hz/1 kHz Capacitance Meter
• 4278A 1 kHz/1 MHz Capacitance Meter
• 4279A 1 MHz C-V Meter
• 4288A 1 kHz/1 MHz Capacitance Meter
Resistance Meters
• 4338A*/4338B 1 kHz Milliohm Meter
• 4339A*/4339B DC High Resistance Meter
• 4349A*/4349B DC 4-ch High Resistance Meter
Impedance Analyzers
• 4192A 5 Hz - 13 MHz LF Impedance Analyzer
• 4194A* 100 Hz - 40 MHz Impedance/Gain-Phase Analyzer
• 4291A*/4291B* 1 MHz - 1.8 GHz RF Impedance/Material Analyzer
• 4294A 40 Hz - 110 MHz Precision Impedance Analyzer
• E4991A 1 MHz - 3 GHz RF Impedance/Material Analyzer
Combination Analyzers
• 4195A* 100 kHz - 500 MHz Network/Spectrum Analyzer
• 4395A 10 Hz - 500 MHz Network/Spectrum/Impedance Analyzer
• 4396A*/4396B 100 kHz - 1.8 GHz RF Network/Spectrum/Impedance Analyzer
* denotes the instrument is obsolete
4. ISO 9000 Quality Management
ISO 9000 is a set of international standards for quality management and quality assurance. These stan­dards were developed with the goal of documenting and implementing effective quality systems within companies. ISO standards are consistent with Agilent’s quality system; in fact, the standards within Agilent Technologies’ Quality Maturity System (QMS) exceed the intent of ISO 9000.
The following topics comprise a helpful guideline for selecting an appropriate accessory for the measure­ment instrument to be used.
1. Selection By Measurement Application
Agilent accessories can be used in a wide variety of measurement applications. These applications range from basic measurements (such as impedance measurements for discrete devices) to advanced measure­ments (such as measurement of resistivities or dielectric constants.)
2. Compatibility with Measurement Instruments
Test fixtures/leads are compatible with the measurement instruments when they have the same type of terminal configuration and useable measurement frequency range. The measurement instruments described in this guide are divided into the following four categories based on frequency.
Tips for Selecting Appropriate Accessories
Frequency Up to 110 MHz Up to 3 GHz Range (Terminal Configuration: 4-Terminal Pair) (Terminal Configuration: 7 mm)
Measurement 4192A, 4194A, 4263A/B, 4268A, 4291A/B, 4294A + 42942A, 4395A Instruments 4278A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, w/Opt.010 + 43961A, 4396A/B w/Opt.010
+ 43961A, 4286A, 4287A, E4991A Any 4TP instruments (excluding 4294A) + 16085B
Frequency DC (High Resistance Measurement) 1 kHz (Milliohm Measurement)
Measurement 4339A/B, 4349A/B 4338A/B Instruments
3. Frequency, DC bias, and operating temperature/humidity
Each of the Agilent accessories has its own specific operating range. Any measurement performed out­side this range can increase residual errors and can cause problems. Be sure that your measurement environment fits the accessory’s specific operating range. In the case of humidity, Agilent’s accessories can operate at a relative humidity of 95% or less at 40°C. (These same requirements apply to most LCR Meters and Impedance Analyzers.) When the ambient temperature is not approximately 40°C, use an accessory that has no condensation on its surface.
4. DUT (Device Under Test) dimensions
The DUT can vary from chip components, axial/radial leads, or ICs to general electrical devices. Select a test fixture/lead that is suitable for the shape and size of your components or materials.
5. Open & short repeatability and proportional error
Since a test fixture induces an additional error when measuring, the total measurement error is the sum of the measurement instrument’s measurement accuracy and the fixture’s additional error. Generally, a test fixture’s additional error consists of three terms: open repeatability, short repeatability and propor­tional error. Open and short repeatability exhibit the error factors of the open and short residual imped­ances which affect the measurements of extremely high and low impedances respectively. Proportional error exhibits the error factor, which is proportional to the size of the impedance being measured. For more details on this subject, please see the Appendix.
