(Conventional & Maintenance Free types)
This test evaluates the battery’s ability to crank an engine. The tester draws current from the
battery while measuring its voltage level. Batteries generate explosive gasses, which can be
ignited by a spark or open flame. Work area should be properly ventilated.
Do not lay tester on battery. Do not test frozen batteries.
1. Turn off engine, accessories and battery test equipment.
2. Connect clamps to battery posts (black to negative ands red to positive) rock clamps back
and forth to insure a good connection.
NOTE: Engine and all electrical accessories must be off when testing battery
3. With clamps connected, testers meter will indicate battery’s state of charge. Meter will
beep twice, indicating that it is ready to start the test. If state of charge is less than 12
volts, the battery should be recharged before load testing. If recharging does not bring the
voltage up to 12 volts, the battery is defective. If the meter needle is off the scale to the
left, check for loose or reversed clamps.
4. Press and release red load switch. Tester will beep once indicating that the test has
started. Unit will automatically turn the load off after 8 seconds. When test has finished,
the tester will beep twice indicating the test is complete.
5. Read meter with load on, and refer to battery analysis chart on page 2.
6. If the tester beeps continuously, it indicates that there is a bad relay in the tester.
7. If the tester beeps continuously after the tester runs the 8-second load test, disconnect
clamps immediately, wait two minutes and then repeat test.
The red clamp goes to the positive (+) battery post, and the black clamp goes to the negative
(-) battery post. DO NOT REVERSE CLAMPS.
The test will automatically shut off after 8 seconds. When the test is done, the tester will beep
twice, indicating that the test is complete.
In order to run a second test on the same battery, disconnect the clamps from the battery
posts then reattach clamps. This will reset the unit.