NTS–1000B and DCR–14000A-03
The latest microwave synthesizers and the YIG
and DRO oscillators used in these sub-systems
now have phase noise levels that are lower
than even the most sophisticated military
requirements of the past. The new "Low Noise
Option" for the DCR-14000A, the –03 Option,
lowers the noise floor levels of the RDL Phase
Noise Analyzer System to easily measure to
these new levels. The fact that "phase locking"
is not required and the "10 second measurement speed" makes this measurement routine.
Getting near instantaneous test results allows
in-process adjustment to obtain optimum
phase noise performance. These devices can
now be subject to SPC and variations in the
manufacturing process can be monitored, on
line, and corrected before shipments are
impacted. The table shows the phase noise
performance of the DCR-14000A-03.
Typical Noise Floor dBc/Hz
Offset 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz
1.00 to 1.38 -147 -159 -160
1.38 to 1.86 -145 -158 -159
1.86 to 2.50 -144 -157 -158
2.50 to 3.14 -141 -155 -156
3.14 to 3.78 -140 -154 -155
3.78 to 4.42 -138 -151 -152
4.42 to 5.06 -135 -150 -151
5.06 to 5.70 -135 -150 -151
5.70 to 6.34 -135 -149 -150
6.34 to 6.98 -133 -149 -150
6.98 to 7.62 -133 -147 -148
7.62 to 8.26 -133 -146 -147
8.26 to 8.90 -131 -146 -147
8.90 to 9.54 -131 -144 -145
9.54 to 10.18 -131 -144 -145
10.18 to 10.82 -129 -143 -144
10.82 to 11.46 -129 -143 -144
11.46 to 12.10 -129 -140 -141
12.10 to 12.74 -128 -140 -141
12.74 to 13.38 -128 -140 -141
13.38 to 14.70 -128 -140 -141
14.70 to 18.50 Option-01 -128 -140 -141
18.50 to 24.94 Option-01 -127 -140 -141
Typical Noise Floor
NTS-1000B and DCR-14000A-03
RF Input Frequency 10,200.5 MHz
Offset Frequency (Hz)
Noise (dBc/Hz) SSB