6. Furnished accessories
Each test fixture is shipped with a manual and various other accessories needed for measuring. For example, the 42941A impedance probe kit is furnished with a pin probe, 4 adapters (BNC-SMB), 3 spare pins, a carrying case and an operation and service manual.
Tips for Selecting Appropriate Accessories
Tips for Selecting Appropriate Accessories
7. T erminal Adapters
Terminal Adapters convert the instruments terminal configuration into a 7 mm terminal configuration. This means that instruments that do not have a 7 mm terminal connector can use test fixtures with a 7 mm terminal connector. The 16085B converts a 4-Terminal Pair configuration into a 7 mm terminal connector. The 42942A does the same as 16085B, but can only be used with the 4294A.
16085B Terminal Adapter
Dimensions (approx.): 178(W)x90(H)x114(D) [mm] Weight (approx.): 550 g
42942A T erminal Adapter
Dimensions (approx.): 190(W) x 55(H) x 140 (D) [mm] Weight (approx.): 800 g
Applicable Instruments:
4263B, 4278A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4194A, 4268A
Frequency: DC to 40 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC +DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C Furnished Accessories:
Applicable Instrument:
4294A only
Frequency: 40 Hz to 110 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC +DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C Furnished Accessories:
42942A-700: Add 7mm open/short/load set
Description P/N Qty.
Operating Note 16085-90001 1
Description P/N Qty.
Carrying Case 42942-60011 1 Operation and Service Manual 42942-90010 1
Description P/N Qty.
Open Termination 04191-85302 1 Short Termination 04191-85300 1 Load Termination 04191-60043 1
Accessories Catalogue
Frequency Range
DC 1k 1M 10M 100M 1G [Hz] 2G [Hz] 3G [Hz] 16047A 13M 16047D 40M 16047E 110M
16060A 100 k 16034E 40M 16034G/H 110M 16043A/B 110M 16044A 10M 16334A 15M 16089A/B/C/D/E 5 100 k 16048A/B/D 30M 16048E 1M 16048G/H 110M 16314A 100 10M 16315/6A 100 10M 16317A 100 3M 42941A 110M 16095A 13M 16065A 50 2M 16065C 50 1M 42842A/B 20 1M (For use with 4284A) 42842C 75k 30M (For use with 4285A) 16451B 30M 16452A 20 30M 16092A 500M 16093A 250M 16093B 125M 16191A 2G 16192A 2G 16194A 2G 16196A/B/C 3G 16197A 3G 16094A 125M 16200B 1M 1G 16453A 1M 1G 16454A 1k 1G 16339A DC (For 4339A/B only) 16118A DC (For 4339A/B only) 16117B/C DC (For 4339A/B only) 16117E DC (For 4339A/B only) 16008B DC (For 4339A/B only) 16338A* 1k (For 4338A/B only)
: When 16085B is used. * Note, this includes 16005B, 16005C/D, 16006A, 16007A/B
: When 42942A is used.
Applicable Frequency Ranges
Accessories Organization
This document is organized by measurement frequency and DUT to enable quick selection of an appro­priate test fixture for a particular measurement application. The following tables show the various cate­gories in each primary group:
• Up to 110 MHz (Terminal Configuration: 4-Terminal Pair)
• Up to 3 GHz (Terminal Configuration: 7 mm Connector)
• DC (High Resistance Measurement)
• 1 kHz (Milliohm Measurement)
• Other Accessories
Accessories Catalogue
Lead Components 16047A/D/E, 16060A SMD Components 16034E/G/H, 16044A, 16334A, 16043A/B Other Components 16089A/B/C/D/E Port/Cable Extension 16048A/B/D/E/G/H Balanced/Unbalanced Converters 16314A, 16315/6/7A DC Bias Accessories 42841A, 42842A/B/C, 42843A Material 16451B, 16452A
Lead Components 16092A, 16093A/B, 16194A SMD Components 16092A, 16191/2/4A, 16196A/B/C, 16197A Probes 16094A DC Bias Accessories 16200B Material 16453A, 16454A
Lead Components 16339A SMD Components 16118A, 16339A Other Components 16117B/C/E Material 16008B
Various Components 16338A
(With 16143B, 16005B/C/D, 16006A, 16007A/B)
Miscellaneous 16064B, 16190B, 16380A/C, 42030A, 42090/1A
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Test Fixtures (4-Terminal Pair) for Impedance Measurements up to 110 MHz
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair)
Frequency Range
DC 1k 1M 10M 100M 16047A 13M 16047D 40M 16047E 110M 16060A 100 k 16034E 40M 16034G/H 110M 16043A/B 110M 16044A 10M 16334A 15M 16089A/B/C/D/E 5 100 k 16048A/B/D 30M 16048E 1M 16048G/H 110M 16314A 100 10M 16315/6A 100 10M 16317A 100 3M 42941A 110M 16095A 13M 16065A 50 2M 16065C 50 1M 42842A/B 20 1M (For use with 4284A) 42842C 75k 30M (For use with 4285A) 16451B 30M 16452A 20 30M
