Atec Agilent-1156A, Agilent-1157A, Agilent-1158A User Manual

Agilent 1156/7/8A Active Probes for Infiniium Oscilloscopes
Product Overview
• 4 GHz, 2.5 GHz, and 1.5 GHz bandwidth models
• Small size makes probing easier
• 88 ps rise time (on 4 GHz model)
• ±15 V offset
• 5 V peak-to-peak dynamic range
• Accessories designed for minimal loading on your device and optimum response
• Compatible with the Infiniium AutoProbe Interface
As the speeds in your design increase, you may notice more over­shoot, ringing, and other perturba­tions when connecting an oscillo­scope probe. Probes form a resonant circuit where they connect to the device. If this resonance is within the bandwidth of the oscilloscope probe you are using, it will be difficult to determine if the measured perturba­tions are due to your circuit or the probe.
Agilent is the only company that has overcome the resonance formed by the connection of a probe to a device. The Agilent 1156/7/8A probes optimize performance to make your job easier:
•High input impedance of 100 k
and 0.8 pF that never resonates low
•Flat frequency response across the entire bandwidth of the probe
•A full 5 V peak-to-peak dynamic range, and
•±15 V of offset.
Combined with the Agilent 54846A Infiniium scope, the 1158A 4 GHz probe offers you a full 2.25 GHz of system bandwidth, giving you accurate insight into your high-speed devices.
Agilent 1156/7/8A active probe with accessories
Agilent 1156/7/8A active probe with resistive signal pin and ground blade
Vin and Vout when driven from a 25source
Response = Vout/Vin
Notice how closely the output matches the input The flat response means the waveform on the scope screen will match
the waveform at the probe tip - across the entire 4 GHz bandwidth.
Small Size
Have you experienced problems with large, clunky probes? If so, you probably found your probe awkward to hold and had difficulty connecting to your signals. With the 1156/7/8A’s small size you can handle the probe expertly and gain access to tight spaces. Plus, the low mass makes the probe more durable. Agilent makes your job easier – giving you perform­ance that is easy to use.
Faithful Reproduction of Your Signal
Now you can accurately measure your high-speed signals without introducing errors from a probe that has a resonant input impedance or non-flat frequency response. Resistance is placed as close as possi­ble to the point being probed, which keeps the input impedance from res­onating low, and it also allows a flat frequency response across the entire bandwidth of the probe. Finally, there is a high bandwidth active probe where the waveform on screen matches the waveform at the probe tip. No other probe currently on the market offers a flat response for the entire bandwidth of a 4 GHz probe!
With the wide dynamic range and ±15 V of offset, the probe can be used in a wide variety of applications.
Superior Accessories
Your device under test (DUT) determines the type of probing accessories you need. Of course, there are electrical trade-offs depending on the type of connection you use. Longer connections from your DUT produce lower performance probing systems.
Agilent offers a variety of accessories optimized to give you the most accurate reproduction of your signal. In addition, the performance of each accessory is characterized for you. Now you can make informed decisions and get the best measurement for your environment. Superior performance combined with the knowledge to use it - that's how Agilent helps you do your job better.
This suite of accessories is properly damped to give you a flat transmitted response and non-resonant input impedance. Use these supplied accessories to get the best performance from your probe:
• Resistive signal pin (orange) E2640A
• Solderable-tip 5 cm resistive signal lead E2638A
• Socket-end 5 cm resistive signal lead 01156-82105
• Socket-end 10 cm resistive signal lead 01156-82108
• Ground blade assembly E2641A
• Solderable SMT ground pin 1253-5054
• Solderable through-hole ground pin 1252-7150
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