Applicable Instrument
Frequency Up to 110 MHz Up to 3 GHz Range (Terminal Configuration: 4-Terminal Pair) (Terminal Configuration: 7 mm)
Measurement 4192A, 4194A, 4263A/B, 4268A, 4291A/B, 4294A + 42942A, 4395A Instruments 4278A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, w/Opt.010 + 43961A, 4396A/B w/Opt.010
Frequency DC (High Resistance Measurement) 1 kHz (Milliohm Measurement)
Measurement 4339A/B, 4349A/B 4338A/B Instruments
+ 43961A, 4286A, 4287A, E4991A Any 4TP instruments (excluding 4294A) + 16085B
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) Lead Components
16047A Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 4-Terminal Dimensions (approx.):
124 (W) x 31 (H) x 62 (D) mm
Weight (approx.): 205 g Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluation of axial/radial lead type devices. The 16047A employs Kelvin contacts which realize a wide impedance measurement range. The contact tip can be changed according to the device shape. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 13 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure with module sizes.
Furnished Accessories:
Each module size for the 16047A/D is shown above.
16047A-701: Add Shorting Plate P/N 5000-4226 Compensation and Measurement: Select one of these modules suitable for the DUT’s shape. Open and short compensations are recommended before measurement. Short compensation is performed by shorting the contacts of the test fixture with a shorting plate. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is connected to the test fixture.
16047A, 16047D module sizes
P/N 5000-4226
Shorting plate
Description P/N Qty.
Module For Axial Lead 16061-70022 2 Module For Radial Lead mounting on fixture 16061-70021 2 Module For Short Radial Lead 16047-65001 2 Operating Note 16047-90011 1
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error ±5 x (f/10)
Material: Brass (Ni-dipped) Thickness:
1.0 mm Residual impedance: 20nH, 1m
16047D Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 2-Terminal Dimensions (approx.):
149 (W) x 40 (H) x 72 (D) [mm]
Weight (approx.): 230 g Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) Lead Components
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluation of axial/radial lead type devices. The 16047D can be used up to a higher frequency, 40 MHz. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 40 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See the 16047A figure with module sizes. Furnished Accessories:
16047A-701: Add Shorting Plate P/N 5000-4226 Compensation and Measurement: Open and short compensations are recommended before measurement. Short compensation is performed by shorting the contacts of the test fixture with a shorting plate. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is connected to the test fixture.
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error ±1.25 x (f/10)
Description P/N Qty.
Module For Axial Lead 16061-70022 2 Module For Radial Lead mounting
on fixture
16061-70021 2
Module For Short Radial Lead 16047-65001 2 Operating Note 16047-90300 1
16047E Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC
DUT Connection: 2-Terminal
Dimensions (approx.):
135 (W) x 40 (H) x 65 (D) [mm]
Weight (approx.): 200 g
Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) Lead Components
Test fixture overview
Connecting a shorting plate
Measuring 3-Terminal device
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluation of lead type devices up to 110 MHz. A guard terminal is available for three terminal devices and a shorting plate comes secured on this fixture. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 110 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max.(AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure below with 16047E’s electrode size.
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. Short compensation is performed by shorting the contacts of the test fixture with a shorting plate. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is connected to the test fixture. The following figures show how compensation and measurement are performed.
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error
15 MHz
0.2 x (f/10)
Proportional Error
f > 15 MHz
4 x (f/100)[%]
Open Repeatability 2 n+10 µ x (f/100) [S] Short Repeatability 2 m+600 m x (f/100) [Ω]
Description P/N Qty.
Angle(right-side) NA 1 Angle(left-side) NA 1 Screws 0515-0914 4 Shorting Plate 16047-00621 1 Operation and Service Manual 16047-90040 1
16060A Transformer Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection:
2-Terminal for L measurement 3-Terminal for N, M measurement See figure below for more information.
Dimensions (approx.):
90 (W) x 35 (H) x 90 (D) [mm]
Cable Length (approx.): 25cm Weight (approx.): 300 g Additional Error: The additional error is negligible when
compared to the instrument’s accuracy.
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) Lead Components
Description: This test fixture provides a convenient means of measuring a transformer’s self-inductance, mutual inductance, turns-ratio, and dc resistance in the frequency range of dc to 100 kHz, as appropriate for each measurement. Applicable Instruments: 4263A*/B (with Option 4263B-
001) Only
Frequency: DC to 100 kHz Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: The lead wire of the transformer should not
have a diameter greater than 4 mm, otherwise the alliga­tor clip will not be able to clamp onto it properly.
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open compensation
is recommended before measurement. Open compensation is performed by connecting the alligator clips of “A” and “B” terminals together and separating them from the likewise connected alligator clips of the COMMON terminals. After performing open compensation, the transformer is connected to the test fixture. The “A” and “B” terminals are connected to the high terminals of the transformer. The COMMON terminals are connected to the low terminals of the transformer. The following figures show how compensation and measurement are performed.
Open compensation Connecting a transformer
Description P/N Qty.
Test Leads (black), Alligator clip to BNC(m)
16060-61601 2
Test Leads (red), Alligator clip to BNC(m)
16060-61602 2
Operation and Service Manual 16060-90000 1
4263B with 16060A
16034E Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC
DUT Connection: 2-Terminal
Dimensions (approx.):
128 (W) x 60 (H) x 71 (D) [mm]
Weight (approx.): 270 g
Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluations of SMD. The minimum SMD size that this fix­ture is adapted to evaluate is 1.6(L) x 0.8(W) [mm]. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 40 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. Open compensation is performed by separating the high and low electrodes from each other. The separation should be equivalent in size to the DUT’s width. Short compensation is performed by contacting the high and low electrodes together. After performing open and short com­pensations, the DUT is inserted into the test fixture. The following figures show how compensation and measure­ment are performed.
Open compensation
Short compensation
Inserting a DUT Electrode dimensions
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error ±1.5 x (f/10)
Description P/N Qty.
Operating Manual 16034-90041 1
DUT Dimensions
16034G Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 2-Terminal Dimensions (approx.):
120(W) x 50(H) x 70(D) [mm]
Weight (approx.): 200 g Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Open compensation Short compensation
DimensionsDUT measurement
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluations of SMD. The minimum SMD size that this fixture is adapted to evaluate is 0.6(L) x 0.3(W) [mm]. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 110 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. When measuring above 3 MHz, load compensation is also recommended. Open compensation is performed by separating the high and the low electrodes from each other. The separation size should be equivalent to the DUT’s width. Short compensation is performed placing the high and low electrodes in contact together. Load compensation is performed by using the furnished 100 SMD chip resistor. After performing open, short and load compensations, the DUT is inserted into the test fixture. The following figures show how compensation and measurement are performed.
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error 0.5 x (f/10)2[%] Open Repeatability 5 + 500 x (f/10) [nS] Short Repeatability 10 + 13 x (f/10) [mΩ]
4284A with 16034G
Description P/N Qty.
Case for 100 SMD Resistance 1540-0692 1 100Chip Resistor 0699-2488 10 Operation Manual 16034-90011 1
16034H Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC
DUT Connection: 2-Terminal
Dimensions (approx.):
120(W) x 50(H) x 70(D) [mm]
Weight (approx.): 200 g
Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
4284A with 16034H
Electrode dimensions
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error 0.5 x (f/10)2[%] Open Repeatability 5 + 500 x (f/10) [nS] Short Repeatability 10 + 13 x (f/10) [mΩ]
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluations of array-type SMD. The minimum SMD size that this fixture is adapted to evaluate is 1.6(L) x 0.8(W) [mm]. Since the tip of the measurement electrodes are very thin and the device holder is extremely flat, the device can be shifted and the measurement electrodes can contact the each elements of the array-type component. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 110 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. When measuring above 3 MHz, load compensation is also recommended. Open compensation is performed by separating the high and the low electrodes from each other. The separation should be equivalent in size to the DUT’s width. Short compensation is performed by placing the high and low electrodes in contact together. Load compensation is performed by using the furnished 100 SMD chip resistor. After performing open, short and load compensations, the DUT is inserted into the test fixture. Refer to the 16034G figures to see how compensation and measurement are performed.
Description P/N Qty.
Case for 100 SMD Resistance 1540-0692 1 100Chip Resistor 0699-2488 10 Operation Manual 16034-90012 1
DUT Dimensions
16044A Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 4-Terminal Dimensions (approx.):
160(W) x 70(H) x 98(D) [mm]
Weight (approx.): 550 g Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluations of low impedance SMD. The minimum SMD size that this fixture is adapted to evaluate is 1.6(L) x
0.8(W) [mm]. The 16044A has a Kelvin (4-Terminal) contact, which ensures repeatable measurements. It is also equipped with a mechanism for easily performing open and short compensation. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 10 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±40 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
To maintain the measurement precision, it is recommended that contact pins be replaced approximately every 50,000 times (supplementary value).
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error 2 x (f/10)2[%] Open Repeatability
1.5 + 200 x (f/10) [nS]
Short Repeatability
1.5 + 40 x (f/10) [mΩ]
Description P/N Qty.
Cleaning Rod 5182-7586 1 Operation and Service Manual 16044-90020 1
Test fixture overview
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Electrode dimensions
Short compensationOpen compensation Inserting a DUT
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short compensations are recommended before measurement. Short compensation is performed by bringing down the shorting plate (which is already on the fixture) to short all 4 terminals. Open compensation is performed by bringing down both the open plate and the shorting plate to separate the high terminals from the low terminals. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is inserted into the test fixture. The figures below show how compensation and measurement are performed.
Diameter of probe pin is 0.19 mm Diameter of Blade electrode’s contact spot is 0.5 mm Spacing between Blade electrode and probe pin is 0.11 mm
SMD can be between 1.6 and 8.0 mm in width
16334A Tweezers Contact Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 2-Terminal Cable Length (approx.): 1m (from BNC connectors
to the top of tweezers)
Weight (approx.): 290 g Additional Error:
f: [MHz]
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error ±2 x (f/10)
Description: This test fixture is designed for impedance evaluations of SMD. The minimum SMD size that this fix­ture is adapted to evaluate is 1.6(L) x 0.8(W) [mm]. The tweezers’ contacts on this fixture makes it easy to hold the DUT. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 15 MHz Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size:
10 mm (width)
See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. Open and short compensations are performed by using the furnished compensation block. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is sandwiched by the tweezers’ contacts and is measured.
Description P/N Qty.
Compensation Block 16334-60001 1 Operation Note 16334-90000 1
DUT Dimensions
3-Terminal SMD Test Fixture
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC
DUT Connection:
3-Terminal (including the guard terminal)
Dimensions (approx.):
75 (W) x 105 (H) x 95 (D) [mm]
Weight (approx.): 500 g (16043A)
330 g (16043B)
Additional Error:
Guard Terminal Residual L: 6 nH
Guard Terminal Residual R: 20 m
The additional error shown above is the
characteristics of when the DUT connection
is 2-Terminal. Ideally, in a 3-Terminal DUT
connection, the guard effect should be taken
into account in the measurement accuracy.
To acknowledge the guard terminal’s effect,
a characteristics equation is provided in the
operation manual.
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Type of Error Impedance
Proportional Error 0.4 + 7.2 x (f/100)2[%] Open Repeatability 10 + 600 x (f/10) [nS] Short Repeatability 30 + 6 x (f/10) [mΩ]
Description: The 16043A/B enable 3-Terminal resonator SMD to be measured by using the guarding technique. Having a 4-Terminal Pair configuration it ensures high precision and repeatability. The 16043A/B accommodates a wide range of SMD sizes by providing 3 different contact boards. The 16043A is equipped with a sliding mecha­nism to enable the measurement of load capacitors in the 3-Terminal resonator. The 16043B is not equipped with the sliding mechanism. 2-Terminal SMD with bottom electrodes can be measured as well. As shown in the fig­ure below, by connecting the device’s G-terminal to instru­ment’s guard terminal, only Z1 or the resonator will be measured.
In order to measure Z2 and Z3, the sliding function of 16043A can be utilized.
Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: DC to 110 MHz Operating Temperature: 0°C to 70˚C DUT Size: The applicable DUT dimensions are shown
below. A contact board is required for measurement and its dimensions and ordering info are shown on the next page.
Guarding technique of an impedance measurement instrument
Electrode configuration of DUT and applicable DUT dimensions
DUT Size:
Three types of contact boards are provided for the 16043A/B and the contact boards are selected accord­ingly to the DUT size and electrodes’ separation. The electrode spacings on the contact boards are shown in the figure above. The 16043A’s contact boards are provided with three groups of electrodes (as shown in the figure above) and the sliding mechanism allows the DUT to slide down to the next group of elec­trode. In order to lay the DUT at an appropriate position on the contact board, a device guide fabricated to fit the size of the DUT is required.
Select the contact boards, that accommodates the DUT size best. The table to the left shows the applicable DUT sizes for each contact board.
Furnished Accessories:
16043A/B-001: Add Contact Board No.1 P/N 16043-66501 (16043A)/16043-66511 (16043B) 16043A/B-002: Add Contact Board No.2 P/N 16043-66502 (16043A)/16043-66512 (16043B) 16043A/B-003: Add Contact Board No.3 P/N 16043-66503 (16043A)/16043-66513 (16043B) 16043A/B-004: Add Additional Device Guide P/N 16043-00601
*At least one option (16043A/B-001/002/003) must be ordered for 16043A or 16043B.
To maintain the measurement precision, it is recommended to clean the contact boards approximately every 1,000 times. It is recommended to replace the contact boards approximately every 10,000 times.
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Description P/N Qty.
Support Angle for the 4294A 16043-01203 1 Device Guide 16043-00601 3 Screws for the Device Guide 0515-2791 2 Guide Pin 16043-24004 2 Support Angle 16043-01212 1 Tweezer 8710-2081 1 Positioning Tool (16043B only) 16043-00607 1 Carrying Case 16043-60150/60250 1 Operation and Service Manual 16043-90000 1
Contact Board
DUT Size
8.1 mm × 4.5 mm to
3.7 mm × 3.1 mm
3.7 mm × 3.1 mm to
2.5 mm × 2.0 mm
2.5 mm × 2.0 mm to
2.0 mm × 1.2 mm
Electrode configuration for 16043A/B contact board
Compensation and Measurement:
Before measurement, a device guide, which is fabricated to fit the DUT’s size must be prepared. A pre-fabricated device guide is furnished and the method of preparation is described in the operation manual. The contact board and the device guide must be connected to the 16043A/B. This is easily accomplished by using the furnished guide pin and screws. For high­ly precise measurements, it is recommend­ed to perform open and short compensa­tion. Open compensation is performed, by placing nothing between the high and low terminals of the contact board. For short compensation, short the high and low ter­minals and do not contact the G terminal with the short bar. It is necessary to con­struct a short bar, which matches the DUT’s size. The following figures show how compensation and measurement are performed.
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) SMD
Test fixture overview
Performing short compensation
The sliding mechanism of the 16043A allows the measurement of the load capacitors, by sliding the DUT and the device guide to the next electrode on the contact board. It is necessary, to raise the pres­sure arm before the DUT is moved.
1. Place the short bar on the electrodes. Make sure that the short bar does not connect the G terminal.
2. Lower the pressure arm to hold the short bar in place.
3. Perform short compensation data measurement.
1. Align the DUT with the device guide and place it on the contact board.
2. Lower the pressure arm to hold the DUT in place.
3. Adjust the contact pressure using the pressure regulat­ing screw.
4. Measure.
Inserting a DUT
Sliding mechanism for 16043A
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) Other Components
16089A Large Kelvin Clip Leads
Terminal Connector:
4-Terminal Pair, BNC
DUT Connection: 4-Terminal Cable Length (approx.):
0.94m (from connector to clip's tip)
Weight (approx.): 300 g Additional Error: The additional error
is negligible when compared to the instrument's accuracy.
Description: This test fixture makes it possible to mea­sure odd-shaped components that cannot be measured with conventional fixtures. It is equipped with two insu­lated Kelvin clips. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: 5 Hz to 100 kHz Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size:
See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. For open compensation, do not connect the Kelvin clips to anything. Short compensation is performed by holding a shorting plate with the Kelvin clips. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is held with the Kelvin clips.
16089B Medium Kelvin Clip Leads
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 4-Terminal Cable Length (approx.):
0.94m (from connector to clip's tip)
Weight (approx.): 300 g Additional Error: The additional error is
negligible when compared to the instrument's accuracy.
Description P/N Qty.
Operation and Service Manual 16089-90000 1
Description: This test fixture makes it possible to mea­sure odd-shaped components that cannot be measured with conventional fixtures. It is equipped with two insu­lated Kelvin clips. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: 5 Hz to 100 kHz Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. For open compensation, do not connect the Kelvin clips to aynthing. Short compensation is performed by connecting the Kelvin clips together. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is held with the Kelvin clips.
Description P/N Qty.
Operation and Service Manual 16089-90000 1
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) Other Components
16089C Kelvin IC Clip Leads
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 4-Terminal Cable Length (approx.):
1.3m (from connector to clip's tip)
Weight (approx.): 300 g Additional Error: The additional error is
negligible when compared to the instrument's accuracy.
Description: This test fixture makes it possible to measure odd-shaped components that cannot be measured with conventional fixtures. It is equipped with two insulated Kelvin clips. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: 5 Hz to 100 kHz Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size:
See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. For open compensation, do not connect the Kelvin clips to anything. Short compensation is performed by connecting the Kelvin clips together. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is held with the Kelvin clips.
16089D Kelvin Alligator Clip Leads
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 4-Terminal Cable Length (approx.):
0.94m (from connector to clip's tip)
Weight (approx.): 460 g Additional Error: The additional error is
negligible when compared to the instrument's accuracy.
Description P/N Qty.
Operation and Service Manual 16089-90000 1
Description: This test fixture makes it possible to measure odd-shaped components that cannot be measured with conventional fixtures. It is equipped with four alligator clips. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: 5 Hz to 100 kHz Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: diameter of DUT's leads 5 mm Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. For open compensation, do not connect the alligator clips to anything. Short compensation is performed by holding a shorting plate with the alligator clips. Make sure that the alligator clips with the "V" markers are next to each other. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is held with the alligator clips. Connect the same color test clips to the same terminal of the DUT and have the clips with "V" markers be closer to the DUT.
Description P/N Qty.
Operation and Service Manual 16089-90000 1
DUT Dimensions
Up to 110 MHz (4-Terminal Pair) Other Components
16089E Kelvin Clip Leads
Terminal Connector: 4-Terminal Pair, BNC DUT Connection: 4-Terminal Cable Length (approx.):
1m (from connector to clip's tip)
Weight (approx.): 260 g Additional Error: The additional error is
negligible when compared to the instrument's accuracy.
Description: This test fixture can measure lead compo­nents with low impedance. It has excellent repeatability and low contact resistance. It is equipped with two insu­lated Kelvin clips. Applicable Instruments: 4263B, 4268A, 4279A, 4284A, 4285A, 4288A, 4294A, (4192A, 4194A, 4263A, 4278A)* * denotes the instrument is obsolete.
Frequency: 5 Hz to 100 kHz Maximum Voltage: ±42 V peak max (AC+DC) Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C DUT Size: See figure below
Furnished Accessories:
Compensation and Measurement: Open and short
compensations are recommended before measurement. For open compensation, do not connect the Kelvin clips to anything. Short compensation is performed by holding a shorting plate with the Kelvin clips. After performing open and short compensations, the DUT is held with the Kelvin clips.
Description P/N Qty.
Operation Note 16089-90001 1